0.9.8 API documenation
gtx/quaternion.hpp File Reference

GLM_GTX_quaternion More...

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template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec3< T, P > cross (tquat< T, P > const &q, tvec3< T, P > const &v)
 Compute a cross product between a quaternion and a vector. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec3< T, P > cross (tvec3< T, P > const &v, tquat< T, P > const &q)
 Compute a cross product between a vector and a quaternion. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > exp (tquat< T, P > const &q)
 Returns a exp of a quaternion. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL T extractRealComponent (tquat< T, P > const &q)
 Extract the real component of a quaternion. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > fastMix (tquat< T, P > const &x, tquat< T, P > const &y, T const &a)
 Quaternion normalized linear interpolation. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > intermediate (tquat< T, P > const &prev, tquat< T, P > const &curr, tquat< T, P > const &next)
 Returns an intermediate control point for squad interpolation. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL T length2 (tquat< T, P > const &q)
 Returns the squared length of x. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > log (tquat< T, P > const &q)
 Returns a log of a quaternion. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > pow (tquat< T, P > const &x, T const &y)
 Returns x raised to the y power. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec3< T, P > rotate (tquat< T, P > const &q, tvec3< T, P > const &v)
 Returns quarternion square root. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec4< T, P > rotate (tquat< T, P > const &q, tvec4< T, P > const &v)
 Rotates a 4 components vector by a quaternion. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > rotation (tvec3< T, P > const &orig, tvec3< T, P > const &dest)
 Compute the rotation between two vectors. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > shortMix (tquat< T, P > const &x, tquat< T, P > const &y, T const &a)
 Quaternion interpolation using the rotation short path. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > squad (tquat< T, P > const &q1, tquat< T, P > const &q2, tquat< T, P > const &s1, tquat< T, P > const &s2, T const &h)
 Compute a point on a path according squad equation. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat3x3< T, P > toMat3 (tquat< T, P > const &x)
 Converts a quaternion to a 3 * 3 matrix. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x4< T, P > toMat4 (tquat< T, P > const &x)
 Converts a quaternion to a 4 * 4 matrix. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > toQuat (tmat3x3< T, P > const &x)
 Converts a 3 * 3 matrix to a quaternion. More...
template<typename T , precision P>
GLM_FUNC_DECL tquat< T, P > toQuat (tmat4x4< T, P > const &x)
 Converts a 4 * 4 matrix to a quaternion. More...

Detailed Description


See also
GLM Core (dependence)
GLM_GTX_extented_min_max (dependence)

Definition in file gtx/quaternion.hpp.