Update docs.

This commit is contained in:
Bartosz Taudul 2018-10-05 23:47:45 +02:00
parent 75ab9147d0
commit 299d1d7a73

View File

@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ The main profiler window is split into three sections, as seen on figure~\ref{ma
\draw (0.6, -0.7) node[anchor=north west] {Frames: 364};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (2.8, -0.7) rectangle+(0.4, -0.5) node [midway] {\faCaretRight};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (3.3, -0.7) rectangle+(0.5, -0.5) node [midway] {\faCaretDown};
\draw (3.9, -0.7) node[anchor=north west] {Time span: 6.06 s \hspace{5pt} View span: 52.7 ms \hspace{5pt} Zones: 456,092 \hspace{5pt} \ldots};
\draw (3.9, -0.7) node[anchor=north west] {\faEye: 52.7 ms \hspace{5pt} \faDatabase: 6.06 s};
\draw (0.1, -1.3) rectangle+(14.8, -1) node [midway] {Frame time graph};
\draw (0.1, -2.4) rectangle+(14.8, -3) node [midway] {Timeline view};
@ -798,9 +798,9 @@ The control menu (top row of buttons) provides access to various features of the
\item \emph{\faFingerprint{} Info} -- Show general information about the trace (section~\ref{traceinfo}).
The frame information blocks consists of four elements: the current frame set name along with the number of captured frames, the two navigational buttons \faCaretLeft{} and \faCaretRight{}, which allow you to focus the timeline view on the previous or next frame, and the frame set selection button \faCaretDown{}, which is used to switch to a another frame set. For more information about marking frames, see section~\ref{markingframes}.
The frame information block consists of four elements: the current frame set name along with the number of captured frames, the two navigational buttons \faCaretLeft{} and \faCaretRight{}, which allow you to focus the timeline view on the previous or next frame, and the frame set selection button \faCaretDown{}, which is used to switch to a another frame set. For more information about marking frames, see section~\ref{markingframes}.
The rest of the control menu displays useful data, such as the \emph{time span} of the capture, the timeline \emph{view span}, number of captured zones, etc.
The last two items show the \faEye{}~view time range and \faDatabase{}~time span of the whole capture.
\subsubsection{Frame time graph}