mirror of
synced 2024-10-14 16:32:17 +00:00
Combine two types of commands into one generation function
This commit is contained in:
@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateAllocatorTemplates( std::vector<size_t>
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != vectorParams.end() )
allocatorTemplates += "typename " + stripPrefix( returnDataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator";
allocatorTemplates += "typename " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( returnDataTypes[i], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
if ( !definition )
allocatorTemplates += " = std::allocator<" + returnDataTypes[i] + ">";
@ -2963,7 +2963,14 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCallSequence( std::string const &
std::set<size_t> const & singularParams,
std::set<size_t> const & templatedParams ) const
if ( singularParams.empty() && ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) )
// if at least one returnParam is a size value of a vector param (and no singular params), we need two calls
if ( singularParams.empty() &&
( std::find_if( returnParams.begin(),
[&vectorParams]( size_t rp ) {
return ( std::find_if( vectorParams.begin(), vectorParams.end(), [rp]( auto const & vp ) { return vp.second == rp; } ) !=
vectorParams.end() );
} ) != returnParams.end() ) )
assert( templatedParams.empty() );
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
@ -3172,18 +3179,49 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandEnhanced( std::string const &
switch ( dataTypes.size() )
case 0: dataType = "void"; break;
case 1: dataType = dataTypes[0]; break;
case 2:
case 1:
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() || singular )
dataType = "std::pair<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
dataType = dataTypes[0];
assert( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] );
dataType = "std::vector<" + dataTypes[1] + ", " + stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) + "Allocator>";
dataType = "std::vector<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator>";
case 2:
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
dataType = "std::pair<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
assert( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] );
assert( !singular );
dataType = "std::vector<" + dataTypes[1] + ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator>";
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) == vectorParams.end() );
assert( vectorParamIt->second != returnParams[1] );
if ( singular )
dataType = "std::pair<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
dataType = "std::pair<std::vector<" + dataTypes[0] + ", " + startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) +
"Allocator>, " + dataTypes[1] + ">";
@ -3628,86 +3666,6 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultEnumerateTwoVectors( std::s
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultGetVectorAndValue( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParams,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParams,
bool withAllocator ) const
assert( !commandData.handle.empty() && ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) );
assert( ( vectorParams.size() == 2 ) && ( returnParams.size() == 2 ) );
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) != vectorParams.end() );
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) == vectorParams.end() );
assert( vectorParams.begin()->second == std::next( vectorParams.begin() )->second );
assert( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" );
std::set<size_t> skippedParams = determineSkippedParams( commandData.params, initialSkipCount, vectorParams, returnParams, false );
std::string argumentList = generateArgumentListEnhanced( commandData.params, skippedParams, {}, {}, definition, withAllocator, false, true );
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, false, false );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( !returnParams.empty(), 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( commandData, returnParams, vectorParams, false, false, false, "T" );
std::string vectorElementType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
std::string allocatorType = startUpperCase( vectorElementType ) + "Allocator";
std::string valueType = stripPostfix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE" ), " *" );
if ( definition )
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename ${allocatorType}, typename Dispatch${typenameCheck}>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE typename ResultValueType<std::pair<std::vector<${vectorElementType}, ${allocatorType}>, ${valueType}>>::type ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const
std::pair<std::vector<${vectorElementType}, ${allocatorType}>,${valueType}> data( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( ${vectorSize}${allocateInitializer} ), std::forward_as_tuple( 0 ) );
std::vector<${vectorElementType}, ${allocatorType}> & ${vectorName} = data.first;
${valueType} & ${valueName} = data.second;
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
return createResultValue( result, data, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}"${successCodeList} );
std::string typenameCheck =
withAllocator ? ( ", typename B, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename B::value_type, " + vectorElementType + ">::value, int>::type " ) : "";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "allocateInitializer", withAllocator ? ( ", " + startLowerCase( allocatorType ) ) : "" },
{ "allocatorType", allocatorType },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "callArguments", generateCallArgumentsEnhanced( commandData, initialSkipCount, false, {}, {}, false ) },
{ "className", initialSkipCount ? stripPrefix( commandData.params[initialSkipCount - 1].type.type, "Vk" ) : "" },
{ "classSeparator", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "successCodeList", generateSuccessCodeList( commandData.successCodes ) },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "valueName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "valueType", valueType },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType },
{ "vectorName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "vectorSize", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].name, "p" ) ) + ".size()" },
{ "vkCommand", name } } );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename ${allocatorType} = std::allocator<${vectorElementType}>, typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE${typenameCheck}>
