/** dtl -- Diff Template Library In short, Diff Template Library is distributed under so called "BSD license", Copyright (c) 2015 Tatsuhiko Kubo All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* If you use this library, you must include dtl.hpp only. */ #ifndef DTL_DIFF_H #define DTL_DIFF_H namespace dtl { /** * diff class template * sequence must support random_access_iterator. */ template , typename comparator = Compare< elem > > class Diff { private : dtl_typedefs(elem, sequence) sequence A; sequence B; size_t M; size_t N; size_t delta; size_t offset; long long *fp; long long editDistance; Lcs< elem > lcs; Ses< elem > ses; editPath path; editPathCordinates pathCordinates; bool swapped; bool huge; bool trivial; bool editDistanceOnly; uniHunkVec uniHunks; comparator cmp; long long ox; long long oy; public : Diff () {} Diff (const sequence& a, const sequence& b) : A(a), B(b), ses(false) { init(); } Diff (const sequence& a, const sequence& b, bool deletesFirst) : A(a), B(b), ses(deletesFirst) { init(); } Diff (const sequence& a, const sequence& b, const comparator& comp) : A(a), B(b), ses(false), cmp(comp) { init(); } Diff (const sequence& a, const sequence& b, bool deleteFirst, const comparator& comp) : A(a), B(b), ses(deleteFirst), cmp(comp) { init(); } ~Diff() {} long long getEditDistance () const { return editDistance; } Lcs< elem > getLcs () const { return lcs; } elemVec getLcsVec () const { return lcs.getSequence(); } Ses< elem > getSes () const { return ses; } uniHunkVec getUniHunks () const { return uniHunks; } /* These should be deprecated */ bool isHuge () const { return huge; } void onHuge () { this->huge = true; } void offHuge () { this->huge = false; } bool isUnserious () const { return trivial; } void onUnserious () { this->trivial = true; } void offUnserious () { this->trivial = false; } void onOnlyEditDistance () { this->editDistanceOnly = true; } /* These are the replacements for the above */ bool hugeEnabled () const { return huge; } void enableHuge () { this->huge = true; } void disableHuge () { this->huge = false; } bool trivialEnabled () const { return trivial; } void enableTrivial () { this->trivial = true; } void disableTrivial () { this->trivial = false; } void editDistanceOnlyEnabled () { this->editDistanceOnly = true; } /** * patching with Unified Format Hunks */ sequence uniPatch (const sequence& seq) { elemList seqLst(seq.begin(), seq.end()); sesElemVec shunk; sesElemVec_iter vsesIt; elemList_iter lstIt = seqLst.begin(); long long inc_dec_total = 0; long long gap = 1; for (uniHunkVec_iter it=uniHunks.begin();it!=uniHunks.end();++it) { joinSesVec(shunk, it->common[0]); joinSesVec(shunk, it->change); joinSesVec(shunk, it->common[1]); it->a += inc_dec_total; inc_dec_total += it->inc_dec_count; for (long long i=0;ia - gap;++i) { ++lstIt; } gap = it->a + it->b + it->inc_dec_count; vsesIt = shunk.begin(); while (vsesIt!=shunk.end()) { switch (vsesIt->second.type) { case SES_ADD : seqLst.insert(lstIt, vsesIt->first); break; case SES_DELETE : if (lstIt != seqLst.end()) { lstIt = seqLst.erase(lstIt); } break; case SES_COMMON : if (lstIt != seqLst.end()) { ++lstIt; } break; default : // no fall-through break; } ++vsesIt; } shunk.clear(); } sequence patchedSeq(seqLst.begin(), seqLst.end()); return patchedSeq; } /** * patching with Shortest Edit Script (SES) */ sequence patch (const sequence& seq) const { sesElemVec sesSeq = ses.getSequence(); elemList seqLst(seq.begin(), seq.end()); elemList_iter lstIt = seqLst.begin(); for (sesElemVec_iter sesIt=sesSeq.begin();sesIt!