--[[ batteries for lua a collection of helpful code to get your project off the ground faster ]] local path = ... local function require_relative(p) return require(table.concat({path, p}, ".")) end --build the module local _batteries = { -- class = require_relative("class"), -- assert = require_relative("assert"), --extension libraries mathx = require_relative("mathx"), tablex = require_relative("tablex"), stringx = require_relative("stringx"), --sorting routines sort = require_relative("sort"), -- functional = require_relative("functional"), --collections sequence = require_relative("sequence"), set = require_relative("set"), --geom vec2 = require_relative("vec2"), vec3 = require_relative("vec3"), intersect = require_relative("intersect"), -- timer = require_relative("timer"), pubsub = require_relative("pubsub"), state_machine = require_relative("state_machine"), async = require_relative("async"), manual_gc = require_relative("manual_gc"), colour = require_relative("colour"), pretty = require_relative("pretty"), measure = require_relative("measure"), make_pooled = require_relative("make_pooled"), pathfind = require_relative("pathfind"), } --assign aliases for _, alias in ipairs({ {"mathx", "math"}, {"tablex", "table"}, {"stringx", "string"}, {"sort", "stable_sort"}, {"colour", "color"}, }) do _batteries[alias[2]] = _batteries[alias[1]] end --easy export globally if required function _batteries:export() --export all key strings globally, if doesn't already exist for k, v in pairs(self) do if _G[k] == nil then _G[k] = v end end --overlay tablex and functional and sort routines onto table self.tablex.shallow_overlay(table, self.tablex) --now we can use it through table directly table.shallow_overlay(table, self.functional) self.sort:export() --overlay onto global math table table.shallow_overlay(math, self.mathx) --overlay onto string table.shallow_overlay(string, self.stringx) --overwrite assert wholesale (it's compatible) assert = self.assert --like ipairs, but in reverse ripairs = self.tablex.ripairs --export the whole library to global `batteries` batteries = self return self end --convert naming, for picky eaters --experimental, let me know how it goes function _batteries:camelCase() --not part of stringx for now, because it's not necessarily utf8 safe local function capitalise(s) local head = s:sub(1,1) local tail = s:sub(2) return head:upper() .. tail end --any acronyms to fully capitalise to avoid "Rgb" and the like local acronyms = _batteries.set{"rgb", "rgba", "argb", "hsl", "xy", "gc", "aabb",} local function caps_acronym(s) if acronyms:has(s) then s = s:upper() end return s end --convert something_like_this to somethingLikeThis local function snake_to_camel(s) local chunks = _batteries.sequence(_batteries.stringx.split(s, "_")) chunks:remap(caps_acronym) local first = chunks:shift() chunks:remap(capitalise) chunks:unshift(first) return chunks:concat("") end --convert all named properties --(keep the old ones around as well) --(we take a copy of the keys here cause we're going to be inserting new keys as we go) for _, k in ipairs(_batteries.tablex.keys(self)) do local v = self[k] if --only convert string properties type(k) == "string" --ignore private and metamethod properties and not _batteries.stringx.starts_with(k, "_") then --convert local camel = snake_to_camel(k) if type(v) == "table" then --capitalise classes if v.__index == v then camel = capitalise(camel) --modify the internal name for :type() --might be a problem for serialisation etc, --but i imagine converting to/from camelCase mid-project is rare v.__name = camel end --recursively convert anything nested as well _batteries.camelCase(v) end --assign if the key changed and there isn't a matching key if k ~= camel and self[camel] == nil then self[camel] = v end end end return self end return _batteries