Go to the documentation of this file.
38 #pragma once
40 // Dependency:
41 #include "../glm.hpp"
43 #if(defined(GLM_MESSAGES) && !defined(GLM_EXT_INCLUDED))
44 # pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTX_associated_min_max extension included")
45 #endif
47 namespace glm
48 {
54  template<typename T, typename U, precision P>
55  GLM_FUNC_DECL U associatedMin(T x, U a, T y, U b);
59  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
60  GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec2<U, P> associatedMin(
61  vecType<T, P> const & x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
62  vecType<T, P> const & y, vecType<U, P> const & b);
66  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
67  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMin(
68  T x, const vecType<U, P>& a,
69  T y, const vecType<U, P>& b);
73  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
74  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMin(
75  vecType<T, P> const & x, U a,
76  vecType<T, P> const & y, U b);
80  template<typename T, typename U>
81  GLM_FUNC_DECL U associatedMin(
82  T x, U a,
83  T y, U b,
84  T z, U c);
88  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
89  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMin(
90  vecType<T, P> const & x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
91  vecType<T, P> const & y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
92  vecType<T, P> const & z, vecType<U, P> const & c);
96  template<typename T, typename U>
97  GLM_FUNC_DECL U associatedMin(
98  T x, U a,
99  T y, U b,
100  T z, U c,
101  T w, U d);
105  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
106  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMin(
107  vecType<T, P> const & x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
108  vecType<T, P> const & y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
109  vecType<T, P> const & z, vecType<U, P> const & c,
110  vecType<T, P> const & w, vecType<U, P> const & d);
114  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
115  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMin(
116  T x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
117  T y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
118  T z, vecType<U, P> const & c,
119  T w, vecType<U, P> const & d);
123  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
124  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMin(
125  vecType<T, P> const & x, U a,
126  vecType<T, P> const & y, U b,
127  vecType<T, P> const & z, U c,
128  vecType<T, P> const & w, U d);
132  template<typename T, typename U>
133  GLM_FUNC_DECL U associatedMax(T x, U a, T y, U b);
137  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
138  GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec2<U, P> associatedMax(
139  vecType<T, P> const & x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
140  vecType<T, P> const & y, vecType<U, P> const & b);
144  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
145  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<T, P> associatedMax(
146  T x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
147  T y, vecType<U, P> const & b);
151  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
152  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMax(
153  vecType<T, P> const & x, U a,
154  vecType<T, P> const & y, U b);
158  template<typename T, typename U>
159  GLM_FUNC_DECL U associatedMax(
160  T x, U a,
161  T y, U b,
162  T z, U c);
166  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
167  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMax(
168  vecType<T, P> const & x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
169  vecType<T, P> const & y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
170  vecType<T, P> const & z, vecType<U, P> const & c);
174  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
175  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<T, P> associatedMax(
176  T x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
177  T y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
178  T z, vecType<U, P> const & c);
182  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
183  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMax(
184  vecType<T, P> const & x, U a,
185  vecType<T, P> const & y, U b,
186  vecType<T, P> const & z, U c);
190  template<typename T, typename U>
191  GLM_FUNC_DECL U associatedMax(
192  T x, U a,
193  T y, U b,
194  T z, U c,
195  T w, U d);
199  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
200  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMax(
201  vecType<T, P> const & x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
202  vecType<T, P> const & y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
203  vecType<T, P> const & z, vecType<U, P> const & c,
204  vecType<T, P> const & w, vecType<U, P> const & d);
208  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
209  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMax(
210  T x, vecType<U, P> const & a,
211  T y, vecType<U, P> const & b,
212  T z, vecType<U, P> const & c,
213  T w, vecType<U, P> const & d);
217  template<typename T, typename U, precision P, template <typename, precision> class vecType>
218  GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<U, P> associatedMax(
219  vecType<T, P> const & x, U a,
220  vecType<T, P> const & y, U b,
221  vecType<T, P> const & z, U c,
222  vecType<T, P> const & w, U d);
225 } //namespace glm
227 #include "associated_min_max.inl"
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< U, P > associatedMax(vecType< T, P > const &x, U a, vecType< T, P > const &y, U b, vecType< T, P > const &z, U c, vecType< T, P > const &w, U d)
Maximum comparison between 4 variables and returns 4 associated variable values.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< U, P > associatedMin(vecType< T, P > const &x, U a, vecType< T, P > const &y, U b, vecType< T, P > const &z, U c, vecType< T, P > const &w, U d)
Minimum comparison between 4 variables and returns 4 associated variable values.
Definition: _noise.hpp:31