/*! @page monitor Multi-monitor guide @tableofcontents @section monitor_objects Monitor objects The @ref GLFWmonitor object represents a currently connected monitor. The primary monitor is returned by @ref glfwGetPrimaryMonitor. It is usually the user's preferred monitor and the one with global UI elements like task bar or menu bar. @code GLFWmonitor* primary = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(); @endcode You can retrieve all currently connected monitors with @ref glfwGetMonitors. @code int count; GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&count); @endcode @section monitor_modes Querying video modes Although GLFW generally does a good job at selecting a suitable video mode for you when you open a full screen window, it is sometimes useful to know exactly which modes are available on a certain system. For example, you may want to present the user with a list of video modes to select from. To get a list of available video modes, you can use the function @ref glfwGetVideoModes. @code int count; GLFWvidmode* modes = glfwGetVideoModes(monitor, &count); @endcode To get the current video mode of a monitor call @ref glfwGetVideoMode. @code const GLFWvidmode* mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor); @endcode @section monitor_size Monitor physical size The physical size in millimetres of a monitor, or an approximation of it, can be retrieved with @ref glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize. @code int widthMM, heightMM; glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize(monitor, &widthMM, &heightMM); @endcode This can, for example, be used together with the current video mode to calculate the DPI of a monitor. @code const double dpi = mode->width / (widthMM / 25.4); @endcode @section monitor_name Monitor name The name of a monitor is returned by @ref glfwGetMonitorName. @code const char* name = glfwGetMonitorName(monitor); @endcode The monitor name is a regular C string using the UTF-8 encoding. Note that monitor names are not guaranteed to be unique. @section monitor_gamma Monitor gamma ramp The gamma ramp of a monitor can be set with @ref glfwSetGammaRamp, which accepts a monitor handle and a pointer to a @ref GLFWgammaramp structure. @code glfwSetGammaRamp(monitor, &ramp); @endcode The current gamma ramp for a monitor is returned by @ref glfwGetGammaRamp. @code const GLFWgammaramp* ramp = glfwGetGammaRamp(monitor); @endcode If you wish to set a regular gamma ramp, you can have GLFW calculate it for you from the desired exponent with @ref glfwSetGamma, which in turn calls @ref glfwSetGammaRamp with the resulting ramp. @code glfwSetGamma(monitor, 1.0); @endcode */