${nodiscard}typename ResultValueType<std::pair<std::vector<${vectorElementType}, ${allocatorType}>, ${valueType}>>::type ${commandName}( ${argumentList} ) const;)";
std::string typenameCheck = withAllocator ? ( ", typename B = " + allocatorType + ", typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename B::value_type, " +
vectorElementType + ">::value, int>::type = 0" )
: "";
return replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
{ { "allocatorType", allocatorType },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "typenameCheck", typenameCheck },
{ "valueType", valueType },
{ "vectorElementType", vectorElementType } } );
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultGetVectorOfHandlesUnique( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
@ -3723,7 +3681,8 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultGetVectorOfHandlesUnique( s
std::string commandName = generateCommandName( name, commandData.params, initialSkipCount, m_tags, false, true );
std::string nodiscard = generateNoDiscard( true, 1 < commandData.successCodes.size(), 1 < commandData.errorCodes.size() );
std::string handleType = stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParam].type.type, "Vk" );
std::string returnType = generateReturnType( commandData, { returnParam }, vectorParams, false, true, false, handleType );
std::string returnType =
generateReturnType( commandData, { returnParam }, vectorParams, false, true, false, "std::vector<" + handleType + ", " + handleType + "Allocator>" );
if ( definition )
@ -4355,8 +4314,8 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateCommandResultSingleSuccessWithErrors2Ret
return generateCommandSetStandardEnhancedWithAllocatorSingular(
generateCommandStandard( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition ),
generateCommandResultGetVectorAndValue( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false ),
generateCommandResultGetVectorAndValue( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, true ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, false, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, false, true, false, false ),
generateCommandEnhanced( name, commandData, initialSkipCount, definition, vectorParams, returnParams, true, false, false, false ) );
@ -4988,46 +4947,76 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateDataDeclarations( CommandData const &
case 2:
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() || singular )
assert( vectorParams.empty() || singular );
std::string dataNames[2];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); ++i )
vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
dataNames[i] = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[i]].name, "p" ) );
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != vectorParams.end() )
assert( vectorParams.empty() || singular );
std::string dataNames[2];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < returnParams.size(); ++i )
assert( singular );
dataNames[i] = stripPluralS( dataNames[i] );
dataNames[i] = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[i]].name, "p" ) );
if ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[i] ) != vectorParams.end() )
assert( singular );
dataNames[i] = stripPluralS( dataNames[i] );
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(std::pair<${firstDataType},${secondDataType}> data;
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(std::pair<${firstDataType},${secondDataType}> data;
${firstDataType} & ${firstDataName} = data.first;
${secondDataType} & ${secondDataName} = data.second;)";
dataDeclarations = replaceWithMap(
{ { "firstDataName", dataNames[0] }, { "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] }, { "secondDataName", dataNames[1] }, { "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] } } );
dataDeclarations = replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "firstDataName", dataNames[0] },
{ "firstDataType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "secondDataName", dataNames[1] },
{ "secondDataType", dataTypes[1] } } );
assert( !singular && !chained );
assert( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] );
assert( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.isNonConstPointer() );
std::string vectorAllocator =
withAllocator ? ( "( " + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator )" ) : "";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${vectorName}${vectorAllocator};
${counterType} ${counterName};)";
dataDeclarations = replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator },
{ "vectorName", returnVariable } } );
assert( !singular && !chained );
assert( vectorParamIt->second == returnParams[0] );
assert( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].type.isNonConstPointer() );
assert( vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] ) == vectorParams.end() );
assert( vectorParamIt != vectorParams.begin() );
assert( vectorParamIt->second != returnParams[1] );
std::string vectorAllocator = withAllocator ? ( "( " + startLowerCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[1], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator )" ) : "";
std::string allocatorType = startUpperCase( stripPrefix( dataTypes[0], "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator";
std::string vectorSize = startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[vectorParams.begin()->first].name, "p" ) ) + ".size()";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate = R"(${returnType} ${vectorName}${vectorAllocator};
${counterType} ${counterName};)";
std::string const dataDeclarationTemplate =
R"(std::pair<std::vector<${vectorElementType}, ${allocatorType}>,${valueType}> data( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( ${vectorSize}${allocateInitializer} ), std::forward_as_tuple( 0 ) );
std::vector<${vectorElementType}, ${allocatorType}> & ${vectorName} = data.first;
${valueType} & ${valueName} = data.second;)";
dataDeclarations = replaceWithMap( dataDeclarationTemplate,
{ { "counterName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "counterType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "returnType", returnType },
{ "vectorAllocator", vectorAllocator },
{ "vectorName", returnVariable } } );
{ { "allocateInitializer", withAllocator ? ( ", " + startLowerCase( allocatorType ) ) : "" },
{ "allocatorType", allocatorType },
{ "valueName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[1]].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "valueType", dataTypes[1] },
{ "vectorElementType", dataTypes[0] },
