// Copyright(c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "VideoHppGenerator.hpp" #include "XMLHelper.hpp" #include #include VideoHppGenerator::VideoHppGenerator( tinyxml2::XMLDocument const & document ) { // read the document and check its correctness int line = document.GetLineNum(); std::vector elements = getChildElements( &document ); checkElements( line, elements, { { "registry", true } } ); checkForError( elements.size() == 1, line, "encountered " + std::to_string( elements.size() ) + " elements named but only one is allowed" ); readRegistry( elements[0] ); addImplicitlyRequiredTypes(); sortStructs(); checkCorrectness(); } void VideoHppGenerator::generateHppFile() const { std::string const video_hpp = std::string( BASE_PATH ) + "/vulkan/" + "vulkan_video.hpp"; std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: Generating " << video_hpp << " ... " << std::endl; std::string const videoHppTemplate = R"(${copyrightMessage} #ifndef VULKAN_VIDEO_HPP #define VULKAN_VIDEO_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined( VULKAN_HPP_VIDEO_NAMESPACE ) # define VULKAN_HPP_VIDEO_NAMESPACE video #endif namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE { namespace VULKAN_HPP_VIDEO_NAMESPACE { ${enums} ${structs} } // namespace VULKAN_HPP_VIDEO_NAMESPACE } // namespace VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE #endif )"; std::string str = replaceWithMap( videoHppTemplate, { { "copyrightMessage", m_copyrightMessage }, { "enums", generateEnums() }, { "structs", generateStructs() } } ); writeToFile( str, video_hpp ); } void VideoHppGenerator::addImplicitlyRequiredTypes() { for ( auto & ext : m_extensions ) { for ( auto reqIt = ext.requireData.types.begin(); reqIt != ext.requireData.types.end(); ++reqIt ) { std::string name = *reqIt; auto typeIt = m_types.find( *reqIt ); if ( ( typeIt != m_types.end() ) && ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Struct ) ) { assert( typeIt->second.requiredBy.contains( ext.name ) ); reqIt = addImplicitlyRequiredTypes( typeIt, ext, reqIt ); } } } } std::vector::iterator VideoHppGenerator::addImplicitlyRequiredTypes( std::map::iterator typeIt, ExtensionData & extensionData, std::vector::iterator reqIt ) { auto structIt = m_structs.find( typeIt->first ); assert( structIt != m_structs.end() ); for ( auto const & member : structIt->second.members ) { auto memberTypeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type ); if ( ( memberTypeIt != m_types.end() ) && ( memberTypeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Struct ) ) { reqIt = addImplicitlyRequiredTypes( memberTypeIt, extensionData, reqIt ); } } assert( typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty() || ( *typeIt->second.requiredBy.begin() == extensionData.name ) || ( *typeIt->second.requiredBy.begin() == extensionData.depends ) ); if ( typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty() && ( std::find( extensionData.requireData.types.begin(), reqIt, typeIt->first ) == reqIt ) ) { assert( std::none_of( reqIt, extensionData.requireData.types.end(), [&typeIt]( std::string const & type ) { return type == typeIt->first; } ) ); typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( extensionData.name ); reqIt = std::next( extensionData.requireData.types.insert( reqIt, typeIt->first ) ); } return reqIt; } void VideoHppGenerator::checkCorrectness() const { // only structs to check here! for ( auto const & structure : m_structs ) { // check that a struct is referenced somewhere // I think, it's not forbidden to not reference a struct, but it would probably be not intended? auto typeIt = m_types.find( structure.first ); assert( typeIt != m_types.end() ); checkForError( !typeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(), structure.second.xmlLine, "structure <" + structure.first + "> not required by any extension" ); assert( typeIt->second.requiredBy.size() == 1 ); auto extIt = std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&typeIt]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return ed.name == *typeIt->second.requiredBy.begin(); } ); assert( extIt != m_extensions.end() ); // checks on the members of a struct for ( auto const & member : structure.second.members ) { // check that each member type is known checkForError( m_types.contains( member.type.type ), member.xmlLine, "struct member uses unknown type <" + member.type.type + ">" ); // check that all member types are required in some extension (it's just a warning!!) if ( member.type.type.starts_with( "StdVideo" ) ) { auto memberTypeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type ); assert( memberTypeIt != m_types.end() ); checkForWarning( !memberTypeIt->second.requiredBy.empty(), member.xmlLine, "struct member type <" + member.type.type + "> used in struct <" + structure.first + "> is never required for any extension" ); } // check that all array sizes are a known constant for ( auto const & arraySize : member.arraySizes ) { if ( !isNumber( arraySize ) ) { bool found = extIt->requireData.constants.contains( arraySize ); if ( !found ) { checkForError( !extIt->depends.empty(), extIt->xmlLine, "struct member <" + member.name + "> uses unknown constant <" + arraySize + "> as array size" ); auto depIt = std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&extIt]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return ed.name == extIt->depends; } ); assert( depIt != m_extensions.end() ); checkForError( depIt->requireData.constants.contains( arraySize ), member.xmlLine, "struct member <" + member.name + "> uses unknown constant <" + arraySize + "> as array size" ); } } } } } } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateEnum( std::pair const & enumData ) const { std::string enumValues; #if !defined( NDEBUG ) std::map valueToNameMap; #endif // convert the enum name to upper case std::string prefix = toUpperCase( enumData.first ) + "_"; for ( auto const & value : enumData.second.values ) { std::string valueName = "e" + toCamelCase( stripPrefix( value.name, prefix ), true ); assert( valueToNameMap.insert( { valueName, value.name } ).second ); enumValues += " " + valueName + " = " + value.name + ",\n"; } if ( !enumValues.empty() ) { size_t pos = enumValues.rfind( ',' ); assert( pos != std::string::npos ); enumValues.erase( pos, 1 ); enumValues = "\n" + enumValues + " "; } const std::string enumTemplate = R"( enum class ${enumName} {${enumValues}}; )"; return replaceWithMap( enumTemplate, { { "enumName", stripPrefix( enumData.first, "StdVideo" ) }, { "enumValues", enumValues } } ); } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateEnums() const { { const std::string enumsTemplate = R"( //============= //=== ENUMs === //============= ${enums} )"; std::string enums; for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions ) { enums += generateEnums( extension.requireData, extension.name ); } return replaceWithMap( enumsTemplate, { { "enums", enums } } ); } } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateEnums( RequireData const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const { std::string str; for ( auto const & type : requireData.types ) { auto enumIt = m_enums.find( type ); if ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) { str += "\n" + generateEnum( *enumIt ); } } if ( !str.empty() ) { str = "\n //=== " + title + " ===\n" + str; } return str; } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateStruct( std::pair const & structData ) const { static const std::string structureTemplate = R"( struct ${structureType} { using NativeType = StdVideo${structureType}; operator StdVideo${structureType} const &() const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT { return *reinterpret_cast( this ); } operator StdVideo${structureType} &() VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT { return *reinterpret_cast( this ); } ${compareOperators} public: ${members} }; )"; return replaceWithMap( structureTemplate, { { "compareOperators", generateStructCompareOperators( structData ) }, { "members", generateStructMembers( structData ) }, { "structureType", stripPrefix( structData.first, "StdVideo" ) } } ); } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateStructCompareOperators( std::pair const & structData ) const { static const std::set simpleTypes = { "char", "double", "DWORD", "float", "HANDLE", "HINSTANCE", "HMONITOR", "HWND", "int", "int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "LPCWSTR", "size_t", "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t" }; // two structs are compared by comparing each of the elements std::string compareMembers; std::string intro = ""; for ( size_t i = 0; i < structData.second.members.size(); i++ ) { MemberData const & member = structData.second.members[i]; auto typeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type ); assert( typeIt != m_types.end() ); if ( ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::ExternalType ) && member.type.postfix.empty() && !simpleTypes.contains( member.type.type ) ) { // this type might support operator==() or operator<=>()... that is, use memcmp compareMembers += intro + "( memcmp( &" + member.name + ", &rhs." + member.name + ", sizeof( " + member.type.type + " ) ) == 0 )"; } else { assert( member.type.type != "char" ); // for all others, we use the operator== of that type compareMembers += intro + "( " + member.name + " == rhs." + member.name + " )"; } intro = "\n && "; } static const std::string compareTemplate = R"( bool operator==( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT { return ${compareMembers}; } bool operator!