mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 22:44:34 +00:00
Draw plots using preprocessed draw lists.
This commit is contained in:
@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ void TimelineItemPlot::Preprocess( const TimelineContext& ctx, TaskDispatch& td,
// Sync with View::DrawPlot()!
constexpr int NumSamples = 1024;
constexpr int NumSamples = 1024;
uint32_t samples[NumSamples];
uint32_t samples[NumSamples];
uint32_t cnt = 0;
uint32_t cnt = 0;
@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ private:
int SkipGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift );
int SkipGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift );
void DrawLockHeader( uint32_t id, const LockMap& lockmap, const SourceLocation& srcloc, bool hover, ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, float ty, float offset, uint8_t tid );
void DrawLockHeader( uint32_t id, const LockMap& lockmap, const SourceLocation& srcloc, bool hover, ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, float ty, float offset, uint8_t tid );
int DrawLocks( const TimelineContext& ctx, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LockDraw>>& lockDraw, uint64_t tid, int _offset, LockHighlight& highlight );
int DrawLocks( const TimelineContext& ctx, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LockDraw>>& lockDraw, uint64_t tid, int _offset, LockHighlight& highlight );
void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, const PlotItem* item, double prev, bool merged, PlotType type, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight, uint64_t name );
void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, const PlotItem& item, double prev, PlotType type, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight, uint64_t name );
void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight );
void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, double val, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight );
void DrawOptions();
void DrawOptions();
void DrawMessages();
void DrawMessages();
void DrawMessageLine( const MessageData& msg, bool hasCallstack, int& idx );
void DrawMessageLine( const MessageData& msg, bool hasCallstack, int& idx );
@ -11,69 +11,30 @@
namespace tracy
namespace tracy
constexpr int PlotHeightPx = 100;
bool View::DrawPlot( const TimelineContext& ctx, PlotData& plot, const std::vector<uint32_t>& plotDraw, int& offset )
bool View::DrawPlot( const TimelineContext& ctx, PlotData& plot, const std::vector<uint32_t>& plotDraw, int& offset )
auto& vec = plot.data;
auto& vec = plot.data;
if( vec.front().time.Val() > m_vd.zvEnd || vec.back().time.Val() < m_vd.zvStart ) return false;
if( vec.front().time.Val() > m_vd.zvEnd || vec.back().time.Val() < m_vd.zvStart ) return false;
const auto PlotHeight = 100 * GetScale();
enum { MaxPoints = 128 };
float tmpvec[MaxPoints*2];
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto& wpos = ctx.wpos;
const auto& wpos = ctx.wpos;
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
const auto pxns = ctx.pxns;
const auto pxns = ctx.pxns;
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto w = ctx.w;
const auto w = ctx.w;
const auto hover = ctx.hover;
const auto hover = ctx.hover;
const auto ty = ctx.ty;
const auto ty = ctx.ty;
const auto PlotHeight = PlotHeightPx * GetScale();
auto yPos = wpos.y + offset;
auto yPos = wpos.y + offset;
if( yPos + PlotHeight >= ctx.yMin && yPos <= ctx.yMax )
if( yPos + PlotHeight >= ctx.yMin && yPos <= ctx.yMax )
const auto color = GetPlotColor( plot, m_worker );
auto min = plot.rMin;
const auto bg = 0x22000000 | ( DarkenColorMore( color ) & 0xFFFFFF );
auto max = plot.rMax;
const auto fill = 0x22000000 | ( DarkenColor( color ) & 0xFFFFFF );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( 0, yPos ), ImVec2( w, yPos + PlotHeight ), bg );
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_vd.zvStart - m_worker.GetDelay(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
auto end = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd + m_worker.GetResolution(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
if( end != vec.end() ) end++;
if( it != vec.begin() ) it--;
double min = it->val;
double max = it->val;
const auto num = std::distance( it, end );
if( num > 1000000 )
min = plot.min;
max = plot.max;
auto tmp = it;
const auto sz = end - tmp;
for( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
min = tmp[i].val < min ? tmp[i].val : min;
max = tmp[i].val > max ? tmp[i].val : max;
if( min == max )
plot.rMin = min;
plot.rMax = max;
plot.num = num;
auto pvit = m_plotView.find( &plot );
auto pvit = m_plotView.find( &plot );
if( pvit == m_plotView.end() )
if( pvit == m_plotView.end() )
@ -100,116 +61,133 @@ bool View::DrawPlot( const TimelineContext& ctx, PlotData& plot, const std::vect
max = pv.max;
max = pv.max;
const auto color = GetPlotColor( plot, m_worker );
const auto bg = 0x22000000 | ( DarkenColorMore( color ) & 0xFFFFFF );
const auto fill = 0x22000000 | ( DarkenColor( color ) & 0xFFFFFF );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( 0, yPos ), ImVec2( w, yPos + PlotHeight ), bg );
const auto revrange = 1.0 / ( max - min );
const auto revrange = 1.0 / ( max - min );
if( it == vec.begin() )
auto it = plotDraw.begin();
auto end = plotDraw.end();
const auto x = ( it->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
double px, py;
const auto y = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
bool first = true;
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, y, offset, color, hover, false, it, 0, false, plot.type, plot.format, PlotHeight, plot.name );
