Mixed source/assembly symbol view.

This commit is contained in:
Bartosz Taudul 2020-04-08 22:04:00 +02:00
parent 5f4145ef0a
commit 006919ec55
2 changed files with 270 additions and 221 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ SourceView::SourceView( ImFont* font )
, m_dataSize( 0 )
, m_targetLine( 0 )
, m_selectedLine( 0 )
, m_showAsm( false )
, m_codeLen( 0 )
, m_highlightAddr( 0 )
, m_asmRelative( false )
@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ void SourceView::OpenSource( const char* fileName, int line )
m_baseAddr = 0;
m_symAddr = 0;
m_currentAddr = 0;
m_showAsm = false;
ParseSource( fileName, nullptr );
assert( !m_lines.empty() );
@ -69,10 +67,24 @@ void SourceView::OpenSymbol( const char* fileName, int line, uint64_t baseAddr,
m_currentAddr = symAddr;
ParseSource( fileName, &worker );
Disassemble( baseAddr, worker );
if( m_lines.empty() ) m_showAsm = true;
if( !Disassemble( baseAddr, worker ) ) m_showAsm = false;
assert( m_showAsm || !m_lines.empty() );
if( !m_lines.empty() )
if( !m_asm.empty() )
m_displayMode = DisplayMixed;
m_displayMode = DisplaySource;
assert( !m_asm.empty() );
m_displayMode = DisplayAsm;
void SourceView::ParseSource( const char* fileName, const Worker* worker )
@ -343,254 +355,119 @@ void SourceView::RenderSymbolView( const Worker& worker )
assert( m_symAddr != 0 );
if( !m_asm.empty() && !m_lines.empty() )
auto sym = worker.GetSymbolData( m_symAddr );
assert( sym );
if( sym->isInline )
if( SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_MICROCHIP " Show assembly", &m_showAsm ) )
auto parent = worker.GetSymbolData( m_baseAddr );
if( parent )
if( m_showAsm )
m_targetAddr = m_symAddr;
m_targetLine = m_selectedLine;
TextFocused( "Symbol:", worker.GetString( parent->name ) );
char tmp[16];
sprintf( tmp, "0x%x", m_baseAddr );
TextFocused( "Symbol:", tmp );
if( !m_asm.empty() )
if( !m_lines.empty() )
TextFocused( "Symbol:", worker.GetString( sym->name ) );
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Mode:" );
ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) );
if( !m_lines.empty() )
ImGui::RadioButton( "Source", &m_displayMode, DisplaySource );
if( !m_asm.empty() )
ImGui::RadioButton( "Assembly", &m_displayMode, DisplayAsm );
ImGui::RadioButton( "Mixed", &m_displayMode, DisplayMixed );
ImGui::RadioButton( "Assembly", &m_displayMode, DisplayAsm );
if( !m_asm.empty() )
TextFocused( "Code size:", MemSizeToString( m_codeLen ) );
uint32_t iptotal = 0;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> ipcount;
uint32_t iptotalSrc = 0, iptotalAsm = 0;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> ipcountSrc, ipcountAsm;
auto ipmap = worker.GetSymbolInstructionPointers( m_symAddr );
if( ipmap )
if( m_showAsm )
for( auto& ip : *ipmap )
for( auto& ip : *ipmap )
auto frame = worker.GetCallstackFrame( ip.first );
if( frame )
auto addr = worker.GetCanonicalPointer( ip.first );
assert( ipcount.find( addr ) == ipcount.end() );
ipcount.emplace( addr, ip.second );
iptotal += ip.second;
for( auto& ip : *ipmap )
auto frame = worker.GetCallstackFrame( ip.first );
if( frame )
auto ffn = worker.GetString( frame->data[0].file );
if( strcmp( ffn, m_file ) == 0 )
auto ffn = worker.GetString( frame->data[0].file );
if( strcmp( ffn, m_file ) == 0 )
const auto line = frame->data[0].line;
auto it = ipcountSrc.find( line );
if( it == ipcountSrc.end() )
const auto line = frame->data[0].line;
auto it = ipcount.find( line );
if( it == ipcount.end() )
ipcount.emplace( line, ip.second );
it->second += ip.second;
iptotal += ip.second;
ipcountSrc.emplace( line, ip.second );
it->second += ip.second;
iptotalSrc += ip.second;
auto addr = worker.GetCanonicalPointer( ip.first );
assert( ipcountAsm.find( addr ) == ipcountAsm.end() );
ipcountAsm.emplace( addr, ip.second );
iptotalAsm += ip.second;
if( iptotal > 0 )
if( iptotalAsm > 0 )