=( ${name} const & rhs ) const VULKAN_HPP_NOEXCEPT { return !operator==( rhs ); } )"; return replaceWithMap( compareTemplate, { { "name", stripPrefix( structData.first, "StdVideo" ) }, { "compareMembers", compareMembers } } ); } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateStructMembers( std::pair const & structData ) const { std::string members; for ( auto const & member : structData.second.members ) { members += " "; std::string type; if ( !member.bitCount.empty() && member.type.type.starts_with( "StdVideo" ) ) { assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.type.postfix.empty() ); // never encounterd a different case type = member.type.type; } else if ( member.arraySizes.empty() ) { type = member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_VIDEO_NAMESPACE", "StdVideo" ); } else { assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.type.postfix.empty() ); type = generateStandardArrayWrapper( member.type.compose( "VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VULKAN_HPP_VIDEO_NAMESPACE" ), member.arraySizes ); } members += type + " " + member.name; // as we don't have any meaningful default initialization values, everything can be initialized by just '{}' ! assert( member.arraySizes.empty() || member.bitCount.empty() ); if ( !member.bitCount.empty() ) { members += " : " + member.bitCount; // except for bitfield members, where no default member initialization // is supported (up to C++20) } else { members += " = "; auto enumIt = m_enums.find( member.type.type ); if ( member.arraySizes.empty() && ( enumIt != m_enums.end() ) && member.type.postfix.empty() ) { assert( member.type.prefix.empty() && member.arraySizes.empty() && !enumIt->second.values.empty() ); std::string prefix = toUpperCase( member.type.type ) + "_"; std::string valueName = "e" + toCamelCase( stripPrefix( enumIt->second.values.front().name, prefix ), true ); members += type + "::" + valueName; } else { members += "{}"; } } members += ";\n"; } return members; } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateStructs() const { const std::string structsTemplate = R"( //=============== //=== STRUCTS === //=============== ${structs} )"; std::string structs; for ( auto const & extension : m_extensions ) { structs += generateStructs( extension.requireData, extension.name ); } return replaceWithMap( structsTemplate, { { "structs", structs } } ); } std::string VideoHppGenerator::generateStructs( RequireData const & requireData, std::string const & title ) const { std::string str; for ( auto const & type : requireData.types ) { auto structIt = m_structs.find( type ); if ( structIt != m_structs.end() ) { str += "\n" + generateStruct( *structIt ); } } if ( !str.empty() ) { str = "\n //=== " + title + " ===\n" + str; } return str; } bool VideoHppGenerator::isExtension( std::string const & name ) const { return std::any_of( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&name]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return ed.name == name; } ); } void VideoHppGenerator::readEnums( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "type", { "enum" } } }, {} ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "enum", {} } }, { "comment" } ); std::string name, type; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { name = attribute.second; } else if ( attribute.first == "type" ) { type = attribute.second; } } // get the EnumData entry in enum map auto enumIt = m_enums.find( name ); checkForError( enumIt != m_enums.end(), line, "enum <" + name + "> is not listed as enum in the types section" ); checkForError( enumIt->second.values.empty(), line, "enum <" + name + "> already holds values" ); // read the names of the enum values for ( auto child : children ) { std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "enum" ) { readEnumsEnum( child, enumIt ); } } } void VideoHppGenerator::readEnumsEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map::iterator enumIt ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "value", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } ); checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} ); std::string name, value; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { name = attribute.second; } else if ( attribute.first == "value" ) { value = attribute.second; } } std::string prefix = toUpperCase( enumIt->first ) + "_"; checkForError( name.starts_with( prefix ), line, "encountered enum value <" + name + "> that does not begin with expected prefix <" + prefix + ">" ); checkForError( isNumber( value ) || isHexNumber( value ), line, "enum value uses unknown constant <" + value + ">" ); checkForError( std::none_of( enumIt->second.values.begin(), enumIt->second.values.end(), [&name]( EnumValueData const & evd ) { return evd.name == name; } ), line, "enum value <" + name + "> already part of enum <" + enumIt->first + ">" ); enumIt->second.values.push_back( { name, value, line } ); } void VideoHppGenerator::readExtension( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "comment", {} }, { "supported", { "vulkan" } } }, {} ); checkElements( line, children, { { "require", false } } ); ExtensionData extensionData{ .xmlLine = line }; std::string supported; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { extensionData.name = attribute.second; checkForError( !isExtension( extensionData.name ), line, "already encountered extension <" + extensionData.name + ">" ); } else if ( attribute.first == "supported" ) { supported = attribute.second; } } checkForError( supported == "vulkan", line, "extension <" + extensionData.name + "> has unknown supported type <" + supported + ">" ); for ( auto child : children ) { const std::string value = child->Value(); assert( value == "require" ); readExtensionRequire( child, extensionData ); } m_extensions.push_back( extensionData ); } void VideoHppGenerator::readExtensionRequire( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, ExtensionData & extensionData ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, {} ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, {}, { "enum", "type" } ); extensionData.requireData.xmlLine = line; for ( auto child : children ) { std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "enum" ) { readRequireEnum( child, extensionData.requireData.constants ); } else if ( value == "type" ) { readRequireType( child, extensionData ); } } assert( !extensionData.requireData.types.empty() ); } void VideoHppGenerator::readExtensions( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "extension", false } } ); for ( auto child : children ) { const std::string value = child->Value(); assert( value == "extension" ); readExtension( child ); } } void VideoHppGenerator::readRegistry( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), {}, {} ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "comment", false }, { "enums", false }, { "extensions", true }, { "types", true } } ); for ( auto child : children ) { const std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "comment" ) { std::string comment = readComment( child ); if ( comment.find( "\nCopyright" ) == 0 ) { m_copyrightMessage = generateCopyrightMessage( comment ); } } else if ( value == "enums" ) { readEnums( child ); } else if ( value == "extensions" ) { readExtensions( child ); } else { assert( value == "types" ); readTypes( child ); } } checkForError( !m_copyrightMessage.empty(), -1, "missing copyright message" ); } void VideoHppGenerator::readRequireEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map & constants ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "value", {} } }, {} ); std::string name, value; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { name = attribute.second; } else if ( attribute.first == "value" ) { value = attribute.second; } } if ( !name.ends_with( "_SPEC_VERSION" ) && !name.ends_with( "_EXTENSION_NAME" ) ) { checkForError( isNumber( value ) || isHexNumber( value ), line, "enum value uses unknown constant <" + value + ">" ); checkForError( constants.insert( { name, { value, line } } ).second, line, "required enum <" + name + "> already specified" ); } } void VideoHppGenerator::readRequireType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, ExtensionData & extensionData ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} } } ); checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} ); std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second; if ( name.starts_with( "vk_video/vulkan_video_codec" ) && name.ends_with( ".h" ) ) { checkForError( extensionData.depends.empty(), line, "extension <" + extensionData.name + "> already depends on <" + extensionData.name + ">" ); extensionData.depends = stripPrefix( stripPostfix( name, ".h" ), "vk_video/" ); checkForError( isExtension( extensionData.depends ), line, "extension <" + extensionData.name + "> uses unknown header <" + name + ">" ); } else { auto typeIt = m_types.find( name ); checkForError( typeIt != m_types.end(), line, "unknown required type <" + name + ">" ); typeIt->second.requiredBy.insert( extensionData.name ); extensionData.requireData.types.push_back( name ); } } void VideoHppGenerator::readStructMember( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::vector & members ) { (void)members; int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); checkAttributes( line, attributes, {}, {} ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "name", true }, { "type", true } }, { "comment", "enum" } ); MemberData memberData; memberData.xmlLine = line; std::string name; for ( auto child : children ) { int childLine = child->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( childLine, getAttributes( child ), {}, {} ); checkElements( childLine, getChildElements( child ), {}, {} ); std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "enum" ) { std::string enumString = child->GetText(); checkForError( child->PreviousSibling() && child->NextSibling(), line, "struct member array specification is ill-formatted: <" + enumString + ">" ); std::string previous = child->PreviousSibling()->Value(); std::string next = child->NextSibling()->Value(); checkForError( previous.ends_with( "[" ) && next.starts_with( "]" ), line, "struct member array specification is