#ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning( disable: 4267 ) // conversion from don't care to whatever, possible loss of data #endif #ifdef __MINGW32__ # define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __AVX2__ # ifdef _MSC_VER # include # else # include # endif #endif #include "tracy_pdqsort.h" #include "TracyColor.hpp" #include "TracyFileRead.hpp" #include "TracyFileWrite.hpp" #include "TracyFilesystem.hpp" #include "TracyMouse.hpp" #include "TracyPopcnt.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracySort.hpp" #include "TracySourceView.hpp" #include "TracyStackFrames.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" #include "../imgui/imgui_internal.h" #ifndef TRACY_NO_FILESELECTOR # include "../nfd/nfd.h" #endif #include "IconsFontAwesome5.h" #ifndef M_PI_2 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #endif namespace tracy { static double s_time = 0; constexpr const char* GpuContextNames[] = { "Invalid", "OpenGL", "Vulkan", "OpenCL", "Direct3D 12" }; static inline uint64_t GetThreadBit( uint8_t thread ) { return uint64_t( 1 ) << thread; } static inline bool IsThreadWaiting( uint64_t bitlist, uint64_t threadBit ) { return ( bitlist & threadBit ) != 0; } static inline bool AreOtherWaiting( uint64_t bitlist, uint64_t threadBit ) { return ( bitlist & ~threadBit ) != 0; } static tracy_force_inline void PrintStringPercent( char* buf, const char* string, double percent ) { const auto ssz = strlen( string ); memcpy( buf, string, ssz ); memcpy( buf+ssz, " (", 2 ); auto end = PrintFloat( buf+ssz+2, buf+128, percent, 2 ); memcpy( end, "%)", 3 ); } static tracy_force_inline void PrintStringPercent( char* buf, double percent ) { memcpy( buf, "(", 2 ); auto end = PrintFloat( buf+1, buf+64, percent, 2 ); memcpy( end, "%)", 3 ); } template static tracy_force_inline uint32_t HighlightColor( uint32_t color ) { return 0xFF000000 | ( std::min( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + V ) ) << 16 ) | ( std::min( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + V ) ) << 8 ) | ( std::min( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) + V ) ) ); } enum { MinVisSize = 3 }; enum { MinCtxSize = 4 }; enum { MinFrameSize = 5 }; static View* s_instance = nullptr; View::View( void(*cbMainThread)(std::function), const char* addr, uint16_t port, ImFont* fixedWidth, ImFont* smallFont, ImFont* bigFont, SetTitleCallback stcb, GetWindowCallback gwcb ) : m_worker( addr, port ) , m_staticView( false ) , m_viewMode( ViewMode::LastFrames ) , m_viewModeHeuristicTry( true ) , m_forceConnectionPopup( true, true ) , m_frames( nullptr ) , m_messagesScrollBottom( true ) , m_reactToCrash( true ) , m_smallFont( smallFont ) , m_bigFont( bigFont ) , m_stcb( stcb ) , m_gwcb( gwcb ) , m_userData() , m_cbMainThread( cbMainThread ) { assert( s_instance == nullptr ); s_instance = this; InitTextEditor( fixedWidth ); } View::View( void(*cbMainThread)(std::function), FileRead& f, ImFont* fixedWidth, ImFont* smallFont, ImFont* bigFont, SetTitleCallback stcb, GetWindowCallback gwcb ) : m_worker( f ) , m_filename( f.GetFilename() ) , m_staticView( true ) , m_viewMode( ViewMode::Paused ) , m_frames( m_worker.GetFramesBase() ) , m_messagesScrollBottom( false ) , m_smallFont( smallFont ) , m_bigFont( bigFont ) , m_stcb( stcb ) , m_gwcb( gwcb ) , m_userData( m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str(), m_worker.GetCaptureTime() ) , m_cbMainThread( cbMainThread ) { assert( s_instance == nullptr ); s_instance = this; m_notificationTime = 4; m_notificationText = std::string( "Trace loaded in " ) + TimeToString( m_worker.GetLoadTime() ); InitTextEditor( fixedWidth ); SetViewToLastFrames(); m_userData.StateShouldBePreserved(); m_userData.LoadState( m_vd ); m_userData.LoadAnnotations( m_annotations ); m_sourceRegexValid = m_userData.LoadSourceSubstitutions( m_sourceSubstitutions ); if( m_worker.GetCallstackFrameCount() == 0 ) m_showUnknownFrames = false; if( m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount() == 0 ) m_showAllSymbols = true; } View::~View() { m_worker.Shutdown(); m_userData.SaveState( m_vd ); m_userData.SaveAnnotations( m_annotations ); m_userData.SaveSourceSubstitutions( m_sourceSubstitutions ); if( m_compare.loadThread.joinable() ) m_compare.loadThread.join(); if( m_saveThread.joinable() ) m_saveThread.join(); if( m_frameTexture ) FreeTexture( m_frameTexture, m_cbMainThread ); if( m_playback.texture ) FreeTexture( m_playback.texture, m_cbMainThread ); assert( s_instance != nullptr ); s_instance = nullptr; } void View::InitTextEditor( ImFont* font ) { m_sourceView = std::make_unique( font, m_gwcb ); m_sourceViewFile = nullptr; } void View::ViewSource( const char* fileName, int line ) { assert( fileName ); m_sourceViewFile = fileName; m_sourceView->OpenSource( fileName, line, *this, m_worker ); } void View::ViewSymbol( const char* fileName, int line, uint64_t baseAddr, uint64_t symAddr ) { assert( fileName || symAddr ); m_sourceViewFile = fileName ? fileName : (const char*)~uint64_t( 0 ); m_sourceView->OpenSymbol( fileName, line, baseAddr, symAddr, m_worker, *this ); } bool View::ViewDispatch( const char* fileName, int line, uint64_t symAddr ) { if( line == 0 ) { fileName = nullptr; } else { if( !SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { fileName = nullptr; line = 0; } } if( symAddr == 0 ) { if( line != 0 ) { ViewSource( fileName, line ); return true; } return false; } else { uint64_t baseAddr = 0; if( m_worker.HasSymbolCode( symAddr ) ) { baseAddr = symAddr; } else { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( symAddr ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { if( m_worker.HasSymbolCode( parentAddr ) ) { baseAddr = parentAddr; } } } if( baseAddr != 0 || line != 0 ) { ViewSymbol( fileName, line, baseAddr, symAddr ); return true; } return false; } } const char* View::ShortenNamespace( const char* name ) const { if( m_namespace == Namespace::Full ) return name; if( m_namespace == Namespace::Short ) { auto ptr = name; while( *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++; while( ptr > name && *ptr != ':' ) ptr--; if( *ptr == ':' ) ptr++; return ptr; } static char buf[1024]; auto dst = buf; auto ptr = name; for(;;) { auto start = ptr; while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ':' ) ptr++; if( *ptr == '\0' ) { memcpy( dst, start, ptr - start + 1 ); return buf; } *dst++ = *start; *dst++ = ':'; while( *ptr == ':' ) ptr++; } } void View::DrawHelpMarker( const char* desc ) const { TextDisabledUnformatted( "(?)" ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 450.0f * ty / 15.f ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( desc ); ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } bool View::Draw() { HandshakeStatus status = (HandshakeStatus)s_instance->m_worker.GetHandshakeStatus(); switch( status ) { case HandshakeProtocolMismatch: ImGui::OpenPopup( "Protocol mismatch" ); break; case HandshakeNotAvailable: ImGui::OpenPopup( "Client not ready" ); break; case HandshakeDropped: ImGui::OpenPopup( "Client disconnected" ); break; default: break; } const auto& failure = s_instance->m_worker.GetFailureType(); if( failure != Worker::Failure::None ) { ImGui::OpenPopup( "Instrumentation failure" ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopupModal( "Protocol mismatch", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ) ) { TextCentered( ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "The client you are trying to connect to uses incompatible protocol version.\nMake sure you are using the same Tracy version on both client and server." ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( "My bad" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); return false; } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reconnect" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); s_instance->m_reconnectRequested = true; return false; } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if( ImGui::BeginPopupModal( "Client not ready", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ) ) { TextCentered( ICON_FA_LIGHTBULB ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "The client you are trying to connect to is no longer able to sent profiling data,\nbecause another server was already connected to it.\nYou can do the following:\n\n 1. Restart the client application.\n 2. Rebuild the client application with on-demand mode enabled." ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( "I understand" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); return false; } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reconnect" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); s_instance->m_reconnectRequested = true; return false; } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if( ImGui::BeginPopupModal( "Client disconnected", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ) ) { TextCentered( ICON_FA_HANDSHAKE ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "The client you are trying to connect to has disconnected during the initial\nconnection handshake. Please check your network configuration." ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( "Will do" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); return false; } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reconnect" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); s_instance->m_reconnectRequested = true; return false; } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if( ImGui::BeginPopupModal( "Instrumentation failure", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ) ) { const auto& data = s_instance->m_worker.GetFailureData(); TextCentered( ICON_FA_SKULL ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Profiling session terminated due to improper instrumentation.\nPlease correct your program and try again." ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Reason:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( Worker::GetFailureString( failure ) ); ImGui::Separator(); if( data.srcloc != 0 ) { const auto& srcloc = s_instance->m_worker.GetSourceLocation( data.srcloc ); if( srcloc.name.active ) { TextFocused( "Zone name:", s_instance->m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); } TextFocused( "Function:", s_instance->m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", s_instance->m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); } if( data.thread != 0 ) { TextFocused( "Thread:", s_instance->m_worker.GetThreadName( data.thread ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( data.thread ) ); } if( data.callstack != 0 ) { if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Call stack" ) ) { ImGui::BeginChild( "##callstackFailure", ImVec2( 1200, 500 ) ); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); ImGui::Columns( 4 ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.05f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 3, w * 0.1f ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Frame" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Function" ); ImGui::SameLine(); s_instance->DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to copy it to clipboard." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location" ); ImGui::SameLine(); s_instance->DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to copy it to clipboard." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Image" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); auto& cs = s_instance->m_worker.GetCallstack( data.callstack ); int fidx = 0; int bidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { auto frameData = s_instance->m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Text( "%i", fidx++ ); ImGui::NextColumn(); char buf[32]; sprintf( buf, "%p", (void*)s_instance->m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( buf ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( buf ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); } else { const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = s_instance->m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } bidx++; ImGui::Separator(); if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i", fidx++ ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "inline" ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); { ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); if( txt[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); txt = s_instance->m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); if( frame.line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", txt, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( frameData->imageName.Active() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( s_instance->m_worker.GetString( frameData->imageName ) ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); } } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( "I understand" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); s_instance->m_worker.ClearFailure(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } s_time += ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime; return s_instance->DrawImpl(); } static const char* MainWindowButtons[] = { ICON_FA_PLAY " Resume", ICON_FA_PAUSE " Pause", ICON_FA_SQUARE " Stopped" }; enum { MainWindowButtonsCount = sizeof( MainWindowButtons ) / sizeof( *MainWindowButtons ) }; bool View::DrawImpl() { if( !m_worker.HasData() ) { bool keepOpen = true; char tmp[2048]; sprintf( tmp, "%s###Connection", m_worker.GetAddr().c_str() ); ImGui::Begin( tmp, &keepOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ); TextCentered( ICON_FA_WIFI ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Waiting for connection..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return keepOpen; } if( !m_uarchSet ) { m_uarchSet = true; m_sourceView->SetCpuId( m_worker.GetCpuId() ); } if( !m_userData.Valid() ) m_userData.Init( m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str(), m_worker.GetCaptureTime() ); if( m_saveThreadState.load( std::memory_order_acquire ) == SaveThreadState::NeedsJoin ) { m_saveThread.join(); m_saveThreadState.store( SaveThreadState::Inert, std::memory_order_release ); const auto src = m_srcFileBytes.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); const auto dst = m_dstFileBytes.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); m_notificationTime = 4; char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "Trace size %s (%.2f%% ratio)", MemSizeToString( dst ), 100.f * dst / src ); m_notificationText = buf; } const auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); assert( m_shortcut == ShortcutAction::None ); if( io.KeyCtrl ) { if( ImGui::IsKeyPressed( 'F' ) ) { m_findZone.show = true; m_shortcut = ShortcutAction::OpenFind; } } if( !m_frames ) m_frames = m_worker.GetFramesBase(); const auto th = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); float bw = 0; for( int i=0; iPos ); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( m_rootWidth, m_rootHeight ) ); ImGui::SetNextWindowViewport( viewport->ID ); ImGui::Begin( "Timeline view###Profiler", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus ); style.WindowRounding = wrPrev; style.WindowBorderSize = wbsPrev; style.WindowPadding = wpPrev; style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.11f, 0.11f, 0.08f, 1.f ); } #else char tmp[2048]; sprintf( tmp, "%s###Profiler", m_worker.GetCaptureName().c_str() ); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1550, 800 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( tmp, keepOpenPtr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus ); #endif if( !m_staticView ) { if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_WIFI ) || m_forceConnectionPopup ) { if( m_forceConnectionPopup ) { m_forceConnectionPopup.Decay( false ); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( viewport->Pos + ImGui::GetCursorPos() ); } ImGui::OpenPopup( "TracyConnectionPopup" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "TracyConnectionPopup" ) ) { const bool wasDisconnectIssued = m_disconnectIssued; const bool discardData = !DrawConnection(); const bool disconnectIssuedJustNow = m_disconnectIssued != wasDisconnectIssued; if( discardData ) keepOpen = false; if( disconnectIssuedJustNow || discardData ) ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); } } std::shared_lock lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() ); if( !m_worker.IsDataStatic() ) { if( m_worker.IsConnected() ) { if( ImGui::Button( m_viewMode == ViewMode::Paused ? MainWindowButtons[0] : MainWindowButtons[1], ImVec2( bw, 0 ) ) ) { if( m_viewMode != ViewMode::Paused ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; } else { ImGui::OpenPopup( "viewMode" ); } } } else { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Button, (ImVec4)ImColor( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f ) ); ImGui::ButtonEx( MainWindowButtons[2], ImVec2( bw, 0 ), ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled ); ImGui::PopStyleColor( 1 ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "viewMode" ) ) { if( ImGui::Selectable( ICON_FA_SEARCH_PLUS " Newest three frames" ) ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::LastFrames; } if( ImGui::Selectable( ICON_FA_RULER_HORIZONTAL " Use current zoom level" ) ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::LastRange; } ImGui::EndPopup(); } else if( m_viewModeHeuristicTry ) { const auto lastTime = m_worker.GetLastTime(); if( lastTime > 5*1000*1000*1000ll ) { if( m_viewMode == ViewMode::LastFrames && m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_worker.GetFramesBase() ) <= 2 ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::LastRange; ZoomToRange( lastTime - 5*1000*1000*1000ll, lastTime, false ); } else { m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; } } } } else { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Button, (ImVec4)ImColor::HSV( 0.f, 0.6f, 0.6f) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, (ImVec4)ImColor::HSV( 0.f, 0.7f, 0.7f) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, (ImVec4)ImColor::HSV( 0.f, 0.8f, 0.8f) ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_POWER_OFF ) ) keepOpen = false; ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_COG " Options", m_showOptions ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_TAGS " Messages", m_showMessages ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Find zone", m_findZone.show ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_SORT_AMOUNT_UP " Statistics", m_showStatistics ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_MEMORY " Memory", m_memInfo.show ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_BALANCE_SCALE " Compare", m_compare.show ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_FINGERPRINT " Info", m_showInfo ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_TOOLS ) ) ImGui::OpenPopup( "ToolsPopup" ); if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "ToolsPopup" ) ) { const auto ficnt = m_worker.GetFrameImageCount(); if( ButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_PLAY " Playback", ficnt == 0 ) ) { m_showPlayback = true; } const auto& ctd = m_worker.GetCpuThreadData(); if( ButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_SLIDERS_H " CPU data", ctd.empty() ) ) { m_showCpuDataWindow = true; } const auto anncnt = m_annotations.size(); if( ButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_STICKY_NOTE " Annotations", anncnt == 0 ) ) { m_showAnnotationList = true; } ToggleButton( ICON_FA_RULER " Limits", m_showRanges ); ImGui::EndPopup(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT " " ) ) ZoomToPrevFrame(); ImGui::SameLine(); { const auto vis = Vis( m_frames ).visible; if( !vis ) { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, GImGui->Style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] ); } ImGui::Text( "%s: %s", m_frames->name == 0 ? "Frames" : m_worker.GetString( m_frames->name ), RealToString( m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_frames ) ) ); if( !vis ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) ImGui::OpenPopup( "GoToFramePopup" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) ZoomToNextFrame(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::BeginCombo( "##frameCombo", nullptr, ImGuiComboFlags_NoPreview ) ) { auto& frames = m_worker.GetFrames(); for( auto& fd : frames ) { bool isSelected = m_frames == fd; if( ImGui::Selectable( fd->name == 0 ? "Frames" : m_worker.GetString( fd->name ), isSelected ) ) { m_frames = fd; } if( isSelected ) { ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( fd->frames.size() ) ); } ImGui::EndCombo(); } if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "GoToFramePopup" ) ) { static int frameNum = 1; const bool mainFrameSet = m_frames->name == 0; const auto numFrames = mainFrameSet ? m_frames->frames.size() - 1 : m_frames->frames.size(); const auto frameOffset = mainFrameSet ? 0 : 1; bool goClicked = false; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 120 ); goClicked |= ImGui::InputInt( "##goToFrame", &frameNum, 1, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); frameNum = std::min( std::max( frameNum, 1 ), int( numFrames ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); goClicked |= ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_CROSSHAIRS " Go to frame" ); if( goClicked ) { ZoomToRange( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, frameNum - frameOffset ), m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, frameNum - frameOffset ) ); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto targetLabelSize = ImGui::CalcTextSize( "WWWWWWW" ).x; auto cx = ImGui::GetCursorPosX(); ImGui::Text( ICON_FA_EYE " %s", TimeToString( m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "View span" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::SameLine(); auto dx = ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - cx; if( dx < targetLabelSize ) ImGui::SameLine( cx + targetLabelSize ); cx = ImGui::GetCursorPosX(); ImGui::Text( ICON_FA_DATABASE " %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetLastTime() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "Time span" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( 0, m_worker.GetLastTime() ); } } ImGui::SameLine(); dx = ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - cx; if( dx < targetLabelSize ) ImGui::SameLine( cx + targetLabelSize ); cx = ImGui::GetCursorPosX(); ImGui::Text( ICON_FA_MEMORY " %s", MemSizeToString( memUsage ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "Profiler memory usage" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::SameLine(); dx = ImGui::GetCursorPosX() - cx; if( dx < targetLabelSize ) ImGui::SameLine( cx + targetLabelSize ); ImGui::Spacing(); } DrawNotificationArea(); m_frameHover = -1; DrawFrames(); const auto dockspaceId = ImGui::GetID( "tracyDockspace" ); ImGui::DockSpace( dockspaceId, ImVec2( 0, 0 ), ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode ); if( ImGuiDockNode* node = ImGui::DockBuilderGetCentralNode( dockspaceId ) ) { node->LocalFlags |= ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoTabBar; } ImGui::SetNextWindowDockID( dockspaceId ); { auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle(); const auto wpPrev = style.WindowPadding; style.WindowPadding = ImVec2( 1, 0 ); #ifndef TRACY_NO_ROOT_WINDOW style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.129f, 0.137f, 0.11f, 1.f ); #endif ImGui::Begin( "Work area", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus ); style.WindowPadding = wpPrev; #ifndef TRACY_NO_ROOT_WINDOW style.Colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4( 0.11f, 0.11f, 0.08f, 1.f ); #endif } DrawZones(); ImGui::End(); ImGui::End(); m_zoneHighlight = nullptr; m_gpuHighlight = nullptr; DrawInfoWindow(); if( m_showOptions ) DrawOptions(); if( m_showMessages ) DrawMessages(); if( m_findZone.show ) DrawFindZone(); if( m_showStatistics ) DrawStatistics(); if( m_memInfo.show ) DrawMemory(); if( m_memInfo.showAllocList ) DrawAllocList(); if( m_compare.show ) DrawCompare(); if( m_callstackInfoWindow != 0 ) DrawCallstackWindow(); if( m_memoryAllocInfoWindow >= 0 ) DrawMemoryAllocWindow(); if( m_showInfo ) DrawInfo(); if( m_sourceViewFile ) DrawTextEditor(); if( m_lockInfoWindow != InvalidId ) DrawLockInfoWindow(); if( m_showPlayback ) DrawPlayback(); if( m_showCpuDataWindow ) DrawCpuDataWindow(); if( m_selectedAnnotation ) DrawSelectedAnnotation(); if( m_showAnnotationList ) DrawAnnotationList(); if( m_sampleParents.symAddr != 0 ) DrawSampleParents(); if( m_showRanges ) DrawRanges(); if( m_setRangePopup.active ) { m_setRangePopup.active = false; ImGui::OpenPopup( "SetZoneRange" ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "SetZoneRange" ) ) { const auto s = std::min( m_setRangePopup.min, m_setRangePopup.max ); const auto e = std::max( m_setRangePopup.min, m_setRangePopup.max ); if( ImGui::Selectable( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Limit find zone time range" ) ) { m_findZone.range.active = true; m_findZone.range.min = s; m_findZone.range.max = e; } if( ImGui::Selectable( ICON_FA_SORT_AMOUNT_UP " Limit statistics time range" ) ) { m_statRange.active = true; m_statRange.min = s; m_statRange.max = e; } if( ImGui::Selectable( ICON_FA_STICKY_NOTE " Add annotation" ) ) { auto ann = std::make_unique(); ann->range.active = true; ann->range.min = s; ann->range.max = e; ann->color = 0x888888; m_selectedAnnotation = ann.get(); m_annotations.emplace_back( std::move( ann ) ); pdqsort_branchless( m_annotations.begin(), m_annotations.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->range.min < rhs->range.min; } ); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } m_setRangePopupOpen = ImGui::IsPopupOpen( "SetZoneRange" ); if( m_zoomAnim.active ) { if( m_viewMode == ViewMode::LastRange ) { const auto delta = m_worker.GetLastTime() - m_vd.zvEnd; if( delta != 0 ) { m_zoomAnim.start0 += delta; m_zoomAnim.start1 += delta; m_zoomAnim.end0 += delta; m_zoomAnim.end1 += delta; } } m_zoomAnim.progress += io.DeltaTime * 3.33f; if( m_zoomAnim.progress >= 1.f ) { m_zoomAnim.active = false; m_vd.zvStart = m_zoomAnim.start1; m_vd.zvEnd = m_zoomAnim.end1; } else { const auto v = sqrt( sin( M_PI_2 * m_zoomAnim.progress ) ); m_vd.zvStart = int64_t( m_zoomAnim.start0 + ( m_zoomAnim.start1 - m_zoomAnim.start0 ) * v ); m_vd.zvEnd = int64_t( m_zoomAnim.end0 + ( m_zoomAnim.end1 - m_zoomAnim.end0 ) * v ); } } m_callstackBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_lockInfoAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); m_statBuzzAnim.Update( io.DeltaTime ); if( m_firstFrame > 0 ) m_firstFrame--; if( m_reactToCrash ) { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); if( crash.thread != 0 ) { m_reactToCrash = false; ImGui::OpenPopup( "Application crashed!" ); } } if( ImGui::BeginPopupModal( "Application crashed!", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ) ) { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); assert( crash.thread != 0 ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_SKULL ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF4444FF, "Application has crashed" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_SKULL ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( crash.time ) ); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( crash.thread ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( crash.thread ) ); TextFocused( "Reason:", m_worker.GetString( crash.message ) ); if( crash.callstack != 0 ) { bool hilite = m_callstackInfoWindow == crash.callstack; if( hilite ) { SetButtonHighlightColor(); } if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " Call stack" ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = crash.callstack; } if( hilite ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { CallstackTooltip( crash.callstack ); } } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE " Focus" ) ) CenterAtTime( crash.time ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Dismiss" ) ) ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); } return keepOpen; } void View::DrawNotificationArea() { auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); if( m_worker.IsConnected() ) { size_t sqs; { std::shared_lock lock( m_worker.GetMbpsDataLock() ); sqs = m_worker.GetSendQueueSize(); } if( sqs != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_SATELLITE_DISH ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Query backlog:", RealToString( sqs ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } else { const auto sif = m_worker.GetSendInFlight(); if( sif != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.75f, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_SATELLITE_DISH ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Queries in flight:", RealToString( sif ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } } } auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); if( crash.thread != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_SKULL ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { CrashTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_showInfo = true; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { CenterAtTime( crash.time ); } } } if( m_vd.drawEmptyLabels ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_EXPAND ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Displaying empty labels." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawEmptyLabels = false; } } if( !m_vd.drawContextSwitches ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_HIKING ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Context switches are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawContextSwitches = true; } } if( !m_vd.drawCpuData ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_SLIDERS_H ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "CPU data is hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawCpuData = true; } } if( !m_vd.drawGpuZones ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_EYE ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "GPU zones are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawGpuZones = true; } } if( !m_vd.drawZones ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_MICROCHIP ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "CPU zones are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawZones = true; } } #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( !m_vd.ghostZones ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_GHOST ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Ghost zones are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.ghostZones = true; } } #endif if( !m_vd.drawLocks ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_LOCK ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Locks are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawLocks = true; } } if( !m_vd.drawPlots ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_SIGNATURE ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Plots are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_vd.drawPlots = true; } } { bool hidden = false; for( auto& v : m_visData ) { if( !v.second.visible ) { hidden = true; break; } } if( hidden ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0.5, 0, 1 ), ICON_FA_LOW_VISION ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Some timeline entries are hidden." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) m_showOptions = true; } } } if( !m_worker.IsBackgroundDone() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_TASKS ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( " " ); ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddCircleFilled( pos + ImVec2( 0, ty * 0.75f ), ty * ( 0.2f + ( sin( s_time * 8 ) + 1 ) * 0.125f ), 0xFF888888, 10 ); auto rmin = ImGui::GetItemRectMin(); rmin.x -= ty * 0.5f; const auto rmax = ImGui::GetItemRectMax(); if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( rmin, rmax ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Processing background tasks" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } if( m_saveThreadState.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) == SaveThreadState::Saving ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_SAVE " Saving trace..." ); m_notificationTime = 0; } else if( m_notificationTime > 0 ) { m_notificationTime -= io.DeltaTime; ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( m_notificationText.c_str() ); } if( m_smallFont ) ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); const auto wpos = ImGui::GetWindowPos(); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth(); const auto fps = RealToString( int( io.Framerate + 0.5f ) ); const auto fpssz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( fps ).x; ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( w-fpssz, 0 ), 0x88FFFFFF, fps ); if( m_smallFont ) ImGui::PopFont(); } bool View::DrawConnection() { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto cs = ty * 0.9f; { std::shared_lock lock( m_worker.GetMbpsDataLock() ); TextFocused( "Connected to:", m_worker.GetAddr().c_str() ); const auto& mbpsVector = m_worker.GetMbpsData(); const auto mbps = mbpsVector.back(); char buf[64]; if( mbps < 0.1f ) { sprintf( buf, "%6.2f Kbps", mbps * 1000.f ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%6.2f Mbps", mbps ); } ImGui::Dummy( ImVec2( cs, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PlotLines( buf, mbpsVector.data(), mbpsVector.size(), 0, nullptr, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), ImVec2( 150, 0 ) ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Ratio" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%.1f%%", m_worker.GetCompRatio() * 100.f ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Real:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%6.2f Mbps", mbps / m_worker.GetCompRatio() ); TextFocused( "Data transferred:", MemSizeToString( m_worker.GetDataTransferred() ) ); TextFocused( "Query backlog:", RealToString( m_worker.GetSendQueueSize() ) ); } const auto wpos = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin(); ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddCircleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + cs * 0.5, 3 + ty * 1.75 ), cs * 0.5, m_worker.IsConnected() ? 0xFF2222CC : 0xFF444444, 10 ); { std::shared_lock lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "+", RealToString( m_worker.GetSendInFlight() ) ); const auto sz = m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_frames ); if( sz > 1 ) { const auto dt = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, sz - 2 ); const auto fps = 1000000000.f / dt; TextDisabledUnformatted( "FPS:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%6.1f", fps ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Frame time:", TimeToString( dt ) ); } } const auto& fis = m_worker.GetFrameImages(); if( !fis.empty() ) { const auto scale = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f * 0.5f; const auto& fi = fis.back(); if( fi != m_frameTextureConnPtr ) { if( !m_frameTextureConn ) m_frameTextureConn = MakeTexture(); UpdateTexture( m_frameTextureConn, m_worker.UnpackFrameImage( *fi ), fi->w, fi->h ); m_frameTextureConnPtr = fi; } ImGui::Separator(); if( fi->flip ) { ImGui::Image( m_frameTextureConn, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) ); } else { ImGui::Image( m_frameTextureConn, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ) ); } } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_SAVE " Save trace" ) && m_saveThreadState.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) == SaveThreadState::Inert ) { #ifndef TRACY_NO_FILESELECTOR nfdchar_t* fn; auto res = NFD_SaveDialog( "tracy", nullptr, &fn, m_gwcb ? m_gwcb() : nullptr ); if( res == NFD_OKAY ) #else const char* fn = "trace.tracy"; #endif { std::unique_ptr f; const auto sz = strlen( fn ); if( sz < 7 || memcmp( fn + sz - 6, ".tracy", 6 ) != 0 ) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf( tmp, "%s.tracy", fn ); f.reset( FileWrite::Open( tmp ) ); if( f ) m_filename = tmp; } else { f.reset( FileWrite::Open( fn ) ); if( f ) m_filename = fn; } if( f ) { m_userData.StateShouldBePreserved(); m_saveThreadState.store( SaveThreadState::Saving, std::memory_order_relaxed ); m_saveThread = std::thread( [this, f{std::move( f )}] { std::shared_lock lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() ); m_worker.Write( *f ); f->Finish(); const auto stats = f->GetCompressionStatistics(); m_srcFileBytes.store( stats.first, std::memory_order_relaxed ); m_dstFileBytes.store( stats.second, std::memory_order_relaxed ); m_saveThreadState.store( SaveThreadState::NeedsJoin, std::memory_order_release ); } ); } } } ImGui::SameLine( 0, 2 * ty ); const char* stopStr = ICON_FA_PLUG " Stop"; std::shared_lock lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() ); if( !m_disconnectIssued && m_worker.IsConnected() ) { if( ImGui::Button( stopStr ) ) { m_worker.Disconnect(); m_disconnectIssued = true; } } else { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Button, (ImVec4)ImColor( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f ) ); ImGui::ButtonEx( stopStr, ImVec2( 0, 0 ), ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled ); ImGui::PopStyleColor( 1 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE " Discard" ) ) { ImGui::OpenPopup( "Confirm trace discard" ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopupModal( "Confirm trace discard", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ) ) { TextCentered( ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "All unsaved profiling data will be lost!" ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Are you sure you want to proceed?" ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::Button( "Yes" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); return false; } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reconnect" ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); m_reconnectRequested = true; return false; } ImGui::SameLine( 0, ty * 2 ); if( ImGui::Button( "No", ImVec2( ty * 6, 0 ) ) ) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if( m_worker.IsConnected() ) { const auto& params = m_worker.GetParameters(); if( !params.empty() ) { ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Trace parameters" ) ) { ImGui::Columns( 2 ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Name" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Value" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); size_t idx = 0; for( auto& p : params ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( p.name ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushID( idx ); if( p.isBool ) { bool val = p.val; if( ImGui::Checkbox( "", &val ) ) { m_worker.SetParameter( idx, int32_t( val ) ); } } else { auto val = int( p.val ); if( ImGui::InputInt( "", &val, 1, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ) ) { m_worker.SetParameter( idx, int32_t( val ) ); } } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::NextColumn(); idx++; } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } return true; } enum { BestTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 143 }; enum { GoodTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 59 }; enum { BadTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 29 }; static ImU32 GetFrameColor( uint64_t frameTime ) { return frameTime > BadTime ? 0xFF2222DD : frameTime > GoodTime ? 0xFF22DDDD : frameTime > BestTime ? 0xFF22DD22 : 0xFFDD9900; } static int GetFrameWidth( int frameScale ) { return frameScale == 0 ? 4 : ( frameScale < 0 ? 6 : 1 ); } static int GetFrameGroup( int frameScale ) { return frameScale < 2 ? 1 : ( 1 << ( frameScale - 1 ) ); } template constexpr const T& clamp( const T& v, const T& lo, const T& hi ) { return v < lo ? lo : v > hi ? hi : v; } void View::DrawFrames() { assert( m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_frames ) != 0 ); const auto scale = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f; const auto Height = 50 * scale; enum { MaxFrameTime = 50 * 1000 * 1000 }; // 50ms ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead(); if( window->SkipItems ) return; auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); const auto wspace = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax() - ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin(); const auto w = wspace.x; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##frames", ImVec2( w, Height ) ); bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x33FFFFFF ); const auto wheel = io.MouseWheel; const auto prevScale = m_vd.frameScale; if( hover ) { if( wheel > 0 ) { if( m_vd.frameScale >= 0 ) m_vd.frameScale--; } else if( wheel < 0 ) { if( m_vd.frameScale < 10 ) m_vd.frameScale++; } } const int fwidth = GetFrameWidth( m_vd.frameScale ); const int group = GetFrameGroup( m_vd.frameScale ); const int total = m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_frames ); const int onScreen = ( w - 2 ) / fwidth; if( m_viewMode != ViewMode::Paused ) { m_vd.frameStart = ( total < onScreen * group ) ? 0 : total - onScreen * group; if( m_viewMode == ViewMode::LastFrames ) { SetViewToLastFrames(); } else { assert( m_viewMode == ViewMode::LastRange ); const auto delta = m_worker.GetLastTime() - m_vd.zvEnd; if( delta != 0 ) { m_vd.zvStart += delta; m_vd.zvEnd += delta; } } } if( hover ) { if( IsMouseDragging( 1 ) ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; const auto delta = GetMouseDragDelta( 1 ).x; if( abs( delta ) >= fwidth ) { const auto d = (int)delta / fwidth; m_vd.frameStart = std::max( 0, m_vd.frameStart - d * group ); io.MouseClickedPos[1].x = io.MousePos.x + d * fwidth - delta; } } const auto mx = io.MousePos.x; if( mx > wpos.x && mx < wpos.x + w - 1 ) { const auto mo = mx - ( wpos.x + 1 ); const auto off = mo * group / fwidth; const int sel = m_vd.frameStart + off; if( sel < total ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( group > 1 ) { auto f = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, sel ); auto g = std::min( group, total - sel ); for( int j=1; jname == 0 ) { const auto offset = m_worker.GetFrameOffset(); if( sel == 0 ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Tracy initialization" ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, sel ) ) ); } else if( offset == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Frame:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( fnum ) ); ImGui::Separator(); const auto frameTime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, sel ); TextFocused( "Frame time:", TimeToString( frameTime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.1f FPS)", 1000000000.0 / frameTime ); } else if( sel == 1 ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Missed frames" ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, 1 ) ) ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Frame:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( fnum ) ); ImGui::Separator(); const auto frameTime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, sel ); TextFocused( "Frame time:", TimeToString( frameTime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.1f FPS)", 1000000000.0 / frameTime ); } } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:", m_worker.GetString( m_frames->name ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( fnum ) ); ImGui::Separator(); const auto frameTime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, sel ); TextFocused( "Frame time:", TimeToString( frameTime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.1f FPS)", 1000000000.0 / frameTime ); } } TextFocused( "Time from start of program:", TimeToStringExact( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, sel ) ) ); auto fi = m_worker.GetFrameImage( *m_frames, sel ); if( fi ) { if( fi != m_frameTexturePtr ) { if( !m_frameTexture ) m_frameTexture = MakeTexture(); UpdateTexture( m_frameTexture, m_worker.UnpackFrameImage( *fi ), fi->w, fi->h ); m_frameTexturePtr = fi; } ImGui::Separator(); if( fi->flip ) { ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) ); } else { ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ) ); } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( io.KeyCtrl ) { if( fi && IsMouseDown( 0 ) ) { m_showPlayback = true; m_playback.pause = true; SetPlaybackFrame( m_frames->frames[sel].frameImage ); } } else { if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; m_zoomAnim.active = false; if( !m_playback.pause && m_playback.sync ) m_playback.pause = true; m_vd.zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, sel ); m_vd.zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, sel + group - 1 ); if( m_vd.zvStart == m_vd.zvEnd ) m_vd.zvStart--; } else if( IsMouseDragging( 0 ) ) { const auto t0 = std::min( m_vd.zvStart, m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, sel ) ); const auto t1 = std::max( m_vd.zvEnd, m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, sel + group - 1 ) ); ZoomToRange( t0, t1 ); } } if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, sel ), m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, sel + group - 1 ), true }; } if( ( !m_worker.IsConnected() || m_viewMode == ViewMode::Paused ) && wheel != 0 ) { const int pfwidth = GetFrameWidth( prevScale ); const int pgroup = GetFrameGroup( prevScale ); const auto oldoff = mo * pgroup / pfwidth; m_vd.frameStart = std::min( total, std::max( 0, m_vd.frameStart - int( off - oldoff ) ) ); } } } int i = 0, idx = 0; #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() && m_findZone.show && m_findZone.showZoneInFrames && !m_findZone.match.empty() ) { auto& zoneData = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] ); auto begin = zoneData.zones.begin(); while( i < onScreen && m_vd.frameStart + idx < total ) { const auto f0 = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, m_vd.frameStart + idx ); auto f1 = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, m_vd.frameStart + idx ); auto f = f1 - f0; if( group > 1 ) { const int g = std::min( group, total - ( m_vd.frameStart + idx ) ); for( int j=1; jEnd() < r; } ); if( itStart != zoneData.zones.end() ) { auto itEnd = std::lower_bound( itStart, zoneData.zones.end(), f1, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Zone()->Start() < r; } ); if( m_frames->continuous ) { if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { while( itStart != itEnd ) { const auto t0 = clamp( itStart->Zone()->Start(), f0, f1 ); const auto t1 = clamp( m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *itStart->Zone() ), f0, f1 ); zoneTime += t1 - t0 - GetZoneChildTimeFastClamped( *itStart->Zone(), t0, t1 ); itStart++; } } else { while( itStart != itEnd ) { const auto t0 = clamp( itStart->Zone()->Start(), f0, f1 ); const auto t1 = clamp( m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *itStart->Zone() ), f0, f1 ); zoneTime += t1 - t0; itStart++; } } } else { if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { while( itStart != itEnd ) { const int g = std::min( group, total - ( m_vd.frameStart + idx ) ); for( int j=0; jZone()->Start(), ft0, ft1 ); const auto t1 = clamp( m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *itStart->Zone() ), ft0, ft1 ); zoneTime += t1 - t0 - GetZoneChildTimeFastClamped( *itStart->Zone(), t0, t1 ); } itStart++; } } else { while( itStart != itEnd ) { const int g = std::min( group, total - ( m_vd.frameStart + idx ) ); for( int j=0; jZone()->Start(), ft0, ft1 ); const auto t1 = clamp( m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *itStart->Zone() ), ft0, ft1 ); zoneTime += t1 - t0; } itStart++; } } } } else { begin = itStart; } zoneTime /= group; const auto h = std::max( 1.f, float( std::min( MaxFrameTime, f ) ) / MaxFrameTime * ( Height - 2 ) ); if( zoneTime == 0 ) { if( fwidth != 1 ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1 ), 0xFF888888 ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2 ), 0xFF888888 ); } } else if( zoneTime <= f ) { const auto zh = float( std::min( MaxFrameTime, zoneTime ) ) / MaxFrameTime * ( Height - 2 ); if( fwidth != 1 ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1-zh ), 0xFF888888 ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-zh ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1 ), 0xFFEEEEEE ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-zh ), 0xFF888888 ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-zh ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2 ), 0xFFEEEEEE ); } } else { const auto zh = float( std::min( MaxFrameTime, zoneTime ) ) / MaxFrameTime * ( Height - 2 ); if( fwidth != 1 ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-zh ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), 0xFF2222BB ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1 ), 0xFFEEEEEE ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-zh ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), 0xFF2222BB ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2 ), 0xFFEEEEEE ); } } i++; idx += group; } } else #endif { while( i < onScreen && m_vd.frameStart + idx < total ) { auto f = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, m_vd.frameStart + idx ); if( group > 1 ) { const int g = std::min( group, total - ( m_vd.frameStart + idx ) ); for( int j=1; j( MaxFrameTime, f ) ) / MaxFrameTime * ( Height - 2 ) ); if( fwidth != 1 ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1 ), GetFrameColor( f ) ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2 ), GetFrameColor( f ) ); } i++; idx += group; } } const auto zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( *m_frames, m_vd.zvStart, m_vd.zvEnd ); if( zrange.second > m_vd.frameStart && zrange.first < m_vd.frameStart + onScreen * group ) { auto x1 = std::min( onScreen * fwidth, ( zrange.second - m_vd.frameStart ) * fwidth / group ); auto x0 = std::max( 0, ( zrange.first - m_vd.frameStart ) * fwidth / group ); if( x0 == x1 ) x1 = x0 + 1; if( x1 - x0 >= 3 ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 2+x0, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, Height ), 0x55DD22DD ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+x0, -1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+x0, Height-1 ), 0x55FF55FF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x1, -1 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, Height-1 ), 0x55FF55FF ); } else { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1+x0, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+x1, Height ), 0x55FF55FF ); } } draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, round( Height - Height * BadTime / MaxFrameTime ) ), wpos + ImVec2( w, round( Height - Height * BadTime / MaxFrameTime ) ), 0x4422DDDD ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, round( Height - Height * GoodTime / MaxFrameTime ) ), wpos + ImVec2( w, round( Height - Height * GoodTime / MaxFrameTime ) ), 0x4422DD22 ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, round( Height - Height * BestTime / MaxFrameTime ) ), wpos + ImVec2( w, round( Height - Height * BestTime / MaxFrameTime ) ), 0x44DD9900 ); } void View::HandleRange( Range& range, int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w ) { if( !IsMouseDown( 0 ) ) range.modMin = range.modMax = false; if( !range.active ) return; auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); if( range.modMin ) { const auto nspx = double( timespan ) / w; range.min = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx; range.hiMin = true; ConsumeMouseEvents( 0 ); ImGui::SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW ); if( range.min > range.max ) { std::swap( range.min, range.max ); std::swap( range.hiMin, range.hiMax ); std::swap( range.modMin, range.modMax ); } } else if( range.modMax ) { const auto nspx = double( timespan ) / w; range.max = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx; range.hiMax = true; ConsumeMouseEvents( 0 ); ImGui::SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW ); if( range.min > range.max ) { std::swap( range.min, range.max ); std::swap( range.hiMin, range.hiMax ); std::swap( range.modMin, range.modMax ); } } else { const auto pxns = w / double( timespan ); const auto px0 = ( range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( abs( px0 - ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) ) < 3 ) { range.hiMin = true; ImGui::SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW ); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { range.modMin = true; range.min = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) / pxns; ConsumeMouseEvents( 0 ); if( range.min > range.max ) { std::swap( range.min, range.max ); std::swap( range.hiMin, range.hiMax ); std::swap( range.modMin, range.modMax ); } } } else { const auto px1 = ( range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( abs( px1 - ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) ) < 3 ) { range.hiMax = true; ImGui::SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW ); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { range.modMax = true; range.max = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) / pxns; ConsumeMouseEvents( 0 ); if( range.min > range.max ) { std::swap( range.min, range.max ); std::swap( range.hiMin, range.hiMax ); std::swap( range.modMin, range.modMax ); } } } } } } void View::HandleZoneViewMouse( int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, double& pxns ) { assert( timespan > 0 ); auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); const auto nspx = double( timespan ) / w; if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_highlight.active = true; m_highlight.start = m_highlight.end = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx; } else if( IsMouseDragging( 0 ) ) { m_highlight.end = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx; } else if( m_highlight.active ) { if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl && m_highlight.start != m_highlight.end ) { m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { m_highlight.start, m_highlight.end, true }; } m_highlight.active = false; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { m_highlightZoom.active = true; m_highlightZoom.start = m_highlightZoom.end = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx; } else if( IsMouseDragging( 2 ) ) { m_highlightZoom.end = m_vd.zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx; } else if( m_highlightZoom.active ) { if( m_highlightZoom.start != m_highlightZoom.end ) { const auto s = std::min( m_highlightZoom.start, m_highlightZoom.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_highlightZoom.start, m_highlightZoom.end ); // ZoomToRange disables m_highlightZoom.active if( io.KeyCtrl ) { const auto tsOld = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; const auto tsNew = e - s; const auto mul = double( tsOld ) / tsNew; const auto left = s - m_vd.zvStart; const auto right = m_vd.zvEnd - e; auto start = m_vd.zvStart - left * mul; auto end = m_vd.zvEnd + right * mul; if( end - start > 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10 ) { start = -1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5; end = 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5; } ZoomToRange( start, end ); } else { ZoomToRange( s, e ); } } else { m_highlightZoom.active = false; } } const auto hwheel_delta = io.MouseWheelH * 100.f; if( IsMouseDragging( 1 ) || hwheel_delta != 0 ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; m_zoomAnim.active = false; if( !m_playback.pause && m_playback.sync ) m_playback.pause = true; const auto delta = GetMouseDragDelta( 1 ); m_yDelta = delta.y; const auto dpx = int64_t( (delta.x * nspx) + (hwheel_delta * nspx)); if( dpx != 0 ) { m_vd.zvStart -= dpx; m_vd.zvEnd -= dpx; io.MouseClickedPos[1].x = io.MousePos.x; if( m_vd.zvStart < -1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 ) { const auto range = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; m_vd.zvStart = -1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5; m_vd.zvEnd = m_vd.zvStart + range; } else if( m_vd.zvEnd > 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 ) { const auto range = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; m_vd.zvEnd = 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5; m_vd.zvStart = m_vd.zvEnd - range; } } } const auto wheel = io.MouseWheel; if( wheel != 0 ) { if( m_viewMode == ViewMode::LastFrames ) m_viewMode = ViewMode::LastRange; const double mouse = io.MousePos.x - wpos.x; const auto p = mouse / w; int64_t t0, t1; if( m_zoomAnim.active ) { t0 = m_zoomAnim.start1; t1 = m_zoomAnim.end1; } else { t0 = m_vd.zvStart; t1 = m_vd.zvEnd; } const auto zoomSpan = t1 - t0; const auto p1 = zoomSpan * p; const auto p2 = zoomSpan - p1; if( wheel > 0 ) { t0 += int64_t( p1 * 0.25 ); t1 -= int64_t( p2 * 0.25 ); } else if( zoomSpan < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) { t0 -= std::max( int64_t( 1 ), int64_t( p1 * 0.25 ) ); t1 += std::max( int64_t( 1 ), int64_t( p2 * 0.25 ) ); } ZoomToRange( t0, t1, !m_worker.IsConnected() || m_viewMode == ViewMode::Paused ); } } uint64_t View::GetFrameNumber( const FrameData& fd, int i, uint64_t offset ) const { if( fd.name == 0 ) { if( offset == 0 ) { return i; } else { return i + offset - 1; } } else { return i + 1; } } const char* View::GetFrameText( const FrameData& fd, int i, uint64_t ftime, uint64_t offset ) const { const auto fnum = GetFrameNumber( fd, i, offset ); static char buf[1024]; if( fd.name == 0 ) { if( i == 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "Tracy init (%s)", TimeToString( ftime ) ); } else if( offset == 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "Frame %s (%s)", RealToString( fnum ), TimeToString( ftime ) ); } else if( i == 1 ) { sprintf( buf, "Missed frames (%s)", TimeToString( ftime ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "Frame %s (%s)", RealToString( fnum ), TimeToString( ftime ) ); } } else { sprintf( buf, "%s %s (%s)", m_worker.GetString( fd.name ), RealToString( fnum ), TimeToString( ftime ) ); } return buf; } void View::DrawZoneFramesHeader() { const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); const auto ty0375 = round( ty * 0.375f ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto timespan = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; const auto pxns = w / double( timespan ); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const auto scale = std::max( 0.0, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) ); const auto step = pow( 10, scale ); ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zoneFrames", ImVec2( w, ty * 1.5f ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToStringExact( m_vd.zvStart + ( ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } const auto dx = step * pxns; double x = 0; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; int64_t tt = 0; while( x < w ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x, ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( tw == 0 ) { char buf[128]; auto txt = TimeToStringExact( m_vd.zvStart ); if( m_vd.zvStart >= 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "+%s", txt ); txt = buf; } draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } else if( x > tx + tw + ty * 2 ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } if( scale != 0 ) { for( int i=1; i<5; i++ ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, ty025 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); } draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, ty0375 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); for( int i=6; i<10; i++ ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, ty025 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); } } x += dx; tt += step; } } static uint32_t DarkenColor( uint32_t color ) { return 0xFF000000 | ( ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) * 2 / 3 ) << 16 ) | ( ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) * 2 / 3 ) << 8 ) | ( ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) * 2 / 3 ) ); } static uint32_t MixGhostColor( uint32_t c0, uint32_t c1 ) { return 0xFF000000 | ( ( ( ( ( c0 & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 3 * ( ( c1 & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) ) >> 2 ) << 16 ) | ( ( ( ( ( c0 & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 3 * ( ( c1 & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) ) >> 2 ) << 8 ) | ( ( ( ( ( c0 & 0x000000FF ) ) + 3 * ( ( c1 & 0x000000FF ) ) ) >> 2 ) ); } static void DrawZigZag( ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, double start, double end, double h, uint32_t color, float thickness = 1.f ) { const auto spanSz = end - start; if( spanSz <= h * 0.5 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( start, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( start + spanSz, round( -spanSz ) ), color, thickness ); return; } const auto p = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f ); const auto h05 = round( h * 0.5 ); draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start, 0 ) ); draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start + h05, -h05 ) ); start += h05; const auto h2 = h*2; int steps = int( ( end - start ) / h2 ); while( steps-- ) { draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start + h, h05 ) ); draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start + h2, -h05 ) ); start += h2; } if( end - start <= h ) { const auto span = end - start; draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start + span, round( span - h*0.5 ) ) ); } else { const auto span = end - start - h; draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start + h, h05 ) ); draw->PathLineTo( p + ImVec2( start + h + span, round( h*0.5 - span ) ) ); } draw->PathStroke( color, false, thickness ); } static uint32_t GetColorMuted( uint32_t color, bool active ) { if( active ) { return 0xFF000000 | color; } else { return 0x66000000 | color; } } void View::DrawZoneFrames( const FrameData& frames ) { const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize; const auto wh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ty025 = ty * 0.25f; const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zoneFrames", ImVec2( w, ty ) ); bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); auto timespan = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; auto pxns = w / double( timespan ); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const std::pair zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( frames, m_vd.zvStart, m_vd.zvEnd ); if( zrange.first < 0 ) return; int64_t prev = -1; int64_t prevEnd = -1; int64_t endPos = -1; bool tooltipDisplayed = false; const auto activeFrameSet = m_frames == &frames; const auto inactiveColor = GetColorMuted( 0x888888, activeFrameSet ); const auto activeColor = GetColorMuted( 0xFFFFFF, activeFrameSet ); const auto redColor = GetColorMuted( 0x4444FF, activeFrameSet ); int i = zrange.first; auto x1 = ( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, i ) - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; while( i < zrange.second ) { const auto ftime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( frames, i ); const auto fbegin = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, i ); const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( frames, i ); const auto fsz = pxns * ftime; if( hover ) { const auto x0 = frames.continuous ? x1 : ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; x1 = ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x0, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, ty ) ) ) { tooltipDisplayed = true; if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { fbegin, fend, true }; ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( GetFrameText( frames, i, ftime, m_worker.GetFrameOffset() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.1f FPS)", 1000000000.0 / ftime ); TextFocused( "Time from start of program:", TimeToStringExact( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, i ) ) ); auto fi = m_worker.GetFrameImage( frames, i ); if( fi ) { const auto scale = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f; if( fi != m_frameTexturePtr ) { if( !m_frameTexture ) m_frameTexture = MakeTexture(); UpdateTexture( m_frameTexture, m_worker.UnpackFrameImage( *fi ), fi->w, fi->h ); m_frameTexturePtr = fi; } ImGui::Separator(); if( fi->flip ) { ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) ); } else { ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ) ); } if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl && IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_showPlayback = true; m_playback.pause = true; SetPlaybackFrame( frames.frames[i].frameImage ); } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( fbegin, fend ); } if( activeFrameSet ) m_frameHover = i; } } if( fsz < MinFrameSize ) { if( !frames.continuous && prev != -1 ) { if( ( fbegin - prevEnd ) * pxns >= MinFrameSize ) { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( prevEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor ); prev = -1; } else { prevEnd = std::max( fend, fbegin + MinFrameSize * nspx ); } } if( prev == -1 ) { prev = fbegin; prevEnd = std::max( fend, fbegin + MinFrameSize * nspx ); } const auto begin = frames.frames.begin() + i; const auto end = frames.frames.begin() + zrange.second; auto it = std::lower_bound( begin, end, int64_t( fbegin + MinVisSize * nspx ), [this, &frames] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return m_worker.GetFrameEnd( frames, std::distance( frames.frames.begin(), &l ) ) < r; } ); if( it == begin ) ++it; i += std::distance( begin, it ); continue; } if( prev != -1 ) { if( frames.continuous ) { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor ); } else { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( prevEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor ); } prev = -1; } if( activeFrameSet ) { if( fbegin >= m_vd.zvStart && endPos != fbegin ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF ); } if( fend <= m_vd.zvEnd ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF ); } endPos = fend; } auto buf = GetFrameText( frames, i, ftime, m_worker.GetFrameOffset() ); auto tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x; uint32_t color = ( frames.name == 0 && i == 0 ) ? redColor : activeColor; if( fsz - 7 <= tx ) { static char tmp[256]; sprintf( tmp, "%s (%s)", RealToString( i ), TimeToString( ftime ) ); buf = tmp; tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x; } if( fsz - 7 <= tx ) { buf = TimeToString( ftime ); tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x; } if( fbegin >= m_vd.zvStart ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2, ty - 1 ), color ); } if( fend <= m_vd.zvEnd ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2, ty - 1 ), color ); } if( fsz - 7 > tx ) { const auto f0 = ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2; const auto f1 = ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2; const auto x0 = f0 + 1; const auto x1 = f1 - 1; const auto te = x1 - tx; auto tpos = ( x0 + te ) / 2; if( tpos < 0 ) { tpos = std::min( std::min( 0., te - tpos ), te ); } else if( tpos > w - tx ) { tpos = std::max( double( w - tx ), x0 ); } tpos = round( tpos ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, f0 ), ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( tpos, ty05 ), color ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, tpos + tx + 1 ), ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, f1 ), ty05 ), color ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( tpos, 0 ), color, buf ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2 ), ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2 ), ty05 ), color ); } i++; } if( prev != -1 ) { if( frames.continuous ) { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, zrange.second-1 ) - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor ); } else { const auto begin = ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto end = ( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, zrange.second-1 ) - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), begin, std::max( begin + MinFrameSize, end ), ty025, inactiveColor ); } } if( hover ) { if( !tooltipDisplayed ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Frame set:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( frames.name == 0 ? "Frames" : m_worker.GetString( frames.name ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_frames = &frames; } } } static float AdjustThreadPosition( View::VisData& vis, float wy, int& offset ) { if( vis.offset < offset ) { vis.offset = offset; } else if( vis.offset > offset ) { const auto diff = vis.offset - offset; const auto move = std::max( 2.0, diff * 10.0 * ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime ); offset = vis.offset = int( std::max( vis.offset - move, offset ) ); } return offset + wy; } void View::AdjustThreadHeight( View::VisData& vis, int oldOffset, int& offset ) { const auto h = offset - oldOffset; if( vis.height > h ) { vis.height = h; offset = oldOffset + vis.height; } else if( vis.height < h ) { if( m_firstFrame > 0 ) { vis.height = h; offset = oldOffset + h; } else { const auto diff = h - vis.height; const auto move = std::max( 2.0, diff * 10.0 * ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime ); vis.height = int( std::min( vis.height + move, h ) ); offset = oldOffset + vis.height; } } } void View::DrawZones() { m_msgHighlight.Decay( nullptr ); m_zoneSrcLocHighlight.Decay( 0 ); m_lockHoverHighlight.Decay( InvalidId ); m_drawThreadMigrations.Decay( 0 ); m_drawThreadHighlight.Decay( 0 ); m_cpuDataThread.Decay( 0 ); m_zoneHover = nullptr; m_zoneHover2.Decay( nullptr ); m_findZone.range.StartFrame(); m_statRange.StartFrame(); m_yDelta = 0; if( m_vd.zvStart == m_vd.zvEnd ) return; assert( m_vd.zvStart < m_vd.zvEnd ); if( ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead()->SkipItems ) return; m_gpuThread = 0; m_gpuStart = 0; m_gpuEnd = 0; const auto linepos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); const auto lineh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize; const auto timespan = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; auto pxns = w / double( timespan ); { const auto tbegin = 0; const auto tend = m_worker.GetLastTime(); if( tbegin > m_vd.zvStart ) { draw->AddRectFilled( linepos, linepos + ImVec2( ( tbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, lineh ), 0x44000000 ); } if( tend < m_vd.zvEnd ) { draw->AddRectFilled( linepos + ImVec2( ( tend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), linepos + ImVec2( w, lineh ), 0x44000000 ); } } const auto winpos = ImGui::GetWindowPos(); const auto winsize = ImGui::GetWindowSize(); const bool drawMouseLine = ImGui::IsWindowHovered( ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem ) && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( winpos, winpos + winsize, false ); if( drawMouseLine ) { HandleRange( m_findZone.range, timespan, ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(), w ); HandleRange( m_statRange, timespan, ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(), w ); for( auto& v : m_annotations ) { v->range.StartFrame(); HandleRange( v->range, timespan, ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(), w ); } HandleZoneViewMouse( timespan, ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(), w, pxns ); } DrawZoneFramesHeader(); auto& frames = m_worker.GetFrames(); for( auto fd : frames ) { if( Vis( fd ).visible ) { DrawZoneFrames( *fd ); } } const auto yMin = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos().y; const auto yMax = linepos.y + lineh; ImGui::BeginChild( "##zoneWin", ImVec2( ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth(), ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y ), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); if( m_yDelta != 0 ) { auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); auto y = ImGui::GetScrollY(); ImGui::SetScrollY( y - m_yDelta ); io.MouseClickedPos[1].y = io.MousePos.y; } const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); const auto h = std::max( m_vd.zvHeight, ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y - 4 ); // magic border value ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zones", ImVec2( w, h ) ); bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; int offset = 0; const auto to = 9.f; const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5; // gpu zones if( m_vd.drawGpuZones ) { for( size_t i=0; ithreadData.size() == 1; int depth = 0; offset += ostep; if( showFull && !v->threadData.empty() ) { for( auto& td : v->threadData ) { auto& tl = td.second.timeline; assert( !tl.empty() ); if( tl.is_magic() ) { auto& tlm = *(Vector*)&tl; if( tlm.front().GpuStart() >= 0 ) { const auto begin = tlm.front().GpuStart(); const auto drift = GpuDrift( v ); if( !singleThread ) offset += sstep; const auto partDepth = DispatchGpuZoneLevel( tl, hover, pxns, int64_t( nspx ), wpos, offset, 0, v->thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); if( partDepth != 0 ) { if( !singleThread ) { ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset-1-sstep ), 0xFFFFAAAA, m_worker.GetThreadName( td.first ) ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset+sty-sstep ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset+sty-sstep ), 0x22FFAAAA ); ImGui::PopFont(); } offset += ostep * partDepth; depth += partDepth; } else if( !singleThread ) { offset -= sstep; } } } else { if( tl.front()->GpuStart() >= 0 ) { const auto begin = tl.front()->GpuStart(); const auto drift = GpuDrift( v ); if( !singleThread ) offset += sstep; const auto partDepth = DispatchGpuZoneLevel( tl, hover, pxns, int64_t( nspx ), wpos, offset, 0, v->thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); if( partDepth != 0 ) { if( !singleThread ) { ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset-1-sstep ), 0xFFFFAAAA, m_worker.GetThreadName( td.first ) ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset+sty-sstep ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset+sty-sstep ), 0x22FFAAAA ); ImGui::PopFont(); } offset += ostep * partDepth; depth += partDepth; } else if( !singleThread ) { offset -= sstep; } } } } } offset += ostep * 0.2f; if( !m_vd.drawEmptyLabels && showFull && depth == 0 ) { vis.height = 0; vis.offset = 0; offset = oldOffset; } else if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset + ostep - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, oldOffset + ostep - 1 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); if( showFull ) { draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, oldOffset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, oldOffset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, oldOffset + to/2 + th ), 0xFFFFAAAA ); } else { draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, oldOffset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, oldOffset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, oldOffset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF886666, 2.0f ); } const bool isMultithreaded = (v->type == GpuContextType::Vulkan) || (v->type == GpuContextType::OpenCL) || (v->type == GpuContextType::Direct3D12); char buf[64]; sprintf( buf, "%s context %zu", GpuContextNames[(int)v->type], i ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, oldOffset ), showFull ? 0xFFFFAAAA : 0xFF886666, buf ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x, oldOffset + ty ) ) ) { if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { showFull = !showFull; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { int64_t t0 = std::numeric_limits::max(); int64_t t1 = std::numeric_limits::min(); for( auto& td : v->threadData ) { int64_t _t0; if( td.second.timeline.is_magic() ) { _t0 = ((Vector*)&td.second.timeline)->front().GpuStart(); } else { _t0 = td.second.timeline.front()->GpuStart(); } if( _t0 >= 0 ) { // FIXME t0 = std::min( t0, _t0 ); t1 = std::max( t1, std::min( m_worker.GetLastTime(), m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *td.second.timeline.back() ) ) ); } } if( t0 < t1 ) { ZoomToRange( t0, t1 ); } } ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::Separator(); if( !isMultithreaded ) { SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( v->thread, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( v->thread ) ); } else { if( !v->threadData.empty() ) { if( v->threadData.size() == 1 ) { auto it = v->threadData.begin(); auto tid = it->first; if( tid == 0 ) { if( !it->second.timeline.empty() ) { if( it->second.timeline.is_magic() ) { auto& tl = *(Vector*)&it->second.timeline; tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( tl.begin()->Thread() ); } else { tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( (*it->second.timeline.begin())->Thread() ); } } } SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "Threads:" ); ImGui::Indent(); for( auto& td : v->threadData ) { SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( td.first, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( td.first ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( td.first ) ); } ImGui::Unindent(); } } } if( !v->threadData.empty() ) { int64_t t0 = std::numeric_limits::max(); for( auto& td : v->threadData ) { int64_t _t0; if( td.second.timeline.is_magic() ) { _t0 = ((Vector*)&td.second.timeline)->front().GpuStart(); } else { _t0 = td.second.timeline.front()->GpuStart(); } if( _t0 >= 0 ) { t0 = std::min( t0, _t0 ); } } if( t0 != std::numeric_limits::max() ) { TextFocused( "Appeared at", TimeToString( t0 ) ); } } TextFocused( "Zone count:", RealToString( v->count ) ); if( isMultithreaded ) { TextFocused( "Timestamp accuracy:", TimeToString( v->period ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } AdjustThreadHeight( vis, oldOffset, offset ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } } // zones if( m_vd.drawCpuData && m_worker.HasContextSwitches() ) { offset = DrawCpuData( offset, pxns, wpos, hover, yMin, yMax ); } const auto& threadData = m_worker.GetThreadData(); if( threadData.size() != m_threadOrder.size() ) { m_threadOrder.reserve( threadData.size() ); for( size_t i=m_threadOrder.size(); isamples.empty(); const auto hasCtxSwitch = m_vd.drawContextSwitches && m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( v->id ); if( hasSamples ) { if( hasCtxSwitch ) { offset += round( ostep * 0.5f ); } else { offset += round( ostep * 0.75f ); } } const auto ctxOffset = offset; if( hasCtxSwitch ) offset += round( ostep * 0.75f ); if( m_vd.drawZones ) { #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreGhostZonesReady() && ( vis.ghost || ( m_vd.ghostZones && v->timeline.empty() ) ) ) { depth = DispatchGhostLevel( v->ghostZones, hover, pxns, int64_t( nspx ), wpos, offset, 0, yMin, yMax, v->id ); } else #endif { depth = DispatchZoneLevel( v->timeline, hover, pxns, int64_t( nspx ), wpos, offset, 0, yMin, yMax, v->id ); } offset += ostep * depth; } if( hasCtxSwitch ) { auto ctxSwitch = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( v->id ); if( ctxSwitch ) { DrawContextSwitches( ctxSwitch, hover, pxns, int64_t( nspx ), wpos, ctxOffset, offset ); } } if( hasSamples ) { DrawSamples( v->samples, hover, pxns, int64_t( nspx ), wpos, sampleOffset ); } if( m_vd.drawLocks ) { const auto lockDepth = DrawLocks( v->id, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, nextLockHighlight, yMin, yMax ); offset += ostep * lockDepth; depth += lockDepth; } } offset += ostep * 0.2f; auto msgit = std::lower_bound( v->messages.begin(), v->messages.end(), m_vd.zvStart, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } ); auto msgend = std::lower_bound( msgit, v->messages.end(), m_vd.zvEnd+1, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } ); if( !m_vd.drawEmptyLabels && showFull && depth == 0 && msgit == msgend && crash.thread != v->id ) { auto& vis = Vis( v ); vis.height = 0; vis.offset = 0; offset = oldOffset; } else if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset + ostep - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, oldOffset + ostep - 1 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); const auto labelColor = crash.thread == v->id ? ( showFull ? 0xFF2222FF : 0xFF111188 ) : ( showFull ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF888888 ); if( showFull ) { draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, oldOffset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, oldOffset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, oldOffset + to/2 + th ), labelColor ); while( msgit < msgend ) { const auto next = std::upper_bound( msgit, v->messages.end(), (*msgit)->time + MinVisSize * nspx, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs < rhs->time; } ); const auto dist = std::distance( msgit, next ); const auto px = ( (*msgit)->time - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const bool isMsgHovered = hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5 - 1, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5 + 1, oldOffset + ty ) ); unsigned int color = 0xFFDDDDDD; float animOff = 0; if( dist > 1 ) { if( m_msgHighlight && m_worker.DecompressThread( m_msgHighlight->thread ) == v->id ) { const auto hTime = m_msgHighlight->time; if( (*msgit)->time <= hTime && ( next == v->messages.end() || (*next)->time > hTime ) ) { color = 0xFF4444FF; if( !isMsgHovered ) { animOff = -fabs( sin( s_time * 8 ) ) * th; } } } draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, animOff + oldOffset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, animOff + oldOffset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, animOff + oldOffset + to + th ), color ); draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, animOff + oldOffset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, animOff + oldOffset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, animOff + oldOffset + to + th ), color, 2.0f ); } else { if( m_msgHighlight == *msgit ) { color = 0xFF4444FF; if( !isMsgHovered ) { animOff = -fabs( sin( s_time * 8 ) ) * th; } } draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, animOff + oldOffset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, animOff + oldOffset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, animOff + oldOffset + to + th ), color, 2.0f ); } if( isMsgHovered ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( dist > 1 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i messages", (int)dist ); } else { TextFocused( "Message at", TimeToStringExact( (*msgit)->time ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, (*msgit)->color ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( (*msgit)->ref ) ); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); m_msgHighlight = *msgit; if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_showMessages = true; m_msgToFocus = *msgit; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { CenterAtTime( (*msgit)->time ); } } msgit = next; } if( crash.thread == v->id && crash.time >= m_vd.zvStart && crash.time <= m_vd.zvEnd ) { const auto px = ( crash.time - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.25f, oldOffset + to + th * 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.25f, oldOffset + to + th * 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( px, oldOffset + to + th ), 0xFF2222FF ); draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.25f, oldOffset + to + th * 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.25f, oldOffset + to + th * 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( px, oldOffset + to + th ), 0xFF2222FF, 2.0f ); const auto crashText = ICON_FA_SKULL " crash " ICON_FA_SKULL; auto ctw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( crashText ).x; DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px - ctw * 0.5f, oldOffset + to + th * 0.5f - ty ), 0xFF2222FF, crashText ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5 - 1, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5 + 1, oldOffset + ty ) ) ) { CrashTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_showInfo = true; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { CenterAtTime( crash.time ); } } } } else { draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, oldOffset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, oldOffset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, oldOffset + ty * 0.5 ), labelColor, 2.0f ); } const auto txt = m_worker.GetThreadName( v->id ); const auto txtsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ); if( m_gpuThread == v->id ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset ), 0x228888DD ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset ), 0x448888DD ); } if( m_gpuInfoWindow && m_gpuInfoWindowThread == v->id ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset ), 0x2288DD88 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset ), 0x4488DD88 ); } if( m_cpuDataThread == v->id ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset ), 0x2DFF8888 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset ), 0x4DFF8888 ); } DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, oldOffset ), labelColor, txt ); #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS const bool hasGhostZones = showFull && m_worker.AreGhostZonesReady() && !v->ghostZones.empty(); float ghostSz; if( hasGhostZones && !v->timeline.empty() ) { auto& vis = Vis( v ); const auto color = vis.ghost ? 0xFFAA9999 : 0x88AA7777; draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( 1.5f * ty + txtsz.x, oldOffset ), color, ICON_FA_GHOST ); ghostSz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( ICON_FA_GHOST ).x; } #endif if( hover ) { #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( hasGhostZones && !v->timeline.empty() && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 1.5f * ty + txtsz.x, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( 1.5f * ty + txtsz.x + ghostSz, oldOffset + ty ) ) ) { if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { auto& vis = Vis( v ); vis.ghost = !vis.ghost; } } else #endif if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, oldOffset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x, oldOffset + ty ) ) ) { m_drawThreadMigrations = v->id; m_drawThreadHighlight = v->id; ImGui::BeginTooltip(); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( v->id, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( v->id ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( v->id ) ); if( crash.thread == v->id ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL " Crashed" ); } const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( v->id ); ImGui::Separator(); int64_t first = std::numeric_limits::max(); int64_t last = -1; if( ctx && !ctx->v.empty() ) { const auto& back = ctx->v.back(); first = ctx->v.begin()->Start(); last = back.IsEndValid() ? back.End() : back.Start(); } if( !v->timeline.empty() ) { if( v->timeline.is_magic() ) { auto& tl = *((Vector*)&v->timeline); first = std::min( first, tl.front().Start() ); last = std::max( last, m_worker.GetZoneEnd( tl.back() ) ); } else { first = std::min( first, v->timeline.front()->Start() ); last = std::max( last, m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *v->timeline.back() ) ); } } if( !v->messages.empty() ) { first = std::min( first, v->messages.front()->time ); last = std::max( last, v->messages.back()->time ); } size_t lockCnt = 0; for( const auto& lock : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { const auto& lockmap = *lock.second; if( !lockmap.valid ) continue; auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( v->id ); if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue; lockCnt++; const auto thread = it->second; auto lptr = lockmap.timeline.data(); auto eptr = lptr + lockmap.timeline.size() - 1; while( lptr->ptr->thread != thread ) lptr++; if( lptr->ptr->Time() < first ) first = lptr->ptr->Time(); while( eptr->ptr->thread != thread ) eptr--; if( eptr->ptr->Time() > last ) last = eptr->ptr->Time(); } if( last >= 0 ) { const auto lifetime = last - first; const auto traceLen = m_worker.GetLastTime(); TextFocused( "Appeared at", TimeToString( first ) ); TextFocused( "Last event at", TimeToString( last ) ); TextFocused( "Lifetime:", TimeToString( lifetime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, lifetime / double( traceLen ) * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); if( ctx ) { TextFocused( "Time in running state:", TimeToString( ctx->runningTime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); PrintStringPercent( buf, ctx->runningTime / double( lifetime ) * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } } ImGui::Separator(); if( !v->timeline.empty() ) { TextFocused( "Zone count:", RealToString( v->count ) ); TextFocused( "Top-level zones:", RealToString( v->timeline.size() ) ); } if( !v->messages.empty() ) { TextFocused( "Messages:", RealToString( v->messages.size() ) ); } if( lockCnt != 0 ) { TextFocused( "Locks:", RealToString( lockCnt ) ); } if( ctx ) { TextFocused( "Running state regions:", RealToString( ctx->v.size() ) ); } if( !v->samples.empty() ) { TextFocused( "Call stack samples:", RealToString( v->samples.size() ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { Vis( v ).showFull = !showFull; } if( last >= 0 && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( first, last ); } } } } AdjustThreadHeight( Vis( v ), oldOffset, offset ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } m_lockHighlight = nextLockHighlight; if( m_vd.drawPlots ) { offset = DrawPlots( offset, pxns, wpos, hover, yMin, yMax ); } const auto scrollPos = ImGui::GetScrollY(); if( scrollPos == 0 && m_vd.zvScroll != 0 ) { m_vd.zvHeight = 0; } else { if( offset > m_vd.zvHeight ) m_vd.zvHeight = offset; } m_vd.zvScroll = scrollPos; ImGui::EndChild(); for( auto& ann : m_annotations ) { if( ann->range.min < m_vd.zvEnd && ann->range.max > m_vd.zvStart ) { uint32_t c0 = ( ann->color & 0xFFFFFF ) | ( m_selectedAnnotation == ann.get() ? 0x44000000 : 0x22000000 ); uint32_t c1 = ( ann->color & 0xFFFFFF ) | ( m_selectedAnnotation == ann.get() ? 0x66000000 : 0x44000000 ); uint32_t c2 = ( ann->color & 0xFFFFFF ) | ( m_selectedAnnotation == ann.get() ? 0xCC000000 : 0xAA000000 ); draw->AddRectFilled( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, lineh ), c0 ); draw->AddLine( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, lineh ), ann->range.hiMin ? c2 : c1, ann->range.hiMin ? 2 : 1 ); draw->AddLine( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, lineh ), ann->range.hiMax ? c2 : c1, ann->range.hiMax ? 2 : 1 ); if( drawMouseLine && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, lineh ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( ann->text.empty() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Empty annotation" ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( ann->text.c_str() ); } ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Annotation begin:", TimeToStringExact( ann->range.min ) ); TextFocused( "Annotation end:", TimeToStringExact( ann->range.max ) ); TextFocused( "Annotation length:", TimeToString( ann->range.max - ann->range.min ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } const auto aw = ( ann->range.max - ann->range.min ) * pxns; if( aw > th * 4 ) { draw->AddCircleFilled( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + th * 2, th * 2 ), th, 0x88AABB22 ); draw->AddCircle( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + th * 2, th * 2 ), th, 0xAAAABB22 ); if( drawMouseLine && IsMouseClicked( 0 ) && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + th, th ), linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + th * 3, th * 3 ) ) ) { m_selectedAnnotation = ann.get(); } if( !ann->text.empty() ) { const auto tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( ann->text.c_str() ).x; if( aw - th*4 > tw ) { draw->AddText( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + th * 4, th * 0.5 ), 0xFFFFFFFF, ann->text.c_str() ); } else { draw->PushClipRect( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, lineh ), true ); draw->AddText( linepos + ImVec2( ( ann->range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + th * 4, th * 0.5 ), 0xFFFFFFFF, ann->text.c_str() ); draw->PopClipRect(); } } } } } if( m_gpuStart != 0 && m_gpuEnd != 0 ) { const auto px0 = ( m_gpuStart - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_gpuEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x228888DD ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x448888DD ); } if( m_gpuInfoWindow ) { const auto px0 = ( m_gpuInfoWindow->CpuStart() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_gpuInfoWindow->CpuEnd() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x2288DD88 ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x4488DD88 ); } if( m_findZone.range.active && ( m_findZone.show || m_showRanges ) ) { const auto px0 = ( m_findZone.range.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_findZone.range.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); DrawStripedRect( draw, wpos.x + px0, linepos.y, wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh, 10 * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f, 0x2288DD88, true, true ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y + lineh ), m_findZone.range.hiMin ? 0x9988DD88 : 0x3388DD88, m_findZone.range.hiMin ? 2 : 1 ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), m_findZone.range.hiMax ? 0x9988DD88 : 0x3388DD88, m_findZone.range.hiMax ? 2 : 1 ); } if( m_statRange.active && ( m_showStatistics || m_showRanges || ( m_sourceViewFile && m_sourceView->IsSymbolView() ) ) ) { const auto px0 = ( m_statRange.min - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_statRange.max - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); DrawStripedRect( draw, wpos.x + px0, linepos.y, wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh, 10 * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f, 0x228888EE, true, false ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y + lineh ), m_statRange.hiMin ? 0x998888EE : 0x338888EE, m_statRange.hiMin ? 2 : 1 ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), m_statRange.hiMax ? 0x998888EE : 0x338888EE, m_statRange.hiMax ? 2 : 1 ); } if( m_setRangePopup.active || m_setRangePopupOpen ) { const auto s = std::min( m_setRangePopup.min, m_setRangePopup.max ); const auto e = std::max( m_setRangePopup.min, m_setRangePopup.max ); DrawStripedRect( draw, wpos.x + ( s - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y, wpos.x + ( e - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh, 5 * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f, 0x55DD8888, true, false ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x77DD8888 ); } if( m_highlight.active && m_highlight.start != m_highlight.end ) { const auto s = std::min( m_highlight.start, m_highlight.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_highlight.start, m_highlight.end ); draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x22DD8888 ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x44DD8888 ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( e - s ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } else if( drawMouseLine ) { auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, linepos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x33FFFFFF ); } if( m_highlightZoom.active && m_highlightZoom.start != m_highlightZoom.end ) { const auto s = std::min( m_highlightZoom.start, m_highlightZoom.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_highlightZoom.start, m_highlightZoom.end ); draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x1688DD88 ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x2C88DD88 ); } if( m_memInfo.show && m_memInfo.restrictTime ) { const auto zvMid = ( m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) / 2; draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + zvMid * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + zvMid * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x88FF44FF ); } } static const char* DecodeContextSwitchReasonCode( uint8_t reason ) { switch( reason ) { case 0: return "Executive"; case 1: return "FreePage"; case 2: return "PageIn"; case 3: return "PoolAllocation"; case 4: return "DelayExecution"; case 5: return "Suspended"; case 6: return "UserRequest"; case 7: return "WrExecutive"; case 8: return "WrFreePage"; case 9: return "WrPageIn"; case 10: return "WrPoolAllocation"; case 11: return "WrDelayExecution"; case 12: return "WrSuspended"; case 13: return "WrUserRequest"; case 14: return "WrEventPair"; case 15: return "WrQueue"; case 16: return "WrLpcReceive"; case 17: return "WrLpcReply"; case 18: return "WrVirtualMemory"; case 19: return "WrPageOut"; case 20: return "WrRendezvous"; case 21: return "WrKeyedEvent"; case 22: return "WrTerminated"; case 23: return "WrProcessInSwap"; case 24: return "WrCpuRateControl"; case 25: return "WrCalloutStack"; case 26: return "WrKernel"; case 27: return "WrResource"; case 28: return "WrPushLock"; case 29: return "WrMutex"; case 30: return "WrQuantumEnd"; case 31: return "WrDispatchInt"; case 32: return "WrPreempted"; case 33: return "WrYieldExecution"; case 34: return "WrFastMutex"; case 35: return "WrGuardedMutex"; case 36: return "WrRundown"; case 37: return "WrAlertByThreadId"; case 38: return "WrDeferredPreempt"; case 39: return "WrPhysicalFault"; case 40: return "MaximumWaitReason"; default: return "unknown"; } } static const char* DecodeContextSwitchReason( uint8_t reason ) { switch( reason ) { case 0: return "(Thread is waiting for the scheduler)"; case 1: return "(Thread is waiting for a free virtual memory page)"; case 2: return "(Thread is waiting for a virtual memory page to arrive in memory)"; case 4: return "(Thread execution is delayed)"; case 5: return "(Thread execution is suspended)"; case 6: return "(Thread is waiting on object - WaitForSingleObject, etc.)"; case 7: return "(Thread is waiting for the scheduler)"; case 8: return "(Thread is waiting for a free virtual memory page)"; case 9: return "(Thread is waiting for a virtual memory page to arrive in memory)"; case 11: return "(Thread execution is delayed)"; case 12: return "(Thread execution is suspended)"; case 13: return "(Thread is waiting for window messages)"; case 15: return "(Thread is waiting on KQUEUE)"; case 24: return "(CPU rate limiting)"; case 34: return "(Waiting for a Fast Mutex)"; default: return ""; } } static const char* DecodeContextSwitchStateCode( uint8_t state ) { switch( state ) { case 0: return "Initialized"; case 1: return "Ready"; case 2: return "Running"; case 3: return "Standby"; case 4: return "Terminated"; case 5: return "Waiting"; case 6: return "Transition"; case 7: return "DeferredReady"; case 101: return "D"; case 102: return "I"; case 103: return "R"; case 104: return "S"; case 105: return "T"; case 106: return "t"; case 107: return "W"; case 108: return "X"; case 109: return "Z"; default: return "unknown"; } } static const char* DecodeContextSwitchState( uint8_t state ) { switch( state ) { case 0: return "(Thread has been initialized, but has not yet started)"; case 1: return "(Thread is waiting to use a processor because no processor is free. The thread is prepared to run on the next available processor)"; case 2: return "(Thread is currently using a processor)"; case 3: return "(Thread is about to use a processor)"; case 4: return "(Thread has finished executing and has exited)"; case 5: return "(Thread is not ready to use the processor because it is waiting for a peripheral operation to complete or a resource to become free)"; case 6: return "(Thread is waiting for a resource, other than the processor, before it can execute)"; case 7: return "(Thread has been selected to run on a specific processor but have not yet beed scheduled)"; case 101: return "(Uninterruptible sleep, usually IO)"; case 102: return "(Idle kernel thread)"; case 103: return "(Running or on run queue)"; case 104: return "(Interruptible sleep, waiting for an event to complete)"; case 105: return "(Stopped by job control signal)"; case 106: return "(Stopped by debugger during the tracing)"; case 107: return "(Paging)"; case 108: return "(Dead)"; case 109: return "(Zombie process)"; default: return ""; } } void View::DrawContextSwitches( const ContextSwitch* ctx, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int endOffset ) { auto& vec = ctx->v; auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return; if( it != vec.begin() ) --it; auto citend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Start() < r; } ); if( it == citend ) return; if( citend != vec.end() ) ++citend; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = round( ImGui::GetFontSize() * 0.75f ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); auto pit = citend; double minpx = -10.0; while( it < citend ) { auto& ev = *it; if( pit != citend ) { const bool migration = pit->Cpu() != ev.Cpu(); const auto px0 = std::max( { ( pit->End() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, -10.0, minpx } ); const auto pxw = ( ev.WakeupVal() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::min( ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, w + 10.0 ); const auto color = migration ? 