{ "vectorName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[returnParams[0]].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "vectorSize", vectorSize } } );
@ -5493,8 +5482,8 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateHandle( std::pair<std::string, HandleDat
usingAlias += " using " + stripPrefix( handleData.second.alias, "Vk" ) + " = " + stripPrefix( handleData.first, "Vk" ) + ";\n";
const std::string typesafeExplicitKeyword = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_EXPLICIT ";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditional = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION)\n";
const std::string typesafeExplicitKeyword = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_EXPLICIT ";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditional = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#if defined(VULKAN_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION)\n";
const std::string typesafeConversionConditionalEnd = handleData.second.isDispatchable ? "" : "#endif\n";
static const std::string templateString = R"(
@ -10090,21 +10079,33 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnType( CommandData const &
else if ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" )
std::string uniqueDataType = unique ? ( "UniqueHandle<" + dataType + ", Dispatch>" ) : dataType;
std::string modifiedDataType = dataType;
if ( unique )
if ( beginsWith( dataType, "std::vector" ) )
auto from = dataType.find( '<' ) + 1;
assert( from != std::string::npos );
auto to = dataType.find( ',', from );
assert( to != std::string::npos );
std::string type = dataType.substr( from, to - from );
modifiedDataType.replace( from, to - from, "UniqueHandle<" + type + ", Dispatch>" );
assert( !beginsWith( dataType, "std::" ) );
modifiedDataType = "UniqueHandle<" + dataType + ", Dispatch>";
if ( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 )
if ( commandData.errorCodes.empty() )
returnType = dataType;
else if ( singular || returnParams.empty() || ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) == vectorParams.end() ) )
returnType = "typename ResultValueType<" + uniqueDataType + ">::type";
returnType = modifiedDataType;
returnType =
"typename ResultValueType<std::vector<" + uniqueDataType + ", " + trimEnd( stripPrefix( dataType, "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator>>::type";
returnType = "typename ResultValueType<" + modifiedDataType + ">::type";
else if ( dataType == "void" )
@ -10114,14 +10115,7 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnType( CommandData const &
assert( returnParams.size() == 1 );
if ( singular || ( vectorParams.find( returnParams[0] ) == vectorParams.end() ) )
returnType = "ResultValue<" + uniqueDataType + ">";
returnType = "ResultValue<std::vector<" + uniqueDataType + ", " + trimEnd( stripPrefix( dataType, "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::" ) ) + "Allocator>>";
returnType = "ResultValue<" + modifiedDataType + ">";
else if ( returnParams.empty() )
@ -10175,7 +10169,6 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::generateReturnVariable(
auto vectorParamIt = vectorParams.find( returnParams[1] );
if ( vectorParamIt == vectorParams.end() )
{ // the return variable is simply named "data", and holds the multi-return value stuff
assert( singular );
returnVariable = "data";
@ -505,13 +505,6 @@ private:
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndices,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParamIndices,
bool withAllocators ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultGetVectorAndValue( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
bool definition,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndices,
std::vector<size_t> const & returnParam,
bool withAllocator ) const;
std::string generateCommandResultGetVectorOfHandlesUnique( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t initialSkipCount,
@ -15246,13 +15246,15 @@ namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
Device::getCalibratedTimestampsEXT( ArrayProxy<const VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::CalibratedTimestampInfoEXT> const & timestampInfos, Dispatch const & d ) const
std::pair<std::vector<uint64_t, Uint64_tAllocator>, uint64_t> data(
std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( timestampInfos.size() ), std::forward_as_tuple( 0 ) );
std::vector<uint64_t, Uint64_tAllocator> & timestamps = data.first;
uint64_t & maxDeviation = data.second;
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
m_device, timestampInfos.size(), reinterpret_cast<const VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT *>( timestampInfos.data() ), timestamps.data(), &maxDeviation ) );
return createResultValue( result, data, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::Device::getCalibratedTimestampsEXT" );
VkResult result = d.vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
m_device, timestampInfos.size(), reinterpret_cast<const VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT *>( timestampInfos.data() ), timestamps.data(), &maxDeviation );
resultCheck( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::Device::getCalibratedTimestampsEXT" );
return createResultValueType( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), data );
template <typename Uint64_tAllocator,
@ -15265,13 +15267,15 @@ namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE
Dispatch const & d ) const
std::pair<std::vector<uint64_t, Uint64_tAllocator>, uint64_t> data(
std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( timestampInfos.size(), uint64_tAllocator ), std::forward_as_tuple( 0 ) );
std::vector<uint64_t, Uint64_tAllocator> & timestamps = data.first;
uint64_t & maxDeviation = data.second;
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
m_device, timestampInfos.size(), reinterpret_cast<const VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT *>( timestampInfos.data() ), timestamps.data(), &maxDeviation ) );
return createResultValue( result, data, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::Device::getCalibratedTimestampsEXT" );
VkResult result = d.vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT(
m_device, timestampInfos.size(), reinterpret_cast<const VkCalibratedTimestampInfoEXT *>( timestampInfos.data() ), timestamps.data(), &maxDeviation );
resultCheck( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::Device::getCalibratedTimestampsEXT" );
return createResultValueType( static_cast<VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Result>( result ), data );
template <typename Dispatch>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user