ill-formatted: <" + enumString + ">" ); memberData.arraySizes.push_back( enumString ); } else if ( value == "name" ) { name = child->GetText(); std::tie( memberData.arraySizes, memberData.bitCount ) = readModifiers( child->NextSibling() ); } else if ( value == "type" ) { memberData.type = readTypeInfo( child ); } } assert( !name.empty() ); checkForError( std::none_of( members.begin(), members.end(), [&name]( MemberData const & md ) { return md.name == name; } ), line, "struct member name <" + name + "> already used" ); memberData.name = name; members.push_back( memberData ); } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypeDefine( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map const & attributes ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "define" } } }, { { "requires", {} } } ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "name", false } }, { "type" } ); std::string require; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "requires" ) { require = attribute.second; } } std::string name, type; for ( auto child : children ) { const std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "name" ) { name = child->GetText(); } else if ( value == "type" ) { type = child->GetText(); } } checkForError( require.empty() || m_defines.contains( require ), line, "define <" + name + "> requires unknown type <" + require + ">" ); checkForError( type.empty() || m_defines.contains( type ), line, "define <" + name + "> of unknown type <" + type + ">" ); checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Define, {}, line } } ).second, line, "define <" + name + "> already specified" ); assert( !m_defines.contains( name ) ); m_defines[name] = { require, line }; } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypeEnum( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map const & attributes ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "enum" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} ); checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} ); std::string name; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { name = attribute.second; } } checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Enum, {}, line } } ).second, line, "enum <" + name + "> already specified" ); assert( !m_enums.contains( name ) ); m_enums[name] = EnumData{ .xmlLine = line }; } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypeInclude( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map const & attributes ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "include" } }, { "name", {} } }, {} ); checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} ); std::string name = attributes.find( "name" )->second; checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Include, {}, line } } ).second, line, "type <" + name + "> already specified" ); assert( !m_includes.contains( name ) ); m_includes[name] = { line }; } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypeRequires( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map const & attributes ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "name", {} }, { "requires", {} } }, {} ); checkElements( line, getChildElements( element ), {} ); std::string name, require; for ( auto attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { name = attribute.second; } else { assert( attribute.first == "requires" ); require = attribute.second; } } checkForError( m_includes.contains( require ), line, "type <" + name + "> requires unknown <" + require + ">" ); checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::ExternalType, {}, line } } ).second, line, "type <" + name + "> already specified" ); assert( !m_externalTypes.contains( name ) ); m_externalTypes[name] = { require, line }; } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypes( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, getAttributes( element ), { { "comment", {} } }, {} ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "type", false } } ); for ( auto child : children ) { std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "type" ) { readTypesType( child ); } } } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypeStruct( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element, std::map const & attributes ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); checkAttributes( line, attributes, { { "category", { "struct" } }, { "name", {} } }, { { "comment", {} }, { "requires", {} } } ); std::vector children = getChildElements( element ); checkElements( line, children, { { "member", false } }, { "comment" } ); StructureData structureData{ .xmlLine = line }; std::string name, require; for ( auto const & attribute : attributes ) { if ( attribute.first == "name" ) { name = attribute.second; } else if ( attribute.first == "requires" ) { require = attribute.second; } } assert( !name.empty() ); checkForError( require.empty() || m_types.contains( require ), line, "struct <" + name + "> requires unknown