0xFFEE7711 : 0xFF2222AA; if( m_vd.darkenContextSwitches ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, endOffset ), 0x661C2321 ); } draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxw, w+10.0 ), offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), color, 2 ); if( ev.WakeupVal() != ev.Start() ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( pxw, 10.0 ), offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), 0xFF2280A0, 2 ); } if( hover ) { if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pxw, offset + ty ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Thread is", migration ? "migrating CPUs" : "waiting" ); TextFocused( "Waiting time:", TimeToString( ev.WakeupVal() - pit->End() ) ); if( migration ) { TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( pit->Cpu() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_ALT_RIGHT, RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); } else { TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); } if( pit->Reason() != 100 ) { TextFocused( "Wait reason:", DecodeContextSwitchReasonCode( pit->Reason() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( DecodeContextSwitchReason( pit->Reason() ) ); } TextFocused( "Wait state:", DecodeContextSwitchStateCode( pit->State() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( DecodeContextSwitchState( pit->State() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( pit->End(), ev.WakeupVal() ); } } else if( ev.WakeupVal() != ev.Start() && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( pxw, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Thread is", "waking up" ); TextFocused( "Scheduling delay:", TimeToString( ev.Start() - ev.WakeupVal() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( pit->End(), ev.WakeupVal() ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } } const auto end = ev.IsEndValid() ? ev.End() : m_worker.GetLastTime(); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.Start() ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinCtxSize ) { int num = 0; const auto px0 = std::max( ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, -10.0 ); auto px1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto rend = end; auto nextTime = end + MinCtxSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, citend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; num += std::distance( prevIt, it ); if( it == citend ) break; const auto nend = it->IsEndValid() ? it->End() : m_worker.GetLastTime(); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinCtxSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; rend = nend; nextTime = nend + nspx; } minpx = std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinCtxSize ), double( w + 10 ) ); if( num == 1 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( minpx, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), 0xFF22DD22, 2 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( minpx, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Thread is", "running" ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), rend ); } } } else { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty05 ), px0, minpx, ty/4, 0xFF888888, 1.5 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( minpx, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Thread is", "changing activity multiple times" ); TextFocused( "Number of running regions:", RealToString( num ) ); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( rend - ev.Start() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), rend ); } } } pit = it-1; } else { const auto px0 = std::max( { ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, -10.0, minpx } ); const auto px1 = std::min( ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, w + 10.0 ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), 0xFF22DD22, 2 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Thread is", "running" ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), end ); } } pit = it; ++it; } } } void View::DrawSamples( const Vector& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_vd.zvStart, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return; const auto itend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( it == itend ) return; const auto ty0375 = offset + round( ImGui::GetFontSize() * 0.375f ); const auto ty02 = round( ImGui::GetFontSize() * 0.2f ); const auto ty01 = round( ImGui::GetFontSize() * 0.1f ); const auto y0 = ty0375 - ty02 - 3; const auto y1 = ty0375 + ty02 - 1; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); enum { MinVis = 6 }; bool tooltipDisplayed = false; while( it < itend ) { bool visible = true; const auto px0 = ( it->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; double px1; auto next = it+1; int num; if( next != itend ) { px1 = ( next->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( px1 - px0 < MinVis ) { visible = false; auto nextTime = px0 + MinVis * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prev = next; next = std::lower_bound( next, itend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( prev == next ) ++next; if( next == itend ) break; const auto pxnext = ( next->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVis ) break; px1 = pxnext; nextTime = next->time.Val() + nspx; } num = next - it; } } if( visible ) { draw->AddCircleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, ty0375 ), ty02, 0xFFDD8888, 7 ); if( !tooltipDisplayed && hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0 - ty02 - 2, y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ty02 + 1, y1 ) ) ) { tooltipDisplayed = true; CallstackTooltip( it->callstack.Val() ); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = it->callstack.Val(); } } } else { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty0375 ), px0, std::max( px1, px0+MinVis ), ty01, 0xFF997777 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px1, px0+MinVis ), y1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Multiple call stack samples" ); TextFocused( "Number of samples:", RealToString( num ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { const auto prev = next-1; ZoomToRange( it->time.Val(), prev->time.Val() + 1 ); } } } it = next; } } #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS int View::DispatchGhostLevel( const Vector& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth; const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset; // Inline frames have to be taken into account, hence the multiply by 16 (arbitrary limit for inline frames in client) if( yPos + 16 * ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { return DrawGhostLevel( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); } else { return SkipGhostLevel( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); } } int View::DrawGhostLevel( const Vector& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return depth; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.start.Val() < r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return depth; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto color = MixGhostColor( GetThreadColor( tid, depth ), 0x665555 ); const auto outline = HighlightColor( color ); depth++; int maxdepth = depth; while( it < zitend ) { auto& ev = *it; const auto end = ev.end.Val(); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.start.Val() ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { const auto px0 = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto px1 = ( ev.end.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto rend = end; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; if( it == zitend ) break; const auto nend = it->end.Val(); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; rend = nend; nextTime = nend + nspx; } draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color ); DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), ty/4, DarkenColor( color ) ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.start.Val(), rend , true }; ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Multiple ghost zones" ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( rend - ev.start.Val() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.start.Val() > 0 ) { ZoomToRange( ev.start.Val(), rend ); } } } else { const auto& ghostKey = m_worker.GetGhostFrame( ev.frame ); const auto frame = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( ghostKey.frame ); const auto pr0 = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto pr1 = ( ev.end.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 ); const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } ); if( !frame ) { char symName[64]; sprintf( symName, "0x%" PRIx64, m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( ghostKey.frame ) ); const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( symName ); const auto txtColor = 0xFF888888; draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), DarkenColor( color ) ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), outline, 0.f, -1 ); if( tsz.x < zsz ) { const auto x = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.start.Val() ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2; if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x ) { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), txtColor, symName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } else if( ev.start.Val() == ev.end.Val() ) { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), txtColor, symName ); } else { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), txtColor, symName ); } } else { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), txtColor, symName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) ) { if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val() , true }; ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_GHOST " Ghost zone" ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Unknown frame:", symName ); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( ev.end.Val() - ev.start.Val() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( !m_zoomAnim.active && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val() ); } } } else { const auto& sym = frame->data[ghostKey.inlineFrame]; const auto isInline = ghostKey.inlineFrame != frame->size-1; const auto col = isInline ? DarkenColor( color ) : color; const auto symName = m_worker.GetString( sym.name ); uint32_t txtColor = symName[0] == '[' ? 0xFF999999 : 0xFFFFFFFF; const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( symName ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), col ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), outline, 0.f, -1 ); if( tsz.x < zsz ) { const auto x = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.start.Val() ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2; if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x ) { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), txtColor, symName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } else if( ev.start.Val() == ev.end.Val() ) { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), txtColor, symName ); } else { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), txtColor, symName ); } } else { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), txtColor, symName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) ) { if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val(), true }; ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_GHOST " Ghost zone" ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( symName ); if( isInline ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "[inline]" ); } const auto symbol = m_worker.GetSymbolData( sym.symAddr ); if( symbol ) TextFocused( "Image:", m_worker.GetString( symbol->imageName ) ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const char* file = m_worker.GetString( sym.file ); uint32_t line = sym.line; ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", file, line ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(0x%" PRIx64 ")", sym.symAddr ); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( ev.end.Val() - ev.start.Val() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { ViewDispatch( file, line, sym.symAddr ); } else if( !m_zoomAnim.active && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val() ); } } } if( ev.child >= 0 ) { const auto d = DispatchGhostLevel( m_worker.GetGhostChildren( ev.child ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d; } ++it; } } return maxdepth; } int View::SkipGhostLevel( const Vector& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return depth; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.start.Val() < r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return depth; depth++; int maxdepth = depth; while( it < zitend ) { auto& ev = *it; const auto end = ev.end.Val(); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.start.Val() ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { auto px1 = ( ev.end.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; if( it == zitend ) break; const auto nend = it->end.Val(); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; nextTime = nend + nspx; } } else { if( ev.child >= 0 ) { const auto d = DispatchGhostLevel( m_worker.GetGhostChildren( ev.child ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d; } ++it; } } return maxdepth; } #endif int View::DispatchZoneLevel( const Vector>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth; const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset; if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { if( vec.is_magic() ) { return DrawZoneLevel>( *(Vector*)( &vec ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); } else { return DrawZoneLevel>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); } } else { if( vec.is_magic() ) { return SkipZoneLevel>( *(Vector*)( &vec ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); } else { return SkipZoneLevel>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); } } } template int View::DrawZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid ) { const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay(); const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution(); // cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return depth; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return a(l).Start() < r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return depth; Adapter a; if( !a(*it).IsEndValid() && m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ) < m_vd.zvStart ) return depth; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto dsz = delay * pxns; const auto rsz = resolution * pxns; const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto ty075 = round( ty * 0.75f ); depth++; int maxdepth = depth; while( it < zitend ) { auto& ev = a(*it); const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.Start() ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { const auto color = GetThreadColor( tid, depth ); int num = 0; const auto px0 = ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto px1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto rend = end; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; num += std::distance( prevIt, it ); if( it == zitend ) break; const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; rend = nend; nextTime = nend + nspx; } draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color ); DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), ty/4, DarkenColor( color ) ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.Start(), rend, true }; if( num > 1 ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Zones too small to display:", RealToString( num ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( rend - ev.Start() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.Start() > 0 ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), rend ); } } else { ZoneTooltip( ev ); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.Start() > 0 ) { ZoomToZone( ev ); } if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); m_findZone.ShowZone( ev.SrcLoc(), m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ) ); } else { ShowZoneInfo( ev ); } } m_zoneSrcLocHighlight = ev.SrcLoc(); m_zoneHover = &ev; } } const auto tmp = RealToString( num ); const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp ); if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 ) { const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2; DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp ); } } else { const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev, tid, depth ); const char* zoneName = m_worker.GetZoneName( ev ); if( ev.HasChildren() ) { const auto d = DispatchZoneLevel( m_worker.GetZoneChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d; } auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName ); if( tsz.x > zsz ) { zoneName = ShortenNamespace( zoneName ); tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName ); } const auto pr0 = ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto pr1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 ); const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), color ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), GetZoneHighlight( ev, tid, depth ), 0.f, -1, GetZoneThickness( ev ) ); if( dsz > MinVisSize ) { const auto diff = dsz - MinVisSize; uint32_t color; if( diff < 1 ) { color = ( uint32_t( diff * 0x88 ) << 24 ) | 0x2222DD; } else { color = 0x882222DD; } draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pr0+dsz, pr1 ), offset + tsz.y ), color ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1+dsz, offset + tsz.y ), color ); } if( rsz > MinVisSize ) { const auto diff = rsz - MinVisSize; uint32_t color; if( diff < 1 ) { color = ( uint32_t( diff * 0xAA ) << 24 ) | 0xFFFFFF; } else { color = 0xAAFFFFFF; } draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + ty05 ), color ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + ty075 ), color ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + ty075 ), color ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + ty05 ), color ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + ty075 ), color ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + ty075 ), color ); } if( tsz.x < zsz ) { const auto x = ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.Start() ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2; if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x ) { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } else if( ev.Start() == ev.End() ) { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); } else { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); } } else { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) ) { ZoneTooltip( ev ); if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.Start(), m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ), true }; if( !m_zoomAnim.active && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( ev ); } if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); m_findZone.ShowZone( ev.SrcLoc(), m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ) ); } else { ShowZoneInfo( ev ); } } m_zoneSrcLocHighlight = ev.SrcLoc(); m_zoneHover = &ev; } ++it; } } return maxdepth; } template int View::SkipZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid ) { const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay(); const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution(); // cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return depth; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return a(l).Start() < r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return depth; depth++; int maxdepth = depth; Adapter a; while( it < zitend ) { auto& ev = a(*it); const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.Start() ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { auto px1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; if( it == zitend ) break; const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; nextTime = nend + nspx; } } else { if( ev.HasChildren() ) { const auto d = DispatchZoneLevel( m_worker.GetZoneChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid ); if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d; } ++it; } } return maxdepth; } int View::DispatchGpuZoneLevel( const Vector>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth; const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset; if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { if( vec.is_magic() ) { return DrawGpuZoneLevel>( *(Vector*)&vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); } else { return DrawGpuZoneLevel>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); } } else { if( vec.is_magic() ) { return SkipGpuZoneLevel>( *(Vector*)&vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); } else { return SkipGpuZoneLevel>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); } } } static int64_t AdjustGpuTime( int64_t time, int64_t begin, int drift ) { if( time < 0 ) return time; const auto t = time - begin; return time + t / 1000000000 * drift; } template int View::DrawGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift ) { const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay(); const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution(); // cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return depth; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvEnd + resolution ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuStart(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return depth; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); depth++; int maxdepth = depth; Adapter a; while( it < zitend ) { auto& ev = a(*it); const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev ); auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); if( end == std::numeric_limits::max() ) break; const auto start = AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift ); end = AdjustGpuTime( end, begin, drift ); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { int num = 0; const auto px0 = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto px1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto rend = end; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, std::max( 0, nextTime ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; num += std::distance( prevIt, it ); if( it == zitend ) break; const auto nend = AdjustGpuTime( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ), begin, drift ); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext < 0 || pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; rend = nend; nextTime = nend + nspx; } draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color ); DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), ty/4, DarkenColor( color ) ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { if( num > 1 ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Zones too small to display:", RealToString( num ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( rend - start ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - start > 0 ) { ZoomToRange( start, rend ); } } else { const auto zoneThread = thread != 0 ? thread : m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ); ZoneTooltip( ev ); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - start > 0 ) { ZoomToZone( ev ); } if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { ShowZoneInfo( ev, zoneThread ); } m_gpuThread = zoneThread; m_gpuStart = ev.CpuStart(); m_gpuEnd = ev.CpuEnd(); } } const auto tmp = RealToString( num ); const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp ); if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 ) { const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2; DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp ); } } else { if( ev.Child() >= 0 ) { const auto d = DispatchGpuZoneLevel( m_worker.GetGpuChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d; } const char* zoneName = m_worker.GetZoneName( ev ); auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName ); const auto pr0 = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto pr1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 ); const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), color ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), GetZoneHighlight( ev ), 0.f, -1, GetZoneThickness( ev ) ); if( tsz.x < zsz ) { const auto x = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - start ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2; if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x ) { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } else if( ev.GpuStart() == ev.GpuEnd() ) { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); } else { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); } } else { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) ) { const auto zoneThread = thread != 0 ? thread : m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ); ZoneTooltip( ev ); if( !m_zoomAnim.active && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( ev ); } if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { ShowZoneInfo( ev, zoneThread ); } m_gpuThread = zoneThread; m_gpuStart = ev.CpuStart(); m_gpuEnd = ev.CpuEnd(); } ++it; } } return maxdepth; } template int View::SkipGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift ) { const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay(); const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution(); // cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return depth; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvEnd + resolution ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuStart(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return depth; depth++; int maxdepth = depth; Adapter a; while( it < zitend ) { auto& ev = a(*it); auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); if( end == std::numeric_limits::max() ) break; const auto start = AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift ); end = AdjustGpuTime( end, begin, drift ); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { auto px1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; if( it == zitend ) break; const auto nend = AdjustGpuTime( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ), begin, drift ); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; nextTime = nend + nspx; } } else { if( ev.Child() >= 0 ) { const auto d = DispatchGpuZoneLevel( m_worker.GetGpuChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift ); if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d; } ++it; } } return maxdepth; } enum class LockState { Nothing, HasLock, // green HasBlockingLock, // yellow WaitLock // red }; static Vector::const_iterator GetNextLockEvent( const Vector::const_iterator& it, const Vector::const_iterator& end, LockState& nextState, uint64_t threadBit ) { auto next = it; next++; switch( nextState ) { case LockState::Nothing: while( next < end ) { if( next->lockCount != 0 ) { if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit ) { nextState = AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; break; } else if( IsThreadWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::WaitLock; break; } } next++; } break; case LockState::HasLock: while( next < end ) { if( next->lockCount == 0 ) { nextState = LockState::Nothing; break; } if( next->waitList != 0 ) { if( AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock; } break; } if( next->waitList != it->waitList || next->lockCount != it->lockCount ) { break; } next++; } break; case LockState::HasBlockingLock: while( next < end ) { if( next->lockCount == 0 ) { nextState = LockState::Nothing; break; } if( next->waitList != it->waitList || next->lockCount != it->lockCount ) { break; } next++; } break; case LockState::WaitLock: while( next < end ) { if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit ) { nextState = AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; break; } if( next->lockingThread != it->lockingThread ) { break; } if( next->lockCount == 0 ) { break; } next++; } break; default: assert( false ); break; } return next; } static Vector::const_iterator GetNextLockEventShared( const Vector::const_iterator& it, const Vector::const_iterator& end, LockState& nextState, uint64_t threadBit ) { const auto itptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)it->ptr; auto next = it; next++; switch( nextState ) { case LockState::Nothing: while( next < end ) { const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr; if( next->lockCount != 0 ) { const auto wait = next->waitList | ptr->waitShared; if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit ) { nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; break; } else if( IsThreadWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::WaitLock; break; } } else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = ( next->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; break; } else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::WaitLock; break; } next++; } break; case LockState::HasLock: while( next < end ) { const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr; if( next->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::Nothing; break; } if( next->waitList != 0 ) { if( AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock; } break; } else if( !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) && ptr->waitShared != 0 ) { nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock; break; } if( next->waitList != it->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || next->lockCount != it->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList ) { break; } next++; } break; case LockState::HasBlockingLock: while( next < end ) { const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr; if( next->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = LockState::Nothing; break; } if( next->waitList != it->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || next->lockCount != it->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList ) { break; } next++; } break; case LockState::WaitLock: while( next < end ) { const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr; if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit ) { const auto wait = next->waitList | ptr->waitShared; nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; break; } if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) ) { nextState = ( next->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; break; } if( next->lockingThread != it->lockingThread ) { break; } if( next->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) ) { break; } next++; } break; default: assert( false ); break; } return next; } static LockState CombineLockState( LockState state, LockState next ) { return (LockState)std::max( (int)state, (int)next ); } void View::DrawLockHeader( uint32_t id, const LockMap& lockmap, const SourceLocation& srcloc, bool hover, ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, float ty, float offset, uint8_t tid ) { char buf[1024]; if( lockmap.customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", id, m_worker.GetString( lockmap.customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", id, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0xFF8888FF, buf ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = id; if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { const auto& range = lockmap.range[tid]; const auto activity = range.end - range.start; const auto traceLen = m_worker.GetLastTime(); int64_t timeAnnounce = lockmap.timeAnnounce; int64_t timeTerminate = lockmap.timeTerminate; if( !lockmap.timeline.empty() ) { if( timeAnnounce <= 0 ) { timeAnnounce = lockmap.timeline.front().ptr->Time(); } if( timeTerminate <= 0 ) { timeTerminate = lockmap.timeline.back().ptr->Time(); } } const auto lockLen = timeTerminate - timeAnnounce; ImGui::BeginTooltip(); switch( lockmap.type ) { case LockType::Lockable: TextFocused( "Type:", "lockable" ); break; case LockType::SharedLockable: TextFocused( "Type:", "shared lockable" ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Appeared at", TimeToString( range.start ) ); TextFocused( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Last event at", TimeToString( range.end ) ); TextFocused( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Activity time:", TimeToString( activity ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of lock lifetime)", activity / double( lockLen ) * 100 ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Announce time:", TimeToString( timeAnnounce ) ); TextFocused( "Terminate time:", TimeToString( timeTerminate ) ); TextFocused( "Lifetime:", TimeToString( lockLen ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of trace time)", lockLen / double( traceLen ) * 100 ); ImGui::Separator(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Thread list:" ); ImGui::Indent( ty ); for( const auto& t : lockmap.threadList ) { SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( t, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( t ) ); } ImGui::Unindent( ty ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Lock events:", RealToString( lockmap.timeline.size() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = id; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( range.start, range.end ); } } } } int View::DrawLocks( uint64_t tid, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, LockHighlight& highlight, float yMin, float yMax ) { const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay(); const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution(); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto dsz = delay * pxns; const auto rsz = resolution * pxns; const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto ty075 = round( ty * 0.75f ); int cnt = 0; for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { const auto& lockmap = *v.second; if( !lockmap.valid || !Vis( &lockmap ).visible ) continue; if( m_vd.onlyContendedLocks && ( lockmap.threadList.size() == 1 || !lockmap.isContended ) && m_lockInfoWindow != v.first ) continue; auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( tid ); if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue; const auto offset = _offset + ostep * cnt; const auto& range = lockmap.range[it->second]; const auto& tl = lockmap.timeline; assert( !tl.empty() ); if( range.start > m_vd.zvEnd || range.end < m_vd.zvStart ) { if( m_lockInfoWindow == v.first ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty ), 0x2288DD88 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty ), 0x4488DD88 ); DrawLockHeader( v.first, lockmap, m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lockmap.srcloc ), hover, draw, wpos, w, ty, offset, it->second ); cnt++; } continue; } auto GetNextLockFunc = lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable ? GetNextLockEvent : GetNextLockEventShared; const auto thread = it->second; const auto threadBit = GetThreadBit( thread ); auto vbegin = std::lower_bound( tl.begin(), tl.end(), std::max( range.start, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.ptr->Time() < r; } ); const auto vend = std::lower_bound( vbegin, tl.end(), std::min( range.end, m_vd.zvEnd + resolution ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.ptr->Time() < r; } ); if( vbegin > tl.begin() ) vbegin--; LockState state = LockState::Nothing; if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable ) { if( vbegin->lockCount != 0 ) { if( vbegin->lockingThread == thread ) { state = AreOtherWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; } else if( IsThreadWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) ) { state = LockState::WaitLock; } } } else { auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)vbegin->ptr; if( vbegin->lockCount != 0 ) { if( vbegin->lockingThread == thread ) { state = ( AreOtherWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) || AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; } else if( IsThreadWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) || IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) ) { state = LockState::WaitLock; } } else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) ) { state = vbegin->waitList != 0 ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock; } else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) ) { state = LockState::WaitLock; } } const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset; if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { bool drawn = false; const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lockmap.srcloc ); double pxend = 0; for(;;) { if( m_vd.onlyContendedLocks ) { while( vbegin < vend && ( state == LockState::Nothing || state == LockState::HasLock ) ) { vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit ); } } else { while( vbegin < vend && state == LockState::Nothing ) { vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit ); } } if( vbegin >= vend ) break; assert( state != LockState::Nothing && ( !m_vd.onlyContendedLocks || state != LockState::HasLock ) ); drawn = true; LockState drawState = state; auto next = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit ); const auto t0 = vbegin->ptr->Time(); int64_t t1 = next == tl.end() ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : next->ptr->Time(); const auto px0 = std::max( pxend, ( t0 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); auto tx0 = px0; double px1 = ( t1 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; uint64_t condensed = 0; if( m_vd.onlyContendedLocks ) { for(;;) { if( next >= vend || px1 - tx0 > MinVisSize ) break; auto n = next; auto ns = state; while( n < vend && ( ns == LockState::Nothing || ns == LockState::HasLock ) ) { n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit ); } if( n >= vend ) break; if( n == next ) { n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit ); } drawState = CombineLockState( drawState, state ); condensed++; const auto t2 = n == tl.end() ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : n->ptr->Time(); const auto px2 = ( t2 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( px2 - px1 > MinVisSize ) break; if( drawState != ns && px2 - px0 > MinVisSize && !( ns == LockState::Nothing || ns == LockState::HasLock ) ) break; t1 = t2; tx0 = px1; px1 = px2; next = n; state = ns; } } else { for(;;) { if( next >= vend || px1 - tx0 > MinVisSize ) break; auto n = next; auto ns = state; while( n < vend && ns == LockState::Nothing ) { n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit ); } if( n >= vend ) break; if( n == next ) { n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit ); } drawState = CombineLockState( drawState, state ); condensed++; const auto t2 = n == tl.end() ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : n->ptr->Time(); const auto px2 = ( t2 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( px2 - px1 > MinVisSize ) break; if( drawState != ns && px2 - px0 > MinVisSize && ns != LockState::Nothing ) break; t1 = t2; tx0 = px1; px1 = px2; next = n; state = ns; } } pxend = std::max( { px1, px0+MinVisSize, px0 + pxns * 0.5 } ); bool itemHovered = hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ); if( itemHovered ) { if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = v.first; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( t0, t1 ); } if( condensed > 1 ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Multiple lock events:", RealToString( condensed ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } else { highlight.blocked = drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock; if( !highlight.blocked ) { highlight.id = v.first; highlight.begin = t0; highlight.end = t1; highlight.thread = thread; highlight.blocked = false; } else { auto b = vbegin; while( b != tl.begin() ) { if( b->lockingThread != vbegin->lockingThread ) { break; } b--; } b++; highlight.begin = b->ptr->Time(); auto e = next; while( e != tl.end() ) { if( e->lockingThread != next->lockingThread ) { highlight.id = v.first; highlight.end = e->ptr->Time(); highlight.thread = thread; break; } e++; } } ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( v.second->customName.Active() ) { ImGui::Text( "Lock #%" PRIu32 ": %s", v.first, m_worker.GetString( v.second->customName ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Lock #%" PRIu32 ": %s", v.first, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( t1 - t0 ) ); ImGui::Separator(); int16_t markloc = 0; auto it = vbegin; for(;;) { if( it->ptr->thread == thread ) { if( ( it->lockingThread == thread || IsThreadWaiting( it->waitList, threadBit ) ) && it->ptr->SrcLoc() != 0 ) { markloc = it->ptr->SrcLoc(); break; } } if( it == tl.begin() ) break; --it; } if( markloc != 0 ) { const auto& marklocdata = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( markloc ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Lock event location:" ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( marklocdata.function ) ); ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( marklocdata.file ), marklocdata.line ); ImGui::Separator(); } if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable ) { switch( drawState ) { case LockState::HasLock: if( vbegin->lockCount == 1 ) { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has %i locks. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ), vbegin->lockCount ); } if( vbegin->waitList != 0 ) { assert( !AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Recursive lock acquire in thread." ); } break; case LockState::HasBlockingLock: { if( vbegin->lockCount == 1 ) { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. Blocked threads (%" PRIu64 "):", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ), TracyCountBits( vbegin->waitList ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has %i locks. Blocked threads (%" PRIu64 "):", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ), vbegin->lockCount, TracyCountBits( vbegin->waitList ) ); } auto waitList = vbegin->waitList; int t = 0; ImGui::Indent( ty ); while( waitList != 0 ) { if( waitList & 0x1 ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[t] ) ); } waitList >>= 1; t++; } ImGui::Unindent( ty ); break; } case LockState::WaitLock: { if( vbegin->lockCount > 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" is blocked by other thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" waits to obtain lock after release by thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } ImGui::Indent( ty ); ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[vbegin->lockingThread] ) ); ImGui::Unindent( ty ); break; } default: assert( false ); break; } } else { const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)vbegin->ptr; switch( drawState ) { case LockState::HasLock: assert( vbegin->waitList == 0 ); if( ptr->sharedList == 0 ) { assert( vbegin->lockCount == 1 ); ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } else if( TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) == 1 ) { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has a sole shared lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has shared lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::Text( "Threads sharing the lock (%" PRIu64 "):", TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) - 1 ); auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList; int t = 0; ImGui::Indent( ty ); while( sharedList != 0 ) { if( sharedList & 0x1 && t != thread ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[t] ) ); } sharedList >>= 1; t++; } ImGui::Unindent( ty ); } break; case LockState::HasBlockingLock: { if( ptr->sharedList == 0 ) { assert( vbegin->lockCount == 1 ); ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. Blocked threads (%" PRIu64 "):", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ), TracyCountBits( vbegin->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) ); } else if( TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) == 1 ) { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has a sole shared lock. Blocked threads (%" PRIu64 "):", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ), TracyCountBits( vbegin->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has shared lock.", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::Text( "Threads sharing the lock (%" PRIu64 "):", TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) - 1 ); auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList; int t = 0; ImGui::Indent( ty ); while( sharedList != 0 ) { if( sharedList & 0x1 && t != thread ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[t] ) ); } sharedList >>= 1; t++; } ImGui::Unindent( ty ); ImGui::Text( "Blocked threads (%" PRIu64 "):", TracyCountBits( vbegin->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) ); } auto waitList = vbegin->waitList; int t = 0; ImGui::Indent( ty ); while( waitList != 0 ) { if( waitList & 0x1 ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[t] ) ); } waitList >>= 1; t++; } auto waitShared = ptr->waitShared; t = 0; while( waitShared != 0 ) { if( waitShared & 0x1 ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[t] ) ); } waitShared >>= 1; t++; } ImGui::Unindent( ty ); break; } case LockState::WaitLock: { assert( vbegin->lockCount == 0 || vbegin->lockCount == 1 ); if( vbegin->lockCount != 0 || ptr->sharedList != 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" is blocked by other threads (%" PRIu64 "):", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ), vbegin->lockCount + TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" waits to obtain lock after release by thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } ImGui::Indent( ty ); if( vbegin->lockCount != 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[vbegin->lockingThread] ) ); } auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList; int t = 0; while( sharedList != 0 ) { if( sharedList & 0x1 ) { ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadName( lockmap.threadList[t] ) ); } sharedList >>= 1; t++; } ImGui::Unindent( ty ); break; } default: assert( false ); break; } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } const auto cfilled = drawState == LockState::HasLock ? 0xFF228A22 : ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ? 0xFF228A8A : 0xFF2222BD ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), cfilled ); if( m_lockHighlight.thread != thread && ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ) != m_lockHighlight.blocked && next != tl.end() && m_lockHighlight.id == int64_t( v.first ) && m_lockHighlight.begin <= vbegin->ptr->Time() && m_lockHighlight.end >= next->ptr->Time() ) { const auto t = uint8_t( ( sin( std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() * 0.01 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), 0x00FFFFFF | ( t << 24 ), 0.f, -1, 2.f ); } else if( condensed == 0 ) { const auto coutline = drawState == LockState::HasLock ? 0xFF3BA33B : ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ? 0xFF3BA3A3 : 0xFF3B3BD6 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), coutline ); } else if( condensed > 1 ) { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty05 ), px0, pxend, ty025, DarkenColor( cfilled ) ); } const auto rx0 = ( t0 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( dsz >= MinVisSize ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( rx0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( rx0+dsz, px1 ), offset + ty ), 0x882222DD ); } if( rsz >= MinVisSize ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + ty05 ), 0xAAFFFFFF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + ty075 ), 0xAAFFFFFF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + ty075 ), 0xAAFFFFFF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + ty05 ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + ty05 ), 0xAAFFFFFF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + ty075 ), 0xAAFFFFFF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + ty025 ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + ty075 ), 0xAAFFFFFF ); } vbegin = next; } if( drawn || m_lockInfoWindow == v.first ) { if( m_lockInfoWindow == v.first ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty ), 0x2288DD88 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty ), 0x4488DD88 ); } else if( m_lockHoverHighlight == v.first ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty ), 0x228888DD ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty ), 0x448888DD ); } DrawLockHeader( v.first, lockmap, srcloc, hover, draw, wpos, w, ty, offset, it->second ); cnt++; } } else { while( vbegin < vend && ( state == LockState::Nothing || ( m_vd.onlyContendedLocks && state == LockState::HasLock ) ) ) { vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit ); } if( vbegin < vend ) cnt++; } } return cnt; } const char* View::GetThreadContextData( uint64_t thread, bool& _local, bool& _untracked, const char*& program ) { static char buf[256]; const auto local = m_worker.IsThreadLocal( thread ); auto txt = local ? m_worker.GetThreadName( thread ) : m_worker.GetExternalName( thread ).first; auto label = txt; bool untracked = false; if( !local ) { if( m_worker.GetPid() == 0 ) { untracked = strcmp( txt, m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str() ) == 0; } else { const auto pid = m_worker.GetPidFromTid( thread ); untracked = pid == m_worker.GetPid(); if( untracked ) { label = txt = m_worker.GetExternalName( thread ).second; } else { const auto ttxt = m_worker.GetExternalName( thread ).second; if( strcmp( ttxt, "???" ) != 0 && strcmp( ttxt, txt ) != 0 ) { snprintf( buf, 256, "%s (%s)", txt, ttxt ); label = buf; } } } } _local = local; _untracked = untracked; program = txt; return label; } int View::DrawCpuData( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover, float yMin, float yMax ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); const auto ostep = ty + 1; const auto nspxdbl = 1.0 / pxns; const auto nspx = int64_t( nspxdbl ); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto to = 9.f; const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5; static int cpuDataVisStub; auto& vis = Vis( &cpuDataVisStub ); bool& showFull = vis.showFull; const auto yPos = AdjustThreadPosition( vis, wpos.y, offset ); const auto oldOffset = offset; ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + vis.height ), true ); if( yPos + ty >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { if( showFull ) { draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFFDD88DD ); } else { draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF6E446E, 2.0f ); } float txtx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( "CPU data" ).x; DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFFDD88DD : 0xFF6E446E, "CPU data" ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x66DD88DD ); if( hover && IsMouseClicked( 0 ) && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtx, offset + ty ) ) ) { showFull = !showFull; } } offset += ostep; if( showFull ) { auto cpuData = m_worker.GetCpuData(); const auto cpuCnt = m_worker.GetCpuDataCpuCount(); assert( cpuCnt != 0 ); #ifdef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_vd.drawCpuUsageGraph ) #else if( m_vd.drawCpuUsageGraph && m_worker.IsCpuUsageReady() ) #endif { const auto cpuUsageHeight = floor( 30.f * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f ); if( wpos.y + offset + cpuUsageHeight + 3 >= yMin && wpos.y + offset <= yMax ) { const float cpuCntRev = 1.f / cpuCnt; float pos = 0; int usageOwn, usageOther; while( pos < w ) { m_worker.GetCpuUsageAtTime( m_vd.zvStart + pos * nspxdbl, usageOwn, usageOther ); float base; if( usageOwn != 0 ) { base = wpos.y + offset + ( 1.f - usageOwn * cpuCntRev ) * cpuUsageHeight; draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + pos, wpos.y + offset + cpuUsageHeight ), ImVec2( wpos.x + pos, base ), 0xFF55BB55 ); } else { base = wpos.y + offset + cpuUsageHeight; } if( usageOther != 0 ) { int usageTotal = usageOwn + usageOther; draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + pos, base ), ImVec2( wpos.x + pos, wpos.y + offset + ( 1.f - usageTotal * cpuCntRev ) * cpuUsageHeight ), 0xFF666666 ); } pos++; } draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset+cpuUsageHeight+2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset+cpuUsageHeight+2 ), 0x22DD88DD ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( ImVec2( wpos.x, wpos.y + offset ), ImVec2( wpos.x + w, wpos.y + offset + cpuUsageHeight ), true ) ) { const auto mt = m_vd.zvStart + ( ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspxdbl; int usageOwn, usageOther; m_worker.GetCpuUsageAtTime( mt, usageOwn, usageOther ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Cores used by profiled program:", RealToString( usageOwn ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, usageOwn * cpuCntRev * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); TextFocused( "Cores used by other programs:", RealToString( usageOther ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); PrintStringPercent( buf, usageOther * cpuCntRev * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); TextFocused( "Number of cores:", RealToString( cpuCnt ) ); if( usageOwn + usageOther != 0 ) { ImGui::Separator(); for( int i=0; iStart() <= mt && it->End() >= mt ) { auto tt = m_worker.GetThreadTopology( i ); if( tt ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "[%i:%i] CPU %i:", tt->package, tt->core, i ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "CPU %i:", i ); } ImGui::SameLine(); const auto thread = m_worker.DecompressThreadExternal( it->Thread() ); bool local, untracked; const char* txt; auto label = GetThreadContextData( thread, local, untracked, txt ); if( local || untracked ) { uint32_t color; if( m_vd.dynamicColors != 0 ) { color = local ? GetThreadColor( thread, 0 ) : ( untracked ? 0xFF663333 : 0xFF444444 ); } else { color = local ? 0xFF334488 : ( untracked ? 0xFF663333 : 0xFF444444 ); } TextColoredUnformatted( HighlightColor<75>( color ), label ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( thread ) ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( label ); } } } } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } offset += cpuUsageHeight + 3; } ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); const auto sty = round( ImGui::GetFontSize() ); const auto sstep = sty + 1; const auto origOffset = offset; for( int i=0; i= yMin && wpos.y + offset <= yMax ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset+sty ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset+sty ), 0x22DD88DD ); auto& cs = cpuData[i].cs; auto tt = m_worker.GetThreadTopology( i ); auto it = std::lower_bound( cs.begin(), cs.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it != cs.end() ) { auto eit = std::lower_bound( it, cs.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Start() < r; } ); while( it < eit ) { const auto start = it->Start(); const auto end = it->End(); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinVisSize ) { int num = 0; const auto px0 = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto px1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; auto rend = end; auto nextTime = end + MinVisSize * nspx; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, eit, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; num += std::distance( prevIt, it ); if( it == eit ) break; const auto nend = it->IsEndValid() ? it->End() : m_worker.GetLastTime(); const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break; px1 = pxnext; rend = nend; nextTime = nend + nspx; } DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + sty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), sty/4, 0xFF888888 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset-1 ), wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), offset + sty ) ) ) { ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( i ) ); if( tt ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Package:", RealToString( tt->package ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Core:", RealToString( tt->core ) ); } TextFocused( "Context switch regions:", RealToString( num ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Start time:", TimeToString( start ) ); TextFocused( "End time:", TimeToString( rend ) ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( rend - start ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( start, rend ); } } } else { const auto thread = m_worker.DecompressThreadExternal( it->Thread() ); bool local, untracked; const char* txt; auto label = GetThreadContextData( thread, local, untracked, txt ); const auto pr0 = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto pr1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 ); const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } ); uint32_t color, highlight; if( m_vd.dynamicColors != 0 ) { color = local ? GetThreadColor( thread, 0 ) : ( untracked ? 0xFF663333 : 0xFF444444 ); } else { color = local ? 0xFF334488 : ( untracked ? 0xFF663333 : 0xFF444444 ); } if( m_drawThreadHighlight == thread ) { highlight = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { highlight = HighlightColor( color ); } draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + sty ), color ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + sty ), highlight ); auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( label ); if( tsz.x < zsz ) { const auto x = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - start ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2; if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x ) { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset-1 ), local ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xAAFFFFFF, label ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } else if( start == end ) { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset-1 ), local ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xAAFFFFFF, label ); } else { DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset-1 ), local ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xAAFFFFFF, label ); } } else { ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset-1 ), local ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xAAFFFFFF, label ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset-1 ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + sty ) ) ) { m_drawThreadHighlight = thread; ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( i ) ); if( tt ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Package:", RealToString( tt->package ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Core:", RealToString( tt->core ) ); } if( local ) { TextFocused( "Program:", m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str() ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(profiled program)" ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( thread, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( thread ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( thread ) ); m_drawThreadMigrations = thread; m_cpuDataThread = thread; } else { if( untracked ) { TextFocused( "Program:", m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str() ); } else { TextFocused( "Program:", txt ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( untracked ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "(untracked thread in profiled program)" ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "(external)" ); } TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetExternalName( thread ).second ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( thread ) ); } ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Start time:", TimeToStringExact( start ) ); TextFocused( "End time:", TimeToStringExact( end ) ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - start ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( start, end ); } } ++it; } } } char buf[64]; if( tt ) { sprintf( buf, "[%i:%i] CPU %i", tt->package, tt->core, i ); } else { sprintf( buf, "CPU %i", i ); } const auto txtx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x; DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset-1 ), 0xFFDD88DD, buf ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset-1 ), wpos + ImVec2( sty + txtx, offset + sty ) ) ) { ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( i ) ); if( tt ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Package:", RealToString( tt->package ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Core:", RealToString( tt->core ) ); } TextFocused( "Context switch regions:", RealToString( cs.size() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); } } offset += sstep; } } if( m_drawThreadMigrations != 0 ) { auto ctxSwitch = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_drawThreadMigrations ); if( ctxSwitch ) { const auto color = HighlightColor( GetThreadColor( m_drawThreadMigrations, -8 ) ); auto& v = ctxSwitch->v; auto it = std::lower_bound( v.begin(), v.end(), m_vd.zvStart, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.End() < r; } ); if( it != v.begin() ) --it; auto end = std::lower_bound( it, v.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Start() < r; } ); if( end == v.end() ) --end; while( it < end ) { const auto t0 = it->End(); const auto cpu0 = it->Cpu(); ++it; const auto t1 = it->Start(); const auto cpu1 = it->Cpu(); const auto px0 = ( t0 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = ( t1 - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; if( t1 - t0 < 2 * nspx ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px0, origOffset + sty * 0.5f + cpu0 * sstep ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, origOffset + sty * 0.5f + cpu1 * sstep ), color ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px0, origOffset + sty * 0.5f + cpu0 * sstep ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, origOffset + sty * 0.5f + cpu1 * sstep ), 0xFF000000, 4.f ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px0, origOffset + sty * 0.5f + cpu0 * sstep ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, origOffset + sty * 0.5f + cpu1 * sstep ), color, 2.f ); } } } } ImGui::PopFont(); } offset += ostep * 0.2f; AdjustThreadHeight( vis, oldOffset, offset ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); return offset; } static const char* FormatPlotValue( double val, PlotValueFormatting format ) { static char buf[64]; switch( format ) { case PlotValueFormatting::Number: return RealToString( val ); break; case PlotValueFormatting::Memory: return MemSizeToString( val ); break; case PlotValueFormatting::Percentage: sprintf( buf, "%.2f%%", val ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } return buf; } int View::DrawPlots( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover, float yMin, float yMax ) { const auto PlotHeight = 100 * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f; enum { MaxPoints = 128 }; float tmpvec[MaxPoints*2]; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto to = 9.f; const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5; const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { auto& vis = Vis( v ); if( !vis.visible ) { vis.height = 0; vis.offset = 0; continue; } if( v->data.empty() ) continue; bool& showFull = vis.showFull; float txtx = 0; const auto yPos = AdjustThreadPosition( vis, wpos.y, offset ); const auto oldOffset = offset; ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + vis.height ), true ); if( yPos + ty >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { if( showFull ) { draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFF44DDDD ); } else { draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF226E6E, 2.0f ); } const auto txt = GetPlotName( v ); txtx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFF44DDDD : 0xFF226E6E, txt ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x8844DDDD ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtx, offset + ty ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "Plot \"%s\"", txt ); ImGui::Separator(); const auto first = v->data.front().time.Val(); const auto last = v->data.back().time.Val(); const auto activity = last - first; const auto traceLen = m_worker.GetLastTime(); TextFocused( "Appeared at", TimeToString( first ) ); TextFocused( "Last event at", TimeToString( last ) ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( activity ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, activity / double( traceLen ) * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Data points:", RealToString( v->data.size() ) ); TextFocused( "Data range:", FormatPlotValue( v->max - v->min, v->format ) ); TextFocused( "Min value:", FormatPlotValue( v->min, v->format ) ); TextFocused( "Max value:", FormatPlotValue( v->max, v->format ) ); TextFocused( "Data/second:", RealToString( double( v->data.size() ) / activity * 1000000000ll ) ); const auto it = std::lower_bound( v->data.begin(), v->data.end(), last - 1000000000ll * 10, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); const auto tr10 = last - it->time.Val(); if( tr10 != 0 ) { TextFocused( "D/s (10s):", RealToString( double( std::distance( it, v->data.end() ) ) / tr10 * 1000000000ll ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { showFull = !showFull; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( first, last ); } } } offset += ty; if( showFull ) { auto yPos = wpos.y + offset; if( yPos + PlotHeight >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { const auto& vec = v->data; if( v->type == PlotType::Memory ) { auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( v->name ); if( m_memoryAllocInfoPool == v->name && m_memoryAllocInfoWindow >= 0 ) { const auto& ev = mem.data[m_memoryAllocInfoWindow]; const auto tStart = ev.TimeAlloc(); const auto tEnd = ev.TimeFree() < 0 ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : ev.TimeFree(); const auto px0 = ( tStart - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( tEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, yPos ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, yPos + PlotHeight ), 0x2288DD88 ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, yPos ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, yPos + PlotHeight ), 0x4488DD88 ); } if( m_memoryAllocHover >= 0 && m_memoryAllocHoverPool == v->name && ( m_memoryAllocInfoPool != v->name || m_memoryAllocHover != m_memoryAllocInfoWindow ) ) { const auto& ev = mem.data[m_memoryAllocHover]; const auto tStart = ev.TimeAlloc(); const auto tEnd = ev.TimeFree() < 0 ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : ev.TimeFree(); const auto px0 = ( tStart - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( tEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns ); draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, yPos ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, yPos + PlotHeight ), 0x228888DD ); draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, yPos ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, yPos + PlotHeight ), 0x448888DD ); if( m_memoryAllocHoverWait > 0 ) { m_memoryAllocHoverWait--; } else { m_memoryAllocHover = -1; } } } auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_vd.zvStart - m_worker.GetDelay(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); auto end = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd + m_worker.GetResolution(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( end != vec.end() ) end++; if( it != vec.begin() ) it--; double min = it->val; double max = it->val; const auto num = std::distance( it, end ); if( num > 1000000 ) { min = v->min; max = v->max; } else { auto tmp = it; ++tmp; const auto sz = end - tmp; for( ptrdiff_t i=0; i max ? tmp[i].val : max; } } if( min == max ) { min--; max++; } auto pvit = m_plotView.find( v ); if( pvit == m_plotView.end() ) { pvit = m_plotView.emplace( v, PlotView { min, max } ).first; } auto& pv = pvit->second; if( pv.min != min || pv.max != max ) { const auto dt = ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime; const auto minDiff = min - pv.min; const auto maxDiff = max - pv.max; pv.min += minDiff * 15.0 * dt; pv.max += maxDiff * 15.0 * dt; const auto minDiffNew = min - pv.min; const auto maxDiffNew = max - pv.max; if( minDiff * minDiffNew < 0 ) pv.min = min; if( maxDiff * maxDiffNew < 0 ) pv.max = max; min = pv.min; max = pv.max; } const auto revrange = 1.0 / ( max - min ); if( it == vec.begin() ) { const auto x = ( it->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto y = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight; DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, y, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, it, 0, false, v->type, v->format, PlotHeight, v->name ); } auto prevx = it; auto prevy = it; ++it; ptrdiff_t skip = 0; while( it < end ) { const auto x0 = ( prevx->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto x1 = ( it->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto y0 = PlotHeight - ( prevy->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight; const auto y1 = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight; draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y1 ), 0xFF44DDDD ); const auto rx = skip == 0 ? 2.0 : ( skip == 1 ? 2.5 : 4.0 ); auto range = std::upper_bound( it, end, int64_t( it->time.Val() + nspx * rx ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.time.Val(); } ); assert( range > it ); const auto rsz = std::distance( it, range ); if( rsz == 1 ) { DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, y1, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, true, it, prevy->val, false, v->type, v->format, PlotHeight, v->name ); prevx = it; prevy = it; ++it; } else { prevx = it; skip = rsz / MaxPoints; const auto skip1 = std::max( 1, skip ); const auto sz = rsz / skip1 + 1; assert( sz <= MaxPoints*2 ); auto dst = tmpvec; const auto rsz = std::distance( it, range ); const auto ssz = rsz / skip1; for( int64_t i=0; ival ); it += skip1; } pdqsort_branchless( tmpvec, dst ); if( rsz > MaxPoints ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( tmpvec[0] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( dst[-1] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), 0xFF44DDDD, 4.f ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x1 - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x1 + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Number of values:", RealToString( rsz ) ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Estimated range:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s - %s", FormatPlotValue( tmpvec[0], v->format ), FormatPlotValue( dst[-1], v->format ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", FormatPlotValue( dst[-1] - tmpvec[0], v->format ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( tmpvec[0] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( dst[-1] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), 0xFF44DDDD ); auto vit = tmpvec; while( vit != dst ) { auto vrange = std::upper_bound( vit, dst, *vit + 3.0 / ( revrange * PlotHeight ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r; } ); assert( vrange > vit ); if( std::distance( vit, vrange ) == 1 ) { DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, *vit, 0, false, v->format, PlotHeight ); } else { DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, *vit, 0, true, v->format, PlotHeight ); } vit = vrange; } } prevy = it - 1; } } if( yPos + ty >= yMin && yPos <= yMax ) { char tmp[64]; sprintf( tmp, "(y-range: %s, visible data points: %s)", FormatPlotValue( max - min, v->format ), RealToString( num ) ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty * 1.5f + txtx, offset - ty ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp ); } auto tmp = FormatPlotValue( max, v->format ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp ); offset += PlotHeight - ty; tmp = FormatPlotValue( min, v->format ); DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x8844DDDD ); offset += ty; } else { offset += PlotHeight; } } offset += 0.2 * ty; AdjustThreadHeight( vis, oldOffset, offset ); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } return offset; } void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight ) { auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); if( merged ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color ); } else { draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color ); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Value:", FormatPlotValue( val, format ) ); if( hasPrev ) { TextFocused( "Change:", FormatPlotValue( val - prev, format ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, const PlotItem* item, double prev, bool merged, PlotType type, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight, uint64_t name ) { auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); if( merged ) { draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color ); } else { draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color ); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToStringExact( item->time.Val() ) ); if( type == PlotType::Memory ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Value:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( item->val < 10000ll ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( item->val ) ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( item->val ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( item->val ) ); } } else { TextFocused( "Value:", FormatPlotValue( item->val, format ) ); } if( hasPrev ) { const auto change = item->val - prev; TextFocused( "Change:", FormatPlotValue( change, format ) ); if( type == PlotType::Memory ) { auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( name ); const MemEvent* ev = nullptr; if( change > 0 ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), item->time.Val(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.TimeAlloc() < rhs; } ); if( it != mem.data.end() && it->TimeAlloc() == item->time.Val() ) { ev = it; } } else { const auto& data = mem.data; auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), item->time.Val(), [&data] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return data[lhs].TimeFree() < rhs; } ); if( it != mem.frees.end() && data[*it].TimeFree() == item->time.Val() ) { ev = &data[*it]; } } if( ev ) { ImGui::Separator(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Address:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "0x%" PRIx64, ev->Ptr() ); TextFocused( "Appeared at", TimeToStringExact( ev->TimeAlloc() ) ); if( change > 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(this event)" ); } if( ev->TimeFree() < 0 ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Allocation still active" ); } else { TextFocused( "Freed at", TimeToStringExact( ev->TimeFree() ) ); if( change < 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(this event)" ); } TextFocused( "Duration:", TimeToString( ev->TimeFree() - ev->TimeAlloc() ) ); } uint64_t tid; if( change > 0 ) { tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( ev->ThreadAlloc() ); } else { tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( ev->ThreadFree() ); } SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); m_memoryAllocHover = std::distance( mem.data.begin(), ev ); m_memoryAllocHoverWait = 2; m_memoryAllocHoverPool = name; if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_memoryAllocInfoWindow = m_memoryAllocHover; m_memoryAllocInfoPool = name; } } } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } void View::DrawInfoWindow() { if( m_zoneInfoWindow ) { DrawZoneInfoWindow(); } else if( m_gpuInfoWindow ) { DrawGpuInfoWindow(); } } template static inline uint32_t GetZoneCallstack( const T& ev, const Worker& worker ); template<> inline uint32_t GetZoneCallstack( const ZoneEvent& ev, const Worker& worker ) { return worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).callstack.Val(); } template<> inline uint32_t GetZoneCallstack( const GpuEvent& ev, const Worker& worker ) { return ev.callstack.Val(); } template void DrawZoneTrace( T zone, const std::vector& trace, const Worker& worker, BuzzAnim& anim, View& view, bool& showUnknownFrames, std::function showZone ) { bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Zone trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( trace.size() ) ); if( !expand ) return; ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Show unknown frames", &showUnknownFrames ); int fidx = 1; TextDisabledUnformatted( "0." ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "[this zone]" ); if( !trace.empty() ) { T prev = zone; const auto sz = trace.size(); for( size_t i=0; idata + frameData->size - 1; ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( worker.GetString( frame->name ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); if( anim.Match( frame ) ) { const auto time = anim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } const auto fileName = worker.GetString( frame->file ); if( frame->line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( fileName ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", fileName, frame->line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( !view.ViewDispatch( fileName, frame->line, frame->symAddr ) ) { anim.Enable( frame, 0.5f ); } } } } showZone( curr, fidx ); prev = curr; } } auto last = trace.empty() ? zone : trace.back(); const auto lcv = GetZoneCallstack( *last, worker ); if( lcv == 0 ) { if( showUnknownFrames ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "[unknown frames]" ); } } else { auto& cs = worker.GetCallstack( lcv ); const auto csz = cs.size(); for( uint16_t i=1; idata + frameData->size - 1; ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( worker.GetString( frame->name ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); if( anim.Match( frame ) ) { const auto time = anim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } const auto fileName = worker.GetString( frame->file ); if( frame->line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( fileName ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", fileName, frame->line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( !view.ViewDispatch( fileName, frame->line, frame->symAddr ) ) { anim.Enable( frame, 0.5f ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } void View::CalcZoneTimeData( unordered_flat_map& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone ) { assert( zone.HasChildren() ); const auto& children = m_worker.GetZoneChildren( zone.Child() ); if( children.is_magic() ) { CalcZoneTimeDataImpl>( *(Vector*)( &children ), data, ztime, zone ); } else { CalcZoneTimeDataImpl>( children, data, ztime, zone ); } } template void View::CalcZoneTimeDataImpl( const V& children, unordered_flat_map& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone ) { Adapter a; if( m_timeDist.exclusiveTime ) { int64_t zt = ztime; for( auto& child : children ) { const auto t = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(child) ) - a(child).Start(); zt -= t; } ztime = zt; } for( auto& child : children ) { const auto srcloc = a(child).SrcLoc(); const auto t = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(child) ) - a(child).Start(); auto it = data.find( srcloc ); if( it == data.end() ) { it = data.emplace( srcloc, ZoneTimeData { t, 1 } ).first; } else { it->second.time += t; it->second.count++; } if( a(child).Child() >= 0 ) CalcZoneTimeData( data, it->second.time, a(child) ); } } void View::CalcZoneTimeData( const ContextSwitch* ctx, unordered_flat_map& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone ) { assert( zone.HasChildren() ); const auto& children = m_worker.GetZoneChildren( zone.Child() ); if( children.is_magic() ) { CalcZoneTimeDataImpl>( *(Vector*)( &children ), ctx, data, ztime, zone ); } else { CalcZoneTimeDataImpl>( children, ctx, data, ztime, zone ); } } template void View::CalcZoneTimeDataImpl( const V& children, const ContextSwitch* ctx, unordered_flat_map& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone ) { Adapter a; if( m_timeDist.exclusiveTime ) { int64_t zt = ztime; for( auto& child : children ) { int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; const auto res = GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, a(child), t, cnt ); assert( res ); zt -= t; } ztime = zt; } for( auto& child : children ) { const auto srcloc = a(child).SrcLoc(); int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; const auto res = GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, a(child), t, cnt ); assert( res ); auto it = data.find( srcloc ); if( it == data.end() ) { it = data.emplace( srcloc, ZoneTimeData { t, 1 } ).first; } else { it->second.time += t; it->second.count++; } if( a(child).HasChildren() ) CalcZoneTimeData( ctx, data, it->second.time, a(child) ); } } void View::DrawZoneInfoWindow() { auto& ev = *m_zoneInfoWindow; const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 500, 400 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); bool show = true; ImGui::Begin( "Zone info", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE " Zoom to zone" ) ) { ZoomToZone( ev ); } auto parent = GetZoneParent( ev ); if( parent ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ARROW_UP " Go to parent" ) ) { ShowZoneInfo( *parent ); } } #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { const auto sl = ev.SrcLoc(); const auto& slz = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( sl ); if( !slz.zones.empty() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_CHART_BAR " Statistics" ) ) { m_findZone.ShowZone( sl, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ) ); } } } #endif if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( ev ) && m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).callstack.Val() != 0 ) { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ); ImGui::SameLine(); bool hilite = m_callstackInfoWindow == extra.callstack.Val(); if( hilite ) { SetButtonHighlightColor(); } if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " Call stack" ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = extra.callstack.Val(); } if( hilite ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); } } const auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); bool hilite = m_sourceViewFile == fileName; if( hilite ) { SetButtonHighlightColor(); } if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_FILE_ALT " Source" ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, srcloc.line ); } if( hilite ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); } } if( !m_zoneInfoStack.empty() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ARROW_LEFT " Go back" ) ) { m_zoneInfoWindow = m_zoneInfoStack.back_and_pop(); } } ImGui::Separator(); auto threadData = GetZoneThreadData( ev ); assert( threadData ); const auto tid = threadData->id; if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( ev ) && m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).name.Active() ) { if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); TextFocused( "Zone name:", m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).name ) ); if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PopFont(); if( srcloc.name.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ClipboardButton( 1 ) ) { if( srcloc.name.active ) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf( tmp, "%s (%s)", m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).name ), m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } else { ImGui::SetClipboardText( m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).name ) ); } } TextFocused( "Function:", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ClipboardButton( 2 ) ) ImGui::SetClipboardText( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } else if( srcloc.name.active ) { if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); TextFocused( "Zone name:", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ClipboardButton( 1 ) ) ImGui::SetClipboardText( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); TextFocused( "Function:", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ClipboardButton( 2 ) ) ImGui::SetClipboardText( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } else { if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); TextFocused( "Function:", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ClipboardButton( 1 ) ) ImGui::SetClipboardText( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ), 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ClipboardButton( 3 ) ) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf( tmp, "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( ev ) && m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).text.Active() ) { TextFocused( "User text:", m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).text ) ); } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##zoneinfo" ); const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); const auto ztime = end - ev.Start(); const auto selftime = GetZoneSelfTime( ev ); TextFocused( "Time from start of program:", TimeToStringExact( ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( ztime ) ); #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { auto& zoneData = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); if( zoneData.total > 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of mean time)", float( ztime ) / zoneData.total * zoneData.zones.size() * 100 ); } } #endif TextFocused( "Self time:", TimeToString( selftime ) ); if( ztime != 0 ) { char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * selftime / ztime ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( tid ); if( ctx ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( ctx->v.begin(), ctx->v.end(), ev.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it != ctx->v.end() ) { const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); auto eit = std::upper_bound( it, ctx->v.end(), end, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); bool incomplete = eit == ctx->v.end(); uint64_t cnt = std::distance( it, eit ); if( cnt == 1 ) { if( !incomplete ) { TextFocused( "Running state time:", TimeToString( ztime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(100%)" ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Running state regions:", "1" ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( it->Cpu() ) ); } } else if( cnt > 1 ) { uint8_t cpus[256] = {}; auto bit = it; int64_t running = it->End() - ev.Start(); cpus[it->Cpu()] = 1; ++it; for( uint64_t i=0; iEnd() - it->Start(); cpus[it->Cpu()] = 1; ++it; } running += end - it->Start(); cpus[it->Cpu()] = 1; TextFocused( "Running state time:", TimeToString( running ) ); if( ztime != 0 ) { char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * running / ztime ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } ImGui::Separator(); if( incomplete ) { TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ), "Incomplete context switch data!" ); } TextFocused( "Running state regions:", RealToString( cnt ) ); int numCpus = 0; for( int i=0; i<256; i++ ) numCpus += cpus[i]; if( numCpus == 1 ) { TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( it->Cpu() ) ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "CPUs (%i):", numCpus ); for( int i=0;; i++ ) { if( cpus[i] != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); numCpus--; if( numCpus == 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i", i ); break; } else { int consecutive = 1; int remaining = numCpus; for(;;) { if( cpus[i+consecutive] == 0 ) break; consecutive++; if( --remaining == 0 ) break; } if( consecutive > 2 ) { if( remaining == 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i \xE2\x80\x93 %i", i, i+consecutive-1 ); break; } else { ImGui::Text( "%i \xE2\x80\x93 %i,", i, i+consecutive-1 ); i += consecutive - 1; numCpus = remaining; } } else { ImGui::Text( "%i,", i ); } } } } } --eit; if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Wait regions" ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Time relative to zone start", &m_ctxSwitchTimeRelativeToZone ); const int64_t adjust = m_ctxSwitchTimeRelativeToZone ? ev.Start() : 0; ImGui::Columns( 6 ); ImGui::Text( "Begin" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text( "End" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text( "Time" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text( "Wakeup" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text( "CPU" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text( "State" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); const auto wrsz = eit - bit; ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( wrsz ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; ipackage != tt1->package ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "P" ); } else if( tt0->core != tt1->core ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "C" ); } } } ImGui::NextColumn(); const char* desc; if( reason == ContextSwitchData::NoState ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( DecodeContextSwitchStateCode( state ) ); desc = DecodeContextSwitchState( state ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( DecodeContextSwitchReasonCode( reason ) ); desc = DecodeContextSwitchReason( reason ); } if( *desc && ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( desc ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } } ImGui::Separator(); auto& memNameMap = m_worker.GetMemNameMap(); if( memNameMap.size() > 1 ) { ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding(); TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_ARCHIVE " Memory pool:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::BeginCombo( "##memoryPool", m_zoneInfoMemPool == 0 ? "Default allocator" : m_worker.GetString( m_zoneInfoMemPool ) ) ) { for( auto& v : memNameMap ) { if( ImGui::Selectable( v.first == 0 ? "Default allocator" : m_worker.GetString( v.first ) ) ) { m_zoneInfoMemPool = v.first; } } ImGui::EndCombo(); } } auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_zoneInfoMemPool ); if( mem.data.empty() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No memory events." ); } else { if( !mem.plot ) { ImGui::Text( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); } else { const auto thread = m_worker.CompressThread( tid ); auto ait = std::lower_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), ev.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.TimeAlloc() < r; } ); const auto aend = std::upper_bound( ait, mem.data.end(), end, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.TimeAlloc(); } ); auto fit = std::lower_bound( mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), ev.Start(), [&mem] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return mem.data[l].TimeFree() < r; } ); const auto fend = std::upper_bound( fit, mem.frees.end(), end, [&mem] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < mem.data[r].TimeFree(); } ); const auto aDist = std::distance( ait, aend ); const auto fDist = std::distance( fit, fend ); if( aDist == 0 && fDist == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No memory events." ); } else { int64_t cAlloc = 0; int64_t cFree = 0; int64_t nAlloc = 0; int64_t nFree = 0; auto ait2 = ait; auto fit2 = fit; while( ait != aend ) { if( ait->ThreadAlloc() == thread ) { cAlloc += ait->Size(); nAlloc++; } ait++; } while( fit != fend ) { if( mem.data[*fit].ThreadFree() == thread ) { cFree += mem.data[*fit].Size(); nFree++; } fit++; } if( nAlloc == 0 && nFree == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No memory events." ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( nAlloc + nFree ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "memory events." ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( nAlloc ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "allocs," ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( nFree ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "frees." ); TextFocused( "Memory allocated:", MemSizeToString( cAlloc ) ); TextFocused( "Memory freed:", MemSizeToString( cFree ) ); TextFocused( "Overall change:", MemSizeToString( cAlloc - cFree ) ); if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Allocations list" ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Time relative to zone start", &m_allocTimeRelativeToZone ); std::vector v; v.reserve( nAlloc + nFree ); auto it = ait2; while( it != aend ) { if( it->ThreadAlloc() == thread ) { v.emplace_back( it ); } it++; } while( fit2 != fend ) { const auto ptr = &mem.data[*fit2++]; if( ptr->ThreadFree() == thread ) { if( ptr < ait2 || ptr >= aend ) { v.emplace_back( ptr ); } } } pdqsort_branchless( v.begin(), v.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->TimeAlloc() < r->TimeAlloc(); } ); ListMemData( v, []( auto v ) { ImGui::Text( "0x%" PRIx64, v->Ptr() ); }, nullptr, m_allocTimeRelativeToZone ? ev.Start() : -1, m_zoneInfoMemPool ); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } } } ImGui::Separator(); { if( threadData->messages.empty() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No messages" ); } else { auto msgit = std::lower_bound( threadData->messages.begin(), threadData->messages.end(), ev.Start(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } ); auto msgend = std::lower_bound( msgit, threadData->messages.end(), end+1, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } ); const auto dist = std::distance( msgit, msgend ); if( dist == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No messages" ); } else { bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Messages" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( dist ) ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Time relative to zone start", &m_messageTimeRelativeToZone ); static bool widthSet = false; ImGui::Columns( 2 ); if( !widthSet ) { widthSet = true; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.2f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.8f ); } TextDisabledUnformatted( "Time" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Message" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); do { ImGui::PushID( *msgit ); if( ImGui::Selectable( m_messageTimeRelativeToZone ? TimeToString( (*msgit)->time - ev.Start() ) : TimeToStringExact( (*msgit)->time ), m_msgHighlight == *msgit, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { CenterAtTime( (*msgit)->time ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_msgHighlight = *msgit; } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, (*msgit)->color ); ImGui::TextWrapped( "%s", m_worker.GetString( (*msgit)->ref ) ); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::NextColumn(); } while( ++msgit != msgend ); ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::Spacing(); } } } } ImGui::Separator(); std::vector zoneTrace; while( parent ) { zoneTrace.emplace_back( parent ); parent = GetZoneParent( *parent ); } int idx = 0; DrawZoneTrace( &ev, zoneTrace, m_worker, m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim, *this, m_showUnknownFrames, [&idx, this] ( const ZoneEvent* v, int& fidx ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v->SrcLoc() ); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto txt = m_worker.GetZoneName( *v, srcloc ); ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); auto sel = ImGui::Selectable( txt, false ); auto hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); const auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); if( m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Match( v ) ) { const auto time = m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", TimeToString( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *v ) - v->Start() ), fileName, srcloc.line ); ImGui::PopID(); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, srcloc.line ); } else { m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Enable( v, 0.5f ); } } if( sel ) { ShowZoneInfo( *v ); } if( hover ) { m_zoneHighlight = v; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *v ); } ZoneTooltip( *v ); } } ); if( ev.HasChildren() ) { const auto& children = m_worker.GetZoneChildren( ev.Child() ); bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Child zones" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( children.size() ) ); if( expand ) { if( children.is_magic() ) { DrawZoneInfoChildren>( *(Vector*)( &children ), ztime ); } else { DrawZoneInfoChildren>( children, ztime ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Time distribution" ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Self time", &m_timeDist.exclusiveTime ) ) m_timeDist.dataValidFor = nullptr; if( ctx ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Running time", &m_timeDist.runningTime ) ) m_timeDist.dataValidFor = nullptr; } if( m_timeDist.dataValidFor != &ev ) { m_timeDist.data.clear(); if( ev.IsEndValid() ) m_timeDist.dataValidFor = &ev; if( m_timeDist.runningTime ) { assert( ctx ); int64_t time; uint64_t cnt; if( !GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, ev, time, cnt ) ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Incomplete context switch data." ); m_timeDist.dataValidFor = nullptr; } else { auto it = m_timeDist.data.emplace( ev.SrcLoc(), ZoneTimeData{ time, 1 } ).first; CalcZoneTimeData( ctx, m_timeDist.data, it->second.time, ev ); } m_timeDist.fztime = 100.f / time; } else { auto it = m_timeDist.data.emplace( ev.SrcLoc(), ZoneTimeData{ ztime, 1 } ).first; CalcZoneTimeData( m_timeDist.data, it->second.time, ev ); m_timeDist.fztime = 100.f / ztime; } } if( !m_timeDist.data.empty() ) { std::vector::const_iterator> vec; vec.reserve( m_timeDist.data.size() ); for( auto it = m_timeDist.data.cbegin(); it != m_timeDist.data.cend(); ++it ) vec.emplace_back( it ); static bool widthSet = false; ImGui::Columns( 3 ); if( !widthSet ) { widthSet = true; const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.57f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.25f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * 0.18f ); } if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Zone" ) ) m_timeDist.sortBy = TimeDistribution::SortBy::Count; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Time" ) ) m_timeDist.sortBy = TimeDistribution::SortBy::Time; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "MTPC" ) ) m_timeDist.sortBy = TimeDistribution::SortBy::Mtpc; ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); switch( m_timeDist.sortBy ) { case TimeDistribution::SortBy::Count: pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.count > rhs->second.count; } ); break; case TimeDistribution::SortBy::Time: pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.time > rhs->second.time; } ); break; case TimeDistribution::SortBy::Mtpc: pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return float( lhs->second.time ) / lhs->second.count > float( rhs->second.time ) / rhs->second.count; } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } for( auto& v : vec ) { const auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v->first ); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( sl, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto name = m_worker.GetZoneName( sl ); if( ImGui::Selectable( name, false, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { m_findZone.ShowZone( v->first, name, ev.Start(), m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ) ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(\xc3\x97%s)", RealToString( v->second.count ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( v->second.time ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, v->second.time * m_timeDist.fztime ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( v->second.time / v->second.count ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); } ImGui::EndColumns(); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); if( !show ) { m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr; m_zoneInfoStack.clear(); } } template void View::DrawZoneInfoChildren( const V& children, int64_t ztime ) { Adapter a; const auto rztime = 1.0 / ztime; const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Group children locations", &m_groupChildrenLocations ); if( m_groupChildrenLocations ) { struct ChildGroup { int16_t srcloc; uint64_t t; Vector v; }; uint64_t ctime = 0; unordered_flat_map cmap; cmap.reserve( 128 ); for( size_t i=0; isecond.t += ct; it->second.v.push_back( i ); } auto msz = cmap.size(); Vector cgvec; cgvec.reserve_and_use( msz ); size_t idx = 0; for( auto& it : cmap ) { cgvec[idx++] = &it.second; } pdqsort_branchless( cgvec.begin(), cgvec.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->t > rhs->t; } ); ImGui::Columns( 2 ); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f ), "Self time" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); char buf[128]; PrintStringPercent( buf, TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 ); ImGui::ProgressBar( double( ztime - ctime ) * rztime, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); for( size_t i=0; i( cgr.v.size() ); auto cti = std::make_unique( cgr.v.size() ); for( size_t i=0; i ctt[rhs]; } ); ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( cgr.v.size() ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i( children.size() ); auto cti = std::make_unique( children.size() ); uint64_t ctime = 0; for( size_t i=0; i ctt[rhs]; } ); ImGui::Columns( 2 ); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f ), "Self time" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); char buf[128]; PrintStringPercent( buf, TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 ); ImGui::ProgressBar( double( ztime - ctime ) * rztime, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( children.size() ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; ithreadData.size() == 1 ? ctx->threadData.begin() : ctx->threadData.find( m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); assert( td != ctx->threadData.end() ); int64_t begin; if( td->second.timeline.is_magic() ) { begin = ((Vector*)&td->second.timeline)->front().GpuStart(); } else { begin = td->second.timeline.front()->GpuStart(); } const auto drift = GpuDrift( ctx ); TextFocused( "Delay to execution:", TimeToString( AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift ) - ev.CpuStart() ) ); } ImGui::Separator(); std::vector zoneTrace; while( parent ) { zoneTrace.emplace_back( parent ); parent = GetZoneParent( *parent ); } int idx = 0; DrawZoneTrace( &ev, zoneTrace, m_worker, m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim, *this, m_showUnknownFrames, [&idx, this] ( const GpuEvent* v, int& fidx ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v->SrcLoc() ); const auto txt = m_worker.GetZoneName( *v, srcloc ); ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); auto sel = ImGui::Selectable( txt, false ); auto hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); const auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); if( m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Match( v ) ) { const auto time = m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", TimeToString( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *v ) - v->GpuStart() ), fileName, srcloc.line ); ImGui::PopID(); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, srcloc.line ); } else { m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim.Enable( v, 0.5f ); } } if( sel ) { ShowZoneInfo( *v, m_gpuInfoWindowThread ); } if( hover ) { m_gpuHighlight = v; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *v ); } ZoneTooltip( *v ); } } ); if( ev.Child() >= 0 ) { const auto& children = m_worker.GetGpuChildren( ev.Child() ); bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Child zones" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( children.size() ) ); if( expand ) { if( children.is_magic() ) { DrawGpuInfoChildren>( *(Vector*)( &children ), ztime ); } else { DrawGpuInfoChildren>( children, ztime ); } } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); if( !show ) { m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr; m_gpuInfoStack.clear(); } } template void View::DrawGpuInfoChildren( const V& children, int64_t ztime ) { Adapter a; const auto rztime = 1.0 / ztime; const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Group children locations", &m_groupChildrenLocations ); if( m_groupChildrenLocations ) { struct ChildGroup { int16_t srcloc; uint64_t t; Vector v; }; uint64_t ctime = 0; unordered_flat_map cmap; cmap.reserve( 128 ); for( size_t i=0; isecond.t += ct; it->second.v.push_back( i ); } auto msz = cmap.size(); Vector cgvec; cgvec.reserve_and_use( msz ); size_t idx = 0; for( auto& it : cmap ) { cgvec[idx++] = &it.second; } pdqsort_branchless( cgvec.begin(), cgvec.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->t > rhs->t; } ); ImGui::Columns( 2 ); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f ), "Self time" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); char buf[128]; PrintStringPercent( buf, TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 ); ImGui::ProgressBar( double( ztime - ctime ) * rztime, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); for( size_t i=0; i( cgr.v.size() ); auto cti = std::make_unique( cgr.v.size() ); for( size_t i=0; i ctt[rhs]; } ); for( size_t i=0; i( children.size() ); auto cti = std::make_unique( children.size() ); uint64_t ctime = 0; for( size_t i=0; i ctt[rhs]; } ); const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); ImGui::Columns( 2 ); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f ), "Self time" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); char buf[128]; PrintStringPercent( buf, TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 ); ImGui::ProgressBar( double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); for( size_t i=0; ithreadData.begin()->second.timeline; char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "%s context %zu", GpuContextNames[(int)gpuData[i]->type], i ); SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( gpuData[i] ).visible ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( gpuData[i]->threadData.size() == 1 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s top level zones", RealToString( timeline.size() ) ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s threads", RealToString( gpuData[i]->threadData.size() ) ); } if( !gpuData[i]->hasCalibration ) { ImGui::TreePush(); auto& drift = GpuDrift( gpuData[i] ); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 120 ); ImGui::PushID( i ); ImGui::InputInt( "Drift (ns/s)", &drift ); ImGui::PopID(); if( timeline.size() > 1 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ROBOT " Auto" ) ) { size_t lastidx = 0; if( timeline.is_magic() ) { auto& tl = *((Vector*)&timeline); for( size_t j=tl.size()-1; j > 0; j-- ) { if( tl[j].GpuEnd() >= 0 ) { lastidx = j; break; } } } else { for( size_t j=timeline.size()-1; j > 0; j-- ) { if( timeline[j]->GpuEnd() >= 0 ) { lastidx = j; break; } } } enum { NumSlopes = 10000 }; std::random_device rd; std::default_random_engine gen( rd() ); std::uniform_int_distribution dist( 0, lastidx - 1 ); float slopes[NumSlopes]; size_t idx = 0; if( timeline.is_magic() ) { auto& tl = *((Vector*)&timeline); do { const auto p0 = dist( gen ); const auto p1 = dist( gen ); if( p0 != p1 ) { slopes[idx++] = float( 1.0 - double( tl[p1].GpuStart() - tl[p0].GpuStart() ) / double( tl[p1].CpuStart() - tl[p0].CpuStart() ) ); } } while( idx < NumSlopes ); } else { do { const auto p0 = dist( gen ); const auto p1 = dist( gen ); if( p0 != p1 ) { slopes[idx++] = float( 1.0 - double( timeline[p1]->GpuStart() - timeline[p0]->GpuStart() ) / double( timeline[p1]->CpuStart() - timeline[p0]->CpuStart() ) ); } } while( idx < NumSlopes ); } std::sort( slopes, slopes+NumSlopes ); drift = int( 1000000000 * -slopes[NumSlopes/2] ); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawZones; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_MICROCHIP " Draw CPU zones", &val ); ImGui::Indent(); m_vd.drawZones = val; #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreGhostZonesReady() && m_worker.GetGhostZonesCount() != 0 ) { val = m_vd.ghostZones; SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_GHOST " Draw ghost zones", &val ); m_vd.ghostZones = val; } #endif int ival = m_vd.dynamicColors; ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_PALETTE " Zone colors" ); ImGui::SameLine(); bool forceColors = m_vd.forceColors; if( SmallCheckbox( "Ignore custom", &forceColors ) ) m_vd.forceColors = forceColors; ImGui::Indent(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Static", &ival, 0 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Thread dynamic", &ival, 1 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Source location dynamic", &ival, 2 ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Unindent(); m_vd.dynamicColors = ival; ival = (int)m_namespace; ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_BOX_OPEN " Namespaces" ); ImGui::Indent(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Full", &ival, 0 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Shortened", &ival, 1 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "None", &ival, 2 ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Unindent(); m_namespace = (Namespace)ival; ImGui::Unindent(); if( !m_worker.GetLockMap().empty() ) { size_t lockCnt = 0; size_t singleCnt = 0; size_t multiCntCont = 0; size_t multiCntUncont = 0; for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() ) { lockCnt++; if( l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) { singleCnt++; } else if( l.second->isContended ) { multiCntCont++; } else { multiCntUncont++; } } } ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawLocks; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_LOCK " Draw locks", &val ); m_vd.drawLocks = val; ImGui::SameLine(); val = m_vd.onlyContendedLocks; ImGui::Checkbox( "Only contended", &val ); m_vd.onlyContendedLocks = val; const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Locks" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", lockCnt ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Locks with no recorded events are counted, but not listed." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Right click on lock name to open lock information window." ); const bool multiExpand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Contended locks present in multiple threads", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", multiCntCont ); if( multiExpand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() && l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && l.second->isContended ) { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file ); char buf[1024]; if( l.second->customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( l.second->customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ).function ) ); } SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( l.second ).visible ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first; if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = l.first; } } if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second->srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( l.second->timeline.size() ), fileName, sl.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, sl.line ); } else { m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second->srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } const bool multiUncontExpand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Uncontended locks present in multiple threads", 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", multiCntUncont ); if( multiUncontExpand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && !l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && !l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() && l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && !l.second->isContended ) { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file ); char buf[1024]; if( l.second->customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( l.second->customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ).function ) ); } SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( l.second ).visible ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first; if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = l.first; } } if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second->srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( l.second->timeline.size() ), fileName, sl.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, sl.line ); } else { m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second->srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } const auto singleExpand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Locks present in a single thread", 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", singleCnt ); if( singleExpand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() && l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file ); char buf[1024]; if( l.second->customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( l.second->customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ).function ) ); } SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( l.second ).visible ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first; if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = l.first; } } if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second->srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( l.second->timeline.size() ), fileName, sl.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, sl.line ); } else { m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second->srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } if( !m_worker.GetPlots().empty() ) { ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawPlots; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_SIGNATURE " Draw plots", &val ); m_vd.drawPlots = val; const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Plots" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetPlots().size() ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { Vis( p ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { Vis( p ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { SmallCheckbox( GetPlotName( p ), &Vis( p ).visible ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s data points", RealToString( p->data.size() ) ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::Separator(); auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Visible threads:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_threadOrder.size() ); if( expand ) { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { Vis( t ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { Vis( t ).visible = false; } } const auto wposx = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos().x; m_threadDnd.clear(); int idx = 0; for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { m_threadDnd.push_back( ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos().y ); ImGui::PushID( idx ); const auto threadName = m_worker.GetThreadName( t->id ); const auto threadColor = GetThreadColor( t->id, 0 ); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( threadName, &Vis( t ).visible ); if( ImGui::BeginDragDropSource( ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers ) ) { ImGui::SetDragDropPayload( "ThreadOrder", &idx, sizeof(int) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_RANDOM ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( threadName ); ImGui::EndDragDropSource(); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( t->id ) ); if( crash.thread == t->id ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Crashed" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_showInfo = true; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { CenterAtTime( crash.time ); } } } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s top level zones", RealToString( t->timeline.size() ) ); idx++; } if( m_threadDnd.size() > 1 ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto dist = m_threadDnd[1] - m_threadDnd[0]; const auto half = dist * 0.5f; m_threadDnd.push_back( m_threadDnd.back() + dist ); int target = -1; int source; for( size_t i=0; iAddLine( ImVec2( wposx, m_threadDnd[i] ), ImVec2( wposx + w, m_threadDnd[i] ), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget), 2.f ); if( auto payload = ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload( "ThreadOrder", ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect ) ) { target = (int)i; source = *(int*)payload->Data; } ImGui::EndDragDropTarget(); } } if( target >= 0 && target != source ) { const auto srcval = m_threadOrder[source]; if( target < source ) { assert( source < (int)m_threadOrder.size() ); m_threadOrder.erase( m_threadOrder.begin() + source ); m_threadOrder.insert( m_threadOrder.begin() + target, srcval ); } else { assert( target <= (int)m_threadOrder.size() ); m_threadOrder.insert( m_threadOrder.begin() + target, srcval ); m_threadOrder.erase( m_threadOrder.begin() + source ); } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); expand = ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_IMAGES " Visible frame sets:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetFrames().size() ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& fd : m_worker.GetFrames() ) { Vis( fd ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& fd : m_worker.GetFrames() ) { Vis( fd ).visible = false; } } int idx = 0; for( const auto& fd : m_worker.GetFrames() ) { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); SmallCheckbox( fd->name == 0 ? "Frames" : m_worker.GetString( fd->name ), &Vis( fd ).visible ); ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s %sframes", RealToString( fd->frames.size() ), fd->continuous ? "" : "discontinuous " ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawMessages() { const auto& msgs = m_worker.GetMessages(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1200, 600 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Messages", &m_showMessages ); if( msgs.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "No messages were collected." ); ImGui::End(); return; } size_t tsz = 0; for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) if( !t->messages.empty() ) tsz++; bool filterChanged = m_messageFilter.Draw( ICON_FA_FILTER " Filter messages", 200 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear" ) ) { m_messageFilter.Clear(); filterChanged = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Total message count:", RealToString( msgs.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Visible messages:", RealToString( m_visibleMessages ) ); if( m_worker.GetFrameImageCount() != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_IMAGE " Show frame images", &m_showMessageImages ); } bool threadsChanged = false; auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Visible threads:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", tsz ); if( expand ) { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { VisibleMsgThread( t->id ) = true; } threadsChanged = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { VisibleMsgThread( t->id ) = false; } threadsChanged = true; } int idx = 0; for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { if( t->messages.empty() ) continue; ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); const auto threadColor = GetThreadColor( t->id, 0 ); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( m_worker.GetThreadName( t->id ), &VisibleMsgThread( t->id ) ) ) { threadsChanged = true; } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( t->messages.size() ) ); if( crash.thread == t->id ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL " Crashed" ); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } const bool msgsChanged = msgs.size() != m_prevMessages; if( filterChanged || threadsChanged ) { m_msgList.reserve( msgs.size() ); m_msgList.clear(); if( m_messageFilter.IsActive() ) { for( size_t i=0; ithread ); if( VisibleMsgThread( tid ) ) { const auto text = m_worker.GetString( msgs[i]->ref ); if( m_messageFilter.PassFilter( text ) ) { m_msgList.push_back_no_space_check( uint32_t( i ) ); } } } } else { for( size_t i=0; ithread ); if( VisibleMsgThread( tid ) ) { m_msgList.push_back_no_space_check( uint32_t( i ) ); } } } m_visibleMessages = m_msgList.size(); if( msgsChanged ) m_prevMessages = msgs.size(); } else if( msgsChanged ) { assert( m_prevMessages < msgs.size() ); m_msgList.reserve( msgs.size() ); if( m_messageFilter.IsActive() ) { for( size_t i=m_prevMessages; ithread ); if( VisibleMsgThread( tid ) ) { const auto text = m_worker.GetString( msgs[i]->ref ); if( m_messageFilter.PassFilter( text ) ) { m_msgList.push_back_no_space_check( uint32_t( i ) ); } } } } else { for( size_t i=m_prevMessages; ithread ); if( VisibleMsgThread( tid ) ) { m_msgList.push_back_no_space_check( uint32_t( i ) ); } } } m_visibleMessages = m_msgList.size(); m_prevMessages = msgs.size(); } bool hasCallstack = m_worker.GetCallstackFrameCount() != 0; ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##messages" ); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); static int widthSet = 0; const int colNum = hasCallstack ? 4 : 3; ImGui::Columns( colNum ); if( widthSet != colNum ) { widthSet = colNum; ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.1f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.13f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * ( hasCallstack ? 0.57f : 0.77f ) ); if( hasCallstack ) { ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 3, w * 0.2f ); } } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Time" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on message to center timeline on it." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Thread" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Message" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( hasCallstack ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Call stack" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); } ImGui::Separator(); int idx = 0; if( m_msgToFocus ) { for( const auto& msgIdx : m_msgList ) { DrawMessageLine( *msgs[msgIdx], hasCallstack, idx ); } } else { ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( m_msgList.size() ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; i= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY() ) { ImGui::SetScrollHereY( 1.f ); } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawMessageLine( const MessageData& msg, bool hasCallstack, int& idx ) { const auto text = m_worker.GetString( msg.ref ); const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( msg.thread ); ImGui::PushID( &msg ); if( ImGui::Selectable( TimeToStringExact( msg.time ), m_msgHighlight == &msg, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns | ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowItemOverlap ) ) { CenterAtTime( msg.time ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_msgHighlight = &msg; if( m_showMessageImages ) { const auto frameIdx = m_worker.GetFrameRange( *m_frames, msg.time, msg.time ).first; auto fi = m_worker.GetFrameImage( *m_frames, frameIdx ); if( fi ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( fi != m_frameTexturePtr ) { if( !m_frameTexture ) m_frameTexture = MakeTexture(); UpdateTexture( m_frameTexture, m_worker.UnpackFrameImage( *fi ), fi->w, fi->h ); m_frameTexturePtr = fi; } if( fi->flip ) { ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w, fi->h ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) ); } else { ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w, fi->h ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } } if( m_msgToFocus == &msg ) { ImGui::SetScrollHereY(); m_msgToFocus.Decay( nullptr ); m_messagesScrollBottom = false; } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::NextColumn(); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, msg.color ); const auto cw = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( text ).x; ImGui::TextUnformatted( text ); if( tw > cw && ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1000, 0 ) ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "%s", text ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( hasCallstack ) { const auto cs = msg.callstack.Val(); if( cs != 0 ) { SmallCallstackButton( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, cs, idx ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawCallstackCalls( cs, 4 ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); } } uint64_t View::GetSelectionTarget( const Worker::ZoneThreadData& ev, FindZone::GroupBy groupBy ) const { switch( groupBy ) { case FindZone::GroupBy::Thread: return ev.Thread(); case FindZone::GroupBy::UserText: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) return std::numeric_limits::max(); const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); return extra.text.Active() ? extra.text.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } case FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) return std::numeric_limits::max(); const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); return extra.name.Active() ? extra.name.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } case FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack: return m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *ev.Zone() ).callstack.Val(); case FindZone::GroupBy::Parent: { const auto parent = GetZoneParent( *ev.Zone(), m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); return parent ? uint64_t( parent->SrcLoc() ) : 0; } case FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping: return 0; default: assert( false ); return 0; } } static void DrawHistogramMinMaxLabel( ImDrawList* draw, int64_t tmin, int64_t tmax, ImVec2 wpos, float w, float ty ) { const auto ty15 = round( ty * 1.5f ); const auto mintxt = TimeToString( tmin ); const auto maxtxt = TimeToString( tmax ); const auto maxsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( maxtxt ).x; draw->AddLine( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty15 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( w-1, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-1, ty15 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty15 ), 0x66FFFFFF, mintxt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( w-1-maxsz, ty15 ), 0x66FFFFFF, maxtxt ); char range[64]; sprintf( range, ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_ALT_LEFT " %s " ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_ALT_RIGHT, TimeToString( tmax - tmin ) ); const auto rsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( range ).x; draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( round( (w-1-rsz) * 0.5 ), ty15 ), 0x66FFFFFF, range ); } void View::DrawFindZone() { if( m_shortcut == ShortcutAction::OpenFind ) ImGui::SetNextWindowFocus(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 520, 800 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Find zone", &m_findZone.show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); #ifdef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS ImGui::TextWrapped( "Collection of statistical data is disabled in this build." ); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Rebuild without the TRACY_NO_STATISTICS macro to enable zone search." ); #else if( !m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } bool findClicked = false; ImGui::PushItemWidth( -0.01f ); if( m_shortcut == ShortcutAction::OpenFind ) { ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(); m_shortcut = ShortcutAction::None; } findClicked |= ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "###findzone", "Enter zone name to search for", m_findZone.pattern, 1024, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); findClicked |= ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Find" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BAN " Clear" ) ) { m_findZone.Reset(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( "Ignore case", &m_findZone.ignoreCase ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &m_findZone.range.active ) ) { if( m_findZone.range.active && m_findZone.range.min == 0 && m_findZone.range.max == 0 ) { m_findZone.range.min = m_vd.zvStart; m_findZone.range.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } } if( m_findZone.range.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF00FFFF, ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_RULER " Limits", m_showRanges ); } if( m_findZone.rangeSlim != m_findZone.range ) { m_findZone.ResetMatch(); m_findZone.rangeSlim = m_findZone.range; } if( findClicked ) { m_findZone.Reset(); FindZones(); } if( !m_findZone.match.empty() ) { const auto rangeMin = m_findZone.range.min; const auto rangeMax = m_findZone.range.max; ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##findzone" ); bool expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Matched source locations", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_findZone.match.size() ); if( expand ) { auto prev = m_findZone.selMatch; int idx = 0; for( auto& v : m_findZone.match ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v ); auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v ).zones; SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushID( idx ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ), &m_findZone.selMatch, idx++ ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); if( m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Match( idx ) ) { const auto time = m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } const auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ), "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( zones.size() ), fileName, srcloc.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, srcloc.line ); } else { m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Enable( idx, 0.5f ); } } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::TreePop(); if( m_findZone.selMatch != prev ) { m_findZone.ResetMatch(); } } if( m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch ) { m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = false; m_findZone.ResetMatch(); } ImGui::Separator(); auto& zoneData = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] ); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Histogram", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); auto& zones = zoneData.zones; int64_t tmin = m_findZone.tmin; int64_t tmax = m_findZone.tmax; int64_t total = m_findZone.total; const auto zsz = zones.size(); if( m_findZone.sortedNum != zsz ) { auto& vec = m_findZone.sorted; const auto vszorig = vec.size(); vec.reserve( zsz ); size_t i; if( m_findZone.runningTime ) { if( m_findZone.range.active ) { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i rangeMax || zone.Start() < rangeMin ) continue; const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_worker.DecompressThread( zones[i].Thread() ) ); if( !ctx ) break; int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; if( !GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, zone, t, cnt ) ) break; vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); total += t; if( t < tmin ) tmin = t; else if( t > tmax ) tmax = t; } } else { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i tmax ) tmax = t; } } } else if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { tmin = zoneData.selfMin; tmax = zoneData.selfMax; if( m_findZone.range.active ) { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i rangeMax || start < rangeMin ) continue; const auto t = end - start - GetZoneChildTimeFast( zone ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); total += t; } } else { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i rangeMax || start < rangeMin ) continue; const auto t = end - start; vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); total += t; } } else { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; iEnd() > rangeMax || ev.Zone()->Start() < rangeMin ) continue; if( selGroup == GetSelectionTarget( ev, groupBy ) ) { const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_worker.DecompressThread( zones[i].Thread() ) ); int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, *ev.Zone(), t, cnt ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } else { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() > rangeMax || ev.Zone()->Start() < rangeMin ) continue; if( selGroup == GetSelectionTarget( ev, groupBy ) ) { const auto t = ev.Zone()->End() - ev.Zone()->Start() - GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev.Zone() ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } else { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() - ev.Zone()->Start() - GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev.Zone() ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } } else { if( m_findZone.range.active ) { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() > rangeMax || ev.Zone()->Start() < rangeMin ) continue; if( selGroup == GetSelectionTarget( ev, groupBy ) ) { const auto t = ev.Zone()->End() - ev.Zone()->Start(); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } else { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() - ev.Zone()->Start(); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } } if( !vec.empty() ) { auto mid = vec.begin() + m_findZone.selSortActive; pdqsort_branchless( mid, vec.end() ); std::inplace_merge( vec.begin(), mid, vec.end() ); m_findZone.selAverage = float( total ) / act; m_findZone.selMedian = vec[act/2]; m_findZone.selTotal = total; m_findZone.selSortNum = m_findZone.sortedNum; m_findZone.selSortActive = act; } } } if( tmin != std::numeric_limits::max() && !m_findZone.sorted.empty() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Minimum values in bin:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "123456890123456" ).x ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 1, 1 ) ); ImGui::InputInt( "##minBinVal", &m_findZone.minBinVal ); if( m_findZone.minBinVal < 1 ) m_findZone.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reset" ) ) m_findZone.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::PopStyleVar(); SmallCheckbox( "Log values", &m_findZone.logVal ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Log time", &m_findZone.logTime ) ) { m_findZone.binCache.numBins = -1; } ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Cumulate time", &m_findZone.cumulateTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Show total time taken by calls in each bin instead of call counts." ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Self time", &m_findZone.selfTime ) ) { m_findZone.runningTime = false; m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * zoneData.selfTotal / zoneData.total ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); if( m_worker.HasContextSwitches() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Running time", &m_findZone.runningTime ) ) { m_findZone.selfTime = false; m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = true; } } const auto cumulateTime = m_findZone.cumulateTime; if( tmax - tmin > 0 ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto numBins = int64_t( w - 4 ); if( numBins > 1 ) { const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto& sorted = m_findZone.sorted; auto sortedBegin = sorted.begin(); auto sortedEnd = sorted.end(); while( sortedBegin != sortedEnd && *sortedBegin == 0 ) ++sortedBegin; if( m_findZone.minBinVal > 1 || m_findZone.range.active ) { if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedBegin = nit; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = int64_t( pow( 10.0, tMinLog + ( j-1 ) * zmax ) ); auto nit = std::lower_bound( sortedBegin, sortedEnd, nextBinVal ); const auto distance = std::distance( nit, sortedEnd ); if( distance >= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedEnd = nit; } } else { const auto zmax = tmax - tmin; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedBegin = nit; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = tmin + ( j-1 ) * zmax / numBins; auto nit = std::lower_bound( sortedBegin, sortedEnd, nextBinVal ); const auto distance = std::distance( nit, sortedEnd ); if( distance >= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedEnd = nit; } } if( sortedBegin != sorted.end() ) { tmin = *sortedBegin; tmax = *(sortedEnd-1); total = tmax - tmin; } } if( numBins > m_findZone.numBins ) { m_findZone.numBins = numBins; m_findZone.bins = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_findZone.binTime = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_findZone.selBin = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_findZone.binCache.numBins = -1; } const auto& bins = m_findZone.bins; const auto& binTime = m_findZone.binTime; const auto& selBin = m_findZone.selBin; const auto distBegin = std::distance( sorted.begin(), sortedBegin ); const auto distEnd = std::distance( sorted.begin(), sortedEnd ); if( m_findZone.binCache.numBins != numBins || m_findZone.binCache.distBegin != distBegin || m_findZone.binCache.distEnd != distEnd ) { m_findZone.binCache.numBins = numBins; m_findZone.binCache.distBegin = distBegin; m_findZone.binCache.distEnd = distEnd; memset( bins.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); memset( binTime.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); memset( selBin.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); int64_t selectionTime = 0; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; { auto zit = sortedBegin; for( int64_t i=0; i= s && *end <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; } zit = nit; } const auto timeSum = std::accumulate( zit, sortedEnd, int64_t( 0 ) ); bins[numBins-1] += std::distance( zit, sortedEnd ); binTime[numBins-1] += timeSum; if( m_findZone.highlight.active && *zit >= s && *(sortedEnd-1) <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; } if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { auto zit = m_findZone.selSort.begin(); while( zit != m_findZone.selSort.end() && *zit == 0 ) ++zit; for( int64_t i=0; i= s && *end <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; } zit = nit; } const auto timeSum = std::accumulate( zit, sortedEnd, int64_t( 0 ) ); bins[numBins-1] += std::distance( zit, sortedEnd ); binTime[numBins-1] += timeSum; if( m_findZone.highlight.active && *zit >= s && *(sortedEnd-1) <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { auto zit = m_findZone.selSort.begin(); while( zit != m_findZone.selSort.end() && *zit == 0 ) ++zit; for( int64_t i=0; i 1 ) { const auto sz = m_findZone.sorted.size(); const auto avg = m_findZone.average; const auto ss = zoneData.sumSq - 2. * zoneData.total * avg + avg * avg * sz; const auto sd = sqrt( ss / ( sz - 1 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "\xcf\x83:", TimeToString( sd ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "Standard deviation" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } TextDisabledUnformatted( "Selection range:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_findZone.highlight.active ) { const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); ImGui::Text( "%s - %s (%s)", TimeToString( s ), TimeToString( e ), TimeToString( e - s ) ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "none" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Left draw on histogram to select range. Right click to clear selection." ); if( m_findZone.highlight.active ) { TextFocused( "Selection time:", TimeToString( m_findZone.selTime ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Selection time:", "none" ); } if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { TextFocused( "Zone group time:", TimeToString( m_findZone.groups[m_findZone.selGroup].time ) ); TextFocused( "Group mean:", TimeToString( m_findZone.selAverage ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Group median:", TimeToString( m_findZone.selMedian ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Zone group time:", "none" ); TextFocused( "Group mean:", "none" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Group median:", "none" ); } ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::Checkbox( "###draw1", &m_findZone.drawAvgMed ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c1", ImVec4( 0xFF/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Mean time" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c2", ImVec4( 0x44/255.f, 0xAA/255.f, 0xFF/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Median time" ); ImGui::Checkbox( "###draw2", &m_findZone.drawSelAvgMed ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c3", ImVec4( 0xFF/255.f, 0xAA/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Group mean" ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Group mean" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c4", ImVec4( 0x44/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Group median" ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Group median" ); } ImGui::PopStyleVar(); const auto Height = 200 * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f; const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##histogram", ImVec2( w, Height + round( ty * 2.5 ) ) ); const bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x22FFFFFF ); draw->AddRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x88FFFFFF ); if( m_findZone.logVal ) { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / log10( maxVal + 1 ); for( int i=0; i 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); if( selBin[i] > 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( selBin[i] + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFFDD7777 ); } } } } else { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / maxVal; for( int i=0; i 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); if( selBin[i] > 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - selBin[i] * hAdj ), 0xFFDD7777 ); } } } } const auto xoff = 2; const auto yoff = Height + 1; DrawHistogramMinMaxLabel( draw, tmin, tmax, wpos + ImVec2( 0, yoff ), w, ty ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); const auto start = int( floor( ltmin ) ); const auto end = int( ceil( ltmax ) ); const auto range = ltmax - ltmin; const auto step = w / range; auto offset = start - ltmin; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; auto tt = int64_t( pow( 10, start ) ); static const double logticks[] = { log10( 2 ), log10( 3 ), log10( 4 ), log10( 5 ), log10( 6 ), log10( 7 ), log10( 8 ), log10( 9 ) }; for( int i=start; i<=end; i++ ) { const auto x = ( i - start + offset ) * step; if( x >= 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } } for( int j=0; j<8; j++ ) { const auto xoff = x + logticks[j] * step; if( xoff >= 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff + ty025 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); } } tt *= 10; } } else { const auto pxns = numBins / double( tmax - tmin ); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const auto scale = std::max( 0.0f, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) ); const auto step = pow( 10, scale ); const auto dx = step * pxns; double x = 0; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; const auto sstep = step / 10.0; const auto sdx = dx / 10.0; static const double linelen[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 }; int64_t tt = int64_t( ceil( tmin / sstep ) * sstep ); const auto diff = tmin / sstep - int64_t( tmin / sstep ); const auto xo = ( diff == 0 ? 0 : ( ( 1 - diff ) * sstep * pxns ) ) + xoff; int iter = int( ceil( ( tmin - int64_t( tmin / step ) * step ) / sstep ) ); while( x < numBins ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * linelen[iter] ) ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( iter == 0 && ( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } iter = ( iter + 1 ) % 10; x += sdx; tt += sstep; } } float ta, tm, tga, tgm; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); ta = ( log10( m_findZone.average ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tm = ( log10( m_findZone.median ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tga = ( log10( m_findZone.selAverage ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tgm = ( log10( m_findZone.selMedian ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; } else { ta = ( m_findZone.average - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tm = ( m_findZone.median - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tga = ( m_findZone.selAverage - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tgm = ( m_findZone.selMedian - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; } ta = round( ta ); tm = round( tm ); tga = round( tga ); tgm = round( tgm ); if( m_findZone.drawAvgMed ) { if( ta == tm ) { draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFFFF88FF ); } else { draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF4444FF ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + tm, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + tm, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFFFFAA44 ); } } if( m_findZone.drawSelAvgMed && m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + tga, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + tga, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF44AAFF ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + tgm, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + tgm, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF44DD44 ); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2, 2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-2, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) ) ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); const auto bin = int64_t( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x - 2 ); int64_t t0, t1; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { t0 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); // Hackfix for inability to select data in last bin. // A proper solution would be nice. if( bin+1 == numBins ) { t1 = tmax; } else { t1 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); } } else { t0 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); t1 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); } int64_t tBefore = 0; for( int i=0; iPushClipRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), true ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t0, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t1, Height-1 ), 0x22DD8888 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t0, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t1, Height-1 ), 0x44DD8888 ); draw->PopClipRect(); } if( ( m_zoneHover && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == m_zoneHover->SrcLoc() ) || ( m_zoneHover2 && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == m_zoneHover2->SrcLoc() ) ) { const auto zoneTime = m_zoneHover ? ( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *m_zoneHover ) - m_zoneHover->Start() ) : ( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *m_zoneHover2 ) - m_zoneHover2->Start() ); float zonePos; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); zonePos = round( ( log10( zoneTime ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins ); } else { zonePos = round( ( zoneTime - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins ); } const auto c = uint32_t( ( sin( s_time * 10 ) * 0.25 + 0.75 ) * 255 ); const auto color = 0xFF000000 | ( c << 16 ) | ( c << 8 ) | c; draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + zonePos, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + zonePos, wpos.y+Height-2 ), color ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); SmallCheckbox( "Show zone time in frames", &m_findZone.showZoneInFrames ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Found zones:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Left click to highlight entry. Right click to clear selection." ); bool groupChanged = false; ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Group by:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Thread", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::Thread ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "User text", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::UserText ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Zone name", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Call stacks", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Parent", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::Parent ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "No grouping", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping ); if( groupChanged ) { m_findZone.selGroup = m_findZone.Unselected; m_findZone.ResetGroups(); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Sort by:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Order", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Order ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Count", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Count ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Time", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Time ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "MTPC", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Mtpc ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Mean time per call" ); auto& zones = zoneData.zones; const auto hmin = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto hmax = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto groupBy = m_findZone.groupBy; const auto highlightActive = m_findZone.highlight.active; const auto limitRange = m_findZone.range.active; FindZone::Group* group = nullptr; uint64_t lastGid = std::numeric_limits::max() - 1; auto zptr = zones.data() + m_findZone.processed; const auto zend = zones.data() + zones.size(); while( zptr < zend ) { auto& ev = *zptr; const auto end = ev.Zone()->End(); const auto start = ev.Zone()->Start(); if( limitRange && ( start < rangeMin || end > rangeMax ) ) { zptr++; continue; } auto timespan = end - start; assert( timespan != 0 ); if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { timespan -= GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev.Zone() ); } else if( m_findZone.runningTime ) { const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); if( !ctx ) break; int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; if( !GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, *ev.Zone(), t, cnt ) ) break; timespan = t; } if( highlightActive ) { if( timespan < hmin || timespan > hmax ) { zptr++; continue; } } zptr++; uint64_t gid = 0; switch( groupBy ) { case FindZone::GroupBy::Thread: gid = ev.Thread(); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::UserText: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) { gid = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); gid = extra.text.Active() ? extra.text.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) { gid = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); gid = extra.name.Active() ? extra.name.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack: gid = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *ev.Zone() ).callstack.Val(); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::Parent: { const auto parent = GetZoneParent( *ev.Zone(), m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); if( parent ) gid = uint64_t( uint16_t( parent->SrcLoc() ) ); break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping: break; default: assert( false ); break; } if( lastGid != gid ) { lastGid = gid; auto it = m_findZone.groups.find( gid ); if( it == m_findZone.groups.end() ) { it = m_findZone.groups.emplace( gid, FindZone::Group { m_findZone.groupId++ } ).first; it->second.zones.reserve( 1024 ); } group = &it->second; } group->time += timespan; group->zones.push_back_non_empty( ev.Zone() ); } m_findZone.processed = zptr - zones.data(); Vector groups; groups.reserve_and_use( m_findZone.groups.size() ); int idx = 0; for( auto it = m_findZone.groups.begin(); it != m_findZone.groups.end(); ++it ) { groups[idx++] = it; } switch( m_findZone.sortBy ) { case FindZone::SortBy::Order: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.id < rhs->second.id; } ); break; case FindZone::SortBy::Count: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.zones.size() > rhs->second.zones.size(); } ); break; case FindZone::SortBy::Time: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.time > rhs->second.time; } ); break; case FindZone::SortBy::Mtpc: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return double( lhs->second.time ) / lhs->second.zones.size() > double( rhs->second.time ) / rhs->second.zones.size(); } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } ImGui::BeginChild( "##zonesScroll", ImVec2( ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth(), std::max( 200.f, ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y ) ) ); if( groupBy == FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack ) { const auto gsz = (int)groups.size(); if( gsz > 0 ) { if( m_findZone.selCs > gsz ) m_findZone.selCs = gsz; const auto group = groups[m_findZone.selCs]; const bool selHilite = m_findZone.selGroup == group->first; if( selHilite ) SetButtonHighlightColor(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CHECK " " ) ) { m_findZone.selGroup = group->first; m_findZone.ResetSelection(); } if( selHilite ) ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT " " ) ) { m_findZone.selCs = std::max( m_findZone.selCs - 1, 0 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s / %s", RealToString( m_findZone.selCs + 1 ), RealToString( gsz ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) { m_findZone.selCs = std::min( m_findZone.selCs + 1, gsz - 1 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Count:", RealToString( group->second.zones.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( group->second.time ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, group->second.time * 100.f / zoneData.total ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); if( group->first != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); int idx = 0; SmallCallstackButton( " " ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " ", group->first, idx, false ); int fidx = 0; ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Indent(); auto& csdata = m_worker.GetCallstack( group->first ); for( auto& entry : csdata ) { auto frameData = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%p", (void*)m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); } else { const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } } } ImGui::Unindent(); } else { ImGui::Text( "No call stack" ); } ImGui::Spacing(); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Zone list" ) ) { DrawZoneList( group->second.zones ); } } } else { for( auto& v : groups ) { const char* hdrString; switch( groupBy ) { case FindZone::GroupBy::Thread: { const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( v->first ); const auto threadColor = GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); hdrString = m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ); break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::UserText: hdrString = v->first == std::numeric_limits::max() ? "No user text" : m_worker.GetString( StringIdx( v->first ) ); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName: if( v->first == std::numeric_limits::max() ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] ); hdrString = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); } else { hdrString = m_worker.GetString( StringIdx( v->first ) ); } break; case FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack: if( v->first == 0 ) { hdrString = "No callstack"; } else { auto& callstack = m_worker.GetCallstack( v->first ); auto& frameData = *m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( *callstack.begin() ); hdrString = m_worker.GetString( frameData.data[frameData.size-1].name ); } break; case FindZone::GroupBy::Parent: if( v->first == 0 ) { hdrString = ""; SmallColorBox( 0 ); } else { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( int16_t( v->first ) ); hdrString = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); } ImGui::SameLine(); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping: hdrString = "Zone list"; break; default: hdrString = nullptr; assert( false ); break; } ImGui::PushID( v->first ); const bool expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( hdrString, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick | ( v->first == m_findZone.selGroup ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected : 0 ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { m_findZone.selGroup = v->first; m_findZone.ResetSelection(); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ), "(%s) %s", RealToString( v->second.zones.size() ), TimeToString( v->second.time ) ); if( expand ) { DrawZoneList( v->second.zones ); } } } ImGui::EndChild(); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked( 1 ) ) { m_findZone.selGroup = m_findZone.Unselected; m_findZone.ResetSelection(); } ImGui::EndChild(); } #endif ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawZoneList( const Vector>& zones ) { ImGui::Columns( 3 ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Time from start" ) ) m_findZone.tableSortBy = FindZone::TableSortBy::Starttime; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Execution time" ) ) m_findZone.tableSortBy = FindZone::TableSortBy::Runtime; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Name" ) ) m_findZone.tableSortBy = FindZone::TableSortBy::Name; ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Only displayed if custom zone name is set." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); const Vector>* zonesToIterate = &zones; Vector> sortedZones; if( m_findZone.tableSortBy != FindZone::TableSortBy::Starttime ) { zonesToIterate = &sortedZones; sortedZones.reserve_and_use( zones.size() ); memcpy( sortedZones.data(), zones.data(), zones.size() * sizeof( decltype( *zones.begin() ) ) ); switch( m_findZone.tableSortBy ) { case FindZone::TableSortBy::Runtime: if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *lhs ) - lhs->Start() - this->GetZoneChildTimeFast( *lhs ) > m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *rhs ) - rhs->Start() - this->GetZoneChildTimeFast( *rhs ); } ); } else if( m_findZone.runningTime ) { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { const auto ctx0 = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( GetZoneThread( *lhs ) ); const auto ctx1 = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( GetZoneThread( *rhs ) ); int64_t t0, t1; uint64_t c0, c1; GetZoneRunningTime( ctx0, *lhs, t0, c0 ); GetZoneRunningTime( ctx1, *rhs, t1, c1 ); return t0 > t1; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *lhs ) - lhs->Start() > m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *rhs ) - rhs->Start(); } ); } break; case FindZone::TableSortBy::Name: pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { const auto hle = m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *lhs ); const auto hre = m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *rhs ); if( !( hle & hre ) ) return hle > hre; return strcmp( m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *lhs ).name ), m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *rhs ).name ) ) < 0; } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } } ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( zonesToIterate->size() ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; iStart(); if( m_findZone.selfTime ) timespan -= GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev ); } ImGui::PushID( ev ); if( m_zoneHover == ev ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 0, 1, 0, 1 ) ); if( ImGui::Selectable( TimeToStringExact( ev->Start() ), m_zoneInfoWindow == ev, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { ShowZoneInfo( *ev ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_zoneHighlight = ev; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *ev ); } ZoneTooltip( *ev ); m_zoneHover2 = ev; } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( timespan ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *ev ) ) { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *ev ); if( extra.name.Active() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( extra.name ) ); } } ImGui::NextColumn(); if( m_zoneHover == ev ) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopID(); } } ImGui::Columns( 1 ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TreePop(); } void View::DrawCompare() { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 590, 800 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Compare traces", &m_compare.show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); #ifdef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS ImGui::TextWrapped( "Collection of statistical data is disabled in this build." ); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Rebuild without the TRACY_NO_STATISTICS macro to enable trace comparison." ); #elif defined TRACY_NO_FILESELECTOR ImGui::TextWrapped( "File selector is disabled in this build." ); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Rebuild without the TRACY_NO_FILESELECTOR macro to enable trace comparison." ); #else if( !m_compare.second ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please load a second trace to compare results." ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_FOLDER_OPEN " Open second trace" ) && !m_compare.loadThread.joinable() ) { nfdchar_t* fn; auto res = NFD_OpenDialog( "tracy", nullptr, &fn, m_gwcb ? m_gwcb() : nullptr ); if( res == NFD_OKAY ) { try { auto f = std::shared_ptr( tracy::FileRead::Open( fn ) ); if( f ) { m_compare.loadThread = std::thread( [this, f] { try { m_compare.second = std::make_unique( *f, EventType::None ); m_compare.userData = std::make_unique( m_compare.second->GetCaptureProgram().c_str(), m_compare.second->GetCaptureTime() ); } catch( const tracy::UnsupportedVersion& e ) { m_compare.badVer.state = BadVersionState::UnsupportedVersion; m_compare.badVer.version = e.version; } } ); } } catch( const tracy::NotTracyDump& ) { m_compare.badVer.state = BadVersionState::BadFile; } catch( const tracy::FileReadError& ) { m_compare.badVer.state = BadVersionState::ReadError; } } } tracy::BadVersion( m_compare.badVer ); ImGui::End(); return; } if( m_compare.loadThread.joinable() ) m_compare.loadThread.join(); if( !m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() || !m_compare.second->AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_LEMON ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "This trace:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto& desc0 = m_userData.GetDescription(); if( desc0.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetCaptureName().c_str() ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( desc0.c_str() ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", m_worker.GetCaptureName().c_str() ); } TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "External trace:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto& desc1 = m_compare.userData->GetDescription(); if( desc1.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_compare.second->GetCaptureName().c_str() ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( desc1.c_str() ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", m_compare.second->GetCaptureName().c_str() ); } if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_TRASH_ALT " Unload" ) ) { m_compare.Reset(); m_compare.second.reset(); m_compare.userData.reset(); ImGui::End(); return; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "Compare mode: " ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto oldMode = m_compare.compareMode; ImGui::RadioButton( "Zones", &m_compare.compareMode, 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Frames", &m_compare.compareMode, 1 ); if( oldMode != m_compare.compareMode ) { m_compare.Reset(); } bool findClicked = false; if( m_compare.compareMode == 0 ) { ImGui::PushItemWidth( -0.01f ); findClicked |= ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "###compare", "Enter zone name to search for", m_compare.pattern, 1024, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); findClicked |= ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Find" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BAN " Clear" ) ) { m_compare.Reset(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( "Ignore case", &m_compare.ignoreCase ); if( findClicked ) { m_compare.Reset(); FindZonesCompare(); } if( m_compare.match[0].empty() && m_compare.match[1].empty() ) { ImGui::End(); return; } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##compare" ); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Matched source locations", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Link selection", &m_compare.link ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Columns( 2 ); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_LEMON ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "This trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_compare.match[0].size() ); ImGui::NextColumn(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "External trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_compare.match[1].size() ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::NextColumn(); const auto prev0 = m_compare.selMatch[0]; int idx = 0; for( auto& v : m_compare.match[0] ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v ); auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v ).zones; SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushID( idx ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ), &m_compare.selMatch[0], idx++ ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ), "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( zones.size() ), m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); const auto prev1 = m_compare.selMatch[1]; idx = 0; for( auto& v : m_compare.match[1] ) { auto& srcloc = m_compare.second->GetSourceLocation( v ); auto& zones = m_compare.second->GetZonesForSourceLocation( v ).zones; ImGui::PushID( -1 - idx ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( m_compare.second->GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ), &m_compare.selMatch[1], idx++ ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ), "(%s) %s:%i", RealToString( zones.size() ), m_compare.second->GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::TreePop(); if( prev0 != m_compare.selMatch[0] || prev1 != m_compare.selMatch[1] ) { m_compare.ResetSelection(); if( m_compare.link ) { auto& srcloc0 = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( m_compare.match[0][m_compare.selMatch[0]] ); auto& srcloc1 = m_compare.second->GetSourceLocation( m_compare.match[1][m_compare.selMatch[1]] ); auto string0 = m_worker.GetString( srcloc0.name.active ? srcloc0.name : srcloc0.function ); auto string1 = m_compare.second->GetString( srcloc1.name.active ? srcloc1.name : srcloc1.function ); if( strcmp( string0, string1 ) != 0 ) { idx = 0; if( prev0 != m_compare.selMatch[0] ) { for( auto& v : m_compare.match[1] ) { auto& srcloc = m_compare.second->GetSourceLocation( v ); auto string = m_compare.second->GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); if( strcmp( string0, string ) == 0 ) { m_compare.selMatch[1] = idx; break; } idx++; } } else { assert( prev1 != m_compare.selMatch[1] ); for( auto& v : m_compare.match[0] ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v ); auto string = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); if( strcmp( string1, string ) == 0 ) { m_compare.selMatch[0] = idx; break; } idx++; } } } } } } if( m_compare.match[0].empty() || m_compare.match[1].empty() ) { ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Both traces must have matches." ); ImGui::End(); return; } } else { assert( m_compare.compareMode == 1 ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##compare" ); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Frame sets", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { const auto& f0 = m_worker.GetFrames(); const auto& f1 = m_compare.second->GetFrames(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Link selection", &m_compare.link ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Columns( 2 ); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_LEMON ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "This trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", f0.size() ); ImGui::NextColumn(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "External trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", f1.size() ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::NextColumn(); const auto prev0 = m_compare.selMatch[0]; int idx = 0; for( auto& v : f0 ) { const auto name = m_worker.GetString( v->name ); ImGui::PushID( -1 - idx ); ImGui::RadioButton( name, &m_compare.selMatch[0], idx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( v->frames.size() ) ); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); const auto prev1 = m_compare.selMatch[1]; idx = 0; for( auto& v : f1 ) { const auto name = m_compare.second->GetString( v->name ); ImGui::PushID( idx ); ImGui::RadioButton( name, &m_compare.selMatch[1], idx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( v->frames.size() ) ); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::TreePop(); if( prev0 != m_compare.selMatch[0] || prev1 != m_compare.selMatch[1] ) { m_compare.ResetSelection(); if( m_compare.link ) { auto string0 = m_worker.GetString( f0[m_compare.selMatch[0]]->name ); auto string1 = m_compare.second->GetString( f1[m_compare.selMatch[1]]->name ); if( strcmp( string0, string1 ) != 0 ) { idx = 0; if( prev0 != m_compare.selMatch[0] ) { for( auto& v : f1 ) { auto string = m_compare.second->GetString( v->name ); if( strcmp( string0, string ) == 0 ) { m_compare.selMatch[1] = idx; break; } idx++; } } else { assert( prev1 != m_compare.selMatch[1] ); for( auto& v : f0 ) { auto string = m_worker.GetString( v->name ); if( strcmp( string1, string ) == 0 ) { m_compare.selMatch[0] = idx; break; } idx++; } } } } } } } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Histogram", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); int64_t tmin, tmax; size_t size0, size1; int64_t total0, total1; double sumSq0, sumSq1; if( m_compare.compareMode == 0 ) { auto& zoneData0 = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( m_compare.match[0][m_compare.selMatch[0]] ); auto& zoneData1 = m_compare.second->GetZonesForSourceLocation( m_compare.match[1][m_compare.selMatch[1]] ); auto& zones0 = zoneData0.zones; auto& zones1 = zoneData1.zones; tmin = std::min( zoneData0.min, zoneData1.min ); tmax = std::max( zoneData0.max, zoneData1.max ); size0 = zones0.size(); size1 = zones1.size(); total0 = zoneData0.total; total1 = zoneData1.total; sumSq0 = zoneData0.sumSq; sumSq1 = zoneData1.sumSq; const size_t zsz[2] = { size0, size1 }; for( int k=0; k<2; k++ ) { if( m_compare.sortedNum[k] != zsz[k] ) { auto& zones = k == 0 ? zones0 : zones1; auto& vec = m_compare.sorted[k]; vec.reserve( zsz[k] ); int64_t total = m_compare.total[k]; size_t i; for( i=m_compare.sortedNum[k]; iGetFrames()[m_compare.selMatch[1]]; tmin = std::min( f0->min, f1->min ); tmax = std::max( f0->max, f1->max ); size0 = f0->frames.size(); size1 = f1->frames.size(); total0 = f0->total; total1 = f1->total; sumSq0 = f0->sumSq; sumSq1 = f1->sumSq; const size_t zsz[2] = { size0, size1 }; for( int k=0; k<2; k++ ) { if( m_compare.sortedNum[k] != zsz[k] ) { auto& frameSet = k == 0 ? f0 : f1; auto worker = k == 0 ? &m_worker : m_compare.second.get(); auto& vec = m_compare.sorted[k]; vec.reserve( zsz[k] ); int64_t total = m_compare.total[k]; size_t i; for( i=m_compare.sortedNum[k]; iGetFrameEnd( *frameSet, i ) == worker->GetLastTime() ) break; const auto t = worker->GetFrameTime( *frameSet, i ); vec.emplace_back( t ); total += t; } auto mid = vec.begin() + m_compare.sortedNum[k]; pdqsort_branchless( mid, vec.end() ); std::inplace_merge( vec.begin(), mid, vec.end() ); m_compare.average[k] = float( total ) / i; m_compare.median[k] = vec[i/2]; m_compare.total[k] = total; m_compare.sortedNum[k] = i; } } } if( tmin != std::numeric_limits::max() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Minimum values in bin:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "123456890123456" ).x ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 1, 1 ) ); ImGui::InputInt( "##minBinVal", &m_compare.minBinVal ); if( m_compare.minBinVal < 1 ) m_compare.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reset" ) ) m_compare.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::PopStyleVar(); SmallCheckbox( "Log values", &m_compare.logVal ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Log time", &m_compare.logTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Cumulate time", &m_compare.cumulateTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Show total time taken by calls in each bin instead of call counts." ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Normalize values", &m_compare.normalize ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Normalization will fudge reported data values!" ); const auto cumulateTime = m_compare.cumulateTime; if( tmax - tmin > 0 ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto numBins = int64_t( w - 4 ); if( numBins > 1 ) { if( numBins > m_compare.numBins ) { m_compare.numBins = numBins; m_compare.bins = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_compare.binTime = std::make_unique( numBins ); } const auto& bins = m_compare.bins; const auto& binTime = m_compare.binTime; memset( bins.get(), 0, sizeof( CompVal ) * numBins ); memset( binTime.get(), 0, sizeof( CompVal ) * numBins ); double adj0 = 1; double adj1 = 1; if( m_compare.normalize ) { if( size0 > size1 ) { adj1 = double( size0 ) / size1; } else { adj0 = double( size1 ) / size0; } } const auto& sorted = m_compare.sorted; auto sBegin0 = sorted[0].begin(); auto sBegin1 = sorted[1].begin(); auto sEnd0 = sorted[0].end(); auto sEnd1 = sorted[1].end(); if( m_compare.minBinVal > 1 ) { if( m_compare.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_compare.minBinVal || distance1 >= m_compare.minBinVal ) break; sBegin0 = nit0; sBegin1 = nit1; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = int64_t( pow( 10.0, tMinLog + ( j-1 ) * zmax ) ); auto nit0 = std::lower_bound( sBegin0, sEnd0, nextBinVal ); auto nit1 = std::lower_bound( sBegin1, sEnd1, nextBinVal ); const auto distance0 = std::distance( nit0, sEnd0 ); const auto distance1 = std::distance( nit1, sEnd1 ); if( distance0 >= m_compare.minBinVal || distance1 >= m_compare.minBinVal ) break; sEnd0 = nit0; sEnd1 = nit1; } } else { const auto zmax = tmax - tmin; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_compare.minBinVal || distance1 >= m_compare.minBinVal ) break; sBegin0 = nit0; sBegin1 = nit1; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = tmin + ( j-1 ) * zmax / numBins; auto nit0 = std::lower_bound( sBegin0, sEnd0, nextBinVal ); auto nit1 = std::lower_bound( sBegin1, sEnd1, nextBinVal ); const auto distance0 = std::distance( nit0, sEnd0 ); const auto distance1 = std::distance( nit1, sEnd1 ); if( distance0 >= m_compare.minBinVal || distance1 >= m_compare.minBinVal ) break; sEnd0 = nit0; sEnd1 = nit1; } } tmin = std::min( *sBegin0, *sBegin1 ); tmax = std::max( *(sEnd0-1), *(sEnd1-1) ); } auto zit0 = sBegin0; auto zit1 = sBegin1; if( m_compare.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; for( int64_t i=0; i 1 ) { const auto sz = sorted[0].size(); const auto avg = m_compare.average[0]; const auto ss = sumSq0 - 2. * total0 * avg + avg * avg * sz; const auto sd = sqrt( ss / ( sz - 1 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/511.f, 0xDD/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_LEMON ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "\xcf\x83 (this):", TimeToString( sd ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "Standard deviation" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Mean time (ext.):", TimeToString( m_compare.average[1] ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Median time (ext.):", TimeToString( m_compare.median[1] ) ); if( sorted[1].size() > 1 ) { const auto sz = sorted[1].size(); const auto avg = m_compare.average[1]; const auto ss = sumSq1 - 2. * total1 * avg + avg * avg * sz; const auto sd = sqrt( ss / ( sz - 1 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xDD/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "\xcf\x83 (ext.):", TimeToString( sd ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "Standard deviation" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 0xDD/511.f, 0xDD/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Button, ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_LEMON ); ImGui::PopStyleColor( 4 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "This trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 0xDD/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 0x22/511.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Button, ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, ImVec4( 0xDD/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 0x22/255.f, 1.f ) ); ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_GEM ); ImGui::PopStyleColor( 4 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "External trace" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c3", ImVec4( 0x44/255.f, 0xBB/255.f, 0xBB/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Overlap" ); const auto Height = 200 * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f; const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##histogram", ImVec2( w, Height + round( ty * 2.5 ) ) ); const bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x22FFFFFF ); draw->AddRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x88FFFFFF ); if( m_compare.logVal ) { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / log10( maxVal + 1 ); for( int i=0; i 0 || val1 > 0 ) { const auto val = std::min( val0, val1 ); if( val > 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFFBBBB44 ); } if( val1 == val ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val0 + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val1 + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF2222DD ); } } } } else { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / maxVal; for( int i=0; i 0 || val1 > 0 ) { const auto val = std::min( val0, val1 ); if( val > 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), 0xFFBBBB44 ); } if( val1 == val ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val0 * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); } else { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val1 * hAdj ), 0xFF2222DD ); } } } } const auto xoff = 2; const auto yoff = Height + 1; DrawHistogramMinMaxLabel( draw, tmin, tmax, wpos + ImVec2( 0, yoff ), w, ty ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); if( m_compare.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); const auto start = int( floor( ltmin ) ); const auto end = int( ceil( ltmax ) ); const auto range = ltmax - ltmin; const auto step = w / range; auto offset = start - ltmin; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; auto tt = int64_t( pow( 10, start ) ); static const double logticks[] = { log10( 2 ), log10( 3 ), log10( 4 ), log10( 5 ), log10( 6 ), log10( 7 ), log10( 8 ), log10( 9 ) }; for( int i=start; i<=end; i++ ) { const auto x = ( i - start + offset ) * step; if( x >= 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } } for( int j=0; j<8; j++ ) { const auto xoff = x + logticks[j] * step; if( xoff >= 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff + ty025 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); } } tt *= 10; } } else { const auto pxns = numBins / double( tmax - tmin ); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const auto scale = std::max( 0.0f, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) ); const auto step = pow( 10, scale ); const auto dx = step * pxns; double x = 0; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; const auto sstep = step / 10.0; const auto sdx = dx / 10.0; static const double linelen[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 }; int64_t tt = int64_t( ceil( tmin / sstep ) * sstep ); const auto diff = tmin / sstep - int64_t( tmin / sstep ); const auto xo = ( diff == 0 ? 0 : ( ( 1 - diff ) * sstep * pxns ) ) + xoff; int iter = int( ceil( ( tmin - int64_t( tmin / step ) * step ) / sstep ) ); while( x < numBins ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * linelen[iter] ) ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( iter == 0 && ( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } iter = ( iter + 1 ) % 10; x += sdx; tt += sstep; } } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2, 2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-2, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) ) ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); const auto bin = int64_t( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x - 2 ); int64_t t0, t1; if( m_compare.logTime ) { t0 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); t1 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); } else { t0 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); t1 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); } int64_t tBefore[2] = { 0, 0 }; for( int i=0; i 0; const auto hasSymbols = m_worker.GetSymbolsCount() > 0; if( hasSamples || hasSymbols ) { ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_SYRINGE " Instrumentation", &m_statMode, 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( hasSamples ) { ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_EYE_DROPPER " Sampling", &m_statMode, 1 ); } else { ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_PUZZLE_PIECE " Symbols", &m_statMode, 1 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx( ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); } } Vector srcloc; if( m_statMode == 0 ) { if( !m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } const auto filterActive = m_statisticsFilter.IsActive(); auto& slz = m_worker.GetSourceLocationZones(); srcloc.reserve( slz.size() ); uint32_t slzcnt = 0; if( m_statRange.active ) { const auto min = m_statRange.min; const auto max = m_statRange.max; const auto st = max - min; for( auto it = slz.begin(); it != slz.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.total != 0 && it->second.min <= st ) { if( !filterActive ) { auto cit = m_statCache.find( it->first ); if( cit != m_statCache.end() && cit->second.range == m_statRange && cit->second.sourceCount == it->second.zones.size() ) { if( cit->second.count != 0 ) { slzcnt++; srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cit->second.count, cit->second.total, cit->second.selfTotal } ); } } else { size_t cnt = 0; int64_t total = 0; int64_t selfTotal = 0; for( auto& v : it->second.zones ) { auto& z = *v.Zone(); const auto start = z.Start(); const auto end = z.End(); if( start >= min && end <= max ) { const auto zt = end - start; total += zt; if( m_statSelf ) selfTotal += zt - GetZoneChildTimeFast( z ); cnt++; } } if( cnt != 0 ) { slzcnt++; srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cnt, total, selfTotal } ); } m_statCache[it->first] = StatisticsCache { RangeSlim { m_statRange.min, m_statRange.max, m_statRange.active }, it->second.zones.size(), cnt, total, selfTotal }; } } else { slzcnt++; auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( it->first ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( sl.name.active ? sl.name : sl.function ); if( m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) ) { auto cit = m_statCache.find( it->first ); if( cit != m_statCache.end() && cit->second.range == m_statRange && cit->second.sourceCount == it->second.zones.size() ) { if( cit->second.count != 0 ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cit->second.count, cit->second.total, cit->second.selfTotal } ); } } else { size_t cnt = 0; int64_t total = 0; int64_t selfTotal = 0; for( auto& v : it->second.zones ) { auto& z = *v.Zone(); const auto start = z.Start(); const auto end = z.End(); if( start >= min && end <= max ) { const auto zt = end - start; total += zt; if( m_statSelf ) selfTotal += zt - GetZoneChildTimeFast( z ); cnt++; } } if( cnt != 0 ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cnt, total, selfTotal } ); } m_statCache[it->first] = StatisticsCache { RangeSlim { m_statRange.min, m_statRange.max, m_statRange.active }, it->second.zones.size(), cnt, total, selfTotal }; } } } } } } else { for( auto it = slz.begin(); it != slz.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.total != 0 ) { slzcnt++; if( !filterActive ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, it->second.zones.size(), it->second.total, it->second.selfTotal } ); } else { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( it->first ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( sl.name.active ? sl.name : sl.function ); if( m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, it->second.zones.size(), it->second.total, it->second.selfTotal } ); } } } } } switch( m_statSort ) { case 0: if( m_statSelf ) { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.selfTotal > rhs.selfTotal; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.total > rhs.total; } ); } break; case 1: pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.numZones > rhs.numZones; } ); break; case 2: if( m_statSelf ) { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.selfTotal / lhs.numZones > rhs.selfTotal / rhs.numZones; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.total / lhs.numZones > rhs.total / rhs.numZones; } ); } break; default: assert( false ); break; } TextFocused( "Total zone count:", RealToString( slzcnt ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Visible zones:", RealToString( srcloc.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_CLOCK " Self time", &m_statSelf ); } else { ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_STOPWATCH " Show time", &m_statSampleTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_statRange.active ) { ImGui::PushItemFlag( ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.5f ); m_statSelf = true; bool val = true; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_CLOCK " Self time", &val ); ImGui::PopItemFlag(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Time range limits are only available for self time" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } else { ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_CLOCK " Self time", &m_statSelf ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_EYE_SLASH " Hide unknown", &m_statHideUnknown ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_PUZZLE_PIECE " Show all", &m_showAllSymbols ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_SITEMAP " Inlines", &m_statSeparateInlines ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_AT " Address", &m_statShowAddress ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const char* locationTable = "Entry\0Sample\0Smart\0"; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "Sample" ).x + ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 2 ); ImGui::Combo( "##location", &m_statSampleLocation, locationTable ); } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Filter results" ); ImGui::SameLine(); m_statisticsFilter.Draw( ICON_FA_FILTER "###resultFilter", 200 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear" ) ) { m_statisticsFilter.Clear(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_statMode == 1 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Image name" ); ImGui::SameLine(); m_statisticsImageFilter.Draw( ICON_FA_FILTER "###imageFilter", 200 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear" ) ) { m_statisticsImageFilter.Clear(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); } if( m_statMode == 1 && !m_worker.AreSymbolSamplesReady() ) { m_statRange.active = false; bool val = false; ImGui::PushItemFlag( ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.5f ); ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &val ); ImGui::PopItemFlag(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Waiting for background tasks to finish" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } else { if( ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &m_statRange.active ) ) { if( m_statRange.active && m_statRange.min == 0 && m_statRange.max == 0 ) { m_statRange.min = m_vd.zvStart; m_statRange.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } } if( m_statRange.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF00FFFF, ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_RULER " Limits", m_showRanges ); } } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); int64_t timeRange; if( m_statRange.active ) { const auto st = m_statRange.max - m_statRange.min; timeRange = st == 0 ? 1 : st; } else { timeRange = m_worker.GetLastTime(); } if( m_statMode == 0 ) { if( srcloc.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "No entries to be displayed." ); } else { ImGui::BeginChild( "##statistics" ); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); static bool widthSet = false; ImGui::Columns( 5 ); if( !widthSet ) { widthSet = true; ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.325f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * 0.1f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 3, w * 0.075f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 4, w * 0.075f ); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Name" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Total time" ) ) m_statSort = 0; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Counts" ) ) m_statSort = 1; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "MTPC" ) ) m_statSort = 2; ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Mean time per call" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); for( auto& v : srcloc ) { ImGui::PushID( v.srcloc ); auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v.srcloc ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Selectable( name, m_findZone.show && !m_findZone.match.empty() && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == v.srcloc, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { m_findZone.ShowZone( v.srcloc, name ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_statBuzzAnim.Match( v.srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_statBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } const auto file = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", file, srcloc.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( file, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( file, srcloc.line ); } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( v.srcloc, 0.5f ); } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); const auto time = m_statSelf ? v.selfTotal : v.total; ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( time ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * time / timeRange ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( v.numZones ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( ( m_statSelf ? v.selfTotal : v.total ) / v.numZones ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); } } else { const auto& symMap = m_worker.GetSymbolMap(); const auto& symStat = m_worker.GetSymbolStats(); struct SymList { uint64_t symAddr; uint32_t incl, excl; uint32_t count; }; Vector data; if( m_showAllSymbols ) { data.reserve( symMap.size() ); if( m_statisticsFilter.IsActive() || m_statisticsImageFilter.IsActive() ) { for( auto& v : symMap ) { const auto name = m_worker.GetString( v.second.name ); const auto image = m_worker.GetString( v.second.imageName ); bool pass = m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); if( !pass && v.second.size.Val() == 0 ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.first ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { const auto parentName = m_worker.GetString( pit->second.name ); pass = m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( parentName ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); } } } if( pass ) { auto it = symStat.find( v.first ); if( it == symStat.end() ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } else { if( m_statRange.active ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, it->second.incl, it->second.excl } ); } } } } } else { for( auto& v : symMap ) { auto it = symStat.find( v.first ); if( it == symStat.end() ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } else { if( m_statRange.active ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, it->second.incl, it->second.excl } ); } } } } } else { data.reserve( symStat.size() ); if( m_statisticsFilter.IsActive() || m_statisticsImageFilter.IsActive() ) { for( auto& v : symStat ) { auto sit = symMap.find( v.first ); if( sit != symMap.end() ) { const auto name = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.name ); const auto image = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.imageName ); bool pass = m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); if( !pass && sit->second.size.Val() == 0 ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.first ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { const auto parentName = m_worker.GetString( pit->second.name ); pass = m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( parentName ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); } } } if( pass ) { if( m_statRange.active ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, v.second.incl, v.second.excl } ); } } } } } else { if( m_statRange.active ) { for( auto& v : symStat ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } } } } else { for( auto& v : symStat ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, v.second.incl, v.second.excl } ); } } } } static unordered_flat_map inlineMap; assert( inlineMap.empty() ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) { static unordered_flat_map baseMap; assert( baseMap.empty() ); for( auto& v : data ) { auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( v.symAddr ); const auto symAddr = ( sym && sym->isInline ) ? m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.symAddr ) : v.symAddr; auto it = baseMap.find( symAddr ); if( it == baseMap.end() ) { baseMap.emplace( symAddr, SymList { symAddr, v.incl, v.excl, 0 } ); } else { assert( symAddr == it->second.symAddr ); it->second.incl += v.incl; it->second.excl += v.excl; it->second.count++; } } for( auto& v : data ) inlineMap.emplace( v.symAddr, SymList { v.symAddr, v.incl, v.excl, v.count } ); data.clear(); for( auto& v : baseMap ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( v.second ); } baseMap.clear(); } if( data.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "No entries to be displayed." ); } else { if( m_statSelf ) { pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.excl != r.excl ? l.excl > r.excl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.incl != r.incl ? l.incl > r.incl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } ImGui::BeginChild( "##statisticsSampling" ); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); static bool widthSet = false; ImGui::Columns( 5 ); if( !widthSet ) { widthSet = true; ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.31f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.4f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * 0.115f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 3, w * 0.1f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 4, w * 0.075f ); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Name" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Image" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_statSampleTime ? "Time" : "Count" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Code size" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); double revSampleCount100; if( m_statRange.active && m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() != 0 ) { const auto st = m_statRange.max - m_statRange.min; const auto cnt = st / m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod(); revSampleCount100 = 100. / cnt; } else { revSampleCount100 = 100. / m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount(); } const bool showAll = m_showAllSymbols; const auto period = m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod(); int idx = 0; for( auto& v : data ) { const auto cnt = m_statSelf ? v.excl : v.incl; if( cnt > 0 || showAll ) { const char* name = "[unknown]"; const char* file = "[unknown]"; const char* imageName = "[unknown]"; uint32_t line = 0; bool isInline = false; uint32_t symlen = 0; auto codeAddr = v.symAddr; auto sit = symMap.find( v.symAddr ); if( sit != symMap.end() ) { name = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.name ); imageName = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.imageName ); isInline = sit->second.isInline; switch( m_statSampleLocation ) { case 0: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; break; case 1: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; break; case 2: if( sit->second.isInline ) { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; } else { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; } break; default: assert( false ); break; } if( m_statHideUnknown && file[0] == '[' ) continue; symlen = sit->second.size.Val(); } else if( m_statHideUnknown ) { continue; } const char* parentName = nullptr; if( symlen == 0 ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.symAddr ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { codeAddr = parentAddr; symlen = pit->second.size.Val(); parentName = m_worker.GetString( pit->second.name ); } } } bool expand = false; if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) { if( v.count > 0 && v.symAddr != 0 ) { ImGui::PushID( v.symAddr ); expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "", v.count == 0 ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf : 0 ); ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); } } else if( isInline ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT ); ImGui::SameLine(); } uint32_t excl; if( m_statSeparateInlines ) { excl = v.excl; } else { auto it = inlineMap.find( v.symAddr ); excl = it != inlineMap.end() ? it->second.excl : 0; } if( v.symAddr == 0 || excl == 0 ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( name ); } else { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); if( ImGui::Selectable( name, m_sampleParents.symAddr == v.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { ShowSampleParents( v.symAddr ); } ImGui::PopID(); } if( parentName ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", parentName ); } if( !m_statSeparateInlines && v.count > 0 && v.symAddr != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(+%s)", RealToString( v.count ) ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_statBuzzAnim.Match( v.symAddr ) ) { const auto time = m_statBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } if( m_statShowAddress ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, v.symAddr ); } else if( line > 0 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", file, line ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( file ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( file, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSymbol( file, line, codeAddr, v.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( false ); } else if( symlen != 0 ) { uint32_t len; if( m_worker.GetSymbolCode( codeAddr, len ) ) { ViewSymbol( nullptr, 0, codeAddr, v.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( false ); } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( v.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( v.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); TextDisabledUnformatted( imageName ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( cnt > 0 ) { char buf[64]; if( m_statSampleTime ) { const auto t = cnt * period; ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( t ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * t / timeRange ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( cnt ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, cnt * revSampleCount100 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); if( symlen != 0 ) { if( m_worker.HasSymbolCode( codeAddr ) ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_DATABASE ); ImGui::SameLine(); } if( isInline ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "<" ); ImGui::SameLine(); } TextDisabledUnformatted( MemSizeToString( symlen ) ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); if( !m_statSeparateInlines && expand ) { assert( v.count > 0 ); assert( symlen != 0 ); auto inSym = m_worker.GetInlineSymbolList( v.symAddr, symlen ); assert( inSym != 0 ); const auto symEnd = v.symAddr + symlen; Vector inSymList; while( *inSym < symEnd ) { auto sit = inlineMap.find( *inSym ); if( sit != inlineMap.end() ) { inSymList.push_back( SymList { *inSym, sit->second.incl, sit->second.excl } ); } else { inSymList.push_back( SymList { *inSym, 0, 0 } ); } inSym++; } auto statIt = inlineMap.find( v.symAddr ); if( statIt != inlineMap.end() ) { inSymList.push_back( SymList { v.symAddr, statIt->second.incl, statIt->second.excl } ); } if( m_statSelf ) { pdqsort_branchless( inSymList.begin(), inSymList.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.excl != r.excl ? l.excl > r.excl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( inSymList.begin(), inSymList.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.incl != l.incl ? l.incl > r.incl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } ImGui::Indent(); for( auto& iv : inSymList ) { const auto cnt = m_statSelf ? iv.excl : iv.incl; if( cnt > 0 || showAll ) { auto sit = symMap.find( iv.symAddr ); assert( sit != symMap.end() ); name = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.name ); switch( m_statSampleLocation ) { case 0: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; break; case 1: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; break; case 2: if( sit->second.isInline ) { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; } else { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; } break; default: assert( false ); break; } const auto sn = iv.symAddr == v.symAddr ? "[ - self - ]" : name; if( iv.excl == 0 ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( sn ); } else { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); if( ImGui::Selectable( sn, m_sampleParents.symAddr == iv.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { ShowSampleParents( iv.symAddr ); } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::NextColumn(); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_statBuzzAnim.Match( iv.symAddr ) ) { const auto time = m_statBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } if( m_statShowAddress ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, iv.symAddr ); } else if( line > 0 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", file, line ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( file ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( file, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSymbol( file, line, codeAddr, iv.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( true ); } else if( symlen != 0 ) { uint32_t len; if( m_worker.GetSymbolCode( codeAddr, len ) ) { ViewSymbol( nullptr, 0, codeAddr, iv.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( true ); } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( iv.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( iv.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( cnt > 0 ) { char buf[64]; if( m_statSampleTime ) { const auto t = cnt * period; ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( t ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * t / timeRange ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( cnt ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, cnt * revSampleCount100 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); } } ImGui::Unindent(); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); inlineMap.clear(); } } #endif ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawCallstackWindow() { bool show = true; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1400, 500 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Call stack", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( m_callstackInfoWindow ); if( ClipboardButton() ) { std::ostringstream s; int fidx = 0; int bidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { char buf[64*1024]; auto frameData = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { sprintf( buf, "%3i. %p\n", fidx++, (void*)m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); } else { auto ptr = buf; const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = tracy::s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } bidx++; if( f == fsz-1 ) { ptr += sprintf( ptr, "%3i. ", fidx++ ); } else { ptr += sprintf( ptr, "inl. " ); } ptr += sprintf( ptr, "%s ", txt ); txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); if( frame.line == 0 ) { ptr += sprintf( ptr, "(%s)", txt ); } else { ptr += sprintf( ptr, "(%s:%" PRIu32 ")", txt, frame.line ); } if( frameData->imageName.Active() ) { ptr += sprintf( ptr, " %s\n", m_worker.GetString( frameData->imageName ) ); } else { ptr += sprintf( ptr, "\n" ); } } } s << buf; } ImGui::SetClipboardText( s.str().c_str() ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_AT " Frame location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Source code", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Entry point", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 3 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Return address", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 1 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Symbol address", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 2 ); if( m_worker.AreCallstackSamplesReady() ) { auto frame = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( *cs.begin() ); if( frame && frame->data[0].symAddr != 0 ) { auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolStats( frame->data[0].symAddr ); if( sym && !sym->parents.empty() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_DOOR_OPEN " Global entry statistics" ) ) { ShowSampleParents( frame->data[0].symAddr ); } } } } ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##callstack" ); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); static bool widthSet = false; ImGui::Columns( 4 ); if( !widthSet ) { widthSet = true; ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.05f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 3, w * 0.1f ); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Frame" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Function" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to copy it to clipboard." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to copy it to clipboard.\nRight click on entry to try to open source file." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Image" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); int fidx = 0; int bidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { auto frameData = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::Text( "%i", fidx++ ); ImGui::NextColumn(); char buf[32]; sprintf( buf, "%p", (void*)m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( buf ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( buf ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::NextColumn(); } else { const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } bidx++; ImGui::Separator(); if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i", fidx++ ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "inline" ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); { ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); if( txt[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_callstackBuzzAnim.Match( bidx ) ) { const auto time = m_callstackBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); switch( m_showCallstackFrameAddress ) { case 0: if( frame.line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", txt, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } break; case 1: if( entry.sel == 0 ) { const auto addr = m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, addr ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { char tmp[32]; sprintf( tmp, "0x%" PRIx64, addr ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "Custom #%" PRIu64, entry.idx ); } break; case 2: if( entry.sel == 0 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, frame.symAddr ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { char tmp[32]; sprintf( tmp, "0x%" PRIx64, frame.symAddr ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "Custom #%" PRIu64, entry.idx ); } break; case 3: { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); if( sym->line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( symtxt ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", symtxt, sym->line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( symtxt ); } } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "[unknown]" ); } break; } default: assert( false ); break; } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( m_showCallstackFrameAddress == 3 ) { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); if( !ViewDispatch( symtxt, sym->line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_callstackBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } else { m_callstackBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } else { if( !ViewDispatch( txt, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_callstackBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( frameData->imageName.Active() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frameData->imageName ) ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); } } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); if( !show ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = 0; } } void View::DrawMemoryAllocWindow() { bool show = true; ImGui::Begin( "Memory allocation", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ); const auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_memoryAllocInfoPool ); const auto& ev = mem.data[m_memoryAllocInfoWindow]; const auto tidAlloc = m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.ThreadAlloc() ); const auto tidFree = m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.ThreadFree() ); int idx = 0; if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE " Zoom to allocation" ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.TimeAlloc(), ev.TimeFree() >= 0 ? ev.TimeFree() : m_worker.GetLastTime() ); } if( m_worker.GetMemNameMap().size() > 1 ) { TextFocused( ICON_FA_ARCHIVE " Pool:", m_memoryAllocInfoPool == 0 ? "Default allocator" : m_worker.GetString( m_memoryAllocInfoPool ) ); } char buf[64]; sprintf( buf, "0x%" PRIx64, ev.Ptr() ); TextFocused( "Address:", buf ); TextFocused( "Size:", MemSizeToString( ev.Size() ) ); if( ev.Size() >= 10000ll ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s bytes)", RealToString( ev.Size() ) ); } ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Appeared at", TimeToStringExact( ev.TimeAlloc() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) CenterAtTime( ev.TimeAlloc() ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tidAlloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tidAlloc ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tidAlloc ) ); if( ev.CsAlloc() != 0 ) { const auto cs = ev.CsAlloc(); SmallCallstackButton( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, cs, idx ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawCallstackCalls( cs, 2 ); } if( ev.TimeFree() < 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Allocation still active" ); } else { TextFocused( "Freed at", TimeToStringExact( ev.TimeFree() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) CenterAtTime( ev.TimeFree() ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tidFree, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tidFree ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tidFree ) ); if( ev.csFree.Val() != 0 ) { const auto cs = ev.csFree.Val(); SmallCallstackButton( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, cs, idx ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawCallstackCalls( cs, 2 ); } TextFocused( "Duration:", TimeToString( ev.TimeFree() - ev.TimeAlloc() ) ); } bool sep = false; auto zoneAlloc = FindZoneAtTime( tidAlloc, ev.TimeAlloc() ); if( zoneAlloc ) { ImGui::Separator(); sep = true; const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( zoneAlloc->SrcLoc() ); const auto txt = srcloc.name.active ? m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) : m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ); ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); TextFocused( "Zone alloc:", txt ); auto hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); ImGui::PopID(); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ShowZoneInfo( *zoneAlloc ); } if( hover ) { m_zoneHighlight = zoneAlloc; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *zoneAlloc ); } ZoneTooltip( *zoneAlloc ); } } if( ev.TimeFree() >= 0 ) { auto zoneFree = FindZoneAtTime( tidFree, ev.TimeFree() ); if( zoneFree ) { if( !sep ) ImGui::Separator(); const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( zoneFree->SrcLoc() ); const auto txt = srcloc.name.active ? m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) : m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ); TextFocused( "Zone free:", txt ); auto hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ShowZoneInfo( *zoneFree ); } if( hover ) { m_zoneHighlight = zoneFree; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *zoneFree ); } ZoneTooltip( *zoneFree ); } if( zoneAlloc != 0 && zoneAlloc == zoneFree ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(same zone)" ); } } } ImGui::End(); if( !show ) m_memoryAllocInfoWindow = -1; } void View::DrawInfo() { char dtmp[64]; time_t date = m_worker.GetCaptureTime(); auto lt = localtime( &date ); strftime( dtmp, 64, "%F %T", lt ); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 400, 650 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Trace information", &m_showInfo, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); TextFocused( "Program:", m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str() ); if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PopFont(); TextFocused( "Capture time:", dtmp ); if( !m_filename.empty() ) { TextFocused( "File:", m_filename.c_str() ); if( m_userData.Valid() ) { const auto save = m_userData.GetConfigLocation(); if( save ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( ICON_FA_FOLDER ) ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( save ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Copy user settings location to clipboard." ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } } } { const auto& desc = m_userData.GetDescription(); const auto descsz = std::min( 255, desc.size() ); char buf[256]; buf[descsz] = '\0'; memcpy( buf, desc.c_str(), descsz ); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( -1 ); if( ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "##traceDesc", "Enter description of the trace", buf, 256 ) ) { m_userData.SetDescription( buf ); } } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##info" ); const auto ficnt = m_worker.GetFrameImageCount(); if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Trace statistics" ) ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "Trace version:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto version = m_worker.GetTraceVersion(); ImGui::Text( "%i.%i.%i", version >> 16, ( version >> 8 ) & 0xFF, version & 0xFF ); TextFocused( "Queue delay:", TimeToString( m_worker.GetDelay() ) ); TextFocused( "Timer resolution:", TimeToString( m_worker.GetResolution() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU zones:", RealToString( m_worker.GetZoneCount() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Extra data:", RealToString( m_worker.GetZoneExtraCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Count of zones containing any of the following: call stack trace, custom name, user text" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } TextFocused( "GPU zones:", RealToString( m_worker.GetGpuZoneCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Lock events:", RealToString( m_worker.GetLockCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Plot data points:", RealToString( m_worker.GetPlotCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "User plots" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "+", RealToString( m_worker.GetTracyPlotCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Automated Tracy plots" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } auto& memNameMap = m_worker.GetMemNameMap(); TextFocused( "Memory pools:", RealToString( memNameMap.size() ) ); uint64_t memTotalCnt = 0; for( auto v : memNameMap ) memTotalCnt += v.second->data.size(); TextFocused( "Memory allocations:", RealToString( memTotalCnt ) ); TextFocused( "Source locations:", RealToString( m_worker.GetSrcLocCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Strings:", RealToString( m_worker.GetStringsCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Symbols:", RealToString( m_worker.GetSymbolsCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Symbol code fragments:", RealToString( m_worker.GetSymbolCodeCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( m_worker.GetSymbolCodeSize() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } TextFocused( "Code locations:", RealToString( m_worker.GetCodeLocationsSize() ) ); TextFocused( "Call stacks:", RealToString( m_worker.GetCallstackPayloadCount() ) ); if( m_worker.AreCallstackSamplesReady() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "+", RealToString( m_worker.GetCallstackParentPayloadCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Parent call stacks for stack samples" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } TextFocused( "Call stack frames:", RealToString( m_worker.GetCallstackFrameCount() ) ); if( m_worker.AreCallstackSamplesReady() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "+", RealToString( m_worker.GetCallstackParentFrameCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Parent call stack frames for stack samples" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } TextFocused( "Call stack samples:", RealToString( m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Ghost zones:", RealToString( m_worker.GetGhostZonesCount() ) ); TextFocused( "Frame images:", RealToString( ficnt ) ); if( ficnt != 0 && ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { const auto bytes = m_worker.GetTextureCompressionBytes(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Input data:", MemSizeToString( bytes.first ) ); TextFocused( "Compressed:", MemSizeToString( bytes.second ) ); char buf[64]; auto ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+62, 100. * bytes.second / bytes.first, 2 ); memcpy( ptr, "%", 2 ); TextFocused( "Ratio:", buf ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } TextFocused( "Context switch regions:", RealToString( m_worker.GetContextSwitchCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Detailed context switch data regarding application threads" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "+", RealToString( m_worker.GetContextSwitchPerCpuCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Coarse CPU core context switch data" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } if( m_worker.GetSourceFileCacheCount() == 0 ) { TextFocused( "Source file cache:", "0" ); } else { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, GImGui->Style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] ); const bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Source file cache:" ); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( m_worker.GetSourceFileCacheCount() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( m_worker.GetSourceFileCacheSize() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } if( expand ) { auto& cache = m_worker.GetSourceFileCache(); std::vector vec; vec.reserve( cache.size() ); for( auto it = cache.begin(); it != cache.end(); ++it ) vec.emplace_back( it ); pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return strcmp( lhs->first, rhs->first ) < 0; } ); for( auto& v : vec ) { ImGui::BulletText( "%s", v->first ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) ViewSource( v->first, 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", MemSizeToString( v->second.len ) ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Frame statistics" ) ) { auto fsz = m_worker.GetFullFrameCount( *m_frames ); if( fsz != 0 ) { TextFocused( "Frame set:", m_frames->name == 0 ? "Frames" : m_worker.GetString( m_frames->name ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", m_frames->continuous ? "continuous" : "discontinuous" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); if( ImGui::BeginCombo( "##frameCombo", nullptr, ImGuiComboFlags_NoPreview ) ) { auto& frames = m_worker.GetFrames(); for( auto& fd : frames ) { bool isSelected = m_frames == fd; if( ImGui::Selectable( fd->name == 0 ? "Frames" : m_worker.GetString( fd->name ), isSelected ) ) { m_frames = fd; fsz = m_worker.GetFullFrameCount( *m_frames ); } if( isSelected ) { ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( fd->frames.size() ) ); } ImGui::EndCombo(); } ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Limit to view", &m_frameSortData.limitToView ); if( m_frameSortData.limitToView ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF00FFFF, ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); } const auto frameRange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( *m_frames, m_vd.zvStart, m_vd.zvEnd ); if( m_frameSortData.frameSet != m_frames || ( m_frameSortData.limitToView && m_frameSortData.limitRange != frameRange ) || ( !m_frameSortData.limitToView && m_frameSortData.limitRange.first != -1 ) ) { m_frameSortData.frameSet = m_frames; m_frameSortData.frameNum = 0; m_frameSortData.data.clear(); m_frameSortData.total = 0; } bool recalc = false; int64_t total = 0; if( !m_frameSortData.limitToView ) { if( m_frameSortData.frameNum != fsz || m_frameSortData.limitRange.first != -1 ) { auto& vec = m_frameSortData.data; vec.reserve( fsz ); const auto midSz = vec.size(); total = m_frameSortData.total; for( size_t i=m_frameSortData.frameNum; i 0 ) { vec.emplace_back( t ); total += t; } } auto mid = vec.begin() + midSz; pdqsort_branchless( mid, vec.end() ); std::inplace_merge( vec.begin(), mid, vec.end() ); recalc = true; m_frameSortData.limitRange.first = -1; } } else { if( m_frameSortData.limitRange != frameRange ) { auto& vec = m_frameSortData.data; assert( vec.empty() ); vec.reserve( frameRange.second - frameRange.first ); for( int i=frameRange.first; i 0 ) { vec.emplace_back( t ); total += t; } } pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end() ); recalc = true; m_frameSortData.limitRange = frameRange; } } if( recalc ) { auto& vec = m_frameSortData.data; const auto vsz = vec.size(); m_frameSortData.average = float( total ) / vsz; m_frameSortData.median = vec[vsz/2]; m_frameSortData.total = total; m_frameSortData.frameNum = fsz; } const auto profileSpan = m_worker.GetLastTime(); TextFocused( "Count:", RealToString( fsz ) ); TextFocused( "Total time:", TimeToString( m_frameSortData.total ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of profile time span)", m_frameSortData.total / float( profileSpan ) * 100.f ); TextFocused( "Mean frame time:", TimeToString( m_frameSortData.average ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s FPS)", RealToString( round( 1000000000.0 / m_frameSortData.average ) ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "%s FPS", RealToString( 1000000000.0 / m_frameSortData.average ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } TextFocused( "Median frame time:", TimeToString( m_frameSortData.median ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s FPS)", RealToString( round( 1000000000.0 / m_frameSortData.median ) ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::Text( "%s FPS", RealToString( 1000000000.0 / m_frameSortData.median ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Histogram", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize(); auto& frames = m_frameSortData.data; auto tmin = frames.front(); auto tmax = frames.back(); if( tmin != std::numeric_limits::max() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Minimum values in bin:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "123456890123456" ).x ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 1, 1 ) ); ImGui::InputInt( "##minBinVal", &m_frameSortData.minBinVal ); if( m_frameSortData.minBinVal < 1 ) m_frameSortData.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reset" ) ) m_frameSortData.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::PopStyleVar(); SmallCheckbox( "Log values", &m_frameSortData.logVal ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Log time", &m_frameSortData.logTime ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "FPS range:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s FPS - %s FPS", RealToString( round( 1000000000.0 / tmin ) ), RealToString( round( 1000000000.0 / tmax ) ) ); if( tmax - tmin > 0 ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto numBins = int64_t( w - 4 ); if( numBins > 1 ) { if( numBins > m_frameSortData.numBins ) { m_frameSortData.numBins = numBins; m_frameSortData.bins = std::make_unique( numBins ); } const auto& bins = m_frameSortData.bins; memset( bins.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); auto framesBegin = frames.begin(); auto framesEnd = frames.end(); while( framesBegin != framesEnd && *framesBegin == 0 ) ++framesBegin; if( m_frameSortData.minBinVal > 1 ) { if( m_frameSortData.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_frameSortData.minBinVal ) break; framesBegin = nit; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = int64_t( pow( 10.0, tMinLog + ( j-1 ) * zmax ) ); auto nit = std::lower_bound( framesBegin, framesEnd, nextBinVal ); const auto distance = std::distance( nit, framesEnd ); if( distance >= m_frameSortData.minBinVal ) break; framesEnd = nit; } } else { const auto zmax = tmax - tmin; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_frameSortData.minBinVal ) break; framesBegin = nit; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = tmin + ( j-1 ) * zmax / numBins; auto nit = std::lower_bound( framesBegin, framesEnd, nextBinVal ); const auto distance = std::distance( nit, framesEnd ); if( distance >= m_frameSortData.minBinVal ) break; framesEnd = nit; } } tmin = *framesBegin; tmax = *(framesEnd-1); } if( m_frameSortData.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; auto fit = framesBegin; for( int64_t i=0; iAddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x22FFFFFF ); draw->AddRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x88FFFFFF ); if( m_frameSortData.logVal ) { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / log10( maxVal + 1 ); for( int i=0; i 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); } } } else { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / maxVal; for( int i=0; i 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); } } } const auto xoff = 2; const auto yoff = Height + 1; DrawHistogramMinMaxLabel( draw, tmin, tmax, wpos + ImVec2( 0, yoff ), w, ty ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); if( m_frameSortData.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); const auto start = int( floor( ltmin ) ); const auto end = int( ceil( ltmax ) ); const auto range = ltmax - ltmin; const auto step = w / range; auto offset = start - ltmin; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; auto tt = int64_t( pow( 10, start ) ); static const double logticks[] = { log10( 2 ), log10( 3 ), log10( 4 ), log10( 5 ), log10( 6 ), log10( 7 ), log10( 8 ), log10( 9 ) }; for( int i=start; i<=end; i++ ) { const auto x = ( i - start + offset ) * step; if( x >= 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } } for( int j=0; j<8; j++ ) { const auto xoff = x + logticks[j] * step; if( xoff >= 0 ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff + ty025 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); } } tt *= 10; } } else { const auto pxns = numBins / double( tmax - tmin ); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const auto scale = std::max( 0.0f, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) ); const auto step = pow( 10, scale ); const auto dx = step * pxns; double x = 0; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; const auto sstep = step / 10.0; const auto sdx = dx / 10.0; static const double linelen[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 }; int64_t tt = int64_t( ceil( tmin / sstep ) * sstep ); const auto diff = tmin / sstep - int64_t( tmin / sstep ); const auto xo = ( diff == 0 ? 0 : ( ( 1 - diff ) * sstep * pxns ) ) + xoff; int iter = int( ceil( ( tmin - int64_t( tmin / step ) * step ) / sstep ) ); while( x < numBins ) { draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * linelen[iter] ) ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( iter == 0 && ( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } iter = ( iter + 1 ) % 10; x += sdx; tt += sstep; } } if( m_frameSortData.drawAvgMed ) { float ta, tm; if( m_frameSortData.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); ta = ( log10( m_frameSortData.average ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tm = ( log10( m_frameSortData.median ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; } else { ta = ( m_frameSortData.average - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tm = ( m_frameSortData.median - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; } ta = round( ta ); tm = round( tm ); if( ta == tm ) { draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFFFF88FF ); } else { draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ta, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF4444FF ); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + tm, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + tm, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFFFF8844 ); } } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2, 2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-2, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) ) ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); const auto bin = int64_t( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x - 2 ); int64_t t0, t1; if( m_frameSortData.logTime ) { t0 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); // Hackfix for inability to select data in last bin. // A proper solution would be nice. if( bin+1 == numBins ) { t1 = tmax; } else { t1 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); } } else { t0 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); t1 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); } ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Time range:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s - %s", TimeToString( t0 ), TimeToString( t1 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s FPS - %s FPS)", RealToString( round( 1000000000.0 / t0 ) ), RealToString( round( 1000000000.0 / t1 ) ) ); TextFocused( "Count:", RealToString( bins[bin] ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } if( m_frameHover != -1 ) { const auto frameTime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( *m_frames, m_frameHover ); float framePos; if( m_frameSortData.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); framePos = round( ( log10( frameTime ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins ); } else { framePos = round( ( frameTime - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins ); } const auto c = uint32_t( ( sin( s_time * 10 ) * 0.25 + 0.75 ) * 255 ); const auto color = 0xFF000000 | ( c << 16 ) | ( c << 8 ) | c; draw->AddLine( ImVec2( wpos.x + framePos, wpos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + framePos, wpos.y+Height-2 ), color ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } auto& topology = m_worker.GetCpuTopology(); if( !topology.empty() ) { if( ImGui::TreeNode( "CPU topology" ) ) { std::vector tsort; tsort.reserve( topology.size() ); for( auto it = topology.begin(); it != topology.end(); ++it ) tsort.emplace_back( it ); std::sort( tsort.begin(), tsort.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->first < r->first; } ); char buf[128]; for( auto& package : tsort ) { sprintf( buf, ICON_FA_BOX " Package %i", package->first ); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( buf, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { std::vectorsecond.begin())> csort; csort.reserve( package->second.size() ); for( auto it = package->second.begin(); it != package->second.end(); ++it ) csort.emplace_back( it ); std::sort( csort.begin(), csort.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->first < r->first; } ); for( auto& core : csort ) { sprintf( buf, ICON_FA_MICROCHIP " Core %i", core->first ); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( buf, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { ImGui::Indent(); for( auto& thread : core->second ) { sprintf( buf, ICON_FA_RANDOM " Thread %i", thread ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( buf ); } ImGui::Unindent(); ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Source location substitutions" ) ) { static char test[1024] = {}; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( -1 ); ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "##srcSubstTest", "Enter example source location to test substitutions", test, 1024 ); if( m_sourceRegexValid ) { TextFocused( "Result:", SourceSubstitution( test ) ); } else { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "Error in regular expression" ); } if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Add new substitution" ) ) m_sourceSubstitutions.emplace_back( SourceRegex {} ); int idx = 0, remove = -1; bool changed = false; ImGui::Columns( 2, nullptr, false ); for( auto& v : m_sourceSubstitutions ) { ImGui::PushID( idx ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_TRASH_ALT ) ) remove = idx; ImGui::SameLine(); char tmp[1024]; strncpy( tmp, v.pattern.c_str(), 1024 ); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( -1 ); if( ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "##pattern", "Regex pattern", tmp, 1024 ) ) { v.pattern.assign( tmp ); changed = true; } ImGui::NextColumn(); strncpy( tmp, v.target.c_str(), 1024 ); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( -1 ); if( ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "##replacement", "Regex replacement", tmp, 1024 ) ) v.target.assign( tmp ); ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::NextColumn(); idx++; } ImGui::EndColumns(); if( remove != -1 ) { m_sourceSubstitutions.erase( m_sourceSubstitutions.begin() + remove ); changed = true; } if( changed ) { bool regexValid = true; for( auto& v : m_sourceSubstitutions ) { try { v.regex.assign( v.pattern ); } catch( std::regex_error& err ) { regexValid = false; break; } } m_sourceRegexValid = regexValid; } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "PID:", RealToString( m_worker.GetPid() ) ); TextFocused( "Host info:", m_worker.GetHostInfo().c_str() ); const auto cpuId = m_worker.GetCpuId(); if( cpuId != 0 ) { const auto stepping = cpuId & 0xF; const auto baseModel = ( cpuId >> 4 ) & 0xF; const auto baseFamily = ( cpuId >> 8 ) & 0xF; const auto extModel = ( cpuId >> 12 ) & 0xF; const auto extFamily = ( cpuId >> 16 ); const uint32_t model = ( baseFamily == 6 || baseFamily == 15 ) ? ( ( extModel << 4 ) | baseModel ) : baseModel; const uint32_t family = baseFamily == 15 ? baseFamily + extFamily : baseFamily; TextFocused( "CPU:", m_worker.GetCpuManufacturer() ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Family", RealToString( family ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Model", RealToString( model ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Stepping", RealToString( stepping ) ); } auto& appInfo = m_worker.GetAppInfo(); if( !appInfo.empty() ) { ImGui::Separator(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Application info:" ); for( auto& v : appInfo ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( v ) ); } } auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); if( crash.thread != 0 ) { ImGui::Separator(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL " Application has crashed. " ICON_FA_SKULL ); TextFocused( "Time of crash:", TimeToString( crash.time ) ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( crash.thread, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( crash.thread ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( crash.thread ) ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Reason:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "%s", m_worker.GetString( crash.message ) ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE " Focus" ) ) { CenterAtTime( crash.time ); } if( crash.callstack != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); bool hilite = m_callstackInfoWindow == crash.callstack; if( hilite ) { SetButtonHighlightColor(); } if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " Call stack" ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = crash.callstack; } if( hilite ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { CallstackTooltip( crash.callstack ); } } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawTextEditor() { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 700, 800 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); bool show = true; ImGui::Begin( "Source view", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar ); m_sourceView->Render( m_worker, *this ); ImGui::End(); if( !show ) m_sourceViewFile = nullptr; } void View::DrawLockInfoWindow() { auto it = m_worker.GetLockMap().find( m_lockInfoWindow ); assert( it != m_worker.GetLockMap().end() ); const auto& lock = *it->second; const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lock.srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); int64_t timeAnnounce = lock.timeAnnounce; int64_t timeTerminate = lock.timeTerminate; if( !lock.timeline.empty() ) { if( timeAnnounce <= 0 ) { timeAnnounce = lock.timeline.front().ptr->Time(); } if( timeTerminate <= 0 ) { timeTerminate = lock.timeline.back().ptr->Time(); } } bool waitState = false; bool holdState = false; int64_t waitStartTime = 0; int64_t holdStartTime = 0; int64_t waitTotalTime = 0; int64_t holdTotalTime = 0; uint32_t maxWaitingThreads = 0; for( auto& v : lock.timeline ) { if( holdState ) { if( v.lockCount == 0 ) { holdTotalTime += v.ptr->Time() - holdStartTime; holdState = false; } } else { if( v.lockCount != 0 ) { holdStartTime = v.ptr->Time(); holdState = true; } } if( waitState ) { if( v.waitList == 0 ) { waitTotalTime += v.ptr->Time() - waitStartTime; waitState = false; } else { maxWaitingThreads = std::max( maxWaitingThreads, TracyCountBits( v.waitList ) ); } } else { if( v.waitList != 0 ) { waitStartTime = v.ptr->Time(); waitState = true; maxWaitingThreads = std::max( maxWaitingThreads, TracyCountBits( v.waitList ) ); } } } bool visible = true; ImGui::Begin( "Lock info", &visible, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ); if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); if( lock.customName.Active() ) { ImGui::Text( "Lock #%" PRIu32 ": %s", m_lockInfoWindow, m_worker.GetString( lock.customName ) ); } else { ImGui::Text( "Lock #%" PRIu32 ": %s", m_lockInfoWindow, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } if( m_bigFont ) ImGui::PopFont(); if( lock.customName.Active() ) { TextFocused( "Name:", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); } TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" ); if( m_lockInfoAnim.Match( m_lockInfoWindow ) ) { const auto time = m_lockInfoAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", fileName, srcloc.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, srcloc.line ); } else { m_lockInfoAnim.Enable( m_lockInfoWindow, 0.5f ); } } ImGui::Separator(); switch( lock.type ) { case LockType::Lockable: TextFocused( "Type:", "lockable" ); break; case LockType::SharedLockable: TextFocused( "Type:", "shared lockable" ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } TextFocused( "Lock events:", RealToString( lock.timeline.size() ) ); ImGui::Separator(); const auto announce = timeAnnounce; const auto terminate = timeTerminate; const auto lifetime = timeTerminate - timeAnnounce; const auto traceLen = m_worker.GetLastTime(); TextFocused( "Announce time:", TimeToString( announce ) ); TextFocused( "Terminate time:", TimeToString( terminate ) ); TextFocused( "Lifetime:", TimeToString( lifetime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of trace time)", lifetime / double( traceLen ) * 100 ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Lock hold time:", TimeToString( holdTotalTime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of lock lifetime)", holdTotalTime / float( lifetime ) * 100.f ); TextFocused( "Lock wait time:", TimeToString( waitTotalTime ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of lock lifetime)", waitTotalTime / float( lifetime ) * 100.f ); TextFocused( "Max waiting threads:", RealToString( maxWaitingThreads ) ); ImGui::Separator(); const auto threadList = ImGui::TreeNode( "Thread list" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", lock.threadList.size() ); if( threadList ) { for( const auto& t : lock.threadList ) { SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( t, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( t ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( t ) ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::End(); if( !visible ) m_lockInfoWindow = InvalidId; } void View::SetPlaybackFrame( uint32_t idx ) { const auto frameSet = m_worker.GetFramesBase(); const auto& frameImages = m_worker.GetFrameImages(); assert( idx < frameImages.size() ); m_playback.frame = idx; if( idx == frameImages.size() - 1 ) { m_playback.pause = true; } else { const auto t0 = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *frameSet, frameImages[idx]->frameRef ); const auto t1 = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *frameSet, frameImages[idx+1]->frameRef ); m_playback.timeLeft = ( t1 - t0 ) / 1000000000.f; } } static const char* PlaybackWindowButtons[] = { ICON_FA_PLAY " Play", ICON_FA_PAUSE " Pause", }; enum { PlaybackWindowButtonsCount = sizeof( PlaybackWindowButtons ) / sizeof( *PlaybackWindowButtons ) }; void View::DrawPlayback() { const auto scale = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() / 15.f; const auto frameSet = m_worker.GetFramesBase(); const auto& frameImages = m_worker.GetFrameImages(); const auto fi = frameImages[m_playback.frame]; const auto ficnt = m_worker.GetFrameImageCount(); const auto tstart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *frameSet, fi->frameRef ); if( !m_playback.texture ) { m_playback.texture = MakeTexture(); } if( m_playback.currFrame != m_playback.frame ) { m_playback.currFrame = m_playback.frame; UpdateTexture( m_playback.texture, m_worker.UnpackFrameImage( *fi ), fi->w, fi->h ); if( m_playback.sync ) { const auto end = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *frameSet, fi->frameRef ); m_zoomAnim.active = false; m_vd.zvStart = tstart; m_vd.zvEnd = end; m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; } } if( !m_playback.pause ) { auto time = ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime * m_playback.speed; while( !m_playback.pause && time > 0 ) { const auto dt = std::min( time, m_playback.timeLeft ); time -= dt; m_playback.timeLeft -= dt; if( m_playback.timeLeft == 0 ) { SetPlaybackFrame( m_playback.frame + 1 ); } } } ImGui::Begin( "Playback", &m_showPlayback, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ); if( !m_showPlayback ) { m_playback.pause = true; } if( m_playback.zoom ) { if( fi->flip ) { ImGui::Image( m_playback.texture, ImVec2( fi->w * 2 * scale, fi->h * 2 * scale ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) ); } else { ImGui::Image( m_playback.texture, ImVec2( fi->w * 2 * scale, fi->h * 2 * scale ) ); } } else { if( fi->flip ) { ImGui::Image( m_playback.texture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) ); } else { ImGui::Image( m_playback.texture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ) ); } } int tmp = m_playback.frame + 1; if( ImGui::SliderInt( "Frame image", &tmp, 1, ficnt, "%d" ) ) { if( tmp < 1 ) tmp = 1; else if( (uint32_t)tmp > ficnt ) tmp = ficnt; SetPlaybackFrame( uint32_t( tmp - 1 ) ); } ImGui::SliderFloat( "Playback speed", &m_playback.speed, 0.1f, 4, "%.2f" ); const auto th = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); float bw = 0; for( int i=0; i 0 ) { SetPlaybackFrame( m_playback.frame - 1 ); m_playback.pause = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) { if( m_playback.frame < ficnt - 1 ) { SetPlaybackFrame( m_playback.frame + 1 ); m_playback.pause = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_playback.pause ) { if( ImGui::Button( PlaybackWindowButtons[0], ImVec2( bw, 0 ) ) && m_playback.frame != frameImages.size() - 1 ) { m_playback.pause = false; } } else { if( ImGui::Button( PlaybackWindowButtons[1], ImVec2( bw, 0 ) ) ) { m_playback.pause = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Checkbox( "Sync timeline", &m_playback.sync ) ) { if( m_playback.sync ) { m_vd.zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *frameSet, fi->frameRef ); m_vd.zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *frameSet, fi->frameRef ); m_zoomAnim.active = false; m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; } } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( "Zoom 2\xc3\x97", &m_playback.zoom ); TextFocused( "Timestamp:", TimeToString( tstart ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToStringExact( tstart ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Frame:", RealToString( GetFrameNumber( *frameSet, fi->frameRef, m_worker.GetFrameOffset() ) ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; auto ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+62, 4.f * fi->csz / ( size_t( fi->w ) * size_t( fi->h ) / 2 ), 2 ); memcpy( ptr, " bpp", 5 ); TextFocused( "Ratio:", buf ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+62, 100.f * fi->csz / ( size_t( fi->w ) * size_t( fi->h ) / 2 ), 2 ); memcpy( ptr, "%", 2 ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawCpuDataWindow() { struct PidData { std::vector tids; CpuThreadData data; }; const auto& ctd = m_worker.GetCpuThreadData(); unordered_flat_map pids; for( auto& v : ctd ) { uint64_t pid = m_worker.GetPidFromTid( v.first ); auto it = pids.find( pid ); if( it == pids.end() ) { it = pids.emplace( pid, PidData {} ).first; } it->second.tids.emplace_back( v.first ); it->second.data.runningTime += v.second.runningTime; it->second.data.runningRegions += v.second.runningRegions; it->second.data.migrations += v.second.migrations; } ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 700, 800 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "CPU data", &m_showCpuDataWindow ); TextFocused( "Tracked threads:", RealToString( ctd.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Tracked processes:", RealToString( pids.size() ) ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##cpudata" ); ImGui::Columns( 5 ); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "PID/TID" ) ) m_cpuDataSort = CpuDataSortBy::Pid; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Name" ) ) m_cpuDataSort = CpuDataSortBy::Name; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Running time" ) ) m_cpuDataSort = CpuDataSortBy::Time; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Running regions" ) ) m_cpuDataSort = CpuDataSortBy::Regions; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "CPU migrations" ) ) m_cpuDataSort = CpuDataSortBy::Migrations; ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); std::vector::iterator> psort; psort.reserve( pids.size() ); for( auto it = pids.begin(); it != pids.end(); ++it ) psort.emplace_back( it ); switch( m_cpuDataSort ) { case CpuDataSortBy::Pid: pdqsort_branchless( psort.begin(), psort.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->first < r->first; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Name: pdqsort_branchless( psort.begin(), psort.end(), [this] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return strcmp( m_worker.GetExternalName( l->second.tids[0] ).first, m_worker.GetExternalName( r->second.tids[0] ).first ) < 0; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Time: pdqsort_branchless( psort.begin(), psort.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->second.data.runningTime > r->second.data.runningTime; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Regions: pdqsort_branchless( psort.begin(), psort.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->second.data.runningRegions > r->second.data.runningRegions; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Migrations: pdqsort_branchless( psort.begin(), psort.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->second.data.migrations > r->second.data.migrations; } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } const auto thisPid = m_worker.GetPid(); const auto rtimespan = 1.0 / m_worker.GetLastTime(); const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); for( auto& pidit : psort ) { char buf[128]; auto& pid = *pidit; const auto pidMatch = thisPid != 0 && thisPid == pid.first; auto name = m_worker.GetExternalName( pid.second.tids[0] ).first; if( pidMatch ) { name = m_worker.GetCaptureProgram().c_str(); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f ) ); } const auto pidtxt = pid.first == 0 ? "Unknown" : RealToString( pid.first ); const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( pidtxt ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { if( pidMatch ) { m_drawThreadMigrations = pid.first; m_cpuDataThread = pid.first; } m_drawThreadHighlight = pid.first; } const auto tsz = pid.second.tids.size(); if( tsz > 1 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tsz ) ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( pid.first == 0 ? "???" : name ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { if( pidMatch ) { m_drawThreadMigrations = pid.first; m_cpuDataThread = pid.first; } m_drawThreadHighlight = pid.first; } ImGui::NextColumn(); PrintStringPercent( buf, TimeToString( pid.second.data.runningTime ), double( pid.second.data.runningTime ) * rtimespan * 100 ); ImGui::ProgressBar( double( pid.second.data.runningTime ) * rtimespan, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( pid.second.data.runningRegions ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( pid.second.data.migrations ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); PrintStringPercent( buf, double( pid.second.data.migrations ) / pid.second.data.runningRegions * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( expand ) { ImGui::Separator(); switch( m_cpuDataSort ) { case CpuDataSortBy::Pid: pdqsort_branchless( pid.second.tids.begin(), pid.second.tids.end() ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Name: pdqsort_branchless( pid.second.tids.begin(), pid.second.tids.end(), [this] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return strcmp( m_worker.GetExternalName( l ).second, m_worker.GetExternalName( r ).second ) < 0; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Time: pdqsort_branchless( pid.second.tids.begin(), pid.second.tids.end(), [&ctd] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return ctd.find( l )->second.runningTime > ctd.find( r )->second.runningTime; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Regions: pdqsort_branchless( pid.second.tids.begin(), pid.second.tids.end(), [&ctd] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return ctd.find( l )->second.runningRegions > ctd.find( r )->second.runningRegions; } ); break; case CpuDataSortBy::Migrations: pdqsort_branchless( pid.second.tids.begin(), pid.second.tids.end(), [&ctd] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return ctd.find( l )->second.migrations > ctd.find( r )->second.migrations; } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } for( auto& tid : pid.second.tids ) { const auto tidMatch = pidMatch && m_worker.IsThreadLocal( tid ); const char* tname; if( tidMatch ) { tname = m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ); ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f ) ); } else { tname = m_worker.GetExternalName( tid ).second; } const auto& tit = ctd.find( tid ); assert( tit != ctd.end() ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( tid ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { if( tidMatch ) { m_drawThreadMigrations = tid; m_cpuDataThread = tid; } m_drawThreadHighlight = tid; } ImGui::NextColumn(); if( tidMatch ) { SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( tname ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { if( tidMatch ) { m_drawThreadMigrations = tid; m_cpuDataThread = tid; } m_drawThreadHighlight = tid; } ImGui::NextColumn(); PrintStringPercent( buf, TimeToString( tit->second.runningTime ), double( tit->second.runningTime ) * rtimespan * 100 ); ImGui::ProgressBar( double( tit->second.runningTime ) * rtimespan, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( tit->second.runningRegions ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( tit->second.migrations ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); PrintStringPercent( buf, double( tit->second.migrations ) / tit->second.runningRegions * 100 ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( tidMatch ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::Separator(); } if( pidMatch ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawSelectedAnnotation() { assert( m_selectedAnnotation ); bool show = true; ImGui::Begin( "Annotation", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE " Zoom to annotation" ) ) { ZoomToRange( m_selectedAnnotation->range.min, m_selectedAnnotation->range.max ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_TRASH_ALT " Remove" ) ) { for( auto it = m_annotations.begin(); it != m_annotations.end(); ++it ) { if( it->get() == m_selectedAnnotation ) { m_annotations.erase( it ); break; } } ImGui::End(); m_selectedAnnotation = nullptr; return; } ImGui::Separator(); { const auto desc = m_selectedAnnotation->text.c_str(); const auto descsz = std::min( 1023, m_selectedAnnotation->text.size() ); char buf[1024]; buf[descsz] = '\0'; memcpy( buf, desc, descsz ); if( ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "", "Describe annotation", buf, 256 ) ) { m_selectedAnnotation->text.assign( buf ); } } ImVec4 col = ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4( m_selectedAnnotation->color ); ImGui::ColorEdit3( "Color", &col.x ); m_selectedAnnotation->color = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32( col ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Annotation begin:", TimeToStringExact( m_selectedAnnotation->range.min ) ); TextFocused( "Annotation end:", TimeToStringExact( m_selectedAnnotation->range.max ) ); TextFocused( "Annotation length:", TimeToString( m_selectedAnnotation->range.max - m_selectedAnnotation->range.min ) ); ImGui::End(); if( !show ) m_selectedAnnotation = nullptr; } void View::DrawAnnotationList() { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 600, 300 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Annotation list", &m_showAnnotationList ); if( m_annotations.empty() ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "No annotations." ); ImGui::End(); return; } TextFocused( "Annotations:", RealToString( m_annotations.size() ) ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##annotationList" ); const bool ctrl = ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl; int remove = -1; int idx = 0; for( auto& ann : m_annotations ) { ImGui::PushID( idx ); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_EDIT ) ) { m_selectedAnnotation = ann.get(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE ) ) { ZoomToRange( ann->range.min, ann->range.max ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_TRASH_ALT, !ctrl ) ) { remove = idx; } if( !ctrl && ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Press ctrl key to enable removal" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c", ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4( ann->color ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ann->text.empty() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Empty annotation" ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( ann->text.c_str() ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s - %s (%s)", TimeToStringExact( ann->range.min ), TimeToStringExact( ann->range.max ), TimeToString( ann->range.max - ann->range.min ) ); ImGui::PopID(); idx++; } if( remove >= 0 ) { if( m_annotations[remove].get() == m_selectedAnnotation ) m_selectedAnnotation = nullptr; m_annotations.erase( m_annotations.begin() + remove ); } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawSampleParents() { const auto symbol = m_worker.GetSymbolData( m_sampleParents.symAddr ); const auto stats = *m_worker.GetSymbolStats( m_sampleParents.symAddr ); assert( !stats.parents.empty() ); bool show = true; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1400, 500 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Call stack sample parents", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); TextFocused( "Symbol:", m_worker.GetString( symbol->name ) ); if( symbol->isInline ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(inline)" ); } ImGui::PopFont(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto callFile = m_worker.GetString( symbol->callFile ); if( symbol->callLine > 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", callFile, symbol->callLine ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( callFile ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { ViewDispatch( callFile, symbol->callLine, m_sampleParents.symAddr ); } TextDisabledUnformatted( "Entry point:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto file = m_worker.GetString( symbol->file ); if( symbol->line > 0 ) { ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", file, symbol->line ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( file ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { ViewDispatch( file, symbol->line, m_sampleParents.symAddr ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( symbol->imageName ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Parent call stack:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT " " ) ) { m_sampleParents.sel = std::max( m_sampleParents.sel - 1, 0 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s / %s", RealToString( m_sampleParents.sel + 1 ), RealToString( stats.parents.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) { m_sampleParents.sel = std::min( m_sampleParents.sel + 1, stats.parents.size() - 1 ); } Vector data; data.reserve( stats.parents.size() ); for( auto it = stats.parents.begin(); it != stats.parents.end(); ++it ) { data.push_back( it ); } pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->second > r->second; } ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_statSampleTime ? TimeToString( m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() * data[m_sampleParents.sel]->second ) : RealToString( data[m_sampleParents.sel]->second ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * data[m_sampleParents.sel]->second / stats.excl ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_STOPWATCH " Show time", &m_statSampleTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_AT " Frame location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Source code", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Entry point", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 3 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Return address", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 1 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Symbol address", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 2 ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); auto& cs = m_worker.GetParentCallstack( data[m_sampleParents.sel]->first ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##callstack" ); const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowWidth(); static bool widthSet = false; ImGui::Columns( 4 ); if( !widthSet ) { widthSet = true; ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 0, w * 0.05f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 1, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 2, w * 0.425f ); ImGui::SetColumnWidth( 3, w * 0.1f ); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Frame" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Function" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to copy it to clipboard." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to copy it to clipboard.\nRight click on entry to try to open source file." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Image" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); int fidx = 0; int bidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { auto frameData = entry.custom ? m_worker.GetParentCallstackFrame( entry ) : m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); assert( frameData ); const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); bidx++; ImGui::Separator(); if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i", fidx++ ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "inline" ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); { ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); if( txt[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Match( bidx ) ) { const auto time = m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); switch( m_showCallstackFrameAddress ) { case 0: if( frame.line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", txt, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } break; case 1: if( entry.custom == 0 ) { const auto addr = m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, addr ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { char tmp[32]; sprintf( tmp, "0x%" PRIx64, addr ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "unavailable" ); } break; case 2: ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, frame.symAddr ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { char tmp[32]; sprintf( tmp, "0x%" PRIx64, frame.symAddr ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } break; case 3: { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); if( sym->line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( symtxt ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", symtxt, sym->line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( symtxt ); } } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "[unknown]" ); } break; } default: assert( false ); break; } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( m_showCallstackFrameAddress == 3 ) { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); if( !ViewDispatch( symtxt, sym->line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } else { m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } else { if( !ViewDispatch( txt, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( frameData->imageName.Active() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frameData->imageName ) ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); if( !show ) { m_sampleParents.symAddr = 0; } } void View::DrawRanges() { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 400, 100 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Time range limits", &m_showRanges ); DrawRangeEntry( m_findZone.range, ICON_FA_SEARCH " Find zone", 0x4488DD88, "RangeFindZoneCopyFrom", 0 ); DrawRangeEntry( m_statRange, ICON_FA_SORT_AMOUNT_UP " Statistics", 0x448888EE, "RangeStatisticsCopyFrom", 1 ); ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawRangeEntry( Range& range, const char* label, uint32_t color, const char* popupLabel, int id ) { SmallColorBox( color ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( label, &range.active ) ) { if( range.active && range.min == 0 && range.max == 0 ) { range.min = m_vd.zvStart; range.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } } if( range.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Limit to view" ) ) { range.min = m_vd.zvStart; range.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } TextFocused( "Time range:", TimeToStringExact( range.min ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "-", TimeToStringExact( range.max ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", TimeToString( range.max - range.min ) ); if( ImGui::SmallButton( ICON_FA_MICROSCOPE " Focus" ) ) ZoomToRange( range.min, range.max ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_STICKY_NOTE " Set from annotation", m_annotations.empty() ) ) ImGui::OpenPopup( popupLabel ); if( ImGui::BeginPopup( popupLabel ) ) { for( auto& v : m_annotations ) { SmallColorBox( v->color ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Selectable( v->text.c_str() ) ) { range.min = v->range.min; range.max = v->range.max; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s - %s (%s)", TimeToStringExact( v->range.min ), TimeToStringExact( v->range.max ), TimeToString( v->range.max - v->range.min ) ); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if( id != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Copy from find zone", m_findZone.range.min == 0 && m_findZone.range.max == 0 ) ) range = m_findZone.range; } if( id != 1 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallButtonDisablable( ICON_FA_SORT_AMOUNT_UP " Copy from statistics", m_statRange.min == 0 && m_statRange.max == 0 ) ) range = m_statRange; } } } void View::ListMemData( std::vector& vec, std::function DrawAddress, const char* id, int64_t startTime, uint64_t pool ) { if( startTime == -1 ) startTime = 0; const auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle(); const auto dist = vec.size() + 1; const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() + style.ItemSpacing.y; enum class SortBy { Address, Size, AllocTime, Duration }; static SortBy sortBy = SortBy::AllocTime; ImGui::BeginChild( id ? id : "##memScroll", ImVec2( 0, std::max( ty * std::min( dist, 5 ), std::min( ty * dist, ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y ) ) ) ); ImGui::Columns( 8 ); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Address" ) ) sortBy = SortBy::Address; ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on address to display memory allocation info window.\nMiddle click to zoom to allocation range." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Size" ) ) sortBy = SortBy::Size; ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Appeared at" ) ) sortBy = SortBy::AllocTime; ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Click on entry to center timeline at the memory allocation time." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Duration" ) ) sortBy = SortBy::Duration; ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Active allocations are displayed using green color.\nClick on entry to center timeline at the memory release time." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Thread" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Shows one thread if alloc and free was performed on the same thread.\nOtherwise two threads are displayed in order: alloc, free." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Zone alloc" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Zone free" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "If alloc and free is performed in the same zone, it is displayed in yellow color." ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Call stack" ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Separator(); const auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( pool ); switch( sortBy ) { case SortBy::Address: pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->Ptr() < r->Ptr(); } ); break; case SortBy::AllocTime: break; case SortBy::Duration: pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return ( l->TimeFree() - l->TimeAlloc() ) < ( r->TimeFree() - r->TimeAlloc() ); } ); break; case SortBy::Size: pdqsort_branchless( vec.begin(), vec.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->Size() < r->Size(); } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } int idx = 0; ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( vec.end() - vec.begin() ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; iTimeAlloc(), v->TimeFree() >= 0 ? v->TimeFree() : m_worker.GetLastTime() ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_memoryAllocHover = arrIdx; m_memoryAllocHoverWait = 2; m_memoryAllocHoverPool = pool; } ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( MemSizeToString( v->Size() ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); if( ImGui::Selectable( TimeToStringExact( v->TimeAlloc() - startTime ) ) ) { CenterAtTime( v->TimeAlloc() ); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( v->TimeFree() < 0 ) { TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.6f, 1.f, 0.6f, 1.f ), TimeToString( m_worker.GetLastTime() - v->TimeAlloc() ) ); ImGui::NextColumn(); const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( v->ThreadAlloc() ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } else { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); if( ImGui::Selectable( TimeToString( v->TimeFree() - v->TimeAlloc() ) ) ) { CenterAtTime( v->TimeFree() ); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::NextColumn(); if( v->ThreadAlloc() == v->ThreadFree() ) { const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( v->ThreadAlloc() ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); } else { const auto tidAlloc = m_worker.DecompressThread( v->ThreadAlloc() ); const auto tidFree = m_worker.DecompressThread( v->ThreadFree() ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tidAlloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( tidAlloc ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "/" ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tidFree, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( tidFree ) ); } } ImGui::NextColumn(); auto zone = FindZoneAtTime( m_worker.DecompressThread( v->ThreadAlloc() ), v->TimeAlloc() ); if( !zone ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "-" ); } else { const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( zone->SrcLoc() ); const auto txt = srcloc.name.active ? m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) : m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ); ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); auto sel = ImGui::Selectable( txt, m_zoneInfoWindow == zone ); auto hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); ImGui::PopID(); if( sel ) { ShowZoneInfo( *zone ); } if( hover ) { m_zoneHighlight = zone; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *zone ); } ZoneTooltip( *zone ); } } ImGui::NextColumn(); if( v->TimeFree() < 0 ) { TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.6f, 1.f, 0.6f, 1.f ), "active" ); } else { auto zoneFree = FindZoneAtTime( m_worker.DecompressThread( v->ThreadFree() ), v->TimeFree() ); if( !zoneFree ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "-" ); } else { const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( zoneFree->SrcLoc() ); const auto txt = srcloc.name.active ? m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) : m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ); ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); bool sel; if( zoneFree == zone ) { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 1.f, 1.f, 0.6f, 1.f ) ); sel = ImGui::Selectable( txt, m_zoneInfoWindow == zoneFree ); ImGui::PopStyleColor( 1 ); } else { sel = ImGui::Selectable( txt, m_zoneInfoWindow == zoneFree ); } auto hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); ImGui::PopID(); if( sel ) { ShowZoneInfo( *zoneFree ); } if( hover ) { m_zoneHighlight = zoneFree; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *zoneFree ); } ZoneTooltip( *zoneFree ); } } } ImGui::NextColumn(); if( v->CsAlloc() == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "[alloc]" ); } else { SmallCallstackButton( "alloc", v->CsAlloc(), idx ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( v->csFree.Val() == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "[free]" ); } else { SmallCallstackButton( "free", v->csFree.Val(), idx ); } ImGui::NextColumn(); } } ImGui::EndColumns(); ImGui::EndChild(); } static tracy_force_inline CallstackFrameTree* GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( unordered_flat_map& tree, CallstackFrameId idx, const Worker& worker ) { auto it = tree.find( idx.data ); if( it == tree.end() ) { it = tree.emplace( idx.data, CallstackFrameTree( idx ) ).first; } return &it->second; } static tracy_force_inline CallstackFrameTree* GetFrameTreeItemGroup( unordered_flat_map& tree, CallstackFrameId idx, const Worker& worker ) { auto frameDataPtr = worker.GetCallstackFrame( idx ); if( !frameDataPtr ) return nullptr; auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto& frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; auto fidx = frame.name.Idx(); auto it = tree.find( fidx ); if( it == tree.end() ) { it = tree.emplace( fidx, CallstackFrameTree( idx ) ).first; } return &it->second; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackPaths( const MemData& mem, bool onlyActive ) const { unordered_flat_map pathSum; pathSum.reserve( m_worker.GetCallstackPayloadCount() ); const auto zvMid = m_vd.zvStart + ( m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) / 2; if( m_memInfo.restrictTime ) { for( auto& ev : mem.data ) { if( ev.CsAlloc() == 0 ) continue; if( ev.TimeAlloc() >= zvMid ) continue; if( onlyActive && ev.TimeFree() >= 0 && ev.TimeFree() < zvMid ) continue; auto it = pathSum.find( ev.CsAlloc() ); if( it == pathSum.end() ) { pathSum.emplace( ev.CsAlloc(), PathData { 1, ev.Size() } ); } else { it->second.cnt++; it->second.mem += ev.Size(); } } } else { for( auto& ev : mem.data ) { if( ev.CsAlloc() == 0 ) continue; if( onlyActive && ev.TimeFree() >= 0 ) continue; auto it = pathSum.find( ev.CsAlloc() ); if( it == pathSum.end() ) { pathSum.emplace( ev.CsAlloc(), PathData { 1, ev.Size() } ); } else { it->second.cnt++; it->second.mem += ev.Size(); } } } return pathSum; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( const MemData& mem ) const { unordered_flat_map root; auto pathSum = GetCallstackPaths( mem, m_activeOnlyBottomUp ); if( m_groupCallstackTreeByNameBottomUp ) { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } } else { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } return root; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( const MemData& mem ) const { unordered_flat_map root; auto pathSum = GetCallstackPaths( mem, m_activeOnlyTopDown ); if( m_groupCallstackTreeByNameTopDown ) { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } } else { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } return root; } enum { ChunkBits = 10 }; enum { PageBits = 10 }; enum { PageSize = 1 << PageBits }; enum { PageChunkBits = ChunkBits + PageBits }; enum { PageChunkSize = 1 << PageChunkBits }; uint32_t MemDecayColor[256] = { 0x0, 0xFF077F07, 0xFF078007, 0xFF078207, 0xFF078307, 0xFF078507, 0xFF078707, 0xFF078807, 0xFF078A07, 0xFF078B07, 0xFF078D07, 0xFF078F07, 0xFF079007, 0xFF089208, 0xFF089308, 0xFF089508, 0xFF089708, 0xFF089808, 0xFF089A08, 0xFF089B08, 0xFF089D08, 0xFF089F08, 0xFF08A008, 0xFF08A208, 0xFF09A309, 0xFF09A509, 0xFF09A709, 0xFF09A809, 0xFF09AA09, 0xFF09AB09, 0xFF09AD09, 0xFF09AF09, 0xFF09B009, 0xFF09B209, 0xFF09B309, 0xFF09B509, 0xFF0AB70A, 0xFF0AB80A, 0xFF0ABA0A, 0xFF0ABB0A, 0xFF0ABD0A, 0xFF0ABF0A, 0xFF0AC00A, 0xFF0AC20A, 0xFF0AC30A, 0xFF0AC50A, 0xFF0AC70A, 0xFF0BC80B, 0xFF0BCA0B, 0xFF0BCB0B, 0xFF0BCD0B, 0xFF0BCF0B, 0xFF0BD00B, 0xFF0BD20B, 0xFF0BD30B, 0xFF0BD50B, 0xFF0BD70B, 0xFF0BD80B, 0xFF0BDA0B, 0xFF0CDB0C, 0xFF0CDD0C, 0xFF0CDF0C, 0xFF0CE00C, 0xFF0CE20C, 0xFF0CE30C, 0xFF0CE50C, 0xFF0CE70C, 0xFF0CE80C, 0xFF0CEA0C, 0xFF0CEB0C, 0xFF0DED0D, 0xFF0DEF0D, 0xFF0DF00D, 0xFF0DF20D, 0xFF0DF30D, 0xFF0DF50D, 0xFF0DF70D, 0xFF0DF80D, 0xFF0DFA0D, 0xFF0DFB0D, 0xFF0DFD0D, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0EFF0E, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF0FFF0F, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF10FF10, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF11FF11, 0xFF12FF12, 0x0, 0xFF1212FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1111FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF1010FF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0F0FFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0E0EFF, 0xFF0D0DFD, 0xFF0D0DFB, 0xFF0D0DFA, 0xFF0D0DF8, 0xFF0D0DF7, 0xFF0D0DF5, 0xFF0D0DF3, 0xFF0D0DF2, 0xFF0D0DF0, 0xFF0D0DEF, 0xFF0D0DED, 0xFF0C0CEB, 0xFF0C0CEA, 0xFF0C0CE8, 0xFF0C0CE7, 0xFF0C0CE5, 0xFF0C0CE3, 0xFF0C0CE2, 0xFF0C0CE0, 0xFF0C0CDF, 0xFF0C0CDD, 0xFF0C0CDB, 0xFF0B0BDA, 0xFF0B0BD8, 0xFF0B0BD7, 0xFF0B0BD5, 0xFF0B0BD3, 0xFF0B0BD2, 0xFF0B0BD0, 0xFF0B0BCF, 0xFF0B0BCD, 0xFF0B0BCB, 0xFF0B0BCA, 0xFF0B0BC8, 0xFF0A0AC7, 0xFF0A0AC5, 0xFF0A0AC3, 0xFF0A0AC2, 0xFF0A0AC0, 0xFF0A0ABF, 0xFF0A0ABD, 0xFF0A0ABB, 0xFF0A0ABA, 0xFF0A0AB8, 0xFF0A0AB7, 0xFF0909B5, 0xFF0909B3, 0xFF0909B2, 0xFF0909B0, 0xFF0909AF, 0xFF0909AD, 0xFF0909AB, 0xFF0909AA, 0xFF0909A8, 0xFF0909A7, 0xFF0909A5, 0xFF0909A3, 0xFF0808A2, 0xFF0808A0, 0xFF08089F, 0xFF08089D, 0xFF08089B, 0xFF08089A, 0xFF080898, 0xFF080897, 0xFF080895, 0xFF080893, 0xFF080892, 0xFF070790, 0xFF07078F, 0xFF07078D, 0xFF07078B, 0xFF07078A, 0xFF070788, 0xFF070787, 0xFF070785, 0xFF070783, 0xFF070782, 0xFF070780, 0xFF07077F, }; struct MemoryPage { uint64_t page; int8_t data[PageSize]; }; static tracy_force_inline MemoryPage& GetPage( unordered_flat_map& memmap, uint64_t page ) { auto it = memmap.find( page ); if( it == memmap.end() ) { it = memmap.emplace( page, MemoryPage { page, {} } ).first; } return it->second; } static tracy_force_inline void FillPages( unordered_flat_map& memmap, uint64_t c0, uint64_t c1, int8_t val ) { auto p0 = c0 >> PageBits; const auto p1 = c1 >> PageBits; if( p0 == p1 ) { const auto a0 = c0 & ( PageSize - 1 ); const auto a1 = c1 & ( PageSize - 1 ); auto& page = GetPage( memmap, p0 ); if( a0 == a1 ) { page.data[a0] = val; } else { memset( page.data + a0, val, a1 - a0 + 1 ); } } else { { const auto a0 = c0 & ( PageSize - 1 ); auto& page = GetPage( memmap, p0 ); memset( page.data + a0, val, PageSize - a0 ); } while( ++p0 < p1 ) { auto& page = GetPage( memmap, p0 ); memset( page.data, val, PageSize ); } { const auto a1 = c1 & ( PageSize - 1 ); auto& page = GetPage( memmap, p1 ); memset( page.data, val, a1 + 1 ); } } } std::vector View::GetMemoryPages() const { std::vector ret; static unordered_flat_map memmap; const auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_memInfo.pool ); const auto memlow = mem.low; if( m_memInfo.restrictTime ) { const auto zvMid = m_vd.zvStart + ( m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) / 2; auto end = std::upper_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), zvMid, []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs < rhs.TimeAlloc(); } ); for( auto it = mem.data.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { auto& alloc = *it; const auto a0 = alloc.Ptr() - memlow; const auto a1 = a0 + alloc.Size(); int8_t val = alloc.TimeFree() < 0 ? int8_t( std::max( int64_t( 1 ), 127 - ( ( zvMid - alloc.TimeAlloc() ) >> 24 ) ) ) : ( alloc.TimeFree() > zvMid ? int8_t( std::max( int64_t( 1 ), 127 - ( ( zvMid - alloc.TimeAlloc() ) >> 24 ) ) ) : int8_t( -std::max( int64_t( 1 ), 127 - ( ( zvMid - alloc.TimeFree() ) >> 24 ) ) ) ); const auto c0 = a0 >> ChunkBits; const auto c1 = a1 >> ChunkBits; FillPages( memmap, c0, c1, val ); } } else { const auto lastTime = m_worker.GetLastTime(); for( auto& alloc : mem.data ) { const auto a0 = alloc.Ptr() - memlow; const auto a1 = a0 + alloc.Size(); const int8_t val = alloc.TimeFree() < 0 ? int8_t( std::max( int64_t( 1 ), 127 - ( ( lastTime - std::min( lastTime, alloc.TimeAlloc() ) ) >> 24 ) ) ) : int8_t( -std::max( int64_t( 1 ), 127 - ( ( lastTime - std::min( lastTime, alloc.TimeFree() ) ) >> 24 ) ) ); const auto c0 = a0 >> ChunkBits; const auto c1 = a1 >> ChunkBits; FillPages( memmap, c0, c1, val ); } } std::vector::const_iterator> itmap; itmap.reserve( memmap.size() ); ret.reserve( memmap.size() ); for( auto it = memmap.begin(); it != memmap.end(); ++it ) itmap.emplace_back( it ); pdqsort_branchless( itmap.begin(), itmap.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.page < rhs->second.page; } ); for( auto& v : itmap ) ret.emplace_back( v->second ); memmap.clear(); return ret; } void View::DrawMemory() { ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1100, 500 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Memory", &m_memInfo.show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); auto& memNameMap = m_worker.GetMemNameMap(); if( memNameMap.size() > 1 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_ARCHIVE " Memory pool:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::BeginCombo( "##memoryPool", m_memInfo.pool == 0 ? "Default allocator" : m_worker.GetString( m_memInfo.pool ) ) ) { for( auto& v : memNameMap ) { if( ImGui::Selectable( v.first == 0 ? "Default allocator" : m_worker.GetString( v.first ) ) ) { m_memInfo.pool = v.first; m_memInfo.showAllocList = false; } } ImGui::EndCombo(); } ImGui::Separator(); } auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_memInfo.pool ); if( mem.data.empty() ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "No memory data collected." ); ImGui::End(); return; } ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_HISTORY " Restrict time", &m_memInfo.restrictTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Don't show allocations beyond the middle of timeline display (it is indicated by purple line)." ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Total allocations:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%-15s", RealToString( mem.data.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Active allocations:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%-15s", RealToString( mem.active.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Memory usage:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%-15s", MemSizeToString( mem.usage ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Memory span:", MemSizeToString( mem.high - mem.low ) ); const auto zvMid = m_vd.zvStart + ( m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) / 2; ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##memory" ); if( ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_AT " Allocations" ) ) { bool findClicked = ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "###address", "Enter memory address to search for", m_memInfo.pattern, 1024, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); ImGui::SameLine(); findClicked |= ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Find" ); if( findClicked ) { m_memInfo.ptrFind = strtoull( m_memInfo.pattern, nullptr, 0 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear" ) ) { m_memInfo.ptrFind = 0; m_memInfo.pattern[0] = '\0'; } if( m_memInfo.ptrFind != 0 ) { std::vector match; match.reserve( mem.active.size() ); // heuristic if( m_memInfo.restrictTime ) { for( auto& v : mem.data ) { if( v.Ptr() <= m_memInfo.ptrFind && v.Ptr() + v.Size() > m_memInfo.ptrFind && v.TimeAlloc() < zvMid ) { match.emplace_back( &v ); } } } else { for( auto& v : mem.data ) { if( v.Ptr() <= m_memInfo.ptrFind && v.Ptr() + v.Size() > m_memInfo.ptrFind ) { match.emplace_back( &v ); } } } if( match.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Found no allocations at given address" ); } else { ListMemData( match, [this]( auto v ) { if( v->Ptr() == m_memInfo.ptrFind ) { ImGui::Text( "0x%" PRIx64, m_memInfo.ptrFind ); } else { ImGui::Text( "0x%" PRIx64 "+%" PRIu64, v->Ptr(), m_memInfo.ptrFind - v->Ptr() ); } }, "##allocations", -1, m_memInfo.pool ); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_HEARTBEAT " Active allocations" ) ) { uint64_t total = 0; std::vector items; items.reserve( mem.active.size() ); if( m_memInfo.restrictTime ) { for( auto& v : mem.data ) { if( v.TimeAlloc() < zvMid && ( v.TimeFree() > zvMid || v.TimeFree() < 0 ) ) { items.emplace_back( &v ); total += v.Size(); } } } else { auto ptr = mem.data.data(); for( auto& v : mem.active ) { items.emplace_back( ptr + v.second ); } pdqsort_branchless( items.begin(), items.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->TimeAlloc() < rhs->TimeAlloc(); } ); total = mem.usage; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( items.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Memory usage:", MemSizeToString( total ) ); if( !items.empty() ) { ListMemData( items, []( auto v ) { ImGui::Text( "0x%" PRIx64, v->Ptr() ); }, "##activeMem", -1, m_memInfo.pool ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No active allocations" ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_MAP " Memory map" ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Single pixel:", MemSizeToString( 1 << ChunkBits ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Single line:", MemSizeToString( PageChunkSize ) ); auto pages = GetMemoryPages(); const size_t lines = pages.size(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##memMap", ImVec2( PageSize + 2, lines + 2 ), false ); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos() + ImVec2( 1, 1 ); draw->AddRect( wpos - ImVec2( 1, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( PageSize + 1, lines + 1 ), 0xFF666666 ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( PageSize, lines ), 0xFF444444 ); size_t line = 0; for( auto& page : pages ) { size_t idx = 0; while( idx < PageSize ) { if( page.data[idx] == 0 ) { do { idx++; } while( idx < PageSize && page.data[idx] == 0 ); } else { auto val = page.data[idx]; const auto i0 = idx; do { idx++; } while( idx < PageSize && page.data[idx] == val ); draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( i0, line ), wpos + ImVec2( idx, line ), MemDecayColor[(uint8_t)val] ); } } line++; } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::PushID( m_memInfo.pool ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " Bottom-up call stack tree" ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Press ctrl key to display allocation info tooltip. Right click on function name to display allocations list." ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Group by function name", &m_groupCallstackTreeByNameBottomUp ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "If enabled, only one source location will be displayed (which may be incorrect)." ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Only active allocations", &m_activeOnlyBottomUp ); auto tree = GetCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( mem ); if( !tree.empty() ) { int idx = 0; DrawFrameTreeLevel( tree, idx ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No call stack data collected" ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " Top-down call stack tree" ) ) { ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Press ctrl key to display allocation info tooltip. Right click on function name to display allocations list." ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Group by function name", &m_groupCallstackTreeByNameTopDown ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "If enabled, only one source location will be displayed (which may be incorrect)." ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Only active allocations", &m_activeOnlyTopDown ); auto tree = GetCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( mem ); if( !tree.empty() ) { int idx = 0; DrawFrameTreeLevel( tree, idx ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No call stack data collected" ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } void View::DrawFrameTreeLevel( const unordered_flat_map& tree, int& idx ) { auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); std::vector::const_iterator> sorted; sorted.reserve( tree.size() ); for( auto it = tree.begin(); it != tree.end(); ++it ) { sorted.emplace_back( it ); } pdqsort_branchless( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.alloc > rhs->second.alloc; } ); int lidx = 0; for( auto& _v : sorted ) { auto& v = _v->second; idx++; auto frameDataPtr = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( v.frame ); if( frameDataPtr ) { auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; bool expand = false; if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::Indent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frame.name ) ); ImGui::Unindent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); } else { ImGui::PushID( lidx++ ); if( tree.size() == 1 ) { expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( m_worker.GetString( frame.name ), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); } else { expand = ImGui::TreeNode( m_worker.GetString( frame.name ) ); } ImGui::PopID(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_memInfo.pool ).data; const auto sz = mem.size(); m_memInfo.showAllocList = true; m_memInfo.allocList.clear(); for( size_t i=0; iimageName ) ); } else { fileName = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", fileName, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( !ViewDispatch( fileName, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Enable( idx, 0.5f ); } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "%s (%s)", MemSizeToString( v.alloc ), RealToString( v.count ) ); } else { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 ), "%s (%s)", MemSizeToString( v.alloc ), RealToString( v.count ) ); } if( expand ) { DrawFrameTreeLevel( v.children, idx ); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } } void View::DrawAllocList() { std::vector data; auto basePtr = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_memInfo.pool ).data.data(); data.reserve( m_memInfo.allocList.size() ); for( auto& idx : m_memInfo.allocList ) { data.emplace_back( basePtr + idx ); } ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1100, 500 ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Allocations list", &m_memInfo.showAllocList ); TextFocused( "Number of allocations:", RealToString( m_memInfo.allocList.size() ) ); ListMemData( data, []( auto v ) { ImGui::Text( "0x%" PRIx64, v->Ptr() ); }, "##allocations", -1, m_memInfo.pool ); ImGui::End(); } const char* View::GetPlotName( const PlotData* plot ) const { static char tmp[1024]; switch( plot->type ) { case PlotType::User: return m_worker.GetString( plot->name ); case PlotType::Memory: if( plot->name == 0 ) { return ICON_FA_MEMORY " Memory usage"; } else { sprintf( tmp, ICON_FA_MEMORY " %s", m_worker.GetString( plot->name ) ); return tmp; } case PlotType::SysTime: return ICON_FA_TACHOMETER_ALT " CPU usage"; default: assert( false ); return nullptr; } } uint32_t View::GetZoneColor( const ZoneEvent& ev, uint64_t thread, int depth ) { if( m_findZone.show && !m_findZone.match.empty() && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == ev.SrcLoc() ) { if( m_findZone.highlight.active ) { const auto zt = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ) - ev.Start(); if( zt >= m_findZone.highlight.start && zt <= m_findZone.highlight.end ) { return 0xFFFFCC66; } } return 0xFF229999; } else { return GetRawZoneColor( ev, thread, depth ); } } uint32_t View::GetThreadColor( uint64_t thread, int depth ) { if( m_vd.dynamicColors == 0 ) return 0xFFCC5555; return GetHsvColor( thread, depth ); } uint32_t View::GetRawSrcLocColor( const SourceLocation& srcloc, int depth ) { auto namehash = srcloc.namehash; if( namehash == 0 && srcloc.function.active ) { const auto f = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ); namehash = charutil::hash( f ); if( namehash == 0 ) namehash++; srcloc.namehash = namehash; } if( namehash == 0 ) { return GetHsvColor( uint64_t( &srcloc ), depth ); } else { return GetHsvColor( namehash, depth ); } } uint32_t View::GetSrcLocColor( const SourceLocation& srcloc, int depth ) { const auto color = srcloc.color; if( color != 0 && !m_vd.forceColors ) return color | 0xFF000000; if( m_vd.dynamicColors == 0 ) return 0xFFCC5555; return GetRawSrcLocColor( srcloc, depth ); } uint32_t View::GetRawZoneColor( const ZoneEvent& ev, uint64_t thread, int depth ) { const auto sl = ev.SrcLoc(); const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( sl ); const auto color = srcloc.color; if( color != 0 && !m_vd.forceColors ) return color | 0xFF000000; switch( m_vd.dynamicColors ) { case 0: return 0xFFCC5555; case 1: return GetHsvColor( thread, depth ); case 2: return GetRawSrcLocColor( srcloc, depth ); default: assert( false ); return 0; } } uint32_t View::GetZoneColor( const GpuEvent& ev ) { const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); const auto color = srcloc.color; return color != 0 ? ( color | 0xFF000000 ) : 0xFF222288; } uint32_t View::GetRawZoneColor( const GpuEvent& ev ) { return GetZoneColor( ev ); } uint32_t View::GetZoneHighlight( const ZoneEvent& ev, uint64_t thread, int depth ) { if( m_zoneInfoWindow == &ev ) { return 0xFF44DD44; } else if( m_zoneHighlight == &ev ) { return 0xFF4444FF; } else if( m_zoneSrcLocHighlight == ev.SrcLoc() ) { return 0xFFEEEEEE; } else { return HighlightColor( GetZoneColor( ev, thread, depth ) ); } } uint32_t View::GetZoneHighlight( const GpuEvent& ev ) { if( m_gpuInfoWindow == &ev ) { return 0xFF44DD44; } else if( m_gpuHighlight == &ev ) { return 0xFF4444FF; } else { const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev ); return 0xFF000000 | ( std::min( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 25 ) ) << 16 ) | ( std::min( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 25 ) ) << 8 ) | ( std::min( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) + 25 ) ) ); } } float View::GetZoneThickness( const ZoneEvent& ev ) { if( m_zoneInfoWindow == &ev || m_zoneHighlight == &ev || ( m_findZone.show && !m_findZone.match.empty() && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == ev.SrcLoc() ) ) { return 3.f; } else { return 1.f; } } float View::GetZoneThickness( const GpuEvent& ev ) { if( m_gpuInfoWindow == &ev || m_gpuHighlight == &ev ) { return 3.f; } else { return 1.f; } } void View::ZoomToZone( const ZoneEvent& ev ) { const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); if( end - ev.Start() <= 0 ) return; ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), end ); } void View::ZoomToZone( const GpuEvent& ev ) { const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); if( end - ev.GpuStart() <= 0 ) return; auto ctx = GetZoneCtx( ev ); if( !ctx ) { ZoomToRange( ev.GpuStart(), end ); } else { const auto td = ctx->threadData.size() == 1 ? ctx->threadData.begin() : ctx->threadData.find( m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); assert( td != ctx->threadData.end() ); int64_t begin; if( td->second.timeline.is_magic() ) { begin = ((Vector*)&td->second.timeline)->front().GpuStart(); } else { begin = td->second.timeline.front()->GpuStart(); } const auto drift = GpuDrift( ctx ); ZoomToRange( AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift ), AdjustGpuTime( end, begin, drift ) ); } } void View::ZoomToRange( int64_t start, int64_t end, bool pause ) { if( start == end ) { end = start + 1; } if( pause ) { m_viewMode = ViewMode::Paused; m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false; } m_highlightZoom.active = false; if( !m_playback.pause && m_playback.sync ) m_playback.pause = true; m_zoomAnim.active = true; if( m_viewMode == ViewMode::LastRange ) { const auto rangeCurr = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart; const auto rangeDest = end - start; m_zoomAnim.start0 = m_vd.zvStart; m_zoomAnim.start1 = m_vd.zvStart - ( rangeDest - rangeCurr ); m_zoomAnim.end0 = m_vd.zvEnd; m_zoomAnim.end1 = m_vd.zvEnd; } else { m_zoomAnim.start0 = m_vd.zvStart; m_zoomAnim.start1 = start; m_zoomAnim.end0 = m_vd.zvEnd; m_zoomAnim.end1 = end; } m_zoomAnim.progress = 0; } void View::ZoomToPrevFrame() { if( m_vd.zvStart >= m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, 0 ) ) { size_t frame; if( m_frames->continuous ) { frame = (size_t)m_worker.GetFrameRange( *m_frames, m_vd.zvStart, m_vd.zvStart ).first; } else { frame = (size_t)m_worker.GetFrameRange( *m_frames, m_vd.zvStart, m_vd.zvStart ).second; } if( frame > 0 ) { frame--; const auto fbegin = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, frame ); const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, frame ); ZoomToRange( fbegin, fend ); } } } void View::ZoomToNextFrame() { int64_t start; if( m_zoomAnim.active ) { start = m_zoomAnim.start1; } else { start = m_vd.zvStart; } size_t frame; if( start < m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, 0 ) ) { frame = 0; } else { frame = (size_t)m_worker.GetFrameRange( *m_frames, start, start ).first + 1; } if( frame >= m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_frames ) ) return; const auto fbegin = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, frame ); const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( *m_frames, frame ); ZoomToRange( fbegin, fend ); } void View::CenterAtTime( int64_t t ) { const auto hr = std::max( 1, ( m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) / 2 ); ZoomToRange( t - hr, t + hr ); } void View::ShowZoneInfo( const ZoneEvent& ev ) { if( m_zoneInfoWindow && m_zoneInfoWindow != &ev ) { m_zoneInfoStack.push_back( m_zoneInfoWindow ); } m_zoneInfoWindow = &ev; if( m_gpuInfoWindow ) { m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr; m_gpuInfoStack.clear(); } } void View::ShowZoneInfo( const GpuEvent& ev, uint64_t thread ) { if( m_gpuInfoWindow && m_gpuInfoWindow != &ev ) { m_gpuInfoStack.push_back( m_gpuInfoWindow ); } m_gpuInfoWindow = &ev; m_gpuInfoWindowThread = thread; if( m_zoneInfoWindow ) { m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr; m_zoneInfoStack.clear(); } } void View::ZoneTooltip( const ZoneEvent& ev ) { const auto tid = GetZoneThread( ev ); auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); const auto ztime = end - ev.Start(); const auto selftime = GetZoneSelfTime( ev ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( ev ) && m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).name.Active() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).name ) ); } if( srcloc.name.active ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); ImGui::Separator(); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( ztime ) ); #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { auto& zoneData = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); if( zoneData.total > 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%% of mean time)", float( ztime ) / zoneData.total * zoneData.zones.size() * 100 ); } } #endif TextFocused( "Self time:", TimeToString( selftime ) ); if( ztime != 0 ) { char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * selftime / ztime ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( tid ); if( ctx ) { int64_t time; uint64_t cnt; if( GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, ev, time, cnt ) ) { TextFocused( "Running state time:", TimeToString( time ) ); if( ztime != 0 ) { char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * time / ztime ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } TextFocused( "Running state regions:", RealToString( cnt ) ); } } if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( ev ) && m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).text.Active() ) { ImGui::NewLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0xCC / 255.f, 0xCC / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( ev ).text ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } void View::ZoneTooltip( const GpuEvent& ev ) { const auto tid = GetZoneThread( ev ); const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() ); const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); const auto ztime = end - ev.GpuStart(); const auto selftime = GetZoneSelfTime( ev ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) ); ImGui::Separator(); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line ); SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); ImGui::Separator(); TextFocused( "GPU execution time:", TimeToString( ztime ) ); TextFocused( "GPU self time:", TimeToString( selftime ) ); if( ztime != 0 ) { char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * selftime / ztime ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } TextFocused( "CPU command setup time:", TimeToString( ev.CpuEnd() - ev.CpuStart() ) ); auto ctx = GetZoneCtx( ev ); if( !ctx ) { TextFocused( "Delay to execution:", TimeToString( ev.GpuStart() - ev.CpuStart() ) ); } else { const auto td = ctx->threadData.size() == 1 ? ctx->threadData.begin() : ctx->threadData.find( m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); assert( td != ctx->threadData.end() ); int64_t begin; if( td->second.timeline.is_magic() ) { begin = ((Vector*)&td->second.timeline)->front().GpuStart(); } else { begin = td->second.timeline.front()->GpuStart(); } const auto drift = GpuDrift( ctx ); TextFocused( "Delay to execution:", TimeToString( AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift ) - ev.CpuStart() ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } void View::CallstackTooltip( uint32_t idx ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( idx ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); int fidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { auto frameData = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%p", (void*)m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); } else { const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT ); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( txt[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } } } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } void View::CrashTooltip() { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( crash.time ) ); TextFocused( "Reason:", m_worker.GetString( crash.message ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); } int View::GetZoneDepth( const ZoneEvent& zone, uint64_t tid ) const { auto td = m_worker.GetThreadData( tid ); assert( td ); auto timeline = &td->timeline; int depth = 0; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; assert( !( zone.IsEndValid() && it->Start() > zone.End() ) ); if( it == &zone ) return depth; assert( it->HasChildren() ); timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( it->Child() ); depth++; } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->Start(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; assert( !( zone.IsEndValid() && (*it)->Start() > zone.End() ) ); if( *it == &zone ) return depth; assert( (*it)->HasChildren() ); timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( (*it)->Child() ); depth++; } } } const ZoneEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const { for( const auto& thread : m_worker.GetThreadData() ) { const ZoneEvent* parent = nullptr; const Vector>* timeline = &thread->timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) continue; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( zone.IsEndValid() && it->Start() > zone.End() ) break; if( it == &zone ) return parent; if( !it->HasChildren() ) break; parent = it; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( parent->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->Start(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( zone.IsEndValid() && (*it)->Start() > zone.End() ) break; if( *it == &zone ) return parent; if( !(*it)->HasChildren() ) break; parent = *it; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( parent->Child() ); } } } return nullptr; } const ZoneEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone, uint64_t tid ) const { const auto thread = m_worker.GetThreadData( tid ); const ZoneEvent* parent = nullptr; const Vector>* timeline = &thread->timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) return nullptr; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( zone.IsEndValid() && it->Start() > zone.End() ) break; if( it == &zone ) return parent; if( !it->HasChildren() ) break; parent = it; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( parent->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->Start(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( zone.IsEndValid() && (*it)->Start() > zone.End() ) break; if( *it == &zone ) return parent; if( !(*it)->HasChildren() ) break; parent = *it; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( parent->Child() ); } } return nullptr; } const GpuEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const GpuEvent& zone ) const { for( const auto& ctx : m_worker.GetGpuData() ) { for( const auto& td : ctx->threadData ) { const GpuEvent* parent = nullptr; const Vector>* timeline = &td.second.timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) continue; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.GpuStart(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l < (uint64_t)r.GpuStart(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 && it->GpuStart() > zone.GpuEnd() ) break; if( it == &zone ) return parent; if( it->Child() < 0 ) break; parent = it; timeline = &m_worker.GetGpuChildren( parent->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.GpuStart(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l < (uint64_t)r->GpuStart(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 && (*it)->GpuStart() > zone.GpuEnd() ) break; if( *it == &zone ) return parent; if( (*it)->Child() < 0 ) break; parent = *it; timeline = &m_worker.GetGpuChildren( parent->Child() ); } } } } return nullptr; } const ThreadData* View::GetZoneThreadData( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const { for( const auto& thread : m_worker.GetThreadData() ) { const Vector>* timeline = &thread->timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) continue; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( zone.IsEndValid() && it->Start() > zone.End() ) break; if( it == &zone ) return thread; if( !it->HasChildren() ) break; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( it->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->Start(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( zone.IsEndValid() && (*it)->Start() > zone.End() ) break; if( *it == &zone ) return thread; if( !(*it)->HasChildren() ) break; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( (*it)->Child() ); } } } return nullptr; } uint64_t View::GetZoneThread( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const { auto threadData = GetZoneThreadData( zone ); return threadData ? threadData->id : 0; } uint64_t View::GetZoneThread( const GpuEvent& zone ) const { if( zone.Thread() == 0 ) { for( const auto& ctx : m_worker.GetGpuData() ) { assert( ctx->threadData.size() == 1 ); const Vector>* timeline = &ctx->threadData.begin()->second.timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) continue; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.GpuStart(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l < (uint64_t)r.GpuStart(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 && it->GpuStart() > zone.GpuEnd() ) break; if( it == &zone ) return ctx->thread; if( it->Child() < 0 ) break; timeline = &m_worker.GetGpuChildren( it->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.GpuStart(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l < (uint64_t)r->GpuStart(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 && (*it)->GpuStart() > zone.GpuEnd() ) break; if( *it == &zone ) return ctx->thread; if( (*it)->Child() < 0 ) break; timeline = &m_worker.GetGpuChildren( (*it)->Child() ); } } } return 0; } else { return m_worker.DecompressThread( zone.Thread() ); } } const GpuCtxData* View::GetZoneCtx( const GpuEvent& zone ) const { for( const auto& ctx : m_worker.GetGpuData() ) { for( const auto& td : ctx->threadData ) { const Vector>* timeline = &td.second.timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) continue; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), zone.GpuStart(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l < (uint64_t)r.GpuStart(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 && it->GpuStart() > zone.GpuEnd() ) break; if( it == &zone ) return ctx; if( it->Child() < 0 ) break; timeline = &m_worker.GetGpuChildren( it->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.GpuStart(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l < (uint64_t)r->GpuStart(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 && (*it)->GpuStart() > zone.GpuEnd() ) break; if( *it == &zone ) return ctx; if( (*it)->Child() < 0 ) break; timeline = &m_worker.GetGpuChildren( (*it)->Child() ); } } } } return nullptr; } const ZoneEvent* View::FindZoneAtTime( uint64_t thread, int64_t time ) const { // TODO add thread rev-map ThreadData* td = nullptr; for( const auto& t : m_worker.GetThreadData() ) { if( t->id == thread ) { td = t; break; } } if( !td ) return nullptr; const Vector>* timeline = &td->timeline; if( timeline->empty() ) return nullptr; const ZoneEvent* ret = nullptr; for(;;) { if( timeline->is_magic() ) { auto vec = (Vector*)timeline; auto it = std::upper_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), time, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); if( it != vec->begin() ) --it; if( it->Start() > time || ( it->IsEndValid() && it->End() < time ) ) return ret; ret = it; if( !it->HasChildren() ) return ret; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( it->Child() ); } else { auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), time, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->Start(); } ); if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it; if( (*it)->Start() > time || ( (*it)->IsEndValid() && (*it)->End() < time ) ) return ret; ret = *it; if( !(*it)->HasChildren() ) return ret; timeline = &m_worker.GetZoneChildren( (*it)->Child() ); } } } #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS void View::FindZones() { m_findZone.match = m_worker.GetMatchingSourceLocation( m_findZone.pattern, m_findZone.ignoreCase ); if( m_findZone.match.empty() ) return; auto it = m_findZone.match.begin(); while( it != m_findZone.match.end() ) { if( m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( *it ).zones.empty() ) { it = m_findZone.match.erase( it ); } else { ++it; } } } void View::FindZonesCompare() { m_compare.match[0] = m_worker.GetMatchingSourceLocation( m_compare.pattern, m_compare.ignoreCase ); if( !m_compare.match[0].empty() ) { auto it = m_compare.match[0].begin(); while( it != m_compare.match[0].end() ) { if( m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( *it ).zones.empty() ) { it = m_compare.match[0].erase( it ); } else { ++it; } } } m_compare.match[1] = m_compare.second->GetMatchingSourceLocation( m_compare.pattern, m_compare.ignoreCase ); if( !m_compare.match[1].empty() ) { auto it = m_compare.match[1].begin(); while( it != m_compare.match[1].end() ) { if( m_compare.second->GetZonesForSourceLocation( *it ).zones.empty() ) { it = m_compare.match[1].erase( it ); } else { ++it; } } } } #endif void View::SmallCallstackButton( const char* name, uint32_t callstack, int& idx, bool tooltip ) { bool hilite = m_callstackInfoWindow == callstack; if( hilite ) { SetButtonHighlightColor(); } ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); if( ImGui::SmallButton( name ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = callstack; } ImGui::PopID(); if( hilite ) { ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); } if( tooltip && ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { CallstackTooltip( callstack ); } } void View::DrawCallstackCalls( uint32_t callstack, uint16_t limit ) const { const auto& csdata = m_worker.GetCallstack( callstack ); const auto cssz = std::min( csdata.size(), limit ); bool first = true; for( uint16_t i=0; idata[frameData->size - 1]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( txt[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } } } void View::SetViewToLastFrames() { const int total = m_worker.GetFrameCount( *m_frames ); m_vd.zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, std::max( 0, total - 4 ) ); if( total == 1 ) { m_vd.zvEnd = m_worker.GetLastTime(); } else { m_vd.zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( *m_frames, total - 1 ); } if( m_vd.zvEnd == m_vd.zvStart ) { m_vd.zvEnd = m_worker.GetLastTime(); } } int64_t View::GetZoneChildTime( const ZoneEvent& zone ) { int64_t time = 0; if( zone.HasChildren() ) { auto& children = m_worker.GetZoneChildren( zone.Child() ); if( children.is_magic() ) { auto& vec = *(Vector*)&children; for( auto& v : vec ) { const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v.End() - v.Start() ); time += childSpan; } } else { for( auto& v : children ) { const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v->End() - v->Start() ); time += childSpan; } } } return time; } int64_t View::GetZoneChildTime( const GpuEvent& zone ) { int64_t time = 0; if( zone.Child() >= 0 ) { auto& children = m_worker.GetGpuChildren( zone.Child() ); if( children.is_magic() ) { auto& vec = *(Vector*)&children; for( auto& v : vec ) { const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v.GpuEnd() - v.GpuStart() ); time += childSpan; } } else { for( auto& v : children ) { const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v->GpuEnd() - v->GpuStart() ); time += childSpan; } } } return time; } int64_t View::GetZoneChildTimeFast( const ZoneEvent& zone ) { int64_t time = 0; if( zone.HasChildren() ) { auto& children = m_worker.GetZoneChildren( zone.Child() ); if( children.is_magic() ) { auto& vec = *(Vector*)&children; for( auto& v : vec ) { assert( v.IsEndValid() ); time += v.End() - v.Start(); } } else { for( auto& v : children ) { assert( v->IsEndValid() ); time += v->End() - v->Start(); } } } return time; } int64_t View::GetZoneChildTimeFastClamped( const ZoneEvent& zone, int64_t t0, int64_t t1 ) { int64_t time = 0; if( zone.HasChildren() ) { auto& children = m_worker.GetZoneChildren( zone.Child() ); if( children.is_magic() ) { auto& vec = *(Vector*)&children; auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), t0, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return 0; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), t1, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Start() < r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return 0; while( it < zitend ) { const auto c0 = std::max( it->Start(), t0 ); const auto c1 = std::min( it->End(), t1 ); time += c1 - c0; ++it; } } else { auto it = std::lower_bound( children.begin(), children.end(), t0, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l->End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == children.end() ) return 0; const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, children.end(), t1, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->Start() < r; } ); if( it == zitend ) return 0; while( it < zitend ) { const auto c0 = std::max( (*it)->Start(), t0 ); const auto c1 = std::min( (*it)->End(), t1 ); time += c1 - c0; ++it; } } } return time; } int64_t View::GetZoneSelfTime( const ZoneEvent& zone ) { if( m_cache.zoneSelfTime.first == &zone ) return m_cache.zoneSelfTime.second; if( m_cache.zoneSelfTime2.first == &zone ) return m_cache.zoneSelfTime2.second; const auto ztime = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( zone ) - zone.Start(); const auto selftime = ztime - GetZoneChildTime( zone ); if( zone.IsEndValid() ) { m_cache.zoneSelfTime2 = m_cache.zoneSelfTime; m_cache.zoneSelfTime = std::make_pair( &zone, selftime ); } return selftime; } int64_t View::GetZoneSelfTime( const GpuEvent& zone ) { if( m_cache.gpuSelfTime.first == &zone ) return m_cache.gpuSelfTime.second; if( m_cache.gpuSelfTime2.first == &zone ) return m_cache.gpuSelfTime2.second; const auto ztime = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( zone ) - zone.GpuStart(); const auto selftime = ztime - GetZoneChildTime( zone ); if( zone.GpuEnd() >= 0 ) { m_cache.gpuSelfTime2 = m_cache.gpuSelfTime; m_cache.gpuSelfTime = std::make_pair( &zone, selftime ); } return selftime; } bool View::GetZoneRunningTime( const ContextSwitch* ctx, const ZoneEvent& ev, int64_t& time, uint64_t& cnt ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( ctx->v.begin(), ctx->v.end(), ev.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == ctx->v.end() ) return false; const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ); const auto eit = std::upper_bound( it, ctx->v.end(), end, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.Start(); } ); if( eit == ctx->v.end() ) return false; cnt = std::distance( it, eit ); if( cnt == 0 ) return false; if( cnt == 1 ) { time = end - ev.Start(); } else { int64_t running = it->End() - ev.Start(); ++it; for( uint64_t i=0; iEnd() - it->Start(); ++it; } running += end - it->Start(); time = running; } return true; } const char* View::SourceSubstitution( const char* srcFile ) const { if( !m_sourceRegexValid || m_sourceSubstitutions.empty() ) return srcFile; static std::string res, tmp; res.assign( srcFile ); for( auto& v : m_sourceSubstitutions ) { tmp = std::regex_replace( res, v.regex, v.target ); std::swap( tmp, res ); } return res.c_str(); } }