#include #include "TracyMouse.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" namespace tracy { enum { MinCtxSize = 4 }; const char* View::DecodeContextSwitchReasonCode( uint8_t reason ) { switch( reason ) { case 0: return "Executive"; case 1: return "FreePage"; case 2: return "PageIn"; case 3: return "PoolAllocation"; case 4: return "DelayExecution"; case 5: return "Suspended"; case 6: return "UserRequest"; case 7: return "WrExecutive"; case 8: return "WrFreePage"; case 9: return "WrPageIn"; case 10: return "WrPoolAllocation"; case 11: return "WrDelayExecution"; case 12: return "WrSuspended"; case 13: return "WrUserRequest"; case 14: return "WrEventPair"; case 15: return "WrQueue"; case 16: return "WrLpcReceive"; case 17: return "WrLpcReply"; case 18: return "WrVirtualMemory"; case 19: return "WrPageOut"; case 20: return "WrRendezvous"; case 21: return "WrKeyedEvent"; case 22: return "WrTerminated"; case 23: return "WrProcessInSwap"; case 24: return "WrCpuRateControl"; case 25: return "WrCalloutStack"; case 26: return "WrKernel"; case 27: return "WrResource"; case 28: return "WrPushLock"; case 29: return "WrMutex"; case 30: return "WrQuantumEnd"; case 31: return "WrDispatchInt"; case 32: return "WrPreempted"; case 33: return "WrYieldExecution"; case 34: return "WrFastMutex"; case 35: return "WrGuardedMutex"; case 36: return "WrRundown"; case 37: return "WrAlertByThreadId"; case 38: return "WrDeferredPreempt"; case 39: return "WrPhysicalFault"; case 40: return "MaximumWaitReason"; default: return "unknown"; } } const char* View::DecodeContextSwitchReason( uint8_t reason ) { switch( reason ) { case 0: return "(Thread is waiting for the scheduler)"; case 1: return "(Thread is waiting for a free virtual memory page)"; case 2: return "(Thread is waiting for a virtual memory page to arrive in memory)"; case 4: return "(Thread execution is delayed)"; case 5: return "(Thread execution is suspended)"; case 6: return "(Thread is waiting on object - WaitForSingleObject, etc.)"; case 7: return "(Thread is waiting for the scheduler)"; case 8: return "(Thread is waiting for a free virtual memory page)"; case 9: return "(Thread is waiting for a virtual memory page to arrive in memory)"; case 11: return "(Thread execution is delayed)"; case 12: return "(Thread execution is suspended)"; case 13: return "(Thread is waiting for window messages)"; case 15: return "(Thread is waiting on KQUEUE)"; case 24: return "(CPU rate limiting)"; case 34: return "(Waiting for a Fast Mutex)"; default: return ""; } } const char* View::DecodeContextSwitchStateCode( uint8_t state ) { switch( state ) { case 0: return "Initialized"; case 1: return "Ready"; case 2: return "Running"; case 3: return "Standby"; case 4: return "Terminated"; case 5: return "Waiting"; case 6: return "Transition"; case 7: return "DeferredReady"; case 101: return "D (disk sleep)"; case 102: return "I (idle)"; case 103: return "R (running)"; case 104: return "S (sleeping)"; case 105: return "T (stopped)"; case 106: return "t (tracing stop)"; case 107: return "W"; case 108: return "X (dead)"; case 109: return "Z (zombie)"; case 110: return "P (parked)"; default: return "unknown"; } } const char* View::DecodeContextSwitchState( uint8_t state ) { switch( state ) { case 0: return "(Thread has been initialized, but has not yet started)"; case 1: return "(Thread is waiting to use a processor because no processor is free. The thread is prepared to run on the next available processor)"; case 2: return "(Thread is currently using a processor)"; case 3: return "(Thread is about to use a processor)"; case 4: return "(Thread has finished executing and has exited)"; case 5: return "(Thread is not ready to use the processor because it is waiting for a peripheral operation to complete or a resource to become free)"; case 6: return "(Thread is waiting for a resource, other than the processor, before it can execute)"; case 7: return "(Thread has been selected to run on a specific processor but have not yet beed scheduled)"; case 101: return "(Uninterruptible sleep, usually IO)"; case 102: return "(Idle kernel thread)"; case 103: return "(Running or on run queue)"; case 104: return "(Interruptible sleep, waiting for an event to complete)"; case 105: return "(Stopped by job control signal)"; case 106: return "(Stopped by debugger during the tracing)"; case 107: return "(Paging)"; case 108: return "(Dead task is scheduling one last time)"; case 109: return "(Zombie process)"; case 110: return "(Parked)"; default: return ""; } } void View::DrawContextSwitches( const ContextSwitch* ctx, const Vector& sampleData, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int endOffset, bool isFiber ) { const auto lineSize = 2 * GetScale(); auto& vec = ctx->v; auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return; if( it != vec.begin() ) --it; auto citend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Start() < r; } ); if( it == citend ) return; if( citend != vec.end() ) ++citend; const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - 1; const auto ty = round( ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 0.75f ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f ); auto pit = citend; double minpx = -10.0; while( it < citend ) { auto& ev = *it; if( pit != citend ) { const bool migration = pit->Cpu() != ev.Cpu(); const auto px0 = std::max( { ( pit->End() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, -10.0, minpx } ); const auto pxw = ( ev.WakeupVal() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; const auto px1 = std::min( ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, w + 10.0 ); const auto color = migration ? 