--[[ 2d vector type ]] local path = (...):gsub("vec2", "") local class = require(path .. "class") local math = require(path .. "mathx") --shadow global math module local make_pooled = require(path .. "make_pooled") local vec2 = class({ name = "vec2", }) --stringification function vec2:__tostring() return ("(%.2f, %.2f)"):format(self.x, self.y) end --ctor function vec2:new(x, y) if type(x) == "number" then self:scalar_set(x, y) elseif type(x) == "table" then if type(x.type) == "function" and x:type() == "vec2" then self:vector_set(x) elseif x[1] then self:scalar_set(x[1], x[2]) else self:scalar_set(x.x, x.y) end else self:scalar_set(0) end end --explicit ctors; mostly vestigial at this point function vec2:copy() return vec2(self.x, self.y) end function vec2:xy(x, y) return vec2(x, y) end function vec2:polar(length, angle) return vec2(length, 0):rotate_inplace(angle) end function vec2:filled(v) return vec2(v, v) end function vec2:zero() return vec2(0) end --unpack for multi-args function vec2:unpack() return self.x, self.y end --pack when a sequence is needed function vec2:pack() return {self:unpack()} end --shared pooled storage make_pooled(vec2, 128) --get a pooled copy of an existing vector function vec2:pooled_copy() return vec2:pooled(self) end --modify function vec2:vector_set(v) self.x = v.x self.y = v.y return self end function vec2:scalar_set(x, y) if not y then y = x end self.x = x self.y = y return self end function vec2:swap(v) local sx, sy = self.x, self.y self.x, self.y = v.x, v.y v.x, v.y = sx, sy return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- --equality comparison ----------------------------------------------------------- --threshold for equality in each dimension local EQUALS_EPSILON = 1e-9 --true if a and b are functionally equivalent function vec2.equals(a, b) return ( math.abs(a.x - b.x) <= EQUALS_EPSILON and math.abs(a.y - b.y) <= EQUALS_EPSILON ) end --true if a and b are not functionally equivalent --(very slightly faster than `not vec2.equals(a, b)`) function vec2.nequals(a, b) return ( math.abs(a.x - b.x) > EQUALS_EPSILON or math.abs(a.y - b.y) > EQUALS_EPSILON ) end --alias vec2.not_equals = vec2.nequals ----------------------------------------------------------- --arithmetic ----------------------------------------------------------- --vector function vec2:vector_add_inplace(v) self.x = self.x + v.x self.y = self.y + v.y return self end function vec2:vector_sub_inplace(v) self.x = self.x - v.x self.y = self.y - v.y return self end function vec2:vector_mul_inplace(v) self.x = self.x * v.x self.y = self.y * v.y return self end function vec2:vector_div_inplace(v) self.x = self.x / v.x self.y = self.y / v.y return self end --(a + (b * t)) --useful for integrating physics and adding directional offsets function vec2:fused_multiply_add_inplace(v, t) self.x = self.x + (v.x * t) self.y = self.y + (v.y * t) return self end --scalar function vec2:scalar_add_inplace(x, y) if not y then y = x end self.x = self.x + x self.y = self.y + y return self end function vec2:scalar_sub_inplace(x, y) if not y then y = x end self.x = self.x - x self.y = self.y - y return self end function vec2:scalar_mul_inplace(x, y) if not y then y = x end self.x = self.x * x self.y = self.y * y return self end function vec2:scalar_div_inplace(x, y) if not y then y = x end self.x = self.x / x self.y = self.y / y return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- geometric methods ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:length_squared() return self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y end function vec2:length() return math.sqrt(self:length_squared()) end function vec2:distance_squared(other) local dx = self.x - other.x local dy = self.y - other.y return dx * dx + dy * dy end function vec2:distance(other) return math.sqrt(self:distance_squared(other)) end function vec2:normalise_both_inplace() local len = self:length() if len == 0 then return self, 0 end return self:scalar_div_inplace(len), len end function vec2:normalise_inplace() local v, len = self:normalise_both_inplace() return v end function vec2:normalise_len_inplace() local v, len = self:normalise_both_inplace() return len end function vec2:inverse_inplace() return self:scalar_mul_inplace(-1) end -- angle/direction