0.9.9 API documenation
Go to the documentation of this file.
17 #pragma once
19 // Dependencies
20 #include "detail/qualifier.hpp"
21 #include "detail/setup.hpp"
22 #include "detail/type_mat.hpp"
23 #include "vec2.hpp"
24 #include "vec3.hpp"
25 #include "vec4.hpp"
26 #include "mat2x2.hpp"
27 #include "mat2x3.hpp"
28 #include "mat2x4.hpp"
29 #include "mat3x2.hpp"
30 #include "mat3x3.hpp"
31 #include "mat3x4.hpp"
32 #include "mat4x2.hpp"
33 #include "mat4x3.hpp"
34 #include "mat4x4.hpp"
36 namespace glm {
37  namespace detail
38  {
39  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
40  struct outerProduct_trait<2, 2, T, Q>
41  {
42  typedef mat<2, 2, T, Q> type;
43  };
45  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
46  struct outerProduct_trait<2, 3, T, Q>
47  {
48  typedef mat<3, 2, T, Q> type;
49  };
51  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
52  struct outerProduct_trait<2, 4, T, Q>
53  {
54  typedef mat<4, 2, T, Q> type;
55  };
57  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
58  struct outerProduct_trait<3, 2, T, Q>
59  {
60  typedef mat<2, 3, T, Q> type;
61  };
63  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
64  struct outerProduct_trait<3, 3, T, Q>
65  {
66  typedef mat<3, 3, T, Q> type;
67  };
69  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
70  struct outerProduct_trait<3, 4, T, Q>
71  {
72  typedef mat<4, 3, T, Q> type;
73  };
75  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
76  struct outerProduct_trait<4, 2, T, Q>
77  {
78  typedef mat<2, 4, T, Q> type;
79  };
81  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
82  struct outerProduct_trait<4, 3, T, Q>
83  {
84  typedef mat<3, 4, T, Q> type;
85  };
87  template<typename T, qualifier Q>
88  struct outerProduct_trait<4, 4, T, Q>
89  {
90  typedef mat<4, 4, T, Q> type;
91  };
93  }//namespace detail
108  template<length_t C, length_t R, typename T, qualifier Q>
109  GLM_FUNC_DECL mat<C, R, T, Q> matrixCompMult(mat<C, R, T, Q> const& x, mat<C, R, T, Q> const& y);
122  template<length_t C, length_t R, typename T, qualifier Q>
123  GLM_FUNC_DECL typename detail::outerProduct_trait<C, R, T, Q>::type outerProduct(vec<C, T, Q> const& c, vec<R, T, Q> const& r);
134  template<length_t C, length_t R, typename T, qualifier Q>
135  GLM_FUNC_DECL typename mat<C, R, T, Q>::transpose_type transpose(mat<C, R, T, Q> const& x);
146  template<length_t C, length_t R, typename T, qualifier Q>
147  GLM_FUNC_DECL T determinant(mat<C, R, T, Q> const& m);
158  template<length_t C, length_t R, typename T, qualifier Q>
159  GLM_FUNC_DECL mat<C, R, T, Q> inverse(mat<C, R, T, Q> const& m);
162 }//namespace glm
164 #include "detail/func_matrix.inl"
Core features
Core features
GLM_FUNC_DECL detail::outerProduct_trait< C, R, T, Q >::type outerProduct(vec< C, T, Q > const &c, vec< R, T, Q > const &r)
Treats the first parameter c as a column vector and the second parameter r as a row vector and does a...
Core features
GLM_FUNC_DECL T determinant(mat< C, R, T, Q > const &m)
Return the determinant of a squared matrix.
Core features
Core features
GLM_FUNC_DECL mat< C, R, T, Q > matrixCompMult(mat< C, R, T, Q > const &x, mat< C, R, T, Q > const &y)
Multiply matrix x by matrix y component-wise, i.e., result[i][j] is the scalar product of x[i][j] and...
Definition: common.hpp:20
GLM_FUNC_DECL mat< C, R, T, Q >::transpose_type transpose(mat< C, R, T, Q > const &x)
Returns the transposed matrix of x.
Core features
Core features
Core features
Core features
Core features
GLM_FUNC_DECL mat< C, R, T, Q > inverse(mat< C, R, T, Q > const &m)
Return the inverse of a squared matrix.
Core features
Core features
Core features
Core features
Core features