tablex: Add deep & shallow for copy, overlay

Replace copy with shallow_copy, deep_copy.
Replace overlay with shallow_overlay, deep_overlay.

Significant rewrite of these functions and their semantics to update to
the note above them.

Add corresponding tests.
This commit is contained in:
David Briscoe 2022-03-02 08:11:57 -08:00
parent 5b4d1c16c5
commit 5fa80ca97c
4 changed files with 147 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ function _batteries:export()
--overlay tablex and functional and sort routines onto table
self.tablex.overlay(table, self.tablex)
self.tablex.shallow_overlay(table, self.tablex)
--now we can use it through table directly
table.overlay(table, self.functional)
table.shallow_overlay(table, self.functional)
--overlay onto global math table
table.overlay(math, self.mathx)
table.shallow_overlay(math, self.mathx)
--overlay onto string
table.overlay(string, self.stringx)
table.shallow_overlay(string, self.stringx)
--overwrite assert wholesale (it's compatible)
assert = self.assert

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@ -44,8 +44,10 @@ for _, v in ipairs({
}) do
local table_f = table[v]
sequence[v] = function(self, ...)

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@ -328,61 +328,81 @@ if not tablex.clear then
-- copies and overlays are currently not satisfactory
-- i feel that copy especially tries to do too much and
-- probably they should be split into separate functions
-- to be both more explicit and performant, ie
-- shallow_copy, deep_copy, shallow_overlay, deep_overlay
-- input is welcome on this :)
--copy a table
-- deep_or_into is either:
-- a boolean value, used as deep flag directly
-- or a table to copy into, which implies a deep copy
-- if deep specified:
-- calls copy method of member directly if it exists
-- and recurses into all "normal" table children
-- if into specified, copies into that table
-- but doesn't clear anything out
-- (useful for deep overlays and avoiding garbage)
function tablex.copy(t, deep_or_into)
-- Copy a table
-- See shallow_overlay to shallow copy into another table to avoid garbage.
function tablex.shallow_copy(t)
assert:type(t, "table", "tablex.copy - t", 1)
local is_bool = type(deep_or_into) == "boolean"
local is_table = type(deep_or_into) == "table"
local deep = is_bool and deep_or_into or is_table
local into = is_table and deep_or_into or {}
local into = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if deep and type(v) == "table" then
if type(v.copy) == "function" then
v = v:copy()
v = tablex.copy(v, deep)
into[k] = v
return into
--overlay tables directly onto one another, shallow only
--takes as many tables as required,
--overlays them in passed order onto the first,
--and returns the first table with the overlay(s) applied
function tablex.overlay(a, b, ...)
assert:type(a, "table", "tablex.overlay - a", 1)
assert:type(b, "table", "tablex.overlay - b", 1)
for k,v in pairs(b) do
a[k] = v
local function deep_copy(t, copied)
-- TODO: consider supporting deep_copy(3) so you can always use deep_copy without type checking
local into = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
local clone = v
if type(v) == "table" then
if copied[v] then
clone = copied[v]
elseif type(v.copy) == "function" then
clone = v:copy()
assert:type(clone, "table", "copy() didn't return a copy")
clone = deep_copy(v, copied)
setmetatable(clone, getmetatable(v))
copied[v] = clone
into[k] = clone
if ... then
return tablex.overlay(a, ...)
return into
-- Recursively copy values of a table.
-- Retains the same keys as original table -- they're not cloned.
function tablex.deep_copy(t)
assert:type(t, "table", "tablex.deep_copy - t", 1)
return deep_copy(t, {})
-- Overlay tables directly onto one another, merging them together.
-- Doesn't merge tables within.
-- Takes as many tables as required,
-- overlays them in passed order onto the first,
-- and returns the first table.
function tablex.shallow_overlay(dest, ...)
assert:type(dest, "table", "tablex.shallow_overlay - dest", 1)
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
local t = select(i, ...)
assert:type(t, "table", "tablex.shallow_overlay - ...", 1)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
dest[k] = v
return a
return dest
-- Overlay tables directly onto one another, merging them together into something like a union.
-- Also overlays nested tables, but doesn't clone them (so a nested table may be added to dest).
-- Takes as many tables as required,
-- overlays them in passed order onto the first,
-- and returns the first table.
function tablex.deep_overlay(dest, ...)
assert:type(dest, "table", "tablex.deep_overlay - dest", 1)
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
local t = select(i, ...)
assert:type(t, "table", "tablex.deep_overlay - ...", 1)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == "table" and type(dest[k]) == "table" then
tablex.deep_overlay(dest[k], v)
dest[k] = v
return dest
--collapse the first level of a table into a new table of reduced dimensionality

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@ -9,6 +9,79 @@ local tablex = require("batteries.tablex")
-- tablex {{{
local function test_shallow_copy()
local x,r
x = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }
r = tablex.shallow_copy(x)
assert:equal(r.a, 1)
assert:equal(r.b, 2)
assert:equal(r.c, 3)
x = { a = { b = { 2 }, c = { 3 }, } }
r = tablex.shallow_copy(x)
assert:equal(r.a, x.a)
local function test_deep_copy()
local x,r
x = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }
r = tablex.deep_copy(x)
assert:equal(r.a, 1)
assert:equal(r.b, 2)
assert:equal(r.c, 3)
x = { a = { b = { 2 }, c = { 3 }, } }
r = tablex.deep_copy(x)
assert(r.a ~= x.a)
assert:equal(r.a.b[1], 2)
assert:equal(r.a.c[1], 3)
local function test_shallow_overlay()
local x,y,r
x = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }
y = { c = 8, d = 9 }
r = tablex.shallow_overlay(x, y)
{ a = 1, b = 2, c = 8, d = 9 }
x = { b = { 2 }, c = { 3 }, }
y = { c = { 8 }, d = { 9 }, }
r = tablex.shallow_overlay(x, y)
assert(r.b == x.b)
assert(r.c == y.c)
assert(r.d == y.d)
{ b = { 2 }, c = { 8 }, d = { 9 }, }))
local function test_deep_overlay()
local x,y,r
x = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 }
y = { c = 8, d = 9 }
r = tablex.deep_overlay(x, y)
{ a = 1, b = 2, c = 8, d = 9 }))
x = { a = { b = { 2 }, c = { 3 }, } }
y = { a = { c = { 8 }, d = { 9 }, } }
r = tablex.deep_overlay(x, y)
{ a = { b = { 2 }, c = { 8 }, d = { 9 }, } }))
local function test_shallow_equal()
local x,y
x = { a = { b = { 2 }, } }