#ifdef TRACY_ENABLE #ifdef _MSC_VER # include # include # include #else # include #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ # include #endif #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE # include #endif #ifdef __linux__ # include # include # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/TracyAlign.hpp" #include "../common/TracyProtocol.hpp" #include "../common/TracySocket.hpp" #include "../common/TracySystem.hpp" #include "tracy_rpmalloc.hpp" #include "TracyCallstack.hpp" #include "TracyScoped.hpp" #include "TracyProfiler.hpp" #include "TracyThread.hpp" #ifdef __GNUC__ #define init_order( val ) __attribute__ ((init_priority(val))) #else #define init_order(x) #endif #if defined TRACY_HW_TIMER && __ARM_ARCH >= 6 # include # include #endif #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __CYGWIN__ # include extern "C" typedef LONG (WINAPI *t_RtlGetVersion)( PRTL_OSVERSIONINFOW ); #else # include # include #endif #if defined __APPLE__ # include "TargetConditionals.h" #endif #if defined __linux__ # include # include #endif namespace tracy { struct RPMallocInit { RPMallocInit() { rpmalloc_initialize(); } }; struct RPMallocThreadInit { RPMallocThreadInit() { rpmalloc_thread_initialize(); } }; struct InitTimeWrapper { int64_t val; }; #if defined TRACY_HW_TIMER && __ARM_ARCH >= 6 int64_t (*GetTimeImpl)(); int64_t GetTimeImplFallback() { return std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count(); } int64_t GetTimeImplCntvct() { int64_t t; # ifdef __aarch64__ asm volatile ( "mrs %0, cntvct_el0" : "=r" (t) ); # else asm volatile ( "mrrc p15, 1, %Q0, %R0, c14" : "=r" (t) ); # endif return t; } static sigjmp_buf SigIllEnv; static int SetupHwTimerFailed() { return sigsetjmp( SigIllEnv, 1 ); } static void SetupHwTimerSigIllHandler( int /*signum*/ ) { siglongjmp( SigIllEnv, 1 ); } static int64_t SetupHwTimer() { struct sigaction act, oldact; memset( &act, 0, sizeof( act ) ); act.sa_handler = SetupHwTimerSigIllHandler; if( sigaction( SIGILL, &act, &oldact ) ) { GetTimeImpl = GetTimeImplFallback; return Profiler::GetTime(); } if( SetupHwTimerFailed() ) { sigaction( SIGILL, &oldact, nullptr ); GetTimeImpl = GetTimeImplFallback; return Profiler::GetTime(); } GetTimeImplCntvct(); sigaction( SIGILL, &oldact, nullptr ); GetTimeImpl = GetTimeImplCntvct; return Profiler::GetTime(); } #else static int64_t SetupHwTimer() { return Profiler::GetTime(); } #endif static const char* GetProcessName() { const char* processName = "unknown"; #if defined _MSC_VER static char buf[_MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA( nullptr, buf, _MAX_PATH ); const char* ptr = buf; while( *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++; while( ptr > buf && *ptr != '\\' && *ptr != '/' ) ptr--; if( ptr > buf ) ptr++; processName = ptr; #elif defined __ANDROID__ # if __ANDROID_API__ >= 21 auto buf = getprogname(); if( buf ) processName = buf; # endif #elif defined _GNU_SOURCE || defined __CYGWIN__ processName = program_invocation_short_name; #endif return processName; } static const char* GetHostInfo() { static char buf[1024]; auto ptr = buf; #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __CYGWIN__ # ifdef UNICODE t_RtlGetVersion RtlGetVersion = (t_RtlGetVersion)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( L"ntdll.dll" ), "RtlGetVersion" ); # else t_RtlGetVersion RtlGetVersion = (t_RtlGetVersion)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( "ntdll.dll" ), "RtlGetVersion" ); # endif if( !RtlGetVersion ) { # ifndef __CYGWIN__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Windows\n" ); # else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Windows (Cygwin)\n" ); # endif } else { RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW ver = { sizeof( RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW ) }; RtlGetVersion( &ver ); # ifndef __CYGWIN__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Windows %i.%i.%i\n", ver.dwMajorVersion, ver.dwMinorVersion, ver.dwBuildNumber ); # else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Windows %i.%i.%i (Cygwin)\n", ver.dwMajorVersion, ver.dwMinorVersion, ver.dwBuildNumber ); # endif } #elif defined __linux__ struct utsname utsName; uname( &utsName ); # if defined __ANDROID__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Linux %s (Android)\n", utsName.release ); # else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Linux %s\n", utsName.release ); # endif #elif defined __APPLE__ # if defined TARGET_OS_IPHONE ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Darwin (iOS)\n" ); # elif defined TARGET_OS_MAC ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Darwin (OSX)\n" ); # else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Darwin (unknown)\n" ); # endif #elif defined __DragonFly__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: BSD (DragonFly)\n" ); #elif defined __FreeBSD__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: BSD (FreeBSD)\n" ); #elif defined __NetBSD__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: BSD (NetBSD)\n" ); #elif defined __OpenBSD__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: BSD (OpenBSD)\n" ); #else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: unknown\n" ); #endif #if defined _MSC_VER ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Compiler: MSVC %i\n", _MSC_VER ); #elif defined __clang__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Compiler: clang %i.%i.%i\n", __clang_major__, __clang_minor__, __clang_patchlevel__ ); #elif defined __GNUC__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Compiler: gcc %i.%i\n", __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__ ); #else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Compiler: unknown\n" ); #endif #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __CYGWIN__ # ifndef __CYGWIN__ InitWinSock(); # endif char hostname[512]; gethostname( hostname, 512 ); DWORD userSz = UNLEN+1; char user[UNLEN+1]; GetUserNameA( user, &userSz ); ptr += sprintf( ptr, "User: %s@%s\n", user, hostname ); #else char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX]; char user[LOGIN_NAME_MAX]; gethostname( hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX ); getlogin_r( user, LOGIN_NAME_MAX ); ptr += sprintf( ptr, "User: %s@%s\n", user, hostname ); #endif #if defined __i386 || defined _M_IX86 ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Arch: x86\n" ); #elif defined __x86_64__ || defined _M_X64 ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Arch: x64\n" ); #elif defined __aarch64__ ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Arch: ARM64\n" ); #elif defined __ARM_ARCH ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Arch: ARM\n" ); #else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "Arch: unknown\n" ); #endif #if defined __i386 || defined _M_IX86 || defined __x86_64__ || defined _M_X64 uint32_t regs[4]; char cpuModel[4*4*3]; auto modelPtr = cpuModel; for( uint32_t i=0x80000002; i<0x80000005; ++i ) { # if defined _MSC_VER || defined __CYGWIN__ __cpuidex( (int*)regs, i, 0 ); # else int zero = 0; asm volatile ( "cpuid" : "=a" (regs[0]), "=b" (regs[1]), "=c" (regs[2]), "=d" (regs[3]) : "a" (i), "c" (zero) ); # endif memcpy( modelPtr, regs, sizeof( regs ) ); modelPtr += sizeof( regs ); } ptr += sprintf( ptr, "CPU: %s\n", cpuModel ); #else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "CPU: unknown\n" ); #endif #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __CYGWIN__ MEMORYSTATUSEX statex; statex.dwLength = sizeof( statex ); GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &statex ); ptr += sprintf( ptr, "RAM: %i MB\n", statex.ullTotalPhys / 1024 / 1024 ); #elif defined __linux__ struct sysinfo sysInfo; sysinfo( &sysInfo ); ptr += sprintf( ptr, "RAM: %lu MB\n", sysInfo.totalram / 1024 / 1024 ); #else ptr += sprintf( ptr, "RAM: unknown\n" ); #endif return buf; } #ifdef _MSC_VER static DWORD s_profilerThreadId = 0; static char s_crashText[1024]; LONG WINAPI CrashFilter( PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExp ) { const auto ec = pExp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode; auto msgPtr = s_crashText; switch( ec ) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0x%x). ", ec ); switch( pExp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0] ) { case 0: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Read violation at address 0x%p.", pExp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] ); break; case 1: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Write violation at address 0x%p.", pExp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] ); break; case 8: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "DEP violation at address 