--[[ batteries for lua if required as the "entire library" (ie by this file), puts everything into global namespace by default as it'll presumably be commonly used if not, several of the modules work as normal lua modules and return a table for local-friendly use the others that modify some global table can be talked into behaving as normal lua modules as well by setting appropriate globals prior to inclusion you can avoid modifying any global namespace by setting BATTERIES_NO_GLOBALS = true before requiring, then everything can be accessed as eg batteries.table.stable_sort ]] local path = ... local function require_relative(p) return require(table.concat({path, p}, ".")) end if BATTERIES_NO_GLOBALS then --define local tables for everything to go into BATTERIES_MATH_MODULE = {} BATTERIES_TABLE_MODULE = {} BATTERIES_FUNCTIONAL_MODULE = {} end local _class = require_relative("class") local _math = require_relative("math") local _table = require_relative("table") local _stable_sort = require_relative("stable_sort") local _functional = require_relative("functional") local _sequence = require_relative("sequence") local _vec2 = require_relative("vec2") local _vec3 = require_relative("vec3") local _intersect = require_relative("intersect") local _unique_mapping = require_relative("unique_mapping") local _state_machine = require_relative("state_machine") local _async = require_relative("async") local _manual_gc = require_relative("manual_gc") local _colour = require_relative("colour") --export globally if required if not BATTERIES_NO_GLOBALS then class = _class sequence = _sequence vec2 = _vec2 vec3 = _vec3 intersect = _intersect unique_mapping = _unique_mapping state_machine = _state_machine async = _async manual_gc = _manual_gc --support both spellings colour = _colour color = _colour end --either way, export to package registry return { class = _class, math = _math, table = _table, stable_sort = _stable_sort, functional = _functional, sequence = _sequence, vec2 = _vec2, vec3 = _vec3, intersect = _intersect, unique_mapping = _unique_mapping, state_machine = _state_machine, async = _async, manual_gc = _manual_gc, colour = _colour, color = _colour, }