0xFFEE7711 : 0xFF2222AA; if( m_vd.darkenContextSwitches ) { draw->AddRectFilled( dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 ), dpos + ImVec2( px1, endOffset ), 0x661C2321 ); } DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), dpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxw, w+10.0 ), offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), color, lineSize ); if( ev.WakeupVal() != ev.Start() ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( std::max( pxw, 10.0 ), offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), dpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), 0xFF2280A0, lineSize ); } if( hover ) { bool tooltip = false; if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pxw, offset + ty ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( isFiber ) { TextFocused( "Fiber is", "yielding" ); TextFocused( "Yield time:", TimeToString( ev.Start() - pit->End() ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Thread is", migration ? "migrating CPUs" : "waiting" ); TextFocused( "Waiting time:", TimeToString( ev.WakeupVal() - pit->End() ) ); if( migration ) { TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( pit->Cpu() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_ALT_RIGHT, RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); } else { TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); } if( pit->Reason() != 100 ) { TextFocused( "Wait reason:", DecodeContextSwitchReasonCode( pit->Reason() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding(); TextDisabledUnformatted( DecodeContextSwitchReason( pit->Reason() ) ); ImGui::PopFont(); } TextFocused( "Wait state:", DecodeContextSwitchStateCode( pit->State() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding(); TextDisabledUnformatted( DecodeContextSwitchState( pit->State() ) ); ImGui::PopFont(); } tooltip = true; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( pit->End(), ev.WakeupVal() ); } } else if( ev.WakeupVal() != ev.Start() && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( pxw, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty ) ) ) { assert( !isFiber ); ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( "Thread is", "waking up" ); TextFocused( "Scheduling delay:", TimeToString( ev.Start() - ev.WakeupVal() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( pit->End(), ev.WakeupVal() ); } tooltip = true; } if( tooltip ) { if( !sampleData.empty() ) { auto sdit = std::lower_bound( sampleData.begin(), sampleData.end(), ev.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); bool found = sdit != sampleData.end() && sdit->time.Val() == ev.Start(); if( !found && it != vec.begin() ) { auto eit = it; --eit; sdit = std::lower_bound( sampleData.begin(), sampleData.end(), eit->End(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); found = sdit != sampleData.end() && sdit->time.Val() == eit->End(); } if( found ) { ImGui::Separator(); TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_HOURGLASS_HALF " Wait stack:" ); CallstackTooltipContents( sdit->callstack.Val() ); if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = sdit->callstack.Val(); } } } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } } } const auto end = ev.IsEndValid() ? ev.End() : m_worker.GetLastTime(); const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.Start() ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 ); if( zsz < MinCtxSize ) { const auto MinCtxNs = MinCtxSize * nspx; int num = 0; const auto px0 = std::max( ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, -10.0 ); auto px1ns = end - m_vd.zvStart; auto rend = end; auto nextTime = end + MinCtxNs; for(;;) { const auto prevIt = it; it = std::lower_bound( it, citend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } ); if( it == prevIt ) ++it; num += std::distance( prevIt, it ); if( it == citend ) break; const auto nend = it->IsEndValid() ? it->End() : m_worker.GetLastTime(); const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart; if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinCtxNs * 2 ) break; px1ns = nsnext; rend = nend; nextTime = nend + nspx; } minpx = std::min( std::max( px1ns * pxns, px0+MinCtxSize ), double( w + 10 ) ); if( num == 1 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), dpos + ImVec2( minpx, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), 0xFF22DD22, lineSize ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( minpx, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( isFiber ) { const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ); TextFocused( "Fiber is", "running" ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Thread is", "running" ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), rend ); } } } else { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty05 ), px0, minpx, ty/4, 0xFF888888, 1.5 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( minpx, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); TextFocused( isFiber ? "Fiber is" : "Thread is", "changing activity multiple times" ); TextFocused( "Number of running regions:", RealToString( num ) ); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( rend - ev.Start() ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), rend ); } } } pit = it-1; } else { const auto px0 = std::max( { ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, -10.0, minpx } ); const auto px1 = std::min( ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, w + 10.0 ); DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), dpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty05 - 0.5f ), 0xFF22DD22, lineSize ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + ty + 1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); if( isFiber ) { const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ); TextFocused( "Fiber is", "running" ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Thread is", "running" ); TextFocused( "Activity time:", TimeToString( end - ev.Start() ) ); TextFocused( "CPU:", RealToString( ev.Cpu() ) ); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), end ); } } pit = it; ++it; } } } void View::DrawWaitStacks() { const auto scale = GetScale(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1400 * scale, 500 * scale ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Wait stacks", &m_showWaitStacks ); if( ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead()->SkipItems ) { ImGui::End(); return; } #ifdef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS ImGui::TextWrapped( "Rebuild without the TRACY_NO_STATISTICS macro to enable wait stacks." ); #else uint64_t totalCount = 0; unordered_flat_map stacks; for( auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { if( WaitStackThread( t->id ) ) { auto it = t->ctxSwitchSamples.begin(); auto end = t->ctxSwitchSamples.end(); if( m_waitStackRange.active ) { it = std::lower_bound( it, end, m_waitStackRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); end = std::lower_bound( it, end, m_waitStackRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); } totalCount += std::distance( it, end ); while( it != end ) { auto cs = it->callstack.Val(); auto cit = stacks.find( cs ); if( cit == stacks.end() ) { stacks.emplace( cs, 1 ); } else { cit->second++; } ++it; } } } ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 2, 2 ) ); if( ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_TABLE " List", m_waitStackMode == 0 ) ) m_waitStackMode = 0; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_TREE " Bottom-up tree", m_waitStackMode == 1 ) ) m_waitStackMode = 1; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_TREE " Top-down tree", m_waitStackMode == 2 ) ) m_waitStackMode = 2; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx( ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Total wait stacks:", RealToString( m_worker.GetContextSwitchSampleCount() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Selected:", RealToString( totalCount ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx( ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &m_waitStackRange.active ) ) { if( m_waitStackRange.active && m_waitStackRange.min == 0 && m_waitStackRange.max == 0 ) { m_waitStackRange.min = m_vd.zvStart; m_waitStackRange.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } } if( m_waitStackRange.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF00FFFF, ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_RULER " Limits", m_showRanges ); } ImGui::PopStyleVar(); bool threadsChanged = false; auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Visible threads:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_threadOrder.size() ); if( expand ) { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { WaitStackThread( t->id ) = true; } threadsChanged = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { WaitStackThread( t->id ) = false; } threadsChanged = true; } int idx = 0; for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { if( t->ctxSwitchSamples.empty() ) continue; ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); const auto threadColor = GetThreadColor( t->id, 0 ); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( m_worker.GetThreadName( t->id ), &WaitStackThread( t->id ) ) ) { threadsChanged = true; } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( t->ctxSwitchSamples.size() ) ); if( crash.thread == t->id ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL " Crashed" ); } if( t->isFiber ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.f ), "Fiber" ); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } if( threadsChanged ) m_waitStack = 0; ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##waitstacks" ); if( stacks.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "No wait stacks to display." ); } else { switch( m_waitStackMode ) { case 0: { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Wait stack:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT " " ) ) { m_waitStack = std::max( m_waitStack - 1, 0 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s / %s", RealToString( m_waitStack + 1 ), RealToString( stacks.size() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) ImGui::OpenPopup( "WaitStacksPopup" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) { m_waitStack = std::min( m_waitStack + 1, stacks.size() - 1 ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "WaitStacksPopup" ) ) { int sel = m_waitStack + 1; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 120 * scale ); const bool clicked = ImGui::InputInt( "##waitStack", &sel, 1, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); if( clicked ) m_waitStack = std::min( std::max( sel, 1 ), int( stacks.size() ) ) - 1; ImGui::EndPopup(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); Vector data; data.reserve( stacks.size() ); for( auto it = stacks.begin(); it != stacks.end(); ++it ) data.push_back( it ); pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->second > r->second; } ); TextFocused( "Counts:", RealToString( data[m_waitStack]->second ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * data[m_waitStack]->second / totalCount ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::Separator(); DrawCallstackTable( data[m_waitStack]->first, false ); break; } case 1: { SmallCheckbox( "Group by function name", &m_groupWaitStackBottomUp ); auto tree = GetCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( stacks, m_groupCallstackTreeByNameBottomUp ); if( !tree.empty() ) { int idx = 0; DrawFrameTreeLevel( tree, idx ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No call stacks to show" ); } break; } case 2: { SmallCheckbox( "Group by function name", &m_groupWaitStackTopDown ); auto tree = GetCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( stacks, m_groupCallstackTreeByNameTopDown ); if( !tree.empty() ) { int idx = 0; DrawFrameTreeLevel( tree, idx ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No call stacks to show" ); } break; } default: assert( false ); break; } } #endif ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } }