Documentation work.

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Camilla Berglund 2013-04-11 01:07:07 +02:00
parent 159f9b9526
commit fa0cbd9a44
2 changed files with 185 additions and 185 deletions

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@ -1,181 +1,180 @@
/*! @page window Window handling /*! @page window Window handling
@tableofcontents @tableofcontents
The primary purpose of GLFW is to provide a simple interface to window The primary purpose of GLFW is to provide a simple interface to window
management and OpenGL and OpenGL ES context creation. GLFW supports management and OpenGL and OpenGL ES context creation. GLFW supports
multiple windows, which can be either a normal desktop window or multiple windows, which can be either a normal desktop window or
a fullscreen window. a fullscreen window.
@section window_object Window objects @section window_object Window objects
The @ref GLFWwindow object encapsulates both a window and a context. They are The @ref GLFWwindow object encapsulates both a window and a context. They are
created with @ref glfwCreateWindow and destroyed with @ref glfwDestroyWindow (or created with @ref glfwCreateWindow and destroyed with @ref glfwDestroyWindow (or
@ref glfwTerminate, if any remain). As the window and context are inseparably @ref glfwTerminate, if any remain). As the window and context are inseparably
linked, the window handle (i.e. window object pointer) is used as a context linked, the window handle (i.e. window object pointer) is used as a context
handle as well, for example when calling @ref glfwMakeContextCurrent. handle as well, for example when calling @ref glfwMakeContextCurrent.
@section window_hints Window hints @section window_hints Window hints
There are a number of hints that can be set before the creation of a window. There are a number of hints that can be set before the creation of a window.
Some affect the window itself, others its framebuffer or context. These hints Some affect the window itself, others its framebuffer or context. These hints
are set to their default values each time the library is initialized with @ref are set to their default values each time the library is initialized with @ref
glfwInit, can be individually set with @ref glfwWindowHint and reset all at once glfwInit, can be individually set with @ref glfwWindowHint and reset all at once
to their defaults with @ref glfwDefaultWindowHints. to their defaults with @ref glfwDefaultWindowHints.
Note again that they need to be set *before* the creation of the window you wish Note again that they need to be set *before* the creation of the window you wish
to have the specified properties. to have the specified properties.
@subsection window_hints_hard Hard and soft constraints @subsection window_hints_hard Hard and soft constraints
Some window hints are hard constraints. These must match the available Some window hints are hard constraints. These must match the available
capabilities *exactly* for window and context creation to succeed. Hints capabilities *exactly* for window and context creation to succeed. Hints
that are not hard constraints are matched as closely as possible, but the that are not hard constraints are matched as closely as possible, but the
resulting window and context may differ from what these hints requested. To resulting window and context may differ from what these hints requested. To
find out the actual parameters of the created window and context, use the find out the actual parameters of the created window and context, use the
@ref glfwGetWindowParam function. @ref glfwGetWindowParam function.
The following hints are hard constraints: The following hints are hard constraints:
The following additional hints are hard constraints if requesting an OpenGL The following additional hints are hard constraints if requesting an OpenGL
context: context:
Hints that do not apply to a given type of window or context are ignored. Hints that do not apply to a given type of window or context are ignored.
@subsection window_hints_fb Framebuffer related hints @subsection window_hints_fb Framebuffer related hints
`GLFW_DEPTH_BITS` and `GLFW_STENCIL_BITS` hints specify the desired bit `GLFW_DEPTH_BITS` and `GLFW_STENCIL_BITS` hints specify the desired bit
depths of the various components of the default framebuffer. depths of the various components of the default framebuffer.
and `GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS` hints specify the desired bit depths of the and `GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS` hints specify the desired bit depths of the
various components of the accumulation buffer. various components of the accumulation buffer.
The `GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS` hint specifies the desired number of auxiliary The `GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS` hint specifies the desired number of auxiliary
buffers. buffers.
The `GLFW_STEREO` hint specifies whether to use stereoscopic rendering. The `GLFW_STEREO` hint specifies whether to use stereoscopic rendering.
The `GLFW_SAMPLES` hint specifies the desired number of samples to use for The `GLFW_SAMPLES` hint specifies the desired number of samples to use for
multisampling. multisampling. Zero disables multisampling.
