Make API use TRACY_EXPORTS, and replace TRACYPROFILER_EXPORTS with TRACY_EXPORTS in vcxproj projects.
Swap dllimport with dllexport. Reason for this is a common idiom in CMake: target_compile_definitions(tracy PUBLIC -DTRACY_IMPORTS PRIVATE -DTRACY_EXPORTS). This idiom adds both defines in tracy target, but targets that link to tracy only get TRACY_IMPORTS. Swapped statements ensure that tracy always dllexports it's api and consuming targets always dllimport it.
- set ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable
- correct render loop logic with viewport api calls, SetNextWindowViewport(), UpdatePlatformWindows(), RenderPlatformWindowsDefault()
- Fix: coords in abs space now, SetNextWindowPos()
- I have viewports turned on by default so you can easy test (comment out io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable; and you get old behavior)
- Jankiness with multiviewports isn't bc perf hit; it's bc profiler reduces it's tick rate when it's not in focus. So, that bit of logic needs to be updated if you really care
- I haven't encountered any issues over past week but discount that by 50% since i'm new to tracy. No promises some UI wasn't regresssed
- Key things to watch out for is enabling viewports turns ImGui into using absolute monitor coords instead of window coords (ie SetPosition(0,0) => monitor top left, not window top/left
- Wrapping FORCEINLINE & WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN definess with ifndef bc other libraries may define it and trigger redefinition warning
- Possibly contentious given tone in the manual (:P) but removing variable shadowing in TracySysTrace.cpp
- Alternate Solution: Add #define TRACY_FORCE_SILENT_WARNINGS toggle-able flag. If flag is enabled, push/pop warning disables that have to be included in client code