Fix wrong template argument in usage of ObjectDeleter for the create*Unique functions. (#184)

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Süßenbach 2018-02-19 10:44:51 +01:00 committed by Markus Tavenrath
parent 56f418b41c
commit ecea796604
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@ ${i} return createResultValue( result, ${typeVariable}s, "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE:
{ "command", startUpperCase(commandData.fullName) },
{ "arguments", arguments.str() },
{ "Deleter", ddit->second.pool.empty() ? "ObjectDeleter" : "PoolDeleter" },
{ "DeleterTemplate", ddit->second.pool.empty() ? type : commandData.className + "," + ddit->second.pool },
{ "DeleterTemplate", ddit->second.pool.empty() ? commandData.className : commandData.className + "," + ddit->second.pool },
{ "deleterArg", ddit->second.pool.empty() ? "allocator" : "allocateInfo." + startLowerCase(ddit->second.pool) },
{ "class", commandData.className },
{ "function", commandData.reducedName }

View File

@ -30570,7 +30570,7 @@ public:
Pipeline* buffer = reinterpret_cast<Pipeline*>( reinterpret_cast<char*>( ) + createInfos.size() * ( sizeof( UniquePipeline ) - sizeof( Pipeline ) ) );
Result result = static_cast<Result>(d.vkCreateGraphicsPipelines( m_device, static_cast<VkPipelineCache>( pipelineCache ), createInfos.size() , reinterpret_cast<const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo*>( ), reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks*>( static_cast<const AllocationCallbacks*>( allocator ) ), reinterpret_cast<VkPipeline*>( buffer ) ) );
ObjectDeleter<Pipeline> deleter( *this, allocator );
ObjectDeleter<Device> deleter( *this, allocator );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<createInfos.size() ; i++ )
pipelines.push_back( UniquePipeline( buffer[i], deleter ) );
@ -30620,7 +30620,7 @@ public:
Pipeline* buffer = reinterpret_cast<Pipeline*>( reinterpret_cast<char*>( ) + createInfos.size() * ( sizeof( UniquePipeline ) - sizeof( Pipeline ) ) );
Result result = static_cast<Result>(d.vkCreateComputePipelines( m_device, static_cast<VkPipelineCache>( pipelineCache ), createInfos.size() , reinterpret_cast<const VkComputePipelineCreateInfo*>( ), reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks*>( static_cast<const AllocationCallbacks*>( allocator ) ), reinterpret_cast<VkPipeline*>( buffer ) ) );
ObjectDeleter<Pipeline> deleter( *this, allocator );
ObjectDeleter<Device> deleter( *this, allocator );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<createInfos.size() ; i++ )
pipelines.push_back( UniquePipeline( buffer[i], deleter ) );
@ -31240,7 +31240,7 @@ public:
SwapchainKHR* buffer = reinterpret_cast<SwapchainKHR*>( reinterpret_cast<char*>( ) + createInfos.size() * ( sizeof( UniqueSwapchainKHR ) - sizeof( SwapchainKHR ) ) );
Result result = static_cast<Result>(d.vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR( m_device, createInfos.size() , reinterpret_cast<const VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR*>( ), reinterpret_cast<const VkAllocationCallbacks*>( static_cast<const AllocationCallbacks*>( allocator ) ), reinterpret_cast<VkSwapchainKHR*>( buffer ) ) );
ObjectDeleter<SwapchainKHR> deleter( *this, allocator );
ObjectDeleter<Device> deleter( *this, allocator );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<createInfos.size() ; i++ )
swapchainKHRs.push_back( UniqueSwapchainKHR( buffer[i], deleter ) );