Refactored extensions

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Riccio 2010-12-13 12:00:48 +00:00
parent 631c13ad84
commit 7566152ba0
16 changed files with 0 additions and 539 deletions

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2009-04-29
// Updated : 2009-04-29
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtc/matrix_operation.hpp
// Dependency:
// - GLM core
#ifndef glm_gtc_matrix_operation
#define glm_gtc_matrix_operation
// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"
namespace glm{
namespace gtc{
//! GLM_GTC_matrix_operation extension: Matrix operation functions
namespace matrix_operation
}//namespace matrix_operation
}//namespace gtc
}//namespace glm
#include "matrix_operation.inl"
namespace glm{using namespace gtc::matrix_operation;}

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2009-04-29
// Updated : 2009-04-29
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtc/matrix_operation.inl
namespace glm{
namespace gtc{
namespace matrix_operation
}//namespace matrix_operation
}//namespace gtc
}//namespace glm

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2009-04-29
// Updated : 2010-02-07
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtc/matrix_projection.hpp
// Dependency:
// - GLM core
// - GLM_GTC_matrix_operation
#ifndef glm_gtc_matrix_projection
#define glm_gtc_matrix_projection
// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"
namespace glm
namespace test{
bool main_gtc_matrix_projection();
}//namespace test
namespace gtc{
//! GLM_GTC_matrix_projection: Varius ways to build and operate on projection matrices
namespace matrix_projection
}//namespace matrix_projection
}//namespace gtc
}//namespace glm
#include "matrix_projection.inl"
namespace glm{using namespace gtc::matrix_projection;}

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2009-04-29
// Updated : 2010-02-07
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtc/matrix_projection.inl
namespace glm{
namespace gtc{
namespace matrix_projection
}//namespace matrix_projection
}//namespace gtc
}//namespace glm

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2008-04-23
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/determinant.hpp
// Dependency:
// - GLM core
#ifndef glm_gtx_determinant
#define glm_gtx_determinant
// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"
#include "../gtc/matrix_operation.hpp"
namespace glm
namespace test{
void main_gtx_determinant();
}//namespace test
namespace gtx{
//! GLM_GTX_determinant extension: Compute the determinant of a matrix
namespace determinant
using namespace gtc::matrix_operation;
}//namespace determinant
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm
#define GLM_GTX_determinant namespace gtx::determinant
namespace glm {using GLM_GTX_determinant;}
#include "determinant.inl"

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2005-12-21
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/determinant.inl
namespace glm

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@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-27
// Updated : 2006-12-06
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/matrix_access.hpp
// Dependency:
// - GLM core
#ifndef glm_gtx_matrix_access
#define glm_gtx_matrix_access
// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"
namespace glm{
namespace gtx{
//! GLM_GTX_matrix_access extension: Set a column or a row of a matrix
namespace matrix_access
//! Set a specific row to a matrix.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_access extension.
template <typename genType>
genType row(
const genType& m,
int index,
typename genType::row_type const & x);
//! Set a specific column to a matrix.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_access extension.
template <typename genType>
genType column(
const genType& m,
int index,
typename genType::col_type const & x);
}//namespace matrix_access
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm
#include "matrix_access.inl"
namespace glm{using namespace gtx::matrix_access;}

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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-27
// Updated : 2005-12-27
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/matrix_access.inl
namespace glm{
namespace gtx{
namespace matrix_access{
template <typename genType>
inline genType row(
genType const & m,
int index,
typename genType::row_type const & x)
genType Result = m;
for(typename genType::size_type i = 0; i < genType::row_size(); ++i)
Result[i][index] = x[i];
return Result;
template <typename genType>
inline genType column(
genType const & m,
int index,
typename genType::col_type const & x)
genType Result = m;
Result[index] = x;
return Result;
}//namespace matrix_access
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2009-04-29
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/matrix_projection.hpp
// Dependency:
// - GLM core
// - GLM_GTC_matrix_projection
#ifndef glm_gtx_matrix_projection
#define glm_gtx_matrix_projection
// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"
#include "../gtc/matrix_projection.hpp"
namespace glm
namespace test{
void main_gtx_matrix_projection();
}//namespace test
namespace gtx{
//! GLM_GTX_matrix_projection: Varius ways to build and operate on projection matrices
namespace matrix_projection
using namespace gtc::matrix_projection;
//! Builds a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_projection extension.
template <typename valType>
detail::tmat4x4<valType> perspectiveFov(
valType const & fov,
valType const & width,
valType const & height,
valType const & zNear,
valType const & zFar);
//! Creates a matrix for a symmetric perspective-view frustum with far plane at infinite .
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_projection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tmat4x4<T> infinitePerspective(
T fovy, T aspect, T zNear);
//! Creates a matrix for a symmetric perspective-view frustum with far plane at infinite for graphics hardware that doesn't support depth clamping.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_projection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tmat4x4<T> tweakedInfinitePerspective(
T fovy, T aspect, T zNear);
}//namespace matrix_projection
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm
#include "matrix_projection.inl"
namespace glm{using namespace gtx::matrix_projection;}

