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Bartosz Taudul 2020-07-07 21:40:56 +02:00
parent 9bcf7a9214
commit 660f2cec7f

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@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ This requirement is relaxed in the on-demand mode (section~\ref{ondemand}), beca
Tracy provides bindings for profiling OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D 12 and OpenCL execution time on GPU.
Note that the CPU and GPU timers may be not synchronized. You can correct the resulting desynchronization in the profiler's options (section~\ref{options}).
Note that the CPU and GPU timers may be not synchronized, unless a calibrated context is created. Since availability of calibrated contexts is limited, you can correct the desynchronization of uncalibrated contexts in the profiler's options (section~\ref{options}).
@ -1213,6 +1213,12 @@ To mark a GPU zone use the \texttt{TracyVkZone(ctx, cmdbuf, name)} macro, where
You also need to periodically collect the GPU events using the \texttt{TracyVkCollect(ctx, cmdbuf)} macro\footnote{It is considerably faster than the OpenGL's \texttt{TracyGpuCollect}.}. The provided command buffer must be in the recording state and outside of a render pass instance.
\subparagraph{Calibrated context}
In order to maintain synchronization between CPU and GPU time domains, you will need to enable the \texttt{VK\_EXT\_calibrated\_timestamps} device extension and retrieve the following function pointers: \texttt{vkGetPhysicalDeviceCalibrateableTimeDomainsEXT} and \texttt{vkGetCalibratedTimestampsEXT}.
To enable calibrated context, replace the macro \texttt{TracyVkContext} with \texttt{TracyVkContextCalibrated} and pass the two functions as additional parameters, in the order specified above.
\subsubsection{Direct3D 12}
To enable Direct3D 12 support, include the \texttt{tracy/TracyD3D12.hpp} header file. Tracing Direct3D 12 queues is nearly on par with the Vulkan implementation, where a \texttt{TracyD3D12Ctx} is returned from a call to \texttt{TracyD3D12Context(device, queue)}, which should be later cleaned up with the \texttt{TracyD3D12Destroy(ctx)} macro. Multiple contexts can be created, each with any queue type.
@ -2362,7 +2368,7 @@ In this window you can set various trace-related options. The timeline view migh
\item \emph{\faSignature{} Draw CPU usage graph} -- You can disable drawing of the CPU usage graph here.
\item \emph{\faEye{} Draw GPU zones} -- Allows disabling display of OpenGL/Vulkan/Direct3D/OpenCL zones. The \emph{GPU zones} drop-down allows disabling individual GPU contexts and setting CPU/GPU drift offsets (see section~\ref{gpuprofiling} for more information). The \emph{\faRobot~Auto} button automatically measures the GPU drift value\footnote{There is an assumption that drift is linear. Automated measurement calculates and removes change over time in delay-to-execution of GPU zones. Resulting value may still be incorrect.}.
\item \emph{\faEye{} Draw GPU zones} -- Allows disabling display of OpenGL/Vulkan/Direct3D/OpenCL zones. The \emph{GPU zones} drop-down allows disabling individual GPU contexts and setting CPU/GPU drift offsets of uncalibrated contexts (see section~\ref{gpuprofiling} for more information). The \emph{\faRobot~Auto} button automatically measures the GPU drift value\footnote{There is an assumption that drift is linear. Automated measurement calculates and removes change over time in delay-to-execution of GPU zones. Resulting value may still be incorrect.}.
\item \emph{\faMicrochip{} Draw CPU zones} -- Determines whether CPU zones are displayed.
\item \emph{\faGhost{} Draw ghost zones} -- Controls if ghost zones should be displayed in threads which don't have any instrumented zones available.