type <" + require + ">" ); checkForError( m_types.insert( { name, TypeData{ TypeCategory::Struct, {}, line } } ).second, line, "struct <" + name + "> already specified" ); assert( !m_structs.contains( name ) ); std::map::iterator it = m_structs.insert( std::make_pair( name, structureData ) ).first; for ( auto child : children ) { std::string value = child->Value(); if ( value == "member" ) { readStructMember( child, it->second.members ); } } } void VideoHppGenerator::readTypesType( tinyxml2::XMLElement const * element ) { int line = element->GetLineNum(); std::map attributes = getAttributes( element ); auto categoryIt = attributes.find( "category" ); if ( categoryIt != attributes.end() ) { if ( categoryIt->second == "define" ) { readTypeDefine( element, attributes ); } else if ( categoryIt->second == "enum" ) { readTypeEnum( element, attributes ); } else if ( categoryIt->second == "include" ) { readTypeInclude( element, attributes ); } else if ( categoryIt->second == "struct" ) { readTypeStruct( element, attributes ); } else { checkForError( false, line, "unknown category <" + categoryIt->second + "> encountered" ); } } else { auto requiresIt = attributes.find( "requires" ); if ( requiresIt != attributes.end() ) { readTypeRequires( element, attributes ); } else { checkForError( ( attributes.size() == 1 ) && ( attributes.begin()->first == "name" ) && ( attributes.begin()->second == "int" ), line, "unknown type" ); checkForError( m_types.insert( { "int", TypeData{ TypeCategory::Unknown, {}, line } } ).second, line, "type already specified" ); } } } void VideoHppGenerator::sortStructs() { for ( auto & ext : m_extensions ) { for ( auto reqIt = ext.requireData.types.begin(); reqIt != ext.requireData.types.end(); ++reqIt ) { std::string name = *reqIt; auto typeIt = m_types.find( *reqIt ); if ( ( typeIt != m_types.end() ) && ( typeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Struct ) ) { auto structIt = m_structs.find( typeIt->first ); assert( structIt != m_structs.end() ); for ( auto const & member : structIt->second.members ) { auto memberTypeIt = m_types.find( member.type.type ); assert( memberTypeIt != m_types.end() ); if ( ( memberTypeIt->second.category == TypeCategory::Struct ) && ( std::find( ext.requireData.types.begin(), reqIt, member.type.type ) == reqIt ) ) { auto it = std::find( std::next( reqIt ), ext.requireData.types.end(), member.type.type ); if ( it != ext.requireData.types.end() ) { ext.requireData.types.erase( it ); reqIt = std::next( ext.requireData.types.insert( reqIt, member.type.type ) ); } #if !defined( NDEBUG ) else { auto depIt = std::find_if( m_extensions.begin(), m_extensions.end(), [&ext]( ExtensionData const & ed ) { return ed.name == ext.depends; } ); assert( ( depIt != m_extensions.end() ) && std::any_of( depIt->requireData.types.begin(), depIt->requireData.types.end(), [&member]( std::string const & type ) { return type == member.type.type; } ) ); } #endif } } } } } } int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { if ( ( argc % 2 ) == 0 ) { std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator usage: VideoHppGenerator [-f filename]" << std::endl; std::cout << "\tdefault for filename is <" << VIDEO_SPEC << ">" << std::endl; return -1; } std::string filename = VIDEO_SPEC; for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i += 2 ) { if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-f" ) == 0 ) { filename = argv[i + 1]; } else { std::cout << "unsupported argument <" << argv[i] << ">" << std::endl; return -1; } } #if defined( CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE ) std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: Found "; std::string commandString = "\"" CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE "\" --version "; int ret = std::system( commandString.c_str() ); if ( ret != 0 ) { std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: failed to determine clang_format version with error <" << ret << ">\n"; } #endif tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: Loading " << filename << std::endl; tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile( filename.c_str() ); if ( error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS ) { std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: failed to load file " << filename << " with error <" << toString( error ) << ">" << std::endl; return -1; } try { std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: Parsing " << filename << std::endl; VideoHppGenerator generator( doc ); generator.generateHppFile(); #if !defined( CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE ) std::cout << "VideoHppGenerator: could not find clang-format. The generated files will not be formatted accordingly.\n"; #endif } catch ( std::exception const & e ) { std::cout << "caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return -1; } catch ( ... ) { std::cout << "caught unknown exception" << std::endl; return -1; } return 0; }