namespace gli{ namespace detail { inline void flip(image ImageDst, image ImageSrc, size_t BlockSize) { size_t const LineSize = BlockSize * ImageDst.extent().x; for(int y = 0; y < ImageDst.extent().y; ++y) { size_t OffsetDst = LineSize * y; size_t OffsetSrc = ImageSrc.size() - (LineSize * (y + 1)); memcpy( + OffsetDst, + OffsetSrc, LineSize); } } struct dxt1_block { uint16_t Color0; uint16_t Color1; uint8_t Row0; uint8_t Row1; uint8_t Row2; uint8_t Row3; }; struct dxt3_block { uint16_t AlphaRow0; uint16_t AlphaRow1; uint16_t AlphaRow2; uint16_t AlphaRow3; uint16_t Color0; uint16_t Color1; uint8_t Row0; uint8_t Row1; uint8_t Row2; uint8_t Row3; }; struct dxt5_block { uint8_t Alpha0; uint8_t Alpha1; uint8_t AlphaR0; uint8_t AlphaR1; uint8_t AlphaR2; uint8_t AlphaR3; uint8_t AlphaR4; uint8_t AlphaR5; uint16_t Color0; uint16_t Color1; uint8_t Row0; uint8_t Row1; uint8_t Row2; uint8_t Row3; }; inline void flip_block_s3tc(uint8_t* BlockDst, uint8_t* BlockSrc, format Format, bool HeightTwo) { // There is no distinction between RGB and RGBA in DXT-compressed textures, // it is used only to tell OpenGL how to interpret the data. // Moreover, in DXT1 (which does not contain an alpha channel), transparency can be emulated // using Color0 and Color1 on a per-compression-block basis. // There is no difference in how textures with and without transparency are laid out in the file, // so they can be flipped using the same method. if(Format == FORMAT_RGB_DXT1_UNORM_BLOCK8 || Format == FORMAT_RGB_DXT1_SRGB_BLOCK8 || Format == FORMAT_RGBA_DXT1_UNORM_BLOCK8 || Format == FORMAT_RGBA_DXT1_SRGB_BLOCK8) { dxt1_block* Src = reinterpret_cast(BlockSrc); dxt1_block* Dst = reinterpret_cast(BlockDst); if(HeightTwo) { Dst->Color0 = Src->Color0; Dst->Color1 = Src->Color1; Dst->Row0 = Src->Row1; Dst->Row1 = Src->Row0; Dst->Row2 = Src->Row2; Dst->Row3 = Src->Row3; return; } Dst->Color0 = Src->Color0; Dst->Color1 = Src->Color1; Dst->Row0 = Src->Row3; Dst->Row1 = Src->Row2; Dst->Row2 = Src->Row1; Dst->Row3 = Src->Row0; return; } // DXT3 if(Format == FORMAT_RGBA_DXT3_UNORM_BLOCK16 || Format == FORMAT_RGBA_DXT3_SRGB_BLOCK16) { dxt3_block* Src = reinterpret_cast(BlockSrc); dxt3_block* Dst = reinterpret_cast(BlockDst); if(HeightTwo) { Dst->AlphaRow0 = Src->AlphaRow1; Dst->AlphaRow1 = Src->AlphaRow0; Dst->AlphaRow2 = Src->AlphaRow2; Dst->AlphaRow3 = Src->AlphaRow3; Dst->Color0 = Src->Color0; Dst->Color1 = Src->Color1; Dst->Row0 = Src->Row1; Dst->Row1 = Src->Row0; Dst->Row2 = Src->Row2; Dst->Row3 = Src->Row3; return; } Dst->AlphaRow0 = Src->AlphaRow3; Dst->AlphaRow1 = Src->AlphaRow2; Dst->AlphaRow2 = Src->AlphaRow1; Dst->AlphaRow3 = Src->AlphaRow0; Dst->Color0 = Src->Color0; Dst->Color1 = Src->Color1; Dst->Row0 = Src->Row3; Dst->Row1 = Src->Row2; Dst->Row2 = Src->Row1; Dst->Row3 = Src->Row0; return; } // DXT5 if(Format == FORMAT_RGBA_DXT5_UNORM_BLOCK16 || Format == FORMAT_RGBA_DXT5_SRGB_BLOCK16) { dxt5_block* Src = reinterpret_cast(BlockSrc); dxt5_block* Dst = reinterpret_cast(BlockDst); if(HeightTwo) { Dst->Alpha0 = Src->Alpha0; Dst->Alpha1 = Src->Alpha1; // operator+ has precedence over operator>> and operator<<, hence the parentheses. very important! // the values below are bitmasks used to retrieve alpha values according to the DXT specification // 0xF0 == 0b11110000 and 0xF == 0b1111 Dst->AlphaR0 = ((Src->AlphaR1 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR2 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR1 = ((Src->AlphaR2 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR0 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR2 = ((Src->AlphaR0 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR1 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR3 = Src->AlphaR3; Dst->AlphaR4 = Src->AlphaR4; Dst->AlphaR5 = Src->AlphaR5; Dst->Color0 = Src->Color0; Dst->Color1 = Src->Color1; Dst->Row0 = Src->Row1; Dst->Row1 = Src->Row0; Dst->Row2 = Src->Row2; Dst->Row3 = Src->Row3; return; } Dst->Alpha0 = Src->Alpha0; Dst->Alpha1 = Src->Alpha1; // operator+ has precedence over operator>> and operator<<, hence the parentheses. very important! // the values below are bitmasks used to retrieve alpha values according to the DXT specification // 0xF0 == 0b11110000 and 0xF == 0b1111 Dst->AlphaR0 = ((Src->AlphaR4 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR5 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR1 = ((Src->AlphaR5 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR3 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR2 = ((Src->AlphaR3 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR4 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR3 = ((Src->AlphaR1 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR2 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR4 = ((Src->AlphaR2 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR0 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->AlphaR5 = ((Src->AlphaR0 & 0xF0) >> 4) + ((Src->AlphaR1 & 0xF) << 4); Dst->Color0 = Src->Color0; Dst->Color1 = Src->Color1; Dst->Row0 = Src->Row3; Dst->Row1 = Src->Row2; Dst->Row2 = Src->Row1; Dst->Row3 = Src->Row0; return; } // invalid format specified (unknown S3TC format?) assert(false); } inline void flip_s3tc(image ImageDst, image ImageSrc, format Format) { if(ImageSrc.extent().y == 1) { memcpy(,, ImageSrc.size()); return; } std::size_t const XBlocks = ImageSrc.extent().x <= 4 ? 