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2009-04-29
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/matrix_projection.inl
namespace glm{
namespace gtx{
namespace matrix_projection
template <typename valType>
inline detail::tmat4x4<valType> perspectiveFov
valType const & fov,
valType const & width,
valType const & height,
valType const & zNear,
valType const & zFar
valType rad = glm::radians(fov);
valType h = glm::cos(valType(0.5) * rad) / glm::sin(valType(0.5) * rad);
valType w = h * height / width;
detail::tmat4x4<valType> Result(valType(0));
Result[0][0] = w;
Result[1][1] = h;
Result[2][2] = (zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
Result[2][3] = valType(1);
Result[3][2] = -(valType(2) * zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
return Result;
template <typename T>
inline detail::tmat4x4<T> infinitePerspective(
T fovy,
T aspect,
T zNear)
T range = tan(radians(fovy / T(2))) * zNear;
T left = -range * aspect;
T right = range * aspect;
T bottom = -range;
T top = range;
detail::tmat4x4<T> Result(T(0));
Result[0][0] = (T(2) * zNear) / (right - left);
Result[1][1] = (T(2) * zNear) / (top - bottom);
Result[2][2] = - T(1);
Result[2][3] = - T(1);
Result[3][2] = - T(2) * zNear;
return Result;
template <typename T>
inline detail::tmat4x4<T> tweakedInfinitePerspective(
T fovy,
T aspect,
T zNear)
T range = tan(radians(fovy / T(2))) * zNear;
T left = -range * aspect;
T right = range * aspect;
T bottom = -range;
T top = range;
detail::tmat4x4<T> Result(T(0));
Result[0][0] = (T(2) * zNear) / (right - left);
Result[1][1] = (T(2) * zNear) / (top - bottom);
Result[2][2] = T(0.0001) - T(1);
Result[2][3] = T(-1);
Result[3][2] = - (T(0.0001) - T(2)) * zNear;
return Result;
}//namespace matrix_projection
}//namespace gtc
}//namespace glm

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2009-02-19
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/matrix_selection.hpp
// Dependency:
// - GLM core
#ifndef glm_gtx_matrix_selection
#define glm_gtx_matrix_selection
// Dependency:
#include "../glm.hpp"
namespace glm
namespace test{
void main_gtx_matrix_selection();
}//namespace test
namespace gtx{
//! GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension: Access to matrix columns or rows.
namespace matrix_selection
//! Returns a 2 components vector that contains the row of the matrix m witch values is the ones of the row index.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tvec2<T> row(
const detail::tmat2x2<T>& m,
int index);
//! Returns a 3 components vector that contains the row of the matrix m witch values is the ones of the row index.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tvec3<T> row(
const detail::tmat3x3<T>& m,
int index);
//! Returns a 4 components vector that contains the row of the matrix m witch values is the ones of the row index.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tvec4<T> row(
const detail::tmat4x4<T>& m,
int index);
//! Returns a 2 components vector that contains the row of the matrix m witch values is the ones of the column index.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tvec2<T> column(
const detail::tmat2x2<T>& m,
int index);
//! Returns a 3 components vector that contains the row of the matrix m witch values is the ones of the column index.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tvec3<T> column(
const detail::tmat3x3<T>& m,
int index);
//! Returns a 4 components vector that contains the row of the matrix m witch values is the ones of the column index.
//! From GLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension.
template <typename T>
detail::tvec4<T> column(
const detail::tmat4x4<T>& m,
int index);
}//namespace matrix_selection
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm
#include "matrix_selection.inl"
namespace glm{using namespace gtx::matrix_selection;}

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2009-02-19
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/matrix_selection.inl
namespace glm{
namespace gtx{
namespace matrix_selection
template <typename T>
inline detail::tvec2<T> row(
const detail::tmat2x2<T>& m,
int index)
return detail::tvec2<T>(m[0][index], m[1][index]);
template <typename T>
inline detail::tvec3<T> row(
const detail::tmat3x3<T>& m,
int index)
return detail::tvec3<T>(m[0][index], m[1][index], m[2][index]);
template <typename T>
inline detail::tvec4<T> row(
const detail::tmat4x4<T>& m,
int index)
return detail::tvec4<T>(m[0][index], m[1][index], m[2][index], m[3][index]);
template <typename T>
inline detail::tvec2<T> column(
const detail::tmat2x2<T>& m,
int index)
return m[index];
template <typename T>
inline detail::tvec3<T> column(
const detail::tmat3x3<T>& m,
int index)
return m[index];
template <typename T>
inline detail::tvec4<T> column(
const detail::tmat4x4<T>& m,
int index)
return m[index];
}//namespace matrix_selection
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm

glm/gtx/simd_mat4.hpp Normal file
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glm/gtx/simd_mat4.inl Normal file
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glm/gtx/simd_vec4.hpp Normal file
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glm/gtx/simd_vec4.inl Normal file
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