Merge pull request #575 from JesseTG/jtg/manual-section-2

Proofread section 2 #575
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Christophe 2016-11-24 19:44:57 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit b494c64de3

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
+ [1.2. Faster compilation](#section1_2)
+ [1.3. Example usage](#section1_3)
+ [1.4. Dependencies](#section1_4)
+ [2. Swizzle operators](#section2)
+ [2.1. Standard C++98 implementation](#section2_1)
+ [2. Swizzling](#section2)
+ [2.1. Default C++98 implementation](#section2_1)
+ [2.2. Anonynous union member implementation](#section2_2)
+ [3. Preprocessor options](#section3)
+ [3.1. Default precision](#section3_1)
@ -213,29 +213,47 @@ glm::mat4 transform(glm::vec2 const& Orientation, glm::vec3 const& Translate, gl
GLM does not depend on external libraries or headers such as `<GL/gl.h>`, [`<GL/glcorearb.h>`](, `<GLES3/gl3.h>`, `<GL/glu.h>`, or `<windows.h>`. However, if we include `<boost/static_assert.hpp>`, then [`Boost.StaticAssert`]( will be used to provide compile-time errors. Otherwise, if using a C++11 compiler, the standard `static_assert` will be used instead. If neither is available, GLM will use its own implementation of `static_assert`.
## <a name="section2"></a> 2. Swizzle operators
## <a name="section2"></a> 2. Swizzling
A common feature of shader languages like GLSL is the swizzle operators. Those allow selecting multiple components of a vector and change their order. For example, “variable.x”, “variable.xzy” and “variable.zxyy”
form respectively a scalar, a three components vector and a four components vector. With GLSL, swizzle operators can be both R-values and L-values. Finally, vector components can be accessed using “xyzw”,
“rgba” or “stpq”.
Shader languages like GLSL often feature so-called swizzle expressions, which may be used to freely select and arrange a vector's components. For example, `variable.x`, `variable.xzy` and `variable.zxyy` respectively form a scalar, a 3D vector and a 4D vector. The result of a swizzle expression in GLSL can be either an R-value or an L-value. Swizzle expressions can be written with characters from exactly one of `xyzw` (usually for positions), `rgba` (usually for colors), and `stpq` (usually for texture coordinates).
vec4 A;
vec2 B;
B.yx = A.wy;
B = A.xx;
vec3 C = A.bgr;
vec3 D = B.rsz; // Invalid, won't compile
GLM supports a subset of this functionality as described in the following sub-sections. Swizzle operators are disabled by default. To enable them GLM\_SWIZZLE must be defined before any inclusion of
&lt;glm/glm.hpp&gt;. Enabling swizzle operators will massively increase the size of compiled files and the compilation time.
GLM optionally supports some of this functionality via the methods described in the following sections. Swizzling can be enabled by defining `GLM_SWIZZLE` before including any GLM header files, or as part of a project's build process.
### <a name="section2_1"></a> 2.1. Standard C++98 implementation
*Note that enabling swizzle expressions will massively increase the size of your binaries and the time it takes to compile them!*
### <a name="section2_1"></a> 2.1. Default C++98 implementation
When compiling GLM as C++98, R-value swizzle expressions are simulated through member functions of each vector type.
#define GLM_SWIZZLE // Or defined when building (e.g. -DGLM_SWIZZLE)
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
void foo()
glm::vec4 ColorRGBA(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glm::vec3 ColorBGR = ColorRGBA.bgr();
glm::vec3 PositionA(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glm::vec3 PositionB = * 2.0f;
glm::vec2 TexcoordST(1.0f, 0.5f);
glm::vec4 TexcoordSTPQ = TexcoordST.stst();
Swizzle operators return a **copy** of the component values, and thus *can't* be used as L-values to change a vector's values.
The C++98 implementation exposes the R-value swizzle operators as member functions of vector types.
@ -243,84 +261,59 @@ The C++98 implementation exposes the R-value swizzle operators as member functio
void foo()
glm::vec4 ColorRGBA(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glm::vec3 ColorBGR = ColorRGBA.bgr();
glm::vec3 A(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
glm::vec3 PositionA(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glm::vec3 PositionB = \* 2.0f;
glm::vec2 TexcoordST(1.0f, 0.5f);
glm::vec4 TexcoordSTPQ = TexcoordST.stst();
Swizzle operators return a copy of the component values hence they cant be used as L-values to change the value of the variables.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
void foo()
glm::vec3 A(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
// /!\\ No compiler error but A is not affected
// This code modify the components of an anonymous copy.
A.bgr() = glm::vec3(2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f); // A is not modified!
// No compiler error, but A is not modified.
// An anonymous copy is being modified (and then discarded).
A.bgr() = glm::vec3(2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f); // A is not modified!
### <a name="section2_2"></a> 2.2. Anonymous union member implementation
Visual C++ supports anonymous structures in union, which is a non-standard language extension, but it enables a very powerful implementation of swizzle operators on Windows supporting both L-value
swizzle operators and a syntax that doesnt require parentheses in some cases. This implementation is only enabled when the language extension is enabled and GLM\_SWIZZLE is defined.
Visual C++ supports, as a _non-standard language extension_, anonymous `struct`s as `union` members. This permits a powerful swizzling implementation that both allows L-value swizzle expressions and GLSL-like syntax. To use this feature, the language extension must be enabled by a supporting compiler and `GLM_SWIZZLE` must be `#define`d.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
// Only guaranteed to work with Visual C++!
// Some compilers that support Microsoft extensions may compile this.
void foo()
glm::vec4 ColorRGBA(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glm::vec4 ColorRGBA(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// l-value:
glm::vec4 ColorBGRA = ColorRGBA.bgra;
// l-value:
glm::vec4 ColorBGRA = ColorRGBA.bgra;
// r-value:
ColorRGBA.bgra = ColorRGBA;
// r-value:
ColorRGBA.bgra = ColorRGBA;
// Both l-value and r-value
ColorRGBA.bgra = ColorRGBA.rgba;
// Both l-value and r-value
ColorRGBA.bgra = ColorRGBA.rgba;
Anonymous union member swizzle operators dont return vector types (glm::vec2, glm::vec3 and glm::vec4) but implementation specific objects that can be automatically interpreted by other swizzle operators and
vector constructors. Unfortunately, those cant be interpreted by GLM functions so that the programmer must convert a swizzle operators to a vector type or call the () operator on a swizzle objects to pass it to another C++ functions.
This version returns implementation-specific objects that _implicitly convert_ to their respective vector types. As a consequence of this design, these extra types **can't be directly used** by GLM functions; they must be converted through constructors or `operator()`.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
using glm::vec4;
void foo()
glm::vec4 Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vec4 Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Generates compiler errors. Color.rgba is not a vector type.
glm::vec4 ClampedA = glm::clamp(Color.rgba, 0.f, 1.f); // ERROR
// Generates compiler errors. Color.rgba is not a vector type.
vec4 ClampedA = glm::clamp(Color.rgba, 0.f, 1.f); // ERROR
// We need to cast the swizzle operator into glm::vec4
// With by using a constructor
glm::vec4 ClampedB = glm::clamp(glm::vec4(Color.rgba), 0.f, 1.f); // OK
// Explicit conversion through a constructor
vec4 ClampedB = glm::clamp(vec4(Color.rgba), 0.f, 1.f); // OK
// Or by using the () operator
glm::vec4 ClampedC = glm::clamp(Color.rgba(), 0.f, 1.f); // OK
// Explicit conversion through operator()
vec4 ClampedC = glm::clamp(Color.rgba(), 0.f, 1.f); // OK