2023-02-14 16:21:08 -05:00

909 lines
41 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Management;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace SimplySerial
class SimplySerial
const string version = "0.8.0-beta.1";
private const int STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11;
private const uint ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x0004;
private static extern bool GetConsoleMode(IntPtr hConsoleHandle, out uint lpMode);
private static extern bool SetConsoleMode(IntPtr hConsoleHandle, uint dwMode);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle);
public static extern uint GetLastError();
static string appFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
static BoardData boardData;
static List<ComPort> availablePorts = new List<ComPort>();
static SerialPort serialPort;
// default comspec values and application settings set here will be overridden by values passed through command-line arguments
static bool Quiet = false;
static AutoConnect autoConnect = AutoConnect.ONE;
static ComPort port = new ComPort();
static int baud = -1;
static Parity parity = Parity.None;
static int dataBits = 8;
static StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One;
static bool logging = false;
static FileMode logMode = FileMode.Create;
static string logFile = string.Empty;
static string logData = string.Empty;
static int bufferSize = 102400;
static DateTime lastFlush = DateTime.Now;
static bool forceNewline = false;
static Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
static bool convertToPrintable = false;
// dictionary of "special" keys with the corresponding string to send out when they are pressed
static Dictionary<ConsoleKey, String> specialKeys = new Dictionary<ConsoleKey, String>
{ ConsoleKey.UpArrow, "\x1B[A" },
{ ConsoleKey.DownArrow, "\x1B[B" },
{ ConsoleKey.RightArrow, "\x1B[C" },
{ ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, "\x1B[D" },
{ ConsoleKey.Home, "\x1B[H" },
{ ConsoleKey.End, "\x1B[F" },
{ ConsoleKey.Insert, "\x1B[2~" },
{ ConsoleKey.Delete, "\x1B[3~" },
{ ConsoleKey.PageUp, "\x1B[5~" },
{ ConsoleKey.PageDown, "\x1B[6~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F1, "\x1B[11~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F2, "\x1B[12~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F3, "\x1B[13~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F4, "\x1B[14~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F5, "\x1B[15~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F6, "\x1B[17~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F7, "\x1B[18~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F8, "\x1B[19~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F9, "\x1B[20~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F10, "\x1B[21~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F11, "\x1B[23~" },
{ ConsoleKey.F12, "\x1B[24~" }
static void Main(string[] args)
// attempt to enable virtual terminal escape sequence processing
var iStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleMode(iStdOut, out uint outConsoleMode);
SetConsoleMode(iStdOut, outConsoleMode);
// if the above fails, it doesn't really matter - it just means escape sequences won't process nicely
// load and parse data in boards.json
// process all command-line arguments
Console.OutputEncoding = encoding;
// verify log-related settings
if (logging)
FileStream stream = new FileStream(logFile, logMode, FileAccess.Write);
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, encoding))
writer.WriteLine($"\n----- LOGGING STARTED ({DateTime.Now}) ------------------------------------");
catch (Exception e)
logging = false;
ExitProgram($"* Error accessing log file '{logFile}'\n > {e.GetType()}: {e.Message}", exitCode: -1);
// set up keyboard input for program control / relay to serial port
ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = new ConsoleKeyInfo();
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true; // we need to use CTRL-C to activate the REPL in CircuitPython, so it can't be used to exit the application
// this is where data read from the serial port will be temporarily stored
string received = string.Empty;
//main loop - keep this up until user presses CTRL-X or an exception takes us down
// first things first, check for (and respect) a request to exit the program via CTRL-X
if (Console.KeyAvailable)
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true);
if ((keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.X) && (keyInfo.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Control))
Output("\n<<< SimplySerial session terminated via CTRL-X >>>");
ExitProgram(silent: true);
// get a list of available ports
availablePorts = (SimplySerial.GetSerialPorts()).OrderBy(p => p.num).ToList();
// if no port was specified/selected, pick one automatically
if ( == String.Empty)
// if there are com ports available, pick one
if (availablePorts.Count() >= 1)
// first, try to default to something that we assume is running CircuitPython
SimplySerial.port = availablePorts.Find(p => p.isCircuitPython == true);
// if that doesn't work out, just default to the first available COM port
if (SimplySerial.port == null)
SimplySerial.port = availablePorts[0];
// if there are no com ports available, exit or try again depending on autoconnect setting
if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.NONE)
ExitProgram("No COM ports detected.", exitCode: -1);
// if a specific port has been selected, try to match it with one that actually exists
bool portMatched = false;
foreach (ComPort p in availablePorts)
if ( ==
portMatched = true;
port = p;
// if the specified port is not available, exit or try again depending on autoconnect setting
if (!portMatched)
if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.NONE)
ExitProgram(("Invalid port specified <" + + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// if we get this far, it should be safe to set up the specified/selected serial port
serialPort = new SerialPort(
Handshake = Handshake.None, // we don't need to support any handshaking at this point
ReadTimeout = 1, // minimal timeout - we don't want to wait forever for data that may not be coming!
