Refactor handle getting functions

This commit is contained in:
asuessenbach 2020-10-07 08:42:59 +02:00
parent e280c5b8c4
commit 9dec09ac6e
3 changed files with 1348 additions and 795 deletions

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@ -1285,14 +1285,20 @@ void VulkanHppGenerator::appendCommand( std::string & str,
case 1:
// one return parameter
if ( vectorParamIndices.find( *nonConstPointerParamIndices.begin() ) == vectorParamIndices.end() )
if ( vectorParamIndices.find( nonConstPointerParamIndices[0] ) == vectorParamIndices.end() )
// the return parameter is not a vector
if ( ( commandData.returnType == "VkResult" ) &&
!isChainableStructure( commandData.params[*nonConstPointerParamIndices.begin()].type.type ) &&
!isHandleType( commandData.params[*nonConstPointerParamIndices.begin()].type.type ) )
!isChainableStructure( commandData.params[nonConstPointerParamIndices[0]].type.type ) )
appendCommandGetValue( str, name, commandData, nonConstPointerParamIndices.front(), definition );
if ( isHandleType( commandData.params[nonConstPointerParamIndices[0]].type.type ) )
appendCommandGetHandle( str, name, commandData, nonConstPointerParamIndices[0], definition );
appendCommandGetValue( str, name, commandData, nonConstPointerParamIndices[0], definition );
appendedFunction = true;
@ -1704,6 +1710,37 @@ ${commandEnhancedWithAllocators}
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
void VulkanHppGenerator::appendCommandGetHandle( std::string & str,
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t nonConstPointerIndex,
bool definition ) const
std::string const functionTemplate = R"(
std::string enter, leave;
std::tie( enter, leave ) = generateProtection( commandData.feature, commandData.extensions );
str += replaceWithMap(
std::map<std::string, std::string>(
{ { "commandEnhanced", constructCommandGetValue( name, commandData, nonConstPointerIndex, definition ) },
{ "commandEnhancedUnique",
constructCommandGetHandleUnique( name, commandData, nonConstPointerIndex, definition ) },
{ "commandStandard", constructCommandStandard( name, commandData, definition ) },
{ "enter", enter },
{ "leave", leave },
{ "newlineOnDefinition", definition ? "\n" : "" } } ) );
void VulkanHppGenerator::appendCommandGetValue( std::string & str,
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
@ -3368,7 +3405,8 @@ void VulkanHppGenerator::appendHandle( std::string & str, std::pair<std::string,
// special handling for destroy functions
if ( ( ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) && ( commandName != "destroy" ) ) ||
( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) )
( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ||
( commandIt->first == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) )
std::string destroyCommandString;
// in case there are aliases to this function, filter them out here
@ -3380,8 +3418,21 @@ void VulkanHppGenerator::appendHandle( std::string & str, std::pair<std::string,
appendCommand( destroyCommandString, " ", commandIt->first, commandData, false );
std::string shortenedName = ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) ? "destroy" : "free";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
std::string shortenedName;
if ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" )
shortenedName = "destroy";
else if ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" )
shortenedName = "free";
assert( commandIt->first == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" );
shortenedName = "release";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, commandName.length(), shortenedName );
@ -3562,7 +3613,8 @@ void VulkanHppGenerator::appendHandlesCommandDefinitions( std::string & str ) co
// special handling for destroy functions
std::string commandName = determineCommandName( commandIt->first, commandIt->second.params[0].type.type );
if ( ( ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) && ( commandName != "destroy" ) ) ||
( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) )
( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" ) ||
( commandIt->first == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) )
std::string destroyCommandString;
// in case there are aliases to this function, filter them out here
@ -3577,8 +3629,21 @@ void VulkanHppGenerator::appendHandlesCommandDefinitions( std::string & str ) co
appendCommand( destroyCommandString, " ", commandIt->first, commandData, true );
std::string shortenedName = ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" ) ? "destroy" : "free";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
std::string shortenedName;
if ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 7 ) == "Destroy" )
shortenedName = "destroy";
else if ( commandIt->first.substr( 2, 4 ) == "Free" )
shortenedName = "free";
assert( commandIt->first == "vkReleasePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" );
shortenedName = "release";
size_t pos = destroyCommandString.find( commandName );
while ( pos != std::string::npos )
destroyCommandString.replace( pos, commandName.length(), shortenedName );
@ -3794,12 +3859,10 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::constructArgumentListEnhanced( std::vector<Param
bool definition,
bool withAllocators ) const
assert( *skippedParams.begin() == 0 );
size_t defaultStartIndex = determineDefaultStartIndex( params, skippedParams );
std::string argumentList;