TextFocused( "Samples:", RealToString( iptotal ) );
TextFocused( "Samples:", RealToString( iptotalAsm ) );
auto sym = worker.GetSymbolData( m_symAddr );
if( sym )
TextFocused( "Symbol:", worker.GetString( sym->name ) );
if( sym->isInline )
auto parent = worker.GetSymbolData( m_baseAddr );
if( parent )
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", worker.GetString( parent->name ) );
if( !m_showAsm )
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 1.f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE );
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f ), "The source file contents might not reflect the actual profiled code!" );
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 1.f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE );
SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_SEARCH_LOCATION " Relative locations", &m_asmRelative );
SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_FILE_IMPORT " Show source locations", &m_asmShowSourceLocation );
SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_SHARE " Draw jumps", &m_showJumps );
uint64_t jumpOut = 0;
ImGui::BeginChild( "##sourceView", ImVec2( 0, 0 ), true );
if( m_font ) ImGui::PushFont( m_font );
if( m_showAsm )
switch( m_displayMode )
if( m_targetAddr != 0 )
for( auto& line : m_asm )
if( m_targetAddr == line.addr )
m_targetAddr = 0;
RenderAsmLine( line, 0, iptotal, worker, jumpOut );
const auto th = (int)ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing();
ImGuiListClipper clipper( (int)m_asm.size(), th );
while( clipper.Step() )
assert( clipper.StepNo == 3 );
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
static std::vector<uint64_t> insList;
if( iptotal == 0 )
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
RenderAsmLine( m_asm[i], 0, 0, worker, jumpOut );
insList.emplace_back( m_asm[i].addr );
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
auto& line = m_asm[i];
auto it = ipcount.find( line.addr );
const auto ipcnt = it == ipcount.end() ? 0 : it->second;
RenderAsmLine( line, ipcnt, iptotal, worker, jumpOut );
insList.emplace_back( line.addr );
if( m_showJumps && !m_jumpTable.empty() )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ts = ImGui::CalcTextSize( " " );
const auto th2 = floor( ts.y / 2 );
const auto th4 = floor( ts.y / 4 );
const auto xoff = ( iptotal == 0 ? 0 : ( 7 * ts.x + ts.y ) ) + 19 * ts.x + ( m_asmShowSourceLocation ? 36 * ts.x : 0 );
const auto minAddr = m_asm[clipper.DisplayStart].addr;
const auto maxAddr = m_asm[clipper.DisplayEnd-1].addr;
const auto mjl = m_maxJumpLevel;
const auto JumpArrow = JumpArrowBase * ts.y / 15;
int i = -1;
for( auto& v : m_jumpTable )
if( v.second.min > maxAddr || v.second.max < minAddr ) continue;
const auto col = GetHsvColor( i, 0 );
if( v.first >= minAddr && v.first <= maxAddr )
auto iit = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), v.first );
assert( iit != insList.end() );
const auto y = ( iit - insList.begin() ) * th;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow + 1, y + th2 ), col );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow, y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow - th4, y + th2 - th4 ), col );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow, y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow - th4, y + th2 + th4 ), col );
for( auto& s : v.second.source )
if( s >= minAddr && s <= maxAddr )
auto iit = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), s );
assert( iit != insList.end() );
const auto y = ( iit - insList.begin() ) * th;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow, y + th2 ), col );
auto it0 = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), v.second.min );
auto it1 = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), v.second.max );
const auto y0 = ( it0 == insList.end() || *it0 != v.second.min ) ? -th : ( it0 - insList.begin() ) * th;
const auto y1 = it1 == insList.end() ? ( insList.size() + 1 ) * th : ( it1 - insList.begin() ) * th;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y0 + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y1 + th2 ), col );
case DisplaySource:
RenderSymbolSourceView( iptotalSrc, ipcountSrc, worker );
case DisplayAsm:
jumpOut = RenderSymbolAsmView( iptotalAsm, ipcountAsm, worker );
case DisplayMixed:
ImGui::Columns( 2 );
RenderSymbolSourceView( iptotalSrc, ipcountSrc, worker );
jumpOut = RenderSymbolAsmView( iptotalAsm, ipcountAsm, worker );
assert( false );
if( m_targetLine != 0 )
int lineNum = 1;
for( auto& line : m_lines )
if( m_targetLine == lineNum )
m_targetLine = 0;
RenderLine( line, lineNum++, 0, iptotal, &worker );
ImGuiListClipper clipper( (int)m_lines.size() );
while( clipper.Step() )
if( iptotal == 0 )
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
RenderLine( m_lines[i], i+1, 0, 0, &worker );
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
auto it = ipcount.find( i+1 );
const auto ipcnt = it == ipcount.end() ? 0 : it->second;
RenderLine( m_lines[i], i+1, ipcnt, iptotal, &worker );
if( m_font ) ImGui::PopFont();
if( jumpOut != 0 )
@ -612,6 +489,168 @@ void SourceView::RenderSymbolView( const Worker& worker )
void SourceView::RenderSymbolSourceView( uint32_t iptotal, unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> ipcount, const Worker& worker )
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 1.f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE );
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f ), "The source file contents might not reflect the actual profiled code!" );
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 1.f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE );
ImGui::BeginChild( "##sourceView", ImVec2( 0, 0 ), true );
if( m_font ) ImGui::PushFont( m_font );
if( m_targetLine != 0 )
int lineNum = 1;
for( auto& line : m_lines )
if( m_targetLine == lineNum )
m_targetLine = 0;
RenderLine( line, lineNum++, 0, iptotal, &worker );
ImGuiListClipper clipper( (int)m_lines.size() );
while( clipper.Step() )
if( iptotal == 0 )
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
RenderLine( m_lines[i], i+1, 0, 0, &worker );
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
auto it = ipcount.find( i+1 );
const auto ipcnt = it == ipcount.end() ? 0 : it->second;
RenderLine( m_lines[i], i+1, ipcnt, iptotal, &worker );
if( m_font ) ImGui::PopFont();
uint64_t SourceView::RenderSymbolAsmView( uint32_t iptotal, unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> ipcount, const Worker& worker )
SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_SEARCH_LOCATION " Relative locations", &m_asmRelative );
SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_FILE_IMPORT " Show source locations", &m_asmShowSourceLocation );
SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_SHARE " Draw jumps", &m_showJumps );
ImGui::BeginChild( "##asmView", ImVec2( 0, 0 ), true );
if( m_font ) ImGui::PushFont( m_font );
uint64_t jumpOut = 0;
if( m_targetAddr != 0 )
for( auto& line : m_asm )
if( m_targetAddr == line.addr )
m_targetAddr = 0;
RenderAsmLine( line, 0, iptotal, worker, jumpOut );
const auto th = (int)ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing();
ImGuiListClipper clipper( (int)m_asm.size(), th );
while( clipper.Step() )
assert( clipper.StepNo == 3 );
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
static std::vector<uint64_t> insList;
if( iptotal == 0 )
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
RenderAsmLine( m_asm[i], 0, 0, worker, jumpOut );
insList.emplace_back( m_asm[i].addr );
for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i<clipper.DisplayEnd; i++ )
auto& line = m_asm[i];
auto it = ipcount.find( line.addr );
const auto ipcnt = it == ipcount.end() ? 0 : it->second;
