* stage 1: added shared handles and all traits
* moved deleter to the shared part, now Shared handle weights 2 pointers
* Fixed Destroy Function
* generated headers
* At least no errors.
TODO: get image overload of shared handle back
make an example
* fixed all SFINAE issues, moved image specialization
* Added a sample
* made better example, added specialization for swapchain, added shared handles to readme
* Major update:
Fixed all wishes
Made std::shared_ptr do heavy lifting
Reduced code complexity
Added ParentType to basic handles
Added put and put_native for cross-abi usage
* more readme
* safer release()
removed put() for now
* better synchronization
inspired by STL shared_ptr implementation
* removed test shared pointer
* added forward type for better interop with VMA
added parent checking
* fixed getParent()
* added non-deleting overloads for Queue, DisplayKHR and PhysicalDevice
* Shared non-destoyed type now have handles
* using constructors are made to comply standard
* fixed leak
* shared handles migrated to own header,
made module entries
* header is independent now
* rebased repo, updated the example
* fixed most of the stuff
* renamed parent of, added guide to make shared handles
* vulkansc
* moved destructor to shared handle traits
* resolved issues with CI
* more relaxed memory ordering for release operation
* trying to remove submodule
* renamed to destructorType
* suppressed function cast warning
* only GCC should be affected
* Make C++20 modules work with the defaultDispatchLoaderDynamic.
* Add vulkan_hpp_macros.hpp to list of installed files.
* Adjust the text on module in the readme.
* Rename module from vulkan to vulkan_hpp
* Adjust some comments.
* Add a little disclaimer to vulkan.cppm.
* chore(CI): speed up CI by using ninja and parallel build
* chore(CI): align compiler for c and cxx
* fix(samples): add dependency to generator
* fix(cmake): get rid of file glob
* chore(CI): use clang on mac
glfw don't support gcc on mac
* fix(sample): add depencency on build_vulkan_hpp
* fix(cmake): make sure every target in tests and samples link to utils
- mark wrong version as deprecated (C++14)
- introduce new version returning ResultValue<vector<T,Allocator>>
- introduce new singular version returning ResultValue<T>