for ( size_t i = 1; i < params.size(); ++i )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i )
if ( skippedParams.find( i ) == skippedParams.end() )
@ -4422,6 +4485,105 @@ std::string VulkanHppGenerator::constructCommandEnumerateVoid( std::string const
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::constructCommandGetHandleUnique( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t nonConstPointerIndex,
bool definition ) const
assert( commandData.successCodes.size() == 1 );
std::string str;
std::set<size_t> skippedParams{ nonConstPointerIndex };
if ( !commandData.handle.empty() )
assert( commandData.params[0].type.type == commandData.handle );
skippedParams.insert( 0 );
std::string argumentList = constructArgumentListEnhanced( commandData.params, skippedParams, definition, false );
std::string commandName = determineCommandName( name, commandData.params[0].type.type );
std::string nodiscard = constructNoDiscardEnhanced( commandData );
std::string returnBaseType = commandData.params[nonConstPointerIndex].type.compose();
assert( endsWith( returnBaseType, "*" ) );
if ( definition )
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename Dispatch>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE typename ResultValueType<UniqueHandle<${returnBaseType}, Dispatch>>::type ${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}Unique( ${argumentList} )${const}
${returnBaseType} ${returnValueName};
Result result = static_cast<Result>( d.${vkCommand}( ${callArguments} ) );
${ObjectDeleter}<${parentName}, Dispatch> deleter( ${this}${allocator}d );
return createResultValue<${returnBaseType}, Dispatch>( result, ${returnValueName}, VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE_STRING "::${className}${classSeparator}${commandName}Unique", deleter );
std::string className = stripPrefix( commandData.handle, "Vk" );
std::string objectDeleter, allocator;
if ( ( name.find( "Acquire" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( name.find( "Get" ) != std::string::npos ) )
assert( ( name == "vkAcquirePerformanceConfigurationINTEL" ) || ( name == "vkGetRandROutputDisplayEXT" ) );
objectDeleter = "ObjectRelease";
else if ( name.find( "Allocate" ) != std::string::npos )
objectDeleter = "ObjectFree";
allocator = "allocator, ";
else if ( ( name.find( "Create" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( name.find( "Register" ) != std::string::npos ) )
assert( ( name.find( "Create" ) != std::string::npos ) || ( name == "vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT" ) ||
( name == "vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT" ) );
objectDeleter = "ObjectDestroy";
allocator = "allocator, ";
assert( false );
std::string parentName =
( className.empty() || ( commandData.params[nonConstPointerIndex].type.type == "VkDevice" ) ) ? "NoParent"
: className;
str = replaceWithMap(
std::map<std::string, std::string>(
{ { "allocator", allocator },
{ "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "callArguments",
constructCallArgumentsGetValue( commandData.handle, commandData.params, nonConstPointerIndex ) },
{ "className", className },
{ "classSeparator", className.empty() ? "" : "::" },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "ObjectDeleter", objectDeleter },
{ "parentName", parentName },
{ "returnBaseType", returnBaseType },
{ "returnValueName", startLowerCase( stripPrefix( commandData.params[nonConstPointerIndex].name, "p" ) ) },
{ "this", ( parentName == "NoParent" ) ? "" : "*this, " },
{ "vkCommand", name } } ) );
std::string const functionTemplate =
R"( template <typename Dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_TYPE>
${nodiscard}VULKAN_HPP_INLINE typename ResultValueType<UniqueHandle<${returnBaseType}, Dispatch>>::type ${commandName}Unique( ${argumentList} )${const};)";
str = replaceWithMap( functionTemplate,
std::map<std::string, std::string>( { { "argumentList", argumentList },
{ "commandName", commandName },
{ "const", commandData.handle.empty() ? "" : " const" },
{ "nodiscard", nodiscard },
{ "returnBaseType", returnBaseType } } ) );
return str;
std::string VulkanHppGenerator::constructCommandGetValue( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t nonConstPointerIndex,
@ -9858,6 +10020,37 @@ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
static const std::string classObjectRelease = R"(
template <typename OwnerType, typename Dispatch>
class ObjectRelease
ObjectRelease() = default;
ObjectRelease( OwnerType owner, Dispatch const & dispatch = VULKAN_HPP_DEFAULT_DISPATCHER ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
: m_owner( owner )
, m_dispatch( &dispatch )
OwnerType getOwner() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
return m_owner;
template <typename T>
void destroy( T t ) VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT
VULKAN_HPP_ASSERT( m_owner && m_dispatch );
m_owner.release( t, *m_dispatch );
OwnerType m_owner = {};
Dispatch const * m_dispatch = nullptr;
static const std::string classOptional = R"(
template <typename RefType>
class Optional
@ -10836,7 +11029,7 @@ namespace std
classFlags + classOptional + classStructureChain + classUniqueHandle;
generator.appendDispatchLoaderStatic( str );
generator.appendDispatchLoaderDefault( str );
str += classObjectDestroy + classObjectFree + classPoolFree + "\n";
str += classObjectDestroy + classObjectFree + classObjectRelease + classPoolFree + "\n";
generator.appendBaseTypes( str );
str += typeTraits;
generator.appendEnums( str );

