Added SIMD sqrt functions support, ticket #2

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Riccio 2011-02-08 10:37:47 +00:00
parent 9fbfb8c208
commit d77694f8ac
3 changed files with 51 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ inline __m128 sse_inf_ps(__m128 x)
// SSE scalar reciprocal sqrt using rsqrt op, plus one Newton-Rhaphson iteration
// By Elan Ruskin,
// By Elan Ruskin,
inline __m128 sse_sqrt_wip_ss(__m128 const & x)
__m128 recip = _mm_rsqrt_ss(x); // "estimate" opcode

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@ -401,6 +401,28 @@ namespace glm
detail::fvec4SIMD const & I,
detail::fvec4SIMD const & N,
float const & eta);
//! Returns the positive square root of x.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension, exponential function)
detail::fvec4SIMD simdSqrt(
detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);
//! Returns the positive square root of x with an accuracy slight lower or equal than simdSqrt but much faster.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension, exponential function)
detail::fvec4SIMD simdFastSqrt(
detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);
//! Returns the reciprocal of the positive square root of x.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension, exponential function)
detail::fvec4SIMD simdInversesqrt(
detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);
//! Returns the reciprocal of the positive square root of x,
//! faster than simdInversesqrt but less accurate.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension, exponential function)
detail::fvec4SIMD simdFastInversesqrt(
detail::fvec4SIMD const & x);
}//namespace simd_vec4
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm

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@ -634,6 +634,34 @@ namespace glm
return detail::sse_rfa_ps(I.Data, N.Data, _mm_set1_ps(eta));
inline detail::fvec4SIMD simdSqrt(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x)
return _mm_sqrt_ps(x.Data);
inline detail::fvec4SIMD simdFastSqrt(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x)
// SSE scalar reciprocal sqrt using rsqrt op, plus one Newton-Rhaphson iteration
// By Elan Ruskin,
inline detail::fvec4SIMD simdInversesqrt(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x)
GLM_ALIGN(4) static const __m128 three = {3, 3, 3, 3}; // aligned consts for fast load
GLM_ALIGN(4) static const __m128 half = {0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5};
__m128 recip = _mm_rsqrt_ps(x.Data); // "estimate" opcode
__m128 halfrecip = _mm_mul_ps(half, recip);
__m128 threeminus_xrr = _mm_sub_ps(three, _mm_mul_ps(x.Data, _mm_mul_ps(recip, recip)));
return _mm_mul_ps(halfrecip, threeminus_xrr);
inline detail::fvec4SIMD simdFastInversesqrt(detail::fvec4SIMD const & x)
return _mm_rsqrt_ps(x.Data);
}//namespace simd_vec4
}//namespace gtx
}//namespace glm