Vulkan Memory Allocator
Deprecated List
Member vmaResizeAllocation (VmaAllocator allocator, VmaAllocation allocation, VkDeviceSize newSize)
In version 2.2.0 it used to try to change allocation's size without moving or reallocating it. In current version it returns VK_SUCCESS only if newSize equals current allocation's size. Otherwise returns VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY, indicating that allocation's size could not be changed.
Member VmaDefragmentationInfo
This is a part of the old interface. It is recommended to use structure VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and function vmaDefragmentationBegin() instead.
Member vmaDefragment (VmaAllocator allocator, const VmaAllocation *pAllocations, size_t allocationCount, VkBool32 *pAllocationsChanged, const VmaDefragmentationInfo *pDefragmentationInfo, VmaDefragmentationStats *pDefragmentationStats)
This is a part of the old interface. It is recommended to use structure VmaDefragmentationInfo2 and function vmaDefragmentationBegin() instead.