0x%p.", pExp->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] ); break; default: break; } break; case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION (0x%x). ", ec ); break; case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: msgPtr += sprintf( msgPtr, "Exception EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW (0x%x). ", ec ); break; default: return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } { const auto thread = GetThreadHandle(); Magic magic; auto& token = s_token.ptr; auto& tail = token->get_tail_index(); auto item = token->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::CrashReport ); item->crashReport.time = Profiler::GetTime(); item->crashReport.thread = thread; item->crashReport.text = (uint64_t)s_crashText; tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); s_profiler.SendCallstack( 60, thread ); } HANDLE h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0 ); if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; THREADENTRY32 te = { sizeof( te ) }; if( !Thread32First( h, &te ) ) { CloseHandle( h ); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } const auto pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); const auto tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); do { if( te.th32OwnerProcessID == pid && te.th32ThreadID != tid && te.th32ThreadID != s_profilerThreadId ) { HANDLE th = OpenThread( THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, FALSE, te.th32ThreadID ); if( th != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SuspendThread( th ); CloseHandle( th ); } } } while( Thread32Next( h, &te ) ); CloseHandle( h ); { Magic magic; auto& token = s_token.ptr; auto& tail = token->get_tail_index(); auto item = token->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::Crash ); tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); } std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 500 ) ); s_profiler.RequestShutdown(); while( !s_profiler.HasShutdownFinished() ) { std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 10 ) ); }; TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 ); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #endif #ifdef __linux__ static long s_profilerTid = 0; static char s_crashText[1024]; static void ThreadFreezer( int signal ) { for(;;) sleep( 1000 ); } static inline void HexPrint( char*& ptr, uint64_t val ) { if( val == 0 ) { *ptr++ = '0'; return; } static const char HexTable[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; char buf[16]; auto bptr = buf; do { *bptr++ = HexTable[val%16]; val /= 16; } while( val > 0 ); do { *ptr++ = *--bptr; } while( bptr != buf ); } static void CrashHandler( int signal, siginfo_t* info, void* ucontext ) { auto msgPtr = s_crashText; switch( signal ) { case SIGILL: strcpy( msgPtr, "Illegal Instruction.\n" ); while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; switch( info->si_code ) { case ILL_ILLOPC: strcpy( msgPtr, "Illegal opcode.\n" ); break; case ILL_ILLOPN: strcpy( msgPtr, "Illegal operand.\n" ); break; case ILL_ILLADR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Illegal addressing mode.\n" ); break; case ILL_ILLTRP: strcpy( msgPtr, "Illegal trap.\n" ); break; case ILL_PRVOPC: strcpy( msgPtr, "Privileged opcode.\n" ); break; case ILL_PRVREG: strcpy( msgPtr, "Privileged register.\n" ); break; case ILL_COPROC: strcpy( msgPtr, "Coprocessor error.\n" ); break; case ILL_BADSTK: strcpy( msgPtr, "Internal stack error.\n" ); break; default: break; } break; case SIGFPE: strcpy( msgPtr, "Floating-point exception.\n" ); while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; switch( info->si_code ) { case FPE_INTDIV: strcpy( msgPtr, "Integer divide by zero.\n" ); break; case FPE_INTOVF: strcpy( msgPtr, "Integer overflow.\n" ); break; case FPE_FLTDIV: strcpy( msgPtr, "Floating-point divide by zero.\n" ); break; case FPE_FLTOVF: strcpy( msgPtr, "Floating-point overflow.\n" ); break; case FPE_FLTUND: strcpy( msgPtr, "Floating-point underflow.\n" ); break; case FPE_FLTRES: strcpy( msgPtr, "Floating-point inexact result.\n" ); break; case FPE_FLTINV: strcpy( msgPtr, "Floating-point invalid operation.\n" ); break; case FPE_FLTSUB: strcpy( msgPtr, "Subscript out of range.\n" ); break; default: break; } break; case SIGSEGV: strcpy( msgPtr, "Invalid memory reference.