Add a note about source button highlight.

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Bartosz Taudul 2018-12-18 17:28:00 +01:00
parent 57b4f874cc
commit ac9dbfbc79

View File

@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ The zone information window has the following controls available:
\item \emph{\faArrowUp{} Go to parent} -- Switches the zone information window to display current zone's parent zone (if available).
\item \emph{\faChartBar{} Statistics} -- Displays the zone general performance characteristics in the find zone window (section~\ref{findzone}).
\item \emph{\faAlignJustify{} Call stack} -- Views the current zone's call stack in the call stack window (section~\ref{callstackwindow}). The button will be highlighted, if the call stack window shows the zone's call stack. Only available if zone had captured call stack data (section~\ref{collectingcallstacks}).
\item \emph{\faFile*{} Source} -- Display source file view window with the zone source code (only available if applicable, see section~\ref{sourceview}).
\item \emph{\faFile*{} Source} -- Display source file view window with the zone source code (only available if applicable, see section~\ref{sourceview}). Button will be highlighted, if the source file is being currently displayed (but the focused source line might be different).
\item \emph{\faArrowLeft{} Go back} -- Returns to the previously viewed zone. The viewing history is lost when the zone information window is closed, or when the type of displayed zone changes (from CPU to GPU or vice versa).