Update connection popup in the manual.

This commit is contained in:
Bartosz Taudul 2019-10-26 13:54:57 +02:00
parent 1d0084aa28
commit cccabe9b64

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@ -1284,18 +1284,19 @@ You can use the \faSave{}~\emph{Save trace} button to save the current profile d
\draw (0, 0.5) rectangle (6.1, -3.2);
\draw (0, 0.5) rectangle (6.1, -3.7);
\draw (0, 0.5) node[anchor=north west] {Connected to:};
\draw[pattern=north east lines] (0.35, -0.35) circle(0.2);
\draw (0.7, -0.1) rectangle+(3.5, -0.5) node[midway] {Bandwidth graph};
\draw (4.3, -0.1) node[anchor=north west] {1.9 Mbps};
\draw (0.1, -0.6) node[anchor=north west] {Ratio 40.8\% \hspace{5pt} Real: 4.67 Mbps};
\draw (0.1, -1.1) node[anchor=north west] {Query backlog: 0};
\draw (0.1, -1.6) node[anchor=north west] {Memory usage: 77.57 MB};
\draw (0.1, -2.1) node[anchor=north west] {FPS: 60 \hspace{5pt} Frame time: 16.7 ms};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (0.1, -2.6) rectangle+(2.2, -0.5) node [midway] {\faSave{}~Save trace};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (2.6, -2.6) rectangle+(1.3, -0.5) node [midway] {\faPlug{}~Stop};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (4.0, -2.6) rectangle+(2, -0.5) node [midway] {\faExclamationTriangle{}~Discard};
\draw (4.3, -0.1) node[anchor=north west] {1.33 Mbps};
\draw (0.1, -0.6) node[anchor=north west] {Ratio 40.4\% \hspace{5pt} Real: 3.29 Mbps};
\draw (0.1, -1.1) node[anchor=north west] {Data transferred: 23.11 MB};
\draw (0.1, -1.6) node[anchor=north west] {Query backlog: 0};
\draw (0.1, -2.1) node[anchor=north west] {Memory usage: 77.57 MB};
\draw (0.1, -2.6) node[anchor=north west] {FPS: 60 \hspace{5pt} Frame time: 16.7 ms};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (0.1, -3.1) rectangle+(2.2, -0.5) node [midway] {\faSave{}~Save trace};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (2.6, -3.1) rectangle+(1.3, -0.5) node [midway] {\faPlug{}~Stop};
\draw[rounded corners=5pt] (4.0, -3.1) rectangle+(2, -0.5) node [midway] {\faExclamationTriangle{}~Discard};
\caption{Connection information pop-up.}