[added] more intersection/resolution helpers

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Max Cahill 2021-04-14 13:32:14 +10:00
parent bfad0baba9
commit c840bd01a5

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@ -420,13 +420,58 @@ end
--resolution helpers
--resolve a collision between two bodies, given a (minimum) separating vector
-- from a's frame of reference, like the result of any of the _collide functions
--requires the two positions of the bodies, the msv, and a balance factor
--balance should be between 1 and 0;
-- 1 is only a_pos moving to resolve
-- 0 is only b_pos moving to resolve
-- 0.5 is balanced between both (default)
--note: this wont work as-is for line segments, which have two separate position coordinates
-- you will need to understand what is going on and move the second coordinate yourself
function intersect.resolve_msv(a_pos, b_pos, msv, balance)
balance = balance or 0.5
a_pos:fmai(msv, balance)
b_pos:fmai(msv, -(1 - balance))
--bounce a velocity off of a normal (modifying velocity)
local _bounce_temp = vec2()
function intersect.bounce_off(velocity, normal)
--essentially flips the part of the velocity in the direction of the normal
function intersect.bounce_off(velocity, normal, conservation)
conservation = conservation or 1
--take a copy, we need it
local old_vel = vec2.pooled_copy(velocity)
--reject on the normal (keep velocity tangential to the normal)
--add back the complement of the difference;
--basically "flip" the velocity in line with the normal.
velocity:fmai(old_vel:vsubi(velocity), -conservation)
--clean up
return velocity
--mutual bounce; two similar bodies bounce off each other, transferring energy
function intersect.mutual_bounce(velocity_a, velocity_b, normal, conservation)
conservation = conservation or 1
--take copies, we need them
local old_a_vel = vec2.pooled_copy(velocity_a)
local old_b_vel = vec2.pooled_copy(velocity_b)
--reject on the normal
--calculate the amount remaining from the old velocity
--(transfer ownership)
local a_remaining = old_a_vel:vsubi(velocity_a)
local b_remaining = old_b_vel:vsubi(velocity_b)
--transfer it to the other body
velocity_a:fmai(b_remaining, conservation)
velocity_b:fmai(a_remaining, conservation)
--clean up
return intersect