View File

@ -326,6 +326,11 @@ private:
CommandData const & commandData,
std::pair<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndex,
bool definition ) const;
void appendCommandGetHandle( std::string & str,
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t nonConstPointerIndex,
bool definition ) const;
void appendCommandGetValue( std::string & str,
std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
@ -463,23 +468,23 @@ private:
std::string const & strippedParameterName,
bool withDefaults,
bool withAllocator ) const;
void appendFunctionHeaderArgumentEnhancedVector( std::string & str,
ParamData const & param,
std::string const & strippedParameterName,
bool hasSizeParam,
bool isTemplateParam,
bool singular,
bool withDefaults,
bool withAllocator ) const;
void appendFunctionHeaderArguments( std::string & str,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t returnParamIndex,
size_t templateParamIndex,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndices,
bool enhanced,
bool singular,
bool withDefaults,
bool withAllocator ) const;
void appendFunctionHeaderArgumentEnhancedVector( std::string & str,
ParamData const & param,
std::string const & strippedParameterName,
bool hasSizeParam,
bool isTemplateParam,
bool singular,
bool withDefaults,
bool withAllocator ) const;
void appendFunctionHeaderArguments( std::string & str,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t returnParamIndex,
size_t templateParamIndex,
std::map<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndices,
bool enhanced,
bool singular,
bool withDefaults,
bool withAllocator ) const;
bool appendFunctionHeaderArgumentStandard( std::string & str, ParamData const & param, bool argEncountered ) const;
void appendFunctionHeaderReturnType( std::string & str,
CommandData const & commandData,
@ -569,6 +574,10 @@ private:
std::pair<size_t, size_t> const & vectorParamIndex,
bool definition,
bool withAllocators ) const;
std::string constructCommandGetHandleUnique( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t nonConstPointerIndex,
bool definition ) const;
std::string constructCommandGetValue( std::string const & name,
CommandData const & commandData,
size_t nonConstPointerIndex,

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff