--[[ simple kernel for async tasks running in the background can "stall" a task by yielding the string "stall" this will suspend the coroutine until the rest of the queue has been processed or stalled and can early-out update_for_time todo: multiple types of callbacks finish, error, step getting a reference to the task for manipulation attaching multiple callbacks cancelling ` proper error traces for coroutines with async:add, additional wrapper? ]] local path = (...):gsub("async", "") local class = require(path .. "class") local async = class({ name = "async", }) function async:new() self.tasks = {} self.tasks_stalled = {} end --add a task to the kernel function async:call(f, args, callback, error_callback) self:add(coroutine.create(function(...) local results = {xpcall(f, debug.traceback, ...)} local success = table.remove(results, 1) if not success then error(table.remove(results, 1)) end return unpack(results) end), args, callback, error_callback) end --add an already-existing coroutine to the kernel function async:add(co, args, callback, error_callback) table.insert(self.tasks, { co, args or {}, callback or false, error_callback or false, }) end --update some task in the kernel function async:update() --grab task definition local td = table.remove(self.tasks, 1) if not td then --have we got stalled tasks to re-try? if #self.tasks_stalled > 0 then --swap queues rather than churning elements self.tasks_stalled, self.tasks = self.tasks, self.tasks_stalled return self:update() else return false end end --run a step --(using unpack because coroutine is also nyi and it's core to this async model) local co, args, cb, error_cb = unpack(td) --(8 temps rather than table churn capturing varargs) local success, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = coroutine.resume(co, unpack(args)) --error? if not success then if error_cb then error_cb(a) else local err = ("failure in async task:\n\n\t%s\n") :format(tostring(a)) error(err) end end --check done if coroutine.status(co) == "dead" then --done? run callback with result if cb then cb(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) end else --if not completed, re-add to the appropriate queue if a == "stall" then --add to stalled queue as signalled stall table.insert(self.tasks_stalled, td) else table.insert(self.tasks, td) end end return true end --update tasks for some amount of time function async:update_for_time(t, early_out_stalls) local now = love.timer.getTime() while love.timer.getTime() - now < t do if not self:update() then break end --all stalled? if early_out_stalls and #self.tasks == 0 then break end end end --add a function to run after a certain delay (in seconds) function async:add_timeout(f, delay) local trigger_time = love.timer.getTime() + delay self:call(function() while love.timer.getTime() < trigger_time do coroutine.yield("stall") end f() end) end --add a function to run repeatedly every delay (in seconds) --note: not super useful currently unless you plan to destroy the async object -- as there's no way to remove tasks :) function async:add_interval(f, delay) local trigger_time = love.timer.getTime() + delay self:call(function() while true do while love.timer.getTime() < trigger_time do coroutine.yield("stall") end f() trigger_time = trigger_time + delay end end) end return async