Unified generation of a special type of commands.

Commands returning a VkResult with one or more error codes specified, getting no non-const pointer and zero or more vectors are combined into one function, no matter if it is specified to have one or more success codes.
This commit is contained in:
asuessenbach 2022-02-09 09:27:30 +01:00
parent 8507dba945
commit 6f2dd058a0
2 changed files with 96 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -4441,9 +4441,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( std
std::vector<size_t> returnParamIndices = determineReturnParamIndices( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParamIndices.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
case 0: return generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ); break;
case 1:
return generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParamIndices[0] );
@ -4460,93 +4458,6 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors( std
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::map<size_t, size_t> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams ) );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors0ReturnNVector(
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams =
determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, {}, false );
std::set<size_t> templatedParams = determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandData.params, skippedParams, {}, templatedParams, definition, false, false, true );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, templatedParams, false );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags );
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck = needsVectorSizeCheck( vectorParams );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) ? "Result" : "typename ResultValueType<void>::type";
if ( definition )
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}typename Dispatch>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( d.getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );${vectorSizeCheck}
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
return createResultValue( result, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}"${successCodeList} );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callArguments",
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, templatedParams, false ) },
{ "className",
initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "successCodeList", generateSuccessCodeList( commandData.successCodes ) },
{ "vectorSizeCheck",
? generateVectorSizeCheck( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams )
: "" },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>
${nodiscard}${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const;)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
@ -4773,9 +4684,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( st
std::vector<size_t> returnParamIndices = determineReturnParamIndices( commandData.params );
switch ( returnParamIndices.size() )
case 0:
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition );
case 0: return generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ); break;
case 1:
return generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return(
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, returnParamIndices[0] );
@ -4788,95 +4697,6 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors( st
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::map<size_t, size_t> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams ) );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
// All the vectorParams have a counter by value, of type "uint32_t" or "VkDeviceSize"
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors0ReturnNVectors(
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams =
determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, {}, false );
std::set<size_t> templatedParams = determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandData.params, skippedParams, {}, templatedParams, definition, false, false, true );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, templatedParams, false );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) ? "Result" : "typename ResultValueType<void>::type";
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck = needsVectorSizeCheck( vectorParams );
std::string noexceptString = vectorSizeCheck.first ? "VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT_WHEN_NO_EXCEPTIONS" : "VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT";
if ( definition )
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}typename Dispatch>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( d.getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );${vectorSizeCheck}
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
return createResultValue( result, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}"${successCodeList} );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callArguments",
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, templatedParams, false ) },
{ "className",
initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "successCodeList", generateSuccessCodeList( commandData.successCodes ) },
{ "vectorSizeCheck",
? generateVectorSizeCheck( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams )
: "" },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>
${nodiscard}${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const;)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
@ -5188,6 +5008,91 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Ret
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const
std::map<size_t, size_t> vectorParams = determineVectorParams( commandData.params );
if ( vectorParams.empty() && determineConstPointerParams( commandData.params ).empty() )
return generateCommandSetStandardOrEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandResultWithErrors0ReturnNVector( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams ) );
else if ( allVectorSizesSupported( commandData.params, vectorParams ) )
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandResultWithErrors0ReturnNVector( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams ) );
return "";
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultWithErrors0ReturnNVector(
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams ) const
std::set<size_t> skippedParams =
determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, {}, false );
std::set<size_t> templatedParams = determineVoidPointerParams( commandData.params );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced(
commandData.params, skippedParams, {}, templatedParams, definition, false, false, true );
std::string argumentTemplates = generateArgumentTemplates( commandData.params, templatedParams, false );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags );
std::pair<bool, std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>>> vectorSizeCheck = needsVectorSizeCheck( vectorParams );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = ( 1 < commandData.successCodes.size() ) ? "Result" : "typename ResultValueType<void>::type";
if ( definition )
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}typename Dispatch>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE ${returnType} ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( d.getVkHeaderVersion() == VK_HEADER_VERSION );${vectorSizeCheck}
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
return createResultValue( result, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}"${successCodeList} );
return replaceWithMap(
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "callArguments",
generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, templatedParams, false ) },
{ "className",
initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "successCodeList", generateSuccessCodeList( commandData.successCodes ) },
{ "vectorSizeCheck",
? generateVectorSizeCheck( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, vectorSizeCheck.second, skippedParams )
: "" },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <${argumentTemplates}typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>
${nodiscard}${returnType} ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const;)";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "argumentTemplates", argumentTemplates },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnType", returnType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandSetStandard( std::string const & standard ) const
const std::string commandTemplate = R"(

View File

@ -602,16 +602,6 @@ private:
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const;
generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors0ReturnNVector( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultMultiSuccessWithErrors1Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
@ -637,16 +627,6 @@ private:
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const;
generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors0ReturnNVectors( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors1Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
@ -699,6 +679,15 @@ private:
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParamIndices ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultWithErrors0Return( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultWithErrors0ReturnNVector( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams ) const;
std::string generateCommandSetStandard( std::string const & standard ) const;
std::string generateCommandSetStandardEnhanced( bool definition,
std::string const & standard,