auto prevx = it;
auto prevy = it;
ptrdiff_t skip = 0;
while( it < end )
while( it < end )
const auto x0 = ( prevx->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto cnt = *it++;
const auto x1 = ( it->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto i0 = *it++;
const auto y0 = PlotHeight - ( prevy->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
const auto& v0 = vec[i0];
const auto y1 = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
double x = ( v0.time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
double y = PlotHeight - ( v0.val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
if( plot.showSteps )
if( first )
if( plot.fill )
first = false;
draw->AddRectFilled( dpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + PlotHeight ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y0 ), fill );
const ImVec2 data[3] = { dpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + y0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y1 ) };
draw->AddPolyline( data, 3, color, 0, 1.0f );
if( plot.fill )
if( plot.showSteps )
draw->AddQuadFilled( dpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + PlotHeight ), dpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + y0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y1 ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight ), fill );
if( plot.fill )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + y0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y1 ), color );
const auto rx = skip == 0 ? 2.0 : ( skip == 1 ? 2.5 : 4.0 );
auto range = std::upper_bound( it, end, int64_t( it->time.Val() + nspx * rx ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.time.Val(); } );
assert( range > it );
const auto rsz = std::distance( it, range );
if( rsz == 1 )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, y1, offset, color, hover, true, it, prevy->val, false, plot.type, plot.format, PlotHeight, plot.name );
prevx = it;
prevy = it;
prevx = it;
skip = rsz / MaxPoints;
const auto skip1 = std::max<ptrdiff_t>( 1, skip );
const auto sz = rsz / skip1 + 1;
assert( sz <= MaxPoints*2 );
auto dst = tmpvec;
const auto rsz = std::distance( it, range );
const auto ssz = rsz / skip1;
for( int64_t i=0; i<ssz; i++ )
*dst++ = float( it->val );
it += skip1;
pdqsort_branchless( tmpvec, dst );
if( rsz > MaxPoints )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( tmpvec[0] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( dst[-1] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), color, 4.f );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x1 - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x1 + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
draw->AddRectFilled( dpos + ImVec2( px, offset + PlotHeight ), dpos + ImVec2( x, offset + py ), fill );
TextFocused( "Number of values:", RealToString( rsz ) );
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Estimated range:" );
const ImVec2 data[3] = { dpos + ImVec2( px, offset + py ), dpos + ImVec2( x, offset + py ), dpos + ImVec2( x, offset + y ) };
draw->AddPolyline( data, 3, color, 0, 1.0f );
ImGui::Text( "%s - %s", FormatPlotValue( tmpvec[0], plot.format ), FormatPlotValue( dst[-1], plot.format ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", FormatPlotValue( dst[-1] - tmpvec[0], plot.format ) );
if( plot.fill )
draw->AddQuadFilled( dpos + ImVec2( px, offset + PlotHeight ), dpos + ImVec2( px, offset + py ), dpos + ImVec2( x, offset + y ), dpos + ImVec2( x, offset + PlotHeight ), fill );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px, offset + py ), dpos + ImVec2( x, offset + y ), color );
if( cnt == 0 )
if( i0 == 0 )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, y, offset, color, hover, false, v0, 0, plot.type, plot.format, PlotHeight, plot.name );
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, y, offset, color, hover, true, v0, vec[i0-1].val, plot.type, plot.format, PlotHeight, plot.name );
px = x;
py = y;
constexpr int MaxShow = 32;
const auto i1 = i0 + cnt - 1;
const auto& v1 = vec[i1];
px = x;
py = PlotHeight - ( v1.val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
const auto imin = *it++;
const auto imax = *it++;
const auto vmin = vec[imin].val;
const auto vmax = vec[imax].val;
const auto ymin = offset + PlotHeight - ( vmin - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
const auto ymax = offset + PlotHeight - ( vmax - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
if( cnt < MaxShow )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x, ymin ), dpos + ImVec2( x, ymax ), color );
for( int i=0; i<cnt; i++ )
const auto is = i0 + i;
const auto& vs = vec[is];
auto ys = PlotHeight - ( vs.val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, ys, offset, color, hover, vs.val, plot.format, PlotHeight );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( tmpvec[0] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), dpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( dst[-1] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), color );
if( ymin - ymax < 3 )
auto vit = tmpvec;
while( vit != dst )
auto vrange = std::upper_bound( vit, dst, *vit + 3.0 / ( revrange * PlotHeight ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r; } );
const auto mid = ( ymin + ymax ) * 0.5;
assert( vrange > vit );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x, mid - 1.5 ), dpos + ImVec2( x, mid + 1.5 ), color, 3 );
if( std::distance( vit, vrange ) == 1 )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x, ymin ), dpos + ImVec2( x, ymax ), color, 3 );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