specific function vec2:rotate_inplace(angle) local s = math.sin(angle) local c = math.cos(angle) local ox = self.x local oy = self.y self.x = c * ox - s * oy self.y = s * ox + c * oy return self end function vec2:rotate_around_inplace(angle, pivot) self:vector_sub_inplace(pivot) self:rotate_inplace(angle) self:vector_add_inplace(pivot) return self end --fast quarter/half rotations function vec2:rot90r_inplace() local ox = self.x local oy = self.y self.x = -oy self.y = ox return self end function vec2:rot90l_inplace() local ox = self.x local oy = self.y self.x = oy self.y = -ox return self end vec2.rot180_inplace = vec2.inverse_inplace --alias --get the angle of this vector relative to (1, 0) function vec2:angle() return math.atan2(self.y, self.x) end --get the normalised difference in angle between two vectors function vec2:angle_difference(v) return math.angle_difference(self:angle(), v:angle()) end --lerp towards the direction of a provided vector --(length unchanged) function vec2:lerp_direction_inplace(v, t) return self:rotate_inplace(self:angle_difference(v) * t) end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- per-component clamping ops ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:min_inplace(v) self.x = math.min(self.x, v.x) self.y = math.min(self.y, v.y) return self end function vec2:max_inplace(v) self.x = math.max(self.x, v.x) self.y = math.max(self.y, v.y) return self end function vec2:clamp_inplace(min, max) self.x = math.clamp(self.x, min.x, max.x) self.y = math.clamp(self.y, min.y, max.y) return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- absolute value ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:abs_inplace() self.x = math.abs(self.x) self.y = math.abs(self.y) return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- sign ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:sign_inplace() self.x = math.sign(self.x) self.y = math.sign(self.y) return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- truncation/rounding ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:floor_inplace() self.x = math.floor(self.x) self.y = math.floor(self.y) return self end function vec2:ceil_inplace() self.x = math.ceil(self.x) self.y = math.ceil(self.y) return self end function vec2:round_inplace() self.x = math.round(self.x) self.y = math.round(self.y) return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- interpolation ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:lerp_inplace(other, amount) self.x = math.lerp(self.x, other.x, amount) self.y = math.lerp(self.y, other.y, amount) return self end function vec2:lerp_eps_inplace(other, amount, eps) self.x = math.lerp_eps(self.x, other.x, amount, eps) self.y = math.lerp_eps(self.y, other.y, amount, eps) return self end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- vector products and projections ----------------------------------------------------------- function vec2:dot(other) return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y end --"fake", but useful - also called the wedge product apparently function vec2:cross(other) return self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x end function vec2:scalar_projection(other) local len = other:length() if len == 0 then return 0 end return self:dot(other) / len end function vec2:vector_projection_inplace(other) local div = other:dot(other) if div == 0 then return self:scalar_set(0) end local fac = self:dot(other) / div return self:vector_set(other):scalar_mul_inplace(fac) end function vec2:vector_rejection_inplace(other) local tx, ty = self.x, self.y self:vector_projection_inplace(other) self:scalar_set(tx - self.x, ty - self.y) return self end --get the winding side of p, relative to the line a-b -- (this is based on the signed area of the triangle a-b-p) -- return value: -- >0 when p left of line -- =0 when p on line -- <0 when p right of line function vec2.winding_side(a, b, p) return (b.x - a.x) * (p.y - a.y) - (p.x - a.x) * (b.y - a.y) end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- vector extension methods for special purposes -- (any common vector ops worth naming) ----------------------------------------------------------- --"physical" friction function vec2:apply_friction_inplace(mu, dt) local friction = self:pooled_copy():scalar_mul_inplace(mu * dt) if friction:length_squared() > self:length_squared() then self:scalar_set(0, 0) else self:vector_sub_inplace(friction) end friction:release() return self end --"gamey" friction in one dimension local function _friction_1d(v, mu, dt) local friction = mu * v * dt if math.abs(friction) > math.abs(v) then return 0 else return v - friction end end --"gamey" friction in both dimensions function vec2:apply_friction_xy_inplace(mu_x, mu_y, dt) self.x = _friction_1d(self.x, mu_x, dt) self.y = _friction_1d(self.y, mu_y, dt) return self end --minimum/maximum components function vec2:mincomp() return math.min(self.x, self.y) end function vec2:maxcomp() return math.max(self.x, self.y) end -- meta functions for mathmatical operations function vec2.__add(a, b) return a:vector_add(b) end function vec2.__sub(a, b) return a:vector_sub(b) end function vec2.__mul(a, b) if type(a) == "number" then return b:scalar_mul(a) elseif type(b) == "number" then return a:scalar_mul(b) else return a:vector_mul(b) end end function vec2.__div(a, b) if type(b) == "number" then return a:scalar_div(b) else return a:vector_div(b) end end -- mask out min component, with preference to keep x function vec2:major_inplace() if self.x > self.y then self.y = 0 else self.x = 0 end return self end -- mask out max component, with preference to keep x function vec2:minor_inplace() if self.x < self.y then self.y = 0 else self.x = 0 end return self end --vector_ free alias; we're a vector library, so semantics should default to vector vec2.add_inplace = vec2.vector_add_inplace vec2.sub_inplace = vec2.vector_sub_inplace vec2.mul_inplace = vec2.vector_mul_inplace vec2.div_inplace = vec2.vector_div_inplace vec2.set = vec2.vector_set --american spelling alias vec2.normalize_both_inplace = vec2.normalise_both_inplace vec2.normalize_inplace = vec2.normalise_inplace vec2.normalize_len_inplace = vec2.normalise_len_inplace --garbage generating functions that return a new vector rather than modifying self for _, inplace_name in ipairs({ "vector_add_inplace", "vector_sub_inplace", "vector_mul_inplace", "vector_div_inplace", "fused_multiply_add_inplace", "add_inplace", "sub_inplace", "mul_inplace", "div_inplace", "scalar_add_inplace", "scalar_sub_inplace", "scalar_mul_inplace", "scalar_div_inplace", "normalise_both_inplace", "normalise_inplace", "normalise_len_inplace", "normalize_both_inplace", "normalize_inplace", "normalize_len_inplace", "inverse_inplace", "rotate_inplace", "rotate_around_inplace", "rot90r_inplace", "rot90l_inplace", "lerp_direction_inplace", "min_inplace", "max_inplace", "clamp_inplace", "abs_inplace", "sign_inplace", "floor_inplace", "ceil_inplace", "round_inplace", "lerp_inplace", "lerp_eps_inplace", "vector_projection_inplace", "vector_rejection_inplace", "apply_friction_inplace", "apply_friction_xy_inplace", "major_inplace", "minor_inplace", }) do local garbage_name = inplace_name:gsub("_inplace", "") vec2[garbage_name] = function(self, ...) self = self:copy() return self[inplace_name](self, ...) end end --"hungarian" shorthand aliases for compatibility and short names -- --i do encourage using the longer versions above as it makes code easier --to understand when you come back, but i also appreciate wanting short code for _, v in ipairs({ {"sset", "scalar_set"}, {"sadd", "scalar_add"}, {"ssub", "scalar_sub"}, {"smul", "scalar_mul"}, {"sdiv", "scalar_div"}, {"vset", "vector_set"}, {"vadd", "vector_add"}, {"vsub", "vector_sub"}, {"vmul", "vector_mul"}, {"vdiv", "vector_div"}, --(no plain addi etc, imo it's worth differentiating vaddi vs saddi) {"fma", "fused_multiply_add"}, {"vproj", "vector_projection"}, {"vrej", "vector_rejection"}, --just for the _inplace -> i shorthand, mostly for backwards compatibility {"min", "min"}, {"max", "max"}, {"clamp", "clamp"}, {"abs", "abs"}, {"sign", "sign"}, {"floor", "floor"}, {"ceil", "ceil"}, {"round", "round"}, {"lerp", "lerp"}, {"rotate", "rotate"}, {"normalise", "normalise"}, {"normalize", "normalize"}, }) do local shorthand, original = v[1], v[2] if vec2[shorthand] == nil then vec2[shorthand] = vec2[original] end --and inplace version shorthand = shorthand .. "i" original = original .. "_inplace" if vec2[shorthand] == nil then vec2[shorthand] = vec2[original] end end return vec2