=sesSeq.end();++sesIt) { switch (sesIt->second.type) { case SES_ADD : seqLst.insert(lstIt, sesIt->first); break; case SES_DELETE : lstIt = seqLst.erase(lstIt); break; case SES_COMMON : ++lstIt; break; default : // no through break; } } sequence patchedSeq(seqLst.begin(), seqLst.end()); return patchedSeq; } /** * compose Longest Common Subsequence and Shortest Edit Script. * The algorithm implemented here is based on "An O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm" * described by Sun Wu, Udi Manber and Gene Myers */ void compose() { if (isHuge()) { pathCordinates.reserve(MAX_CORDINATES_SIZE); } ox = 0; oy = 0; long long p = -1; fp = new long long[M + N + 3]; fill(&fp[0], &fp[M + N + 3], -1); path = editPath(M + N + 3); fill(path.begin(), path.end(), -1); ONP: do { ++p; for (long long k=-p;k<=static_cast(delta)-1;++k) { fp[k+offset] = snake(k, fp[k-1+offset]+1, fp[k+1+offset]); } for (long long k=static_cast(delta)+p;k>=static_cast(delta)+1;--k) { fp[k+offset] = snake(k, fp[k-1+offset]+1, fp[k+1+offset]); } fp[delta+offset] = snake(static_cast(delta), fp[delta-1+offset]+1, fp[delta+1+offset]); } while (fp[delta+offset] != static_cast(N) && pathCordinates.size() < MAX_CORDINATES_SIZE); editDistance += static_cast(delta) + 2 * p; long long r = path[delta+offset]; P cordinate; editPathCordinates epc(0); // recording edit distance only if (editDistanceOnly) { delete[] this->fp; return; } while(r != -1) { cordinate.x = pathCordinates[(size_t)r].x; cordinate.y = pathCordinates[(size_t)r].y; epc.push_back(cordinate); r = pathCordinates[(size_t)r].k; } // record Longest Common Subsequence & Shortest Edit Script if (!recordSequence(epc)) { pathCordinates.resize(0); epc.resize(0); p = -1; goto ONP; } delete[] this->fp; } /** * print difference between A and B as an SES */ template < typename stream > void printSES (stream& out) const { sesElemVec ses_v = ses.getSequence(); for_each(ses_v.begin(), ses_v.end(), ChangePrinter< sesElem, stream >(out)); } void printSES (ostream& out = cout) const { printSES< ostream >(out); } /** * print differences given an SES */ template < typename stream > static void printSES (const Ses< elem >& s, stream& out) { sesElemVec ses_v = s.getSequence(); for_each(ses_v.begin(), ses_v.end(), ChangePrinter< sesElem, stream >(out)); } static void printSES (const Ses< elem >& s, ostream& out = cout) { printSES< ostream >(s, out); } /** * print difference between A and B as an SES with custom printer */ template < typename stream, template < typename SEET, typename STRT > class PT > void printSES (stream& out) const { sesElemVec ses_v = ses.getSequence (); for_each (ses_v.begin (), ses_v.end(), PT < sesElem, stream > (out)); } /** * store difference between A and B as an SES with custom storage */ template < typename storedData, template < typename SEET, typename STRT > class ST > void storeSES(storedData& sd) const { sesElemVec ses_v = ses.getSequence(); for_each(ses_v.begin(), ses_v.end(), ST < sesElem, storedData >(sd)); } /** * print difference between A and B in the Unified Format */ template < typename stream > void printUnifiedFormat (stream& out) const { for_each(uniHunks.begin(), uniHunks.end(), UniHunkPrinter< sesElem, stream >(out)); } void printUnifiedFormat (ostream& out = cout) const { printUnifiedFormat< ostream >(out); } /** * print unified format difference with given unified format hunks */ template < typename stream > static void printUnifiedFormat (const uniHunkVec& hunks, stream& out) { for_each(hunks.begin(), hunks.end(), UniHunkPrinter< sesElem >(out)); } static void printUnifiedFormat (const uniHunkVec& hunks, ostream& out = cout) { printUnifiedFormat< ostream >(hunks, out); } /** * compose Unified Format Hunks from Shortest Edit Script */ void composeUnifiedHunks () { sesElemVec common[2]; sesElemVec change; sesElemVec ses_v = ses.getSequence(); long long l_cnt = 1; long long length = distance(ses_v.begin(), ses_v.end()); long long middle = 0; bool isMiddle, isAfter; elemInfo einfo; long long a, b, c, d; // @@ -a,b +c,d @@ long long inc_dec_count = 0; uniHunk< sesElem > hunk; sesElemVec adds; sesElemVec deletes; isMiddle = isAfter = false; a = b = c = d = 0; for (sesElemVec_iter it=ses_v.begin();it!=ses_v.end();++it, ++l_cnt) { einfo = it->second; switch (einfo.type) { case SES_ADD : middle = 0; ++inc_dec_count; adds.push_back(*it); if (!isMiddle) isMiddle = true; if (isMiddle) ++d; if (l_cnt >= length) { joinSesVec(change, deletes); joinSesVec(change, adds); isAfter = true; } break; case SES_DELETE : middle = 0; --inc_dec_count; deletes.push_back(*it); if (!isMiddle) isMiddle = true; if (isMiddle) ++b; if (l_cnt >= length) { joinSesVec(change, deletes); joinSesVec(change, adds); isAfter = true; } break; case SES_COMMON : ++b;++d; if (common[1].empty() && adds.empty() && deletes.empty() && change.empty()) { if (static_cast(common[0].size()) < DTL_CONTEXT_SIZE) { if (a == 0 && c == 0) { if (!wasSwapped()) { a = einfo.beforeIdx; c = einfo.afterIdx; } else { a = einfo.afterIdx; c = einfo.beforeIdx; } } common[0].push_back(*it); } else { rotate(common[0].begin(), common[0].begin() + 1, common[0].end()); common[0].pop_back(); common[0].push_back(*it); ++a;++c; --b;--d; } } if (isMiddle && !isAfter) { ++middle; joinSesVec(change, deletes); joinSesVec(change, adds); change.push_back(*it); if (middle >= DTL_SEPARATE_SIZE || l_cnt >= length) { isAfter = true; } adds.clear(); deletes.clear(); } break; default : // no through break; } // compose unified format hunk if (isAfter && !change.empty()) { sesElemVec_iter cit = it; long long cnt = 0; for (long long i=0;isecond.type == SES_COMMON) { ++cnt; } } if (cnt < DTL_SEPARATE_SIZE && l_cnt < length) { middle = 0; isAfter = false; continue; } if (static_cast(common[0].size()) >= DTL_SEPARATE_SIZE) { long long c0size = static_cast(common[0].size()); rotate(common[0].begin(), common[0].begin() + (size_t)c0size - DTL_SEPARATE_SIZE, common[0].end()); for (long long i=0;i static Ses< elem > composeSesFromStream (stream& st) { elem line; Ses< elem > ret; long long x_idx, y_idx; x_idx = y_idx = 1; while (getline(st, line)) { elem mark(line.begin(), line.begin() + 1); elem e(line.begin() + 1, line.end()); if (mark == SES_MARK_DELETE) { ret.addSequence(e, x_idx, 0, SES_DELETE); ++x_idx; } else if (mark == SES_MARK_ADD) { ret.addSequence(e, y_idx, 0, SES_ADD); ++y_idx; } else if (mark == SES_MARK_COMMON) { ret.addSequence(e, x_idx, y_idx, SES_COMMON); ++x_idx; ++y_idx; } } return