The `GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE` hint specifies whether the framebuffer should be The `GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE` hint specifies whether the framebuffer should be
sRGB capable. sRGB capable.
@subsection window_hints_ctx Context related hints @subsection window_hints_ctx Context related hints
The `GLFW_CLIENT_API` hint specifies which client API to create the context The `GLFW_CLIENT_API` hint specifies which client API to create the context
for. Possible values are `GLFW_OPENGL_API` and `GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API`. for. Possible values are `GLFW_OPENGL_API` and `GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API`.
specify the client API version that the created context must be compatible specify the client API version that the created context must be compatible
with. with.
For OpenGL, these hints are *not* hard constraints, as they don't have to For OpenGL, these hints are *not* hard constraints, as they don't have to
match exactly, but @ref glfwCreateWindow will still fail if the resulting match exactly, but @ref glfwCreateWindow will still fail if the resulting
OpenGL version is less than the one requested. It is therefore perfectly OpenGL version is less than the one requested. It is therefore perfectly
safe to use the default of version 1.0 for legacy code and you may still safe to use the default of version 1.0 for legacy code and you may still
get backwards-compatible contexts of version 3.0 and above when available. get backwards-compatible contexts of version 3.0 and above when available.
While there is no way to ask the driver for a context of the highest supported While there is no way to ask the driver for a context of the highest supported
version, most drivers provide this when you ask GLFW for a version version, most drivers provide this when you ask GLFW for a version
1.0 context. 1.0 context.
For OpenGL ES, these hints are hard constraints, as there is no backward For OpenGL ES, these hints are hard constraints.
compatibility between OpenGL ES versions.
If an OpenGL context is requested, the `GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT` hint
If an OpenGL context is requested, the `GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT` hint specifies whether the OpenGL context should be forward-compatible, i.e. one
specifies whether the OpenGL context should be forward-compatible, i.e. one where all functionality deprecated in the requested version of OpenGL is
where all functionality deprecated in the requested version of OpenGL is removed. This may only be used if the requested OpenGL version is 3.0 or
removed. This may only be used if the requested OpenGL version is 3.0 or above. If another client API is requested, this hint is ignored.
above. If another client API is requested, this hint is ignored.
If an OpenGL context is requested, the `GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT` hint
If an OpenGL context is requested, the `GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT` hint specifies whether to create a debug OpenGL context, which may have
specifies whether to create a debug OpenGL context, which may have additional error and performance issue reporting functionality. If another
additional error and performance issue reporting functionality. If another client API is requested, this hint is ignored.
client API is requested, this hint is ignored.
If an OpenGL context is requested, the `GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE` hint specifies
If an OpenGL context is requested, the `GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE` hint specifies which OpenGL profile to create the context for. Possible values are one of
which OpenGL profile to create the context for. Possible values are one of `GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE` or `GLFW_OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE`, or
`GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE` or `GLFW_OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE`, or `GLFW_OPENGL_NO_PROFILE` to not request a specific profile. If requesting
`GLFW_OPENGL_NO_PROFILE` to not request a specific profile. If requesting an OpenGL version below 3.2, `GLFW_OPENGL_NO_PROFILE` must be used. If
an OpenGL version below 3.2, `GLFW_OPENGL_NO_PROFILE` must be used. If another client API is requested, this hint is ignored.
another client API is requested, this hint is ignored.
The `GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS` hint specifies the robustness strategy to be
The `GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS` hint specifies the robustness strategy to be used by the context. This can be one of `GLFW_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION` or
used by the context. This can be one of `GLFW_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION` or `GLFW_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET`, or `GLFW_NO_ROBUSTNESS` to not request
`GLFW_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET`, or `GLFW_NO_ROBUSTNESS` to not request a robustness strategy.
a robustness strategy.
@subsection window_hints_wnd Window related hints
@subsection window_hints_wnd Window related hints
The `GLFW_RESIZABLE` hint specifies whether the window will be resizable *by the
The `GLFW_RESIZABLE` hint specifies whether the window will be resizable by user*. The window will still be resizable using the @ref glfwSetWindowSize
the user. The window will still be resizable using the @ref function. This hint is ignored for fullscreen windows.
glfwSetWindowSize function. This hint is ignored for fullscreen windows.
The `GLFW_VISIBLE` hint specifies whether the window will be initially
The `GLFW_VISIBLE` hint specifies whether the window will be initially visible. This hint is ignored for fullscreen windows.
visible. This hint is ignored for fullscreen windows.
The `GLFW_DECORATED` hint specifies whether the window will have window
The `GLFW_DECORATED` hint specifies whether the window will have window decorations such as a border, a close widget, etc. This hint is ignored for
decorations such as a border, a close widget, etc. This hint is ignored for fullscreen windows. Note that even though a window may lack a close widget, it
fullscreen windows. Note that even though a window may lack a close widget, it is usually still possible for the user to generate close events.
is usually still possible for the user to generate close events.
@subsection window_hints_values Supported and default values
@subsection window_hints_values Supported and default values
| Name | Default value | Supported values |
| Name | Default value | Supported values | | ---------------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------- |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------- | | `GLFW_RESIZABLE` | `GL_TRUE` | `GL_TRUE` or `GL_FALSE` |
| `GLFW_DECORATED` | `GL_TRUE` | `GL_TRUE` or `GL_FALSE` | | `GLFW_RED_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_RED_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_GREEN_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_GREEN_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_BLUE_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_BLUE_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_ALPHA_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_ALPHA_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_DEPTH_BITS` | 24 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_DEPTH_BITS` | 24 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_STENCIL_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_STENCIL_BITS` | 8 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_ACCUM_RED_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_ACCUM_RED_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_SAMPLES` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` |
| `GLFW_SAMPLES` | 0 | 0 to `INT_MAX` | | `GLFW_STEREO` | `GL_FALSE` | `GL_TRUE` or `GL_FALSE` |
| `GLFW_CLIENT_API` | `GLFW_OPENGL_API` | `GLFW_OPENGL_API` or `GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API` | | `GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR` | 1 | Any valid major version number of the chosen client API |
| `GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR` | 1 | Any valid major version number of the chosen client API | | `GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR` | 0 | Any valid minor version number of the chosen client API |
@section window_closing Window closing
@section window_closing Window closing
When the user attempts to close the window, for example by clicking the close
When the user attempts to close the window, for example by clicking the close widget or using a key chord like Alt+F4, the window's close flag is set and then
widget or using a key chord like Alt+F4, the window's close flag is set and then its close callback is called. The window is not actually destroyed and, unless
its close callback is called. The window is not actually destroyed and, unless you are monitoring the close flag, nothing further happens.
you are monitoring the close flag, nothing further happens.
If you do not want the close flag to be set, it can be cleared again from the
If you do not want the close flag to be set, it can be cleared again from the close callback (or from any other point in your program) with @ref
close callback (or from any other point in your program) with @ref glfwSetWindowShouldClose.
@section window_dims Window dimensions
@section window_dims Window dimensions
Text here.
Text here.

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@ -1121,16 +1121,17 @@ GLFWAPI void glfwWindowHint(int target, int hint);
* *
* This function creates a window and its associated context. Most of the * This function creates a window and its associated context. Most of the
* options controlling how the window and its context should be created are * options controlling how the window and its context should be created are
* specified via the @ref glfwWindowHint function. * specified through @ref glfwWindowHint.
* *
* Successful creation does not change which context is current. Before you * Successful creation does not change which context is current. Before you
* can use the newly created context, you need to make it current using @ref * can use the newly created context, you need to make it current using @ref
* glfwMakeContextCurrent. * glfwMakeContextCurrent.
* *
* Note that the created window and context may differ from what you requested, * Note that the created window and context may differ from what you requested,
* as not all parameters and hints are hard constraints. This includes the * as not all parameters and hints are
* size of the window, especially for full screen windows. To retrieve the * [hard constraints](@ref window_hints_hard). This includes the size of the
* actual properties of the window and context, use queries like @ref * window, especially for full screen windows. To retrieve the actual
* properties of the window and context, use queries like @ref
* glfwGetWindowParam and @ref glfwGetWindowSize. * glfwGetWindowParam and @ref glfwGetWindowSize.
* *
* @param[in] width The desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window. * @param[in] width The desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window.