\n" ); while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; switch( info->si_code ) { case SEGV_MAPERR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Address not mapped to object.\n" ); break; case SEGV_ACCERR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Invalid permissions for mapped object.\n" ); break; case SEGV_BNDERR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Failed address bound checks.\n" ); break; case SEGV_PKUERR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Access was denied by memory protection keys.\n" ); break; default: break; } break; case SIGPIPE: strcpy( msgPtr, "Broken pipe.\n" ); while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; break; case SIGBUS: strcpy( msgPtr, "Bus error.\n" ); while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; switch( info->si_code ) { case BUS_ADRALN: strcpy( msgPtr, "Invalid address alignment.\n" ); break; case BUS_ADRERR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Nonexistent physical address.\n" ); break; case BUS_OBJERR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Object-specific hardware error.\n" ); break; case BUS_MCEERR_AR: strcpy( msgPtr, "Hardware memory error consumed on a machine check; action required.\n" ); break; case BUS_MCEERR_AO: strcpy( msgPtr, "Hardware memory error detected in process but not consumed; action optional.\n" ); break; default: break; } break; default: abort(); } while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; if( signal != SIGPIPE ) { strcpy( msgPtr, "Fault address: 0x" ); while( *msgPtr ) msgPtr++; HexPrint( msgPtr, uint64_t( info->si_addr ) ); *msgPtr++ = '\n'; } { const auto thread = GetThreadHandle(); Magic magic; auto& token = s_token.ptr; auto& tail = token->get_tail_index(); auto item = token->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::CrashReport ); item->crashReport.time = Profiler::GetTime(); item->crashReport.thread = thread; item->crashReport.text = (uint64_t)s_crashText; tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); s_profiler.SendCallstack( 60, thread ); } DIR* dp = opendir( "/proc/self/task" ); if( !dp ) abort(); const auto selfTid = syscall( SYS_gettid ); struct dirent* ep; while( ( ep = readdir( dp ) ) != nullptr ) { if( ep->d_name[0] == '.' ) continue; int tid = atoi( ep->d_name ); if( tid != selfTid && tid != s_profilerTid ) { syscall( SYS_tkill, tid, SIGPWR ); } } closedir( dp ); { Magic magic; auto& token = s_token.ptr; auto& tail = token->get_tail_index(); auto item = token->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::Crash ); tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); } std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 500 ) ); s_profiler.RequestShutdown(); while( !s_profiler.HasShutdownFinished() ) { std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 10 ) ); }; abort(); } #endif enum { QueuePrealloc = 256 * 1024 }; // MSVC static initialization order solution. gcc/clang uses init_order() to avoid all this. static Profiler* s_instance = nullptr; static Thread* s_thread = nullptr; // 1a. But s_queue is needed for initialization of variables in point 2. extern moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue s_queue; static thread_local RPMallocThreadInit init_order(106) s_rpmalloc_thread_init; // 2. If these variables would be in the .CRT$XCB section, they would be initialized only in main thread. static thread_local moodycamel::ProducerToken init_order(107) s_token_detail( s_queue ); thread_local ProducerWrapper init_order(108) s_token { s_queue.get_explicit_producer( s_token_detail ) }; #ifdef _MSC_VER // 1. Initialize these static variables before all other variables. # pragma warning( disable : 4075 ) # pragma init_seg( ".CRT$XCB" ) #endif static InitTimeWrapper init_order(101) s_initTime { SetupHwTimer() }; static RPMallocInit init_order(102) s_rpmalloc_init; moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue init_order(103) s_queue( QueuePrealloc ); std::atomic init_order(104) s_lockCounter( 0 ); std::atomic init_order(104) s_gpuCtxCounter( 0 ); thread_local GpuCtxWrapper init_order(104) s_gpuCtx { nullptr }; VkCtxWrapper init_order(104) s_vkCtx { nullptr }; #ifdef TRACY_COLLECT_THREAD_NAMES struct ThreadNameData; static std::atomic init_order(104) s_threadNameDataInstance( nullptr ); std::atomic& s_threadNameData = s_threadNameDataInstance; #endif #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND thread_local LuaZoneState init_order(104) s_luaZoneState { 0, false }; #endif static Profiler init_order(105) s_profilerInstance; Profiler& s_profiler = s_profilerInstance; #ifdef _MSC_VER # define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else # define DLL_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #endif // DLL exports to enable TracyClientDLL.cpp to retrieve the instances of Tracy objects and functions DLL_EXPORT moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue::ExplicitProducer* get_token() { return s_token.ptr; } DLL_EXPORT void*(*get_rpmalloc())(size_t size) { return rpmalloc; } DLL_EXPORT void(*get_rpfree())(void* ptr) { return rpfree; } #if defined TRACY_HW_TIMER && __ARM_ARCH >= 6 DLL_EXPORT int64_t(*get_GetTimeImpl())() { return GetTimeImpl; } #endif DLL_EXPORT Profiler& get_profiler() { return s_profiler; } #ifdef TRACY_COLLECT_THREAD_NAMES DLL_EXPORT std::atomic& get_threadNameData() { return s_threadNameData; } DLL_EXPORT void(*get_rpmalloc_thread_initialize())() { return rpmalloc_thread_initialize; } #endif enum { BulkSize = TargetFrameSize / QueueItemSize }; Profiler::Profiler() : m_timeBegin( 0 ) , m_mainThread( GetThreadHandle() ) , m_epoch( std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() ) , m_shutdown( false ) , m_shutdownFinished( false ) , m_sock( nullptr ) , m_noExit( false ) , m_stream( LZ4_createStream() ) , m_buffer( (char*)tracy_malloc( TargetFrameSize*3 ) ) , m_bufferOffset( 0 ) , m_bufferStart( 0 ) , m_itemBuf( (QueueItem*)tracy_malloc( sizeof( QueueItem ) * BulkSize ) ) , m_lz4Buf( (char*)tracy_malloc( LZ4Size + sizeof( lz4sz_t ) ) ) , m_serialQueue( 1024*1024 ) , m_serialDequeue( 1024*1024 ) #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND , m_isConnected( false ) , m_frameCount( 0 ) , m_deferredQueue( 64*1024 ) #endif { assert( !s_instance ); s_instance = this; #ifdef _MSC_VER // 3. But these variables need to be initialized in main thread within the .CRT$XCB section. Do it here. s_token_detail = moodycamel::ProducerToken( s_queue ); s_token = ProducerWrapper { s_queue.get_explicit_producer( s_token_detail ) }; #endif CalibrateTimer(); CalibrateDelay(); #ifndef TRACY_NO_EXIT const char* noExitEnv = getenv( "TRACY_NO_EXIT" ); if( noExitEnv && noExitEnv[0] == '1' ) { m_noExit = true; } #endif s_thread = (Thread*)tracy_malloc( sizeof( Thread ) ); new(s_thread) Thread( LaunchWorker, this ); SetThreadName( s_thread->Handle(), "Tracy Profiler" ); #ifdef _MSC_VER s_profilerThreadId = GetThreadId( s_thread->Handle() ); AddVectoredExceptionHandler( 1, CrashFilter ); #endif #ifdef __linux__ struct sigaction threadFreezer = {}; threadFreezer.sa_handler = ThreadFreezer; sigaction( SIGPWR, &threadFreezer, nullptr ); struct sigaction crashHandler = {}; crashHandler.sa_sigaction = CrashHandler; crashHandler.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction( SIGILL, &crashHandler, nullptr ); sigaction( SIGFPE, &crashHandler, nullptr ); sigaction( SIGSEGV, &crashHandler, nullptr ); sigaction( SIGPIPE, &crashHandler, nullptr ); sigaction( SIGBUS, &crashHandler, nullptr ); #endif #ifdef TRACY_HAS_CALLSTACK InitCallstack(); #endif m_timeBegin.store( GetTime(), std::memory_order_relaxed ); } Profiler::~Profiler() { m_shutdown.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); s_thread->~Thread(); tracy_free( s_thread ); tracy_free( m_lz4Buf ); tracy_free( m_itemBuf ); tracy_free( m_buffer ); LZ4_freeStream( m_stream ); if( m_sock ) { m_sock->~Socket(); tracy_free( m_sock ); } assert( s_instance ); s_instance = nullptr; } bool Profiler::ShouldExit() { return s_instance->m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); } void Profiler::Worker() { #ifdef __linux__ s_profilerTid = syscall( SYS_gettid ); #endif rpmalloc_thread_initialize(); const auto procname = GetProcessName(); const auto pnsz = std::min( strlen( procname ), WelcomeMessageProgramNameSize - 1 ); const auto hostinfo = GetHostInfo(); const auto hisz = std::min( strlen( hostinfo ), WelcomeMessageHostInfoSize - 1 ); while( m_timeBegin.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) == 0 ) std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 10 ) ); #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND uint8_t onDemand = 1; #else uint8_t onDemand = 0; #endif WelcomeMessage welcome; MemWrite( &welcome.timerMul, m_timerