--[[ barebones oop basics supports basic inheritance and means you don't have to build/set your own metatable each time todo: collect some stats on classes/optional global class registry ]] local function class(inherits) local c = {} c.__mt = {__index = c} --handle single inheritence if type(inherits) == "table" and inherits.__mt then setmetatable(c, inherits.__mt) end --common class functions --internal initialisation --sets up an initialised object with a default value table --performing a super construction if necessary and assigning the right metatable function c:init(t, ...) if inherits then --super ctor, then overlay args table t = table.overlay(inherits:new(...), t) end --upgrade to this class and return return setmetatable(t, self.__mt) end --constructor --generally to be overridden function c:new() return self:init({}) end --get the inherited class for super calls if/as needed --allows overrides that still refer to superclass behaviour function c:super() return inherits end --done return c end return class