#ifdef _WIN32 # include #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../common/TracyProtocol.hpp" #include "../../common/TracyStackFrames.hpp" #include "../../server/TracyFileWrite.hpp" #include "../../server/TracyMemory.hpp" #include "../../server/TracyPrint.hpp" #include "../../server/TracyWorker.hpp" #ifdef _WIN32 # include "../../getopt/getopt.h" #endif bool disconnect = false; void SigInt( int ) { disconnect = true; } [[noreturn]] void Usage() { printf( "Usage: capture -o output.tracy [-a address] [-p port] [-f] [-s seconds]\n" ); exit( 1 ); } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { #ifdef _WIN32 if( !AttachConsole( ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS ) ) { AllocConsole(); SetConsoleMode( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), 0x07 ); } #endif bool overwrite = false; const char* address = ""; const char* output = nullptr; int port = 8086; int seconds = -1; int c; while( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "a:o:p:fs:" ) ) != -1 ) { switch( c ) { case 'a': address = optarg; break; case 'o': output = optarg; break; case 'p': port = atoi( optarg ); break; case 'f': overwrite = true; break; case 's': seconds = atoi (optarg); break; default: Usage(); break; } } if( !address || !output ) Usage(); struct stat st; if( stat( output, &st ) == 0 && !overwrite ) { printf( "Output file %s already exists! Use -f to force overwrite.\n", output ); return 4; } FILE* test = fopen( output, "wb" ); if( !test ) { printf( "Cannot open output file %s for writing!\n", output ); return 5; } fclose( test ); unlink( output ); printf( "Connecting to %s:%i...", address, port ); fflush( stdout ); tracy::Worker worker( address, port ); while( !worker.IsConnected() ) { const auto handshake = worker.GetHandshakeStatus(); if( handshake == tracy::HandshakeProtocolMismatch ) { printf( "\nThe client you are trying to connect to uses incompatible protocol version.\nMake sure you are using the same Tracy version on both client and server.\n" ); return 1; } if( handshake == tracy::HandshakeNotAvailable ) { printf( "\nThe client you are trying to connect to is no longer able to sent profiling data,\nbecause another server was already connected to it.\nYou can do the following:\n\n 1. Restart the client application.\n 2. Rebuild the client application with on-demand mode enabled.\n" ); return 2; } if( handshake == tracy::HandshakeDropped ) { printf( "\nThe client you are trying to connect to has disconnected during the initial\nconnection handshake. Please check your network configuration.\n" ); return 3; } } while( !worker.HasData() ) std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 100 ) ); printf( "\nQueue delay: %s\nTimer resolution: %s\n", tracy::TimeToString( worker.GetDelay() ), tracy::TimeToString( worker.GetResolution() ) ); #ifdef _WIN32 signal( SIGINT, SigInt ); #else struct sigaction sigint, oldsigint; memset( &sigint, 0, sizeof( sigint ) ); sigint.sa_handler = SigInt; sigaction( SIGINT, &sigint, &oldsigint ); #endif auto& lock = worker.GetMbpsDataLock(); const auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); while( worker.IsConnected() ) { if( disconnect ) { worker.Disconnect(); disconnect = false; break; } lock.lock(); const auto mbps = worker.GetMbpsData().back(); const auto compRatio = worker.GetCompRatio(); const auto netTotal = worker.GetDataTransferred(); lock.unlock(); if( mbps < 0.1f ) { printf( "\33[2K\r\033[36;1m%7.2f Kbps", mbps * 1000.f ); } else { printf( "\33[2K\r\033[36;1m%7.2f Mbps", mbps ); } printf( " \033[0m /\033[36;1m%5.1f%% \033[0m=\033[33;1m%7.2f Mbps \033[0m| \033[33mNet: \033[32m%s \033[0m| \033[33mMem: \033[31;1m%s\033[0m | \033[33mTime: %s\033[0m", compRatio * 100.f, mbps / compRatio, tracy::MemSizeToString( netTotal ), tracy::MemSizeToString( tracy::memUsage ), tracy::TimeToString( worker.GetLastTime() ) ); fflush( stdout ); std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 100 ) ); if( seconds != -1 ) { const auto dur = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - t0; if( std::chrono::duration_cast(dur).count() >= seconds ) { disconnect = true; } } } const auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); const auto& failure = worker.GetFailureType(); if( failure != tracy::Worker::Failure::None ) { printf( "\n\033[31;1mInstrumentation failure: %s\033[0m", tracy::Worker::GetFailureString( failure ) ); auto& fd = worker.GetFailureData(); if( !fd.message.empty() ) { printf( "\nContext: %s", fd.message.c_str() ); } if( fd.callstack != 0 ) { printf( "\n\033[1mFailure callstack:\033[0m\n" ); auto& cs = worker.GetCallstack( fd.callstack ); int fidx = 0; int bidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { auto frameData = worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { printf( "%3i. %p\n", fidx++, (void*)worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); } else { const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = tracy::s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } bidx++; if( f == fsz-1 ) { printf( "%3i. ", fidx++ ); } else { printf( "\033[30;1minl. " ); } printf( "\033[0;36m%s ", txt ); txt = worker.GetString( frame.file ); if( frame.line == 0 ) { printf( "\033[33m(%s)", txt ); } else { printf( "\033[33m(%s:%" PRIu32 ")", txt, frame.line ); } if( frameData->imageName.Active() ) { printf( "\033[35m %s\033[0m\n", worker.GetString( frameData->imageName ) ); } else { printf( "\033[0m\n" ); } } } } } } printf( "\nFrames: %" PRIu64 "\nTime span: %s\nZones: %s\nElapsed time: %s\nSaving trace...", worker.GetFrameCount( *worker.GetFramesBase() ), tracy::TimeToString( worker.GetLastTime() ), tracy::RealToString( worker.GetZoneCount() ), tracy::TimeToString( std::chrono::duration_cast( t1 - t0 ).count() ) ); fflush( stdout ); auto f = std::unique_ptr( tracy::FileWrite::Open( output ) ); if( f ) { worker.Write( *f, false ); printf( " \033[32;1mdone!\033[0m\n" ); f->Finish(); const auto stats = f->GetCompressionStatistics(); printf( "Trace size %s (%.2f%% ratio)\n", tracy::MemSizeToString( stats.second ), 100.f * stats.second / stats.first ); } else { printf( " \033[31;1failed!\033[0m\n" ); } return 0; }