WriteTimeout = 250, // small delay - if we go too small on this it causes System.IO semaphore timeout exceptions
DtrEnable = true, // without this we don't ever receive any data
RtsEnable = true, // without this we don't ever receive any data
Encoding = encoding
// attempt to set the baud rate, fail if the specified value is not supported by the hardware
if (baud < 0)
if (port.isCircuitPython)
baud = 115200;
baud = 9600;
serialPort.BaudRate = baud;
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
ExitProgram(("The specified baud rate (" + baud + ") is not supported."), exitCode: -2);
// set other port parameters (which have already been validated)
serialPort.Parity = parity;
serialPort.DataBits = dataBits;
serialPort.StopBits = stopBits;
// attempt to open the serial port, deal with failures
catch (Exception e)
// if auto-connect is disabled than any exception should result in program termination
if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.NONE)
if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException)
ExitProgram((e.GetType() + " occurred while attempting to open " + + ". Is this port already in use in another application?"), exitCode: -1);
ExitProgram((e.GetType() + " occurred while attempting to open " + + "."), exitCode: -1);
// if auto-connect is enabled, prepare to try again
Thread.Sleep(1000); // putting a delay here to avoid gobbling tons of resources thruogh constant high-speed re-connect attempts
// if we get this far, clear the screen and send the connection message if not in 'quiet' mode
Output(String.Format("<<< SimplySerial v{0} connected via {1} >>>\n" +
"Settings : {2} baud, {3} parity, {4} data bits, {5} stop bit{6}, {7} encoding, auto-connect {8}\n" +
"Device : {9} {10}{11}\n{12}" +
"---\n\nUse CTRL-X to exit.\n",
(parity == Parity.None) ? "no" : (parity.ToString()).ToLower(),
(stopBits == StopBits.None) ? "0" : (stopBits == StopBits.One) ? "1" : (stopBits == StopBits.OnePointFive) ? "1.5" : "2", (stopBits == StopBits.One) ? "" : "s",
(encoding.ToString() == "System.Text.UTF8Encoding") ? "UTF-8" : (convertToPrintable) ? "RAW" : "ASCII",
(autoConnect == AutoConnect.ONE) ? "on" : (autoConnect == AutoConnect.ANY) ? "any" : "off",
(port.isCircuitPython) ? " (CircuitPython-capable)" : "",
(logging == true) ? ($"Logfile : {logFile} (Mode = " + ((logMode == FileMode.Create) ? "OVERWRITE" : "APPEND") + ")\n") : ""
), flush: true); ;
lastFlush = DateTime.Now;
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan timeSinceRX = new TimeSpan();
TimeSpan timeSinceFlush = new TimeSpan();
// this is the core functionality - loop while the serial port is open
while (serialPort.IsOpen)
// process keypresses for transmission through the serial port
if (Console.KeyAvailable)
// determine what key is pressed (including modifiers)
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true);
// exit the program if CTRL-X was pressed
if ((keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.X) && (keyInfo.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Control))
Output("\n<<< SimplySerial session terminated via CTRL-X >>>");
ExitProgram(silent: true);
// check for keys that require special processing (cursor keys, etc.)