constexpr int NumSamples = 1024;
TextFocused( "Number of values:", RealToString( cnt ) );
if( cnt < NumSamples )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, color, hover, false, *vit, 0, false, plot.format, PlotHeight );
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Range:" );
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, color, hover, false, *vit, 0, true, plot.format, PlotHeight );
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Estimated range:" );
vit = vrange;
ImGui::Text( "%s - %s", FormatPlotValue( vmin, plot.format ), FormatPlotValue( vmax, plot.format ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", FormatPlotValue( vmax - vmin, plot.format ) );
prevy = it - 1;
auto tmp = FormatPlotValue( plot.rMax, plot.format );
DrawTextSuperContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), color, tmp );
offset += PlotHeight - ty;
tmp = FormatPlotValue( plot.rMin, plot.format );
DrawTextSuperContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), color, tmp );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), dpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0xFF226E6E );
offset += ty;
if( plot.type == PlotType::Memory )
if( plot.type == PlotType::Memory )
auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( plot.name );
auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( plot.name );
@ -248,15 +226,6 @@ bool View::DrawPlot( const TimelineContext& ctx, PlotData& plot, const std::vect
auto tmp = FormatPlotValue( plot.rMax, plot.format );
DrawTextSuperContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), color, tmp );
offset += PlotHeight - ty;
tmp = FormatPlotValue( plot.rMin, plot.format );
DrawTextSuperContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), color, tmp );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), dpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0xFF226E6E );
offset += ty;
@ -265,68 +234,50 @@ bool View::DrawPlot( const TimelineContext& ctx, PlotData& plot, const std::vect
return true;
return true;
void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight )
void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, double val, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
if( merged )
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
TextFocused( "Value:", FormatPlotValue( val, format ) );
TextFocused( "Value:", FormatPlotValue( val, format ) );
if( hasPrev )
TextFocused( "Change:", FormatPlotValue( val - prev, format ) );
void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, const PlotItem* item, double prev, bool merged, PlotType type, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight, uint64_t name )
void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, const PlotItem& item, double prev, PlotType type, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight, uint64_t name )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
if( merged )
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToStringExact( item->time.Val() ) );
TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToStringExact( item.time.Val() ) );
if( type == PlotType::Memory )
if( type == PlotType::Memory )
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Value:" );
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Value:" );
if( item->val < 10000ll )
if( item.val < 10000ll )
ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( item->val ) );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( item.val ) );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( item->val ) );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( item.val ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( item->val ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( item.val ) );
TextFocused( "Value:", FormatPlotValue( item->val, format ) );
TextFocused( "Value:", FormatPlotValue( item.val, format ) );
if( hasPrev )
if( hasPrev )
const auto change = item->val - prev;
const auto change = item.val - prev;
TextFocused( "Change:", FormatPlotValue( change, format ) );
TextFocused( "Change:", FormatPlotValue( change, format ) );
if( type == PlotType::Memory )
if( type == PlotType::Memory )
@ -335,8 +286,8 @@ void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint
const MemEvent* ev = nullptr;
const MemEvent* ev = nullptr;
if( change > 0 )
if( change > 0 )
auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), item->time.Val(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.TimeAlloc() < rhs; } );
auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), item.time.Val(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.TimeAlloc() < rhs; } );
if( it != mem.data.end() && it->TimeAlloc() == item->time.Val() )
if( it != mem.data.end() && it->TimeAlloc() == item.time.Val() )
ev = it;
ev = it;
@ -344,8 +295,8 @@ void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint
const auto& data = mem.data;
const auto& data = mem.data;
auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), item->time.Val(), [&data] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return data[lhs].TimeFree() < rhs; } );
auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), item.time.Val(), [&data] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return data[lhs].TimeFree() < rhs; } );
if( it != mem.frees.end() && data[*it].TimeFree() == item->time.Val() )
if( it != mem.frees.end() && data[*it].TimeFree() == item.time.Val() )
ev = &data[*it];
ev = &data[*it];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user