Prepare EXT extensions doc

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Christophe Riccio 2018-08-19 23:48:00 +02:00
parent 6543cc9ad1
commit b45f286054

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@ -245,7 +245,9 @@ glm::mat4 transform(glm::vec2 const& Orientation, glm::vec3 const& Translate, gl
GLM does not depend on external libraries or headers such as `<GL/gl.h>`, [`<GL/glcorearb.h>`](, `<GLES3/gl3.h>`, `<GL/glu.h>`, or `<windows.h>`.
## <a name="section2"></a> 2. Swizzling
## <a name="section2"></a> 2. Preprocessor options
### <a name="section2_1"></a> 2.1. GLM\_FORCE\_SWIZZLE: Enable swizzle operators
Shader languages like GLSL often feature so-called swizzle expressions, which may be used to freely select and arrange a vector's components. For example, `variable.x`, `variable.xzy` and `variable.zxyy` respectively form a scalar, a 3D vector and a 4D vector. The result of a swizzle expression in GLSL can be either an R-value or an L-value. Swizzle expressions can be written with characters from exactly one of `xyzw` (usually for positions), `rgba` (usually for colors), and `stpq` (usually for texture coordinates).
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ GLM optionally supports some of this functionality via the methods described in
*Note that enabling swizzle expressions will massively increase the size of your binaries and the time it takes to compile them!*
### <a name="section2_1"></a> 2.1. Default C++98 implementation
### <a name="section2_2"></a> GLM\_FORCE\_SWIZZLE: Enable swizzle functions
When compiling GLM as C++98, R-value swizzle expressions are simulated through member functions of each vector type.
@ -349,10 +351,89 @@ void foo()
## <a name="section3"></a> 3. Preprocessor options
### <a name="section2_3"></a> 2.3. GLM\_FORCE\_XYZW\_ONLY: Only exposes x, y, z and w components
### <a name="section3_1"></a> 3.1. GLM\_PRECISION\_**: Default precision
### <a name="section2_4"></a> 2.4. GLM\_FORCE\_MESSAGES: Compile-time message system
GLM includes a notification system which can display some information at build time:
* Platform: Windows, Linux, Native Client, QNX, etc.
* Compiler: Visual C++, Clang, GCC, ICC, etc.
* Build model: 32bits or 64 bits
* C++ version : C++98, C++11, MS extensions, etc.
* Architecture: x86, SSE, AVX, etc.
* Included extensions
* etc.
This system is disabled by default. To enable this system, define GLM\_FORCE\_MESSAGES before any inclusion of &lt;glm/glm.hpp&gt;. The messages are generated only by compiler supporting \#program message and
only once per project build.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
### <a name="section2_5"></a> 2.5. GLM\_FORCE\_CXX**: C++ language detection
GLM will automatically take advantage of compilers language extensions when enabled. To increase cross platform compatibility and to avoid compiler extensions, a programmer can define GLM\_FORCE\_CXX98 before
any inclusion of &lt;glm/glm.hpp&gt; to restrict the language feature set C++98:
#define GLM_FORCE_CXX98
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
For C++11 and C++14, equivalent defines are available:
#define GLM_FORCE_CXX11
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// If the compiler doesnt support C++11, compiler errors will happen.
GLM\_FORCE\_CXX14 overrides GLM\_FORCE\_CXX11 and GLM\_FORCE\_CXX11
overrides GLM\_FORCE\_CXX98 defines.
### <a name="section2_6"></a> 2.6. SIMD support
GLM provides some SIMD optimizations based on [compiler intrinsics](
These optimizations will be automatically thanks to compiler arguments.
For example, if a program is compiled with Visual Studio using /arch:AVX, GLM will detect this argument and generate code using AVX instructions automatically when available.
Its possible to avoid the instruction set detection by forcing the use of a specific instruction set with one of the fallowing define:
The use of intrinsic functions by GLM implementation can be avoided using the define GLM\_FORCE\_PURE before any inclusion of GLM headers.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// GLM code will be compiled using pure C++ code without any intrinsics
#define GLM_FORCE_AVX2
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// If the compiler doesnt support AVX2 instrinsics, compiler errors will happen.
Additionally, GLM provides a low level SIMD API in glm/simd directory for users who are really interested in writing fast algorithms.
### <a name="section2_7"></a> 2.7. GLM\_FORCE\_LEFT\_HANDED: Force left handed coordinate system
### <a name="section2_8"></a> 2.8. GLM\_FORCE\_DEPTH\_ZERO\_TO\_ONE: Force the use of a clip space between 0 to 1
### <a name="section2_9"></a> 2.9. GLM\_PRECISION\_**: Default precision
C++ does not provide a way to implement GLSL default precision selection (as defined in GLSL 4.10 specification section 4.5.3) with GLSL-like syntax.
@ -393,77 +474,7 @@ Available defines for unsigned integer types (glm::uvec\*):
* GLM\_PRECISION\_MEDIUMP\_UINT: Medium precision
* GLM\_PRECISION\_HIGHP\_UINT: High precision (default)
### <a name="section3_2"></a> 3.2. GLM\_FORCE\_MESSAGES: Compile-time message system
GLM includes a notification system which can display some information at build time:
* Platform: Windows, Linux, Native Client, QNX, etc.
* Compiler: Visual C++, Clang, GCC, ICC, etc.
* Build model: 32bits or 64 bits
* C++ version : C++98, C++11, MS extensions, etc.
* Architecture: x86, SSE, AVX, etc.
* Included extensions
* etc.
This system is disabled by default. To enable this system, define GLM\_FORCE\_MESSAGES before any inclusion of &lt;glm/glm.hpp&gt;. The messages are generated only by compiler supporting \#program message and
only once per project build.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
### <a name="section3_3"></a> 3.3. GLM\_FORCE\_CXX**: C++ language detection
GLM will automatically take advantage of compilers language extensions when enabled. To increase cross platform compatibility and to avoid compiler extensions, a programmer can define GLM\_FORCE\_CXX98 before
any inclusion of &lt;glm/glm.hpp&gt; to restrict the language feature set C++98:
#define GLM_FORCE_CXX98
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
For C++11 and C++14, equivalent defines are available:
#define GLM_FORCE_CXX11
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// If the compiler doesnt support C++11, compiler errors will happen.
GLM\_FORCE\_CXX14 overrides GLM\_FORCE\_CXX11 and GLM\_FORCE\_CXX11
overrides GLM\_FORCE\_CXX98 defines.
### <a name="section3_4"></a> 3.4. SIMD support
GLM provides some SIMD optimizations based on [compiler intrinsics](
These optimizations will be automatically thanks to compiler arguments.
For example, if a program is compiled with Visual Studio using /arch:AVX, GLM will detect this argument and generate code using AVX instructions automatically when available.
Its possible to avoid the instruction set detection by forcing the use of a specific instruction set with one of the fallowing define:
The use of intrinsic functions by GLM implementation can be avoided using the define GLM\_FORCE\_PURE before any inclusion of GLM headers.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// GLM code will be compiled using pure C++ code without any intrinsics
#define GLM_FORCE_AVX2
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// If the compiler doesnt support AVX2 instrinsics, compiler errors will happen.
Additionally, GLM provides a low level SIMD API in glm/simd directory for users who are really interested in writing fast algorithms.
### <a name="section3_5"></a> 3.5. GLM\_FORCE\_INLINE: Force inline
### <a name="section2_10"></a> 2.10. GLM\_FORCE\_INLINE: Force inline
To push further the software performance, a programmer can define GLM\_FORCE\_INLINE before any inclusion of &lt;glm/glm.hpp&gt; to force the compiler to inline GLM code.
@ -472,7 +483,7 @@ To push further the software performance, a programmer can define GLM\_FORCE\_IN
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
### <a name="section3_6"></a> 3.6. GLM\_FORCE\_SIZE\_T\_LENGTH: Vector and matrix static size
### <a name="section2_11"></a> 3.6. GLM\_FORCE\_SIZE\_T\_LENGTH: Vector and matrix static size
GLSL supports the member function .length() for all vector and matrix types.
@ -501,7 +512,7 @@ void foo(vec4 const& v)
### <a name="section3_7"></a> 3.7. GLM\_FORCE\_EXPLICIT\_CTOR: Requiring explicit conversions
### <a name="section2_12"></a> 2.12. GLM\_FORCE\_EXPLICIT\_CTOR: Requiring explicit conversions
GLSL supports implicit conversions of vector and matrix types. For example, an ivec4 can be implicitly converted into vec4.