else if (specialKeys.ContainsKey(keyInfo.Key))
// everything else just gets sent right on through
// process data coming in from the serial port
received = serialPort.ReadExisting();
// if anything was received, process it
if (received.Length > 0)
if (forceNewline)
received = received.Replace("\r", "\n");
// write what was received to console
Output(received, force: true, newline: false);
start = DateTime.Now;
if (logging)
timeSinceRX = DateTime.Now - start;
timeSinceFlush = DateTime.Now - lastFlush;
if ((timeSinceRX.TotalSeconds >= 2) || (timeSinceFlush.TotalSeconds >= 10))
if (logData.Length > 0)
Output("", force: true, newline: false, flush: true);
start = DateTime.Now;
lastFlush = DateTime.Now;
// if the serial port is unexpectedly closed, throw an exception
if (!serialPort.IsOpen)
throw new IOException();
catch (Exception e)
if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.NONE)
ExitProgram((e.GetType() + " occurred while attempting to read/write to/from " + + "."), exitCode: -1);
Output("\n<<< Communications Interrupted >>>\n");
//nothing to do here, other than prevent execution from stopping if dispose() throws an exception
Thread.Sleep(2000); // sort-of arbitrary delay - should be long enough to read the "interrupted" message
if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.ANY)
{ = String.Empty;
Output("<<< Attemping to connect to any available COM port. Use CTRL-X to cancel >>>");
else if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.ONE)
Output("<<< Attempting to re-connect to " + + ". Use CTRL-X to cancel >>>");
} while (autoConnect > AutoConnect.NONE);
// if we get to this point, we should be exiting gracefully
ExitProgram("<<< SimplySerial session terminated >>>", exitCode: 0);
/// <summary>
/// Validates and processes any command-line arguments that were passed in. Invalid arguments will halt program execution.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">Command-line parameters</param>
static void ProcessArguments(string[] args)
{ = String.Empty;
// switch to lower case and remove '/', '--' and '-' from beginning of arguments - we can process correctly without them
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++)
args[i] = args[i].TrimStart('/', '-');
// sort the parameters so that they get processed in order of priority (i.e. 'quiet' option gets processed before something that would normally result in console output, etc.)
Array.Sort(args, new ArgumentSorter());
// iterate through command-line arguments
foreach (string arg in args)
// split argument into components based on 'key:value' formatting
string[] argument = arg.Split(new [] { ':' }, 2);
argument[0] = argument[0].ToLower();
// help
if (argument[0].StartsWith("h") || argument[0].StartsWith("?"))
ExitProgram(silent: true);
// version
if (argument[0].StartsWith("v"))
ExitProgram(silent: true);
// list available ports
else if ((argument[0] == "l") || (argument[0].StartsWith("li")))
// get a list of all available ports
availablePorts = (SimplySerial.GetSerialPorts()).OrderBy(p => p.num).ToList();
if (availablePorts.Count >= 1)
foreach (ComPort p in availablePorts)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3} {4}",,
(p.isCircuitPython) ? (p.board.make + " " + p.board.model) : p.description,
((p.busDescription.Length > 0) && !p.description.StartsWith(p.busDescription)) ? ("[" + p.busDescription + "]") : ""
Console.WriteLine("\nNo COM ports detected.\n");
ExitProgram(silent: true);
// quiet (no output to console other than comes in via serial)
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("q"))
SimplySerial.Quiet = true;
// force linefeeds in place of carriage returns in received data
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("f"))
forceNewline = true;
// the remainder of possible command-line arguments require two parameters, so let's enforce that now
else if (argument.Count() < 2)
ExitProgram(("Invalid or incomplete argument <" + arg + ">\nTry 'ss.exe help' to see a list of valid arguments"), exitCode: -1);
// preliminary validate on com port, final validation occurs towards the end of this method
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("c"))
string newPort = argument[1].ToUpper();
if (!argument[1].StartsWith("COM"))
newPort = "COM" + argument[1]; = newPort;
autoConnect = AutoConnect.ONE;
// process baud rate, invalid rates will throw exceptions and get handled elsewhere
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("b"))
baud = Convert.ToInt32(argument[1]);
// validate parity, terminate on error
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("p"))
argument[1] = argument[1].ToLower();
if (argument[1].StartsWith("e"))
parity = Parity.Even;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("m"))
parity = Parity.Mark;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("n"))
parity = Parity.None;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("o"))
parity = Parity.Odd;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("s"))
parity = Parity.Space;
ExitProgram(("Invalid parity specified <" + argument[1] + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// validate databits, terminate on error
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("d"))
int newDataBits = Convert.ToInt32(argument[1]);
if ((newDataBits > 3) && (newDataBits < 9))
dataBits = newDataBits;
ExitProgram(("Invalid data bits specified <" + argument[1] + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// validate stopbits, terminate on error
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("s"))
if (argument[1] == "0")
stopBits = StopBits.None;
else if (argument[1] == "1")
stopBits = StopBits.One;
else if (argument[1] == "1.5")
stopBits = StopBits.OnePointFive;
else if (argument[1] == "2")
stopBits = StopBits.Two;
ExitProgram(("Invalid stop bits specified <" + argument[1] + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// validate auto connect, terminate on error
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("a"))
argument[1] = argument[1].ToLower();
if (argument[1].StartsWith("n"))
autoConnect = AutoConnect.NONE;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("o"))
autoConnect = AutoConnect.ONE;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("a"))
autoConnect = AutoConnect.ANY;
ExitProgram(("Invalid auto connect setting specified <" + argument[1] + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// set logging mode (overwrite or append)
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("logm"))
argument[1] = argument[1].ToLower();
if (argument[1].StartsWith("o"))
logMode = FileMode.Create;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("a"))
logMode = FileMode.Append;
ExitProgram(("Invalid log mode setting specified <" + argument[1] + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// specify log file (and enable logging)
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("lo"))
logging = true;
logFile = argument[1];
// specify encoding
else if (argument[0].StartsWith("e"))
argument[1] = argument[1].ToLower();
if (argument[1].StartsWith("a"))
encoding = Encoding.ASCII;
convertToPrintable = false;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("r"))
encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
convertToPrintable = true;
else if (argument[1].StartsWith("u"))
encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
convertToPrintable = false;
ExitProgram(("Invalid encoding specified <" + argument[1] + ">"), exitCode: -1);
// an invalid/incomplete argument was passed
ExitProgram(("Invalid or incomplete argument <" + arg + ">\nTry 'ss.exe -help' to see a list of valid arguments"), exitCode: -1);
if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.ANY)
Output("<<< Attemping to connect to any available COM port. Use CTRL-X to cancel >>>");
else if (autoConnect == AutoConnect.ONE)
if ( == String.Empty)
Output("<<< Attempting to connect to first available COM port. Use CTRL-X to cancel >>>");
Output("<<< Attempting to connect to " + + ". Use CTRL-X to cancel >>>");
// if we made it this far, everything has been processed and we're ready to proceed!
/// <summary>
/// Writes messages using Console.WriteLine() as long as the 'Quiet' option hasn't been enabled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Message to output (assuming 'Quiet' is false)</param>
static void Output(string message, bool force=false, bool newline=true, bool flush=false)
if (!SimplySerial.Quiet || force)
if (newline)
message += "\n";
if (message.Length > 0)
if (convertToPrintable)
string newMessage = "";
foreach (byte c in message)
if ((c > 31 && c < 128) || (c == 8) || (c == 9) || (c == 10) || (c == 13) || (c == 27))
newMessage += (char) c;
newMessage += $"[{c:X2}]";
message = newMessage;
if (logging)
logData += message;
if ((logData.Length >= bufferSize) || flush)
FileStream stream = new FileStream(logFile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, encoding))
Console.WriteLine($"({DateTime.Now}) Error accessing log file '{logFile}'");
logData = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Displays help information about this application and its command-line arguments
/// </summary>
static void ShowHelp()
Console.WriteLine("Usage: ss.exe [-com:PORT] [-baud:RATE] [-parity:PARITY] [-databits:VAL]");
Console.WriteLine(" [-stopbits:VAL] [-autoconnect:VAL] [-log:LOGFILE] [-logmode:MODE]");
Console.WriteLine(" [-quiet]\n");
Console.WriteLine("A basic serial terminal for IoT device programming in general, and working with");
Console.WriteLine("CircuitPython devices specifically. With no command-line arguments specified,");
Console.WriteLine("SimplySerial will attempt to identify and connect to a CircuitPython-capable board");
Console.WriteLine("at 115200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. If no known boards are");
Console.WriteLine("detected, it will default to the first available serial (COM) port at 9600 baud.\n");
Console.WriteLine("Optional arguments:");
Console.WriteLine(" -help Display this help message");
Console.WriteLine(" -version Display version and installation information");
Console.WriteLine(" -list Display a list of available serial (COM) ports");
Console.WriteLine(" -com:PORT COM port number (i.e. 1 for COM1, 22 for COM22, etc.)");
Console.WriteLine(" -baud:RATE 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 7200 | 9600 | 14400 | 19200 | 38400 |");
Console.WriteLine(" 57600 | 115200 | (Any valid baud rate for the specified port.)");
Console.WriteLine(" -parity:PARITY NONE | EVEN | ODD | MARK | SPACE");
Console.WriteLine(" -databits:VAL 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8");
Console.WriteLine(" -stopbits:VAL 0 | 1 | 1.5 | 2");
Console.WriteLine(" -autoconnect:VAL NONE| ONE | ANY, enable/disable auto-(re)connection when");
Console.WriteLine(" a device is disconnected / reconnected.");
Console.WriteLine(" -log:LOGFILE Logs all output to the specified file.");
Console.WriteLine(" -logmode:MODE APPEND | OVERWRITE, default is OVERWRITE");
Console.WriteLine(" -quiet don't print any application messages/errors to console");
Console.WriteLine(" -forcenewline Force linefeeds (newline) in place of carriage returns in received data.");
Console.WriteLine(" -encoding:ENC UTF8 | ASCII | RAW");
Console.WriteLine("\nPress CTRL-X to exit a running instance of SimplySerial.\n");
/// <summary>
/// Displays version and installation information about this application
/// </summary>
static void ShowVersion()
string installType;
// determine installation type (user/system/standalone)
if (appFolder.ToLower().Contains("appdata\\roaming"))
installType = "User";
else if (appFolder.ToLower().Contains("program files"))
installType = "System";
installType = "Standalone/Manual";
Console.WriteLine($"SimplySerial version {version}");
Console.WriteLine($" Installation Type : {installType}");
Console.WriteLine($" Installation Path : {appFolder}");
Console.WriteLine($" Board Data File : {boardData.version}\n");
/// <summary>
/// Writes the specified exit message to the console, then waits for user to press a key before halting program execution.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Message to display - should indicate the reason why the program is terminating.</param>
/// <param name="exitCode">Code to return to parent process. Should be &lt;0 if an error occurred, &gt;=0 if program is terminating normally.</param>
/// <param name="silent">Exits without displaying a message or asking for a key press when set to 'true'</param>
static void ExitProgram(string message="", int exitCode=0, bool silent=false)
// the serial port should be closed before exiting
if (serialPort != null && serialPort.IsOpen)
if (!silent)
Output("\n" + message, flush: true);
else if (logging)
Output("", force: true, newline: false, flush: true);
Console.WriteLine("\n>> Press any key to exit <<");
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of available serial ports with their associated PID, VID and descriptions
/// Modified from the example written by Kamil Górski (freakone) available at
/// Some modifications were based on this stackoverflow thread:
/// Hardware Bus Description through WMI is based on Simon Mourier's answer on this stackoverflow thread:
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of available serial ports</returns>
private static List<ComPort> GetSerialPorts()
const string vidPattern = @"VID_([0-9A-F]{4})";
const string pidPattern = @"PID_([0-9A-F]{4})";
const string namePattern = @"(?<=\()COM[0-9]{1,3}(?=\)$)";
const string query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE ClassGuid=\"{4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\"";
// as per INTERFACE_PREFIXES in adafruit_board_toolkit
// (see
string[] cpb_descriptions = new string[] { "CircuitPython CDC ", "Sol CDC ", "StringCarM0Ex CDC " };
List<ComPort> detectedPorts = new List<ComPort>();
foreach (var p in new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", query).Get().OfType<ManagementObject>())
ComPort c = new ComPort();
// extract and clean up port name and number = p.GetPropertyValue("Name").ToString();
Match mName = Regex.Match(, namePattern);
if (mName.Success)
{ = mName.Value;
c.num = int.Parse(;
// if the port name or number cannot be determined, skip this port and move on
if (c.num < 1)
// get the device's VID and PID
string pidvid = p.GetPropertyValue("PNPDeviceID").ToString();
// extract and clean up device's VID
Match mVID = Regex.Match(pidvid, vidPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (mVID.Success)
c.vid = mVID.Groups[1].Value.Substring(0, Math.Min(4, c.vid.Length));
// extract and clean up device's PID
Match mPID = Regex.Match(pidvid, pidPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (mPID.Success) = mPID.Groups[1].Value.Substring(0, Math.Min(4,;
// extract the device's friendly description (caption)
c.description = p.GetPropertyValue("Caption").ToString();
// attempt to match this device with a known board
c.board = MatchBoard(c.vid,;
// extract the device's hardware bus description
c.busDescription = "";
var inParams = new object[] { new string[] { "DEVPKEY_Device_BusReportedDeviceDesc" }, null };
p.InvokeMethod("GetDeviceProperties", inParams);
var outParams = (ManagementBaseObject[])inParams[1];
if (outParams.Length > 0)
var data = outParams[0].Properties.OfType<PropertyData>().FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == "Data");
if (data != null)
c.busDescription = data.Value.ToString();
// we can determine if this is a CircuitPython board by its bus description
foreach (string prefix in cpb_descriptions)
if (c.busDescription.StartsWith(prefix))
c.isCircuitPython = true;
// add this port to our list of detected ports
return detectedPorts;
/// <summary>
/// Matches to a known development board based on VID and PID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vid">VID of board</param>
/// <param name="pid">PID of board</param>
/// <returns>Board structure containing information about the matched board, or generic values otherwise/returns>
static Board MatchBoard(string vid, string pid)
Board mBoard = null;
if (boardData.boards != null)
mBoard = boardData.boards.Find(b => (b.vid == vid) && ( == pid));
if (mBoard == null)
mBoard = new Board(vid:vid, pid:pid);
Vendor mVendor = null;
if (boardData.vendors != null)
mVendor = boardData.vendors.Find(v => v.vid == vid);
if (mVendor != null)
mBoard.make = mVendor.make;
return mBoard;
static void LoadBoards()
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader($"{appFolder}\\boards.json"))
string json = r.ReadToEnd();
boardData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BoardData>(json);
catch (Exception e)
boardData = new BoardData();
boardData.version = "(boards.json is missing or invalid)";
/// <summary>
/// Custom string array sorting logic for SimplySerial command-line arguments
/// </summary>
public class ArgumentSorter : IComparer<string>
/// <summary>
/// Checks the first letter/character of incoming strings for a high-priority letter/character and sorts accordingly
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">string to compare</param>
/// <param name="y">string to compare</param>
/// <returns>-1 if a priority character is found in string 'x', 1 if a priority character is found in 'y', 0 if neither string has a priority character</returns>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
// '?' or 'h' trigger the 'help' text output and supersede all other command-line arguments
// 'v' triggers the 'version' text output and supersedes all other command-line arguments aside from 'help'
// 'l' triggers the 'list available ports' output and supersedes all other command-line arguments aside from 'help' and 'version'
// 'q' enables the 'quiet' option, which needs to be enabled before something that would normally generate console output
// 'c' is the 'comport' setting, which needs to be processed before 'autoconnect'
x = x.ToLower();
if (x.StartsWith("lo"))
x = "z"; // mask out logging options so that they are not interpreted as the list option
y = y.ToLower();
if (y.StartsWith("lo"))
y = "z"; // mask out logging options so that they are not interpreted as the list option
foreach (char c in "?hvlqc")
if (x.ToLower()[0] == c)
return (-1);
else if (y.ToLower()[0] == c)
return (1);
// treat everything else equally, as processing order doesn't matter
return (0);