1 : ImageSrc.extent().x / 4; if(ImageSrc.extent().y == 2) { for(std::size_t i_block = 0; i_block < XBlocks; ++i_block) flip_block_s3tc( + i_block * block_size(Format), + i_block * block_size(Format), Format, true); return; } std::size_t const MaxYBlock = ImageSrc.extent().y / 4 - 1; for(std::size_t i_row = 0; i_row <= MaxYBlock; ++i_row) for(std::size_t i_block = 0; i_block < XBlocks; ++i_block) flip_block_s3tc( + (MaxYBlock - i_row) * block_size(Format) * XBlocks + i_block * block_size(Format), + i_row * block_size(Format) * XBlocks + i_block * block_size(Format), Format, false); } }//namespace detail /* template <> inline image flip(image const & Image) { } */ template <> inline texture2d flip(texture2d const& Texture) { GLI_ASSERT(!gli::is_compressed(Texture.format()) || gli::is_s3tc_compressed(Texture.format())); texture2d Flip(Texture.format(), Texture.extent(), Texture.levels()); if(!is_compressed(Texture.format())) { texture2d::size_type const BlockSize = block_size(Texture.format()); for(texture2d::size_type Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip(Flip[Level], Texture[Level], BlockSize); } else for(texture2d::size_type Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip_s3tc(Flip[Level], Texture[Level], Texture.format()); return Flip; } template <> inline texture2d_array flip(texture2d_array const& Texture) { GLI_ASSERT(!gli::is_compressed(Texture.format()) || gli::is_s3tc_compressed(Texture.format())); texture2d_array Flip(Texture.format(), Texture.extent(), Texture.layers(), Texture.levels()); if(!gli::is_compressed(Texture.format())) { texture2d_array::size_type const BlockSize = block_size(Texture.format()); for(texture2d_array::size_type Layer = 0; Layer < Flip.layers(); ++Layer) for(texture2d_array::size_type Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip(Flip[Layer][Level], Texture[Layer][Level], BlockSize); } else for(texture2d_array::size_type Layer = 0; Layer < Flip.layers(); ++Layer) for(texture2d_array::size_type Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip_s3tc(Flip[Layer][Level], Texture[Layer][Level], Texture.format()); return Flip; } template <> inline texture_cube flip(texture_cube const & Texture) { GLI_ASSERT(!gli::is_compressed(Texture.format()) || gli::is_s3tc_compressed(Texture.format())); texture_cube Flip(Texture.format(), Texture.extent(), Texture.levels()); if(!gli::is_compressed(Texture.format())) { texture_cube::size_type const BlockSize = block_size(Texture.format()); for(texture_cube::size_type Face = 0; Face < Flip.faces(); ++Face) for(texture_cube::size_type Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip(Flip[Face][Level], Texture[Face][Level], BlockSize); } else for(texture_cube::size_type Face = 0; Face < Flip.faces(); ++Face) for(texture_cube::size_type Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip_s3tc(Flip[Face][Level], Texture[Face][Level], Texture.format()); return Flip; } template <> inline texture_cube_array flip(texture_cube_array const & Texture) { assert(!is_compressed(Texture.format()) || is_s3tc_compressed(Texture.format())); texture_cube_array Flip(Texture.format(), Texture.extent(), Texture.layers(), Texture.levels()); if(!is_compressed(Texture.format())) { gli::size_t const BlockSize = block_size(Texture.format()); for(std::size_t Layer = 0; Layer < Flip.layers(); ++Layer) for(std::size_t Face = 0; Face < Flip.faces(); ++Face) for(std::size_t Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip(Flip[Layer][Face][Level], Texture[Layer][Face][Level], BlockSize); } else for(std::size_t Layer = 0; Layer < Flip.layers(); ++Layer) for(std::size_t Face = 0; Face < Flip.faces(); ++Face) for(std::size_t Level = 0; Level < Flip.levels(); ++Level) detail::flip_s3tc(Flip[Layer][Face][Level], Texture[Layer][Face][Level], Texture.format()); return Flip; } template <> inline texture flip(texture const & Texture) { switch( { case TARGET_2D: return flip(texture2d(Texture)); case TARGET_2D_ARRAY: return flip(texture2d_array(Texture)); case TARGET_CUBE: return flip(texture_cube(Texture)); case TARGET_CUBE_ARRAY: return flip(texture_cube_array(Texture)); default: assert(false && "Texture target does not support flipping."); return Texture; } } }//namespace gli