ret; } private : /** * initialize */ void init () { M = distance(A.begin(), A.end()); N = distance(B.begin(), B.end()); if (M < N) { swapped = false; } else { swap(A, B); swap(M, N); swapped = true; } editDistance = 0; delta = N - M; offset = M + 1; huge = false; trivial = false; editDistanceOnly = false; fp = NULL; } /** * search shortest path and record the path */ long long snake(const long long& k, const long long& above, const long long& below) { long long r = above > below ? path[(size_t)k-1+offset] : path[(size_t)k+1+offset]; long long y = max(above, below); long long x = y - k; while ((size_t)x < M && (size_t)y < N && (swapped ? cmp.impl(B[(size_t)y], A[(size_t)x]) : cmp.impl(A[(size_t)x], B[(size_t)y]))) { ++x;++y; } path[(size_t)k+offset] = static_cast(pathCordinates.size()); if (!editDistanceOnly) { P p; p.x = x;p.y = y;p.k = r; pathCordinates.push_back(p); } return y; } /** * record SES and LCS */ bool recordSequence (const editPathCordinates& v) { sequence_const_iter x(A.begin()); sequence_const_iter y(B.begin()); long long x_idx, y_idx; // line number for Unified Format long long px_idx, py_idx; // cordinates bool complete = false; x_idx = y_idx = 1; px_idx = py_idx = 0; for (size_t i=v.size()-1;!complete;--i) { while(px_idx < v[i].x || py_idx < v[i].y) { if (v[i].y - v[i].x > py_idx - px_idx) { if (!wasSwapped()) { ses.addSequence(*y, 0, y_idx + oy, SES_ADD); } else { ses.addSequence(*y, y_idx + oy, 0, SES_DELETE); } ++y; ++y_idx; ++py_idx; } else if (v[i].y - v[i].x < py_idx - px_idx) { if (!wasSwapped()) { ses.addSequence(*x, x_idx + ox, 0, SES_DELETE); } else { ses.addSequence(*x, 0, x_idx + ox, SES_ADD); } ++x; ++x_idx; ++px_idx; } else { if (!wasSwapped()) { lcs.addSequence(*x); ses.addSequence(*x, x_idx + ox, y_idx + oy, SES_COMMON); } else { lcs.addSequence(*y); ses.addSequence(*y, y_idx + oy, x_idx + ox, SES_COMMON); } ++x; ++y; ++x_idx; ++y_idx; ++px_idx; ++py_idx; } } if (i == 0) complete = true; } if (x_idx > static_cast(M) && y_idx > static_cast(N)) { // all recording succeeded } else { // trivial difference if (trivialEnabled()) { if (!wasSwapped()) { recordOddSequence(x_idx, M, x, SES_DELETE); recordOddSequence(y_idx, N, y, SES_ADD); } else { recordOddSequence(x_idx, M, x, SES_ADD); recordOddSequence(y_idx, N, y, SES_DELETE); } return true; } // nontrivial difference sequence A_(A.begin() + (size_t)x_idx - 1, A.end()); sequence B_(B.begin() + (size_t)y_idx - 1, B.end()); A = A_; B = B_; M = distance(A.begin(), A.end()); N = distance(B.begin(), B.end()); delta = N - M; offset = M + 1; delete[] fp; fp = new long long[M + N + 3]; fill(&fp[0], &fp[M + N + 3], -1); fill(path.begin(), path.end(), -1); ox = x_idx - 1; oy = y_idx - 1; return false; } return true; } /** * record odd sequence in SES */ void inline recordOddSequence (long long idx, long long length, sequence_const_iter it, const edit_t et) { while(idx < length){ ses.addSequence(*it, idx, 0, et); ++it; ++idx; ++editDistance; } ses.addSequence(*it, idx, 0, et); ++editDistance; } /** * join SES vectors */ void inline joinSesVec (sesElemVec& s1, sesElemVec& s2) const { if (!s2.empty()) { for (sesElemVec_iter vit=s2.begin();vit!=s2.end();++vit) { s1.push_back(*vit); } } } /** * check if the sequences have been swapped */ bool inline wasSwapped () const { return swapped; } }; } #endif // DTL_DIFF_H