@ -538,7 +549,7 @@ void foo()
### <a name="section3_8"></a> 3.8. GLM\_FORCE\_UNRESTRICTED\_GENTYPE: Removing genType restriction
### <a name="section2_13"></a> 2.13. GLM\_FORCE\_UNRESTRICTED\_GENTYPE: Removing genType restriction
By default GLM only supports basic types as genType for vector, matrix and quaternion types:
@ -561,12 +572,149 @@ typedef glm::vec<4, half> my_hvec4;
However, defining GLM\_FORCE\_UNRESTRICTED\_GENTYPE is not compatible with GLM\_FORCE\_SWIZZLE and will generate a compilation error if both are defined at the same time.
### <a name="section3_9"></a> 3.9. GLM\_FORCE\_SINGLE\_ONLY: Removed explicit 64-bits floating point types
### <a name="section2_14"></a> 2.14. GLM\_FORCE\_SINGLE\_ONLY: Removed explicit 64-bits floating point types
Some platforms (Dreamcast) doesn't support double precision floating point values. To compile on such platforms, GCC has the --m4-single-only build argument. When defining GLM\_FORCE\_SINGLE\_ONLY before including GLM headers, GLM releases the requirement of double precision floating point values support. Effectivement, all the float64 types are no longer defined and double behaves like float.
### <a name="section2_15"></a> 2.15. GLM\_FORCE\_DEFAULT\_ALIGNED_GENTYPES: Force GLM to use aligned types by default
### <a name="section2_16"></a> 2.16. GLM_\FORCE\_PLATFORM\_UNKNOWN: Force GLM to no detect the build platform
## <a name="section4"></a> 4. Stable extensions
## <a name="section3"></a> 3. Stable extensions
### <a name="section3_1"></a> 3.1. Scalar types
#### 3.1.1. GLM_EXT_scalar_float_sized
#### 3.1.2. GLM_EXT_scalar_int_sized
#### 3.1.3. GLM_EXT_scalar_uint_sized
### <a name="section3_2"></a> 3.2. Scalar functions
#### 3.2.1. GLM_EXT_scalar_common
#### 3.2.2. GLM_EXT_scalar_relational
#### 3.2.3. GLM_EXT_scalar_constants
### <a name="section3_3"></a> 3.3. Vector types
#### 3.3.1. GLM_EXT_vector_floatX(_precision)
#### 3.3.2. GLM_EXT_vector_doubleX(_precision)
#### 3.3.3. GLM_EXT_vector_intX(_precision)
#### 3.3.4. GLM_EXT_vector_uintX
#### 3.3.5. GLM_EXT_vector_boolX(_precision)
### <a name="section3_4"></a> 3.4. Vector functions
### <a name="section3_22"></a> 3.22. GLM_EXT_vector_common
### <a name="section3_26"></a> 3.26. GLM_EXT_vector_relational
### <a name="section3_5"></a> 3.5. Matrix types
#### 3.5.1. GLM_EXT_matrix_floatMxN(_precision)
#### 3.5.2. GLM_EXT_matrix_doubleMxN(_precision)
### <a name="section3_6"></a> 3.6. Matrix functions
#### 3.6.1. GLM_EXT_matrix_relational
#### 3.6.2. GLM_EXT_matrix_transform
#### 3.6.3. GLM_EXT_matrix_clip_space
#### 3.6.4. GLM_EXT_matrix_projection
### <a name="section3_5"></a> 3.7. Quaternion types
#### 3.7.1. GLM_EXT_quaternion_float(_precision)
#### 3.7.2. GLM_EXT_quaternion_double(_precision)
### <a name="section3_6"></a> 3.8. Quaternion functions
3.8.1. GLM_EXT_quaternion_common
3.8.2. GLM_EXT_quaternion_geometric
3.8.3. GLM_EXT_quaternion_trigonometric
3.8.4. GLM_EXT_quaternion_exponential
3.8.5. GLM_EXT_quaternion_relation
3.8.6. GLM_EXT_quaternion_transform
## <a name="section4"></a> 4. Recommended extensions
GLM extends the core GLSL feature set with extensions. These extensions include: quaternion, transformation, spline, matrix inverse, color spaces, etc.