RenderAsmLine( line, ipcnt, iptotal, worker, jumpOut );
insList.emplace_back( line.addr );
if( m_showJumps && !m_jumpTable.empty() )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ts = ImGui::CalcTextSize( " " );
const auto th2 = floor( ts.y / 2 );
const auto th4 = floor( ts.y / 4 );
const auto xoff = ( iptotal == 0 ? 0 : ( 7 * ts.x + ts.y ) ) + 19 * ts.x + ( m_asmShowSourceLocation ? 36 * ts.x : 0 );
const auto minAddr = m_asm[clipper.DisplayStart].addr;
const auto maxAddr = m_asm[clipper.DisplayEnd-1].addr;
const auto mjl = m_maxJumpLevel;
const auto JumpArrow = JumpArrowBase * ts.y / 15;
int i = -1;
for( auto& v : m_jumpTable )
if( v.second.min > maxAddr || v.second.max < minAddr ) continue;
const auto col = GetHsvColor( i, 0 );
if( v.first >= minAddr && v.first <= maxAddr )
auto iit = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), v.first );
assert( iit != insList.end() );
const auto y = ( iit - insList.begin() ) * th;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow + 1, y + th2 ), col );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow, y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow - th4, y + th2 - th4 ), col );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow, y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow - th4, y + th2 + th4 ), col );
for( auto& s : v.second.source )
if( s >= minAddr && s <= maxAddr )
auto iit = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), s );
assert( iit != insList.end() );
const auto y = ( iit - insList.begin() ) * th;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * mjl + JumpArrow, y + th2 ), col );
auto it0 = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), v.second.min );
auto it1 = std::lower_bound( insList.begin(), insList.end(), v.second.max );
const auto y0 = ( it0 == insList.end() || *it0 != v.second.min ) ? -th : ( it0 - insList.begin() ) * th;
const auto y1 = it1 == insList.end() ? ( insList.size() + 1 ) * th : ( it1 - insList.begin() ) * th;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y0 + th2 ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff + JumpSeparation * ( mjl - v.second.level ), y1 + th2 ), col );
if( m_font ) ImGui::PopFont();
return jumpOut;
static void PrintPercentage( float val )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
@ -690,7 +729,7 @@ void SourceView::RenderLine( const Line& line, int lineNum, uint32_t ipcnt, uint
TextDisabledUnformatted( buf );
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() )
m_showAsm = true;
m_displayMode = DisplayMixed;
m_currentAddr = (*addresses)[0];
m_targetAddr = (*addresses)[0];
@ -790,7 +829,7 @@ void SourceView::RenderAsmLine( const AsmLine& line, uint32_t ipcnt, uint32_t ip
m_currentAddr = line.addr;
m_targetLine = srcline;
m_selectedLine = srcline;
m_showAsm = false;
m_displayMode = DisplayMixed;
ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 );

View File

@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ class SourceView
std::vector<uint64_t> source;
SourceView( ImFont* font );
@ -53,6 +60,9 @@ private:
void RenderSimpleSourceView();
void RenderSymbolView( const Worker& worker );
void RenderSymbolSourceView( uint32_t iptotal, unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> ipcount, const Worker& worker );
uint64_t RenderSymbolAsmView( uint32_t iptotal, unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> ipcount, const Worker& worker );
void RenderLine( const Line& line, int lineNum, uint32_t ipcnt, uint32_t iptotal, const Worker* worker );
void RenderAsmLine( const AsmLine& line, uint32_t ipcnt, uint32_t iptotal, const Worker& worker, uint64_t& jumpOut );
@ -67,7 +77,7 @@ private:
size_t m_dataSize;
int m_targetLine;
int m_selectedLine;
bool m_showAsm;
int m_displayMode;
uint32_t m_codeLen;
DecayValue<uint64_t> m_highlightAddr;
bool m_asmRelative;