# VMA Dump Vis Vulkan Memory Allocator Dump Visualization. It is an auxiliary tool that can visualize internal state of [Vulkan Memory Allocator](../../README.md) library on a picture. It is a Python script that must be launched from command line with appropriate parameters. ## Requirements - Python 3 installed - [Pillow](http://python-pillow.org/) - Python Imaging Library (Fork) installed ## Usage ``` python VmaDumpVis.py -o OUTPUT_FILE INPUT_FILE ``` * `INPUT_FILE` - path to source file to be read, containing dump of internal state of the VMA library in JSON format (encoding: UTF-8), generated using `vmaBuildStatsString()` function. * `OUTPUT_FILE` - path to destination file to be written that will contain generated image. Image format is automatically recognized based on file extension. List of supported formats can be found [here](http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/handbook/image-file-formats.html) and includes: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TGA. You can also use typical options: * `-h` - to see help on command line syntax * `-v` - to see program version number ## Example output ![Example output](README_files/ExampleOutput.png "Example output") ## Legend * ![Free space](README_files/Legend_Bkg.png "Free space") Light gray without border - a space in Vulkan device memory block unused by any allocation. * ![Buffer 1](README_files/Legend_Buffer_1.png "Buffer 1") Buffer with usage containing INDIRECT_BUFFER, VERTEX_BUFFER, or INDEX_BUFFER. * ![Buffer 2](README_files/Legend_Buffer_2.png "Buffer 2") Buffer with usage containing STORAGE_BUFFER or STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER. * ![Buffer 3](README_files/Legend_Buffer_3.png "Buffer 3") Buffer with usage containing UNIFORM_BUFFER or UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER. * ![Buffer 4](README_files/Legend_Buffer_4.png "Buffer 4") Other buffer. * ![Image 1](README_files/Legend_Image_1.png "Image 1") Image with OPTIMAL tiling and usage containing DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT. * ![Image 2](README_files/Legend_Image_2.png "Image 2") Image with OPTIMAL tiling and usage containing INPUT_ATTACHMENT, TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT, or COLOR_ATTACHMENT. * ![Image 3](README_files/Legend_Image_3.png "Image 3") Image with OPTIMAL tiling and usage containing SAMPLED. * ![Image 4](README_files/Legend_Image_4.png "Image 4") Other image with OPTIMAL tiling. * ![Image Linear](README_files/Legend_Image_Linear.png "Image Linear") Image with LINEAR tiling. * ![Image Unknown](README_files/Legend_Image_Unknown.png "Image Unknown") Image with tiling unknown to the allocator. * ![Unknown](README_files/Legend_Unknown.png "Unknown") Allocation of unknown type. * ![Details](README_files/Legend_Details.png "Details") Black bar - one or more allocations of any kind too small to be visualized as filled rectangles.