Split locks as single and multithreaded in options menu.

This commit is contained in:
Bartosz Taudul 2019-02-17 17:06:39 +01:00
parent 5cc738593f
commit a2819baa35

View File

@ -4914,48 +4914,131 @@ void View::DrawOptions()
DrawHelpMarker( "Right click on lock name to open lock information window." );
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Locks present in multiple threads", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) )
if( l.second.valid )
if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) )
auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc );
auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file );
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc ).function ) );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( &l.second ) );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first;
if( l.second.threadList.size() != 1 ) Visible( &l.second ) = true;
if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) )
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.threadList.size() != 1 ) Visible( &l.second ) = false;
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) )
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.valid && l.second.threadList.size() != 1 )
auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc );
auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file );
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc ).function ) );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( &l.second ) );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_lockInfoWindow = l.first;
m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first;
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) )
m_lockInfoWindow = l.first;
if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second.srcloc ) )
const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time();
const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time;
ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( l.second.timeline.size(), true ), fileName, sl.line );
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) )
if( FileExists( fileName ) )
if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second.srcloc ) )
SetTextEditorFile( fileName, sl.line );
const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time();
const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time;
ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal );
m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second.srcloc, 0.5f );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( l.second.timeline.size(), true ), fileName, sl.line );
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) )
if( FileExists( fileName ) )
SetTextEditorFile( fileName, sl.line );
m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second.srcloc, 0.5f );
if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Locks present in a single thread", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) )
if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) )
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.threadList.size() == 1 ) Visible( &l.second ) = true;
if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) )
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.threadList.size() == 1 ) Visible( &l.second ) = false;
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.valid && l.second.threadList.size() == 1 )
auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc );
auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file );
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc ).function ) );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( &l.second ) );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first;
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) )
m_lockInfoWindow = l.first;
if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second.srcloc ) )
const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time();
const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time;
ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( l.second.timeline.size(), true ), fileName, sl.line );
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) )
if( FileExists( fileName ) )
SetTextEditorFile( fileName, sl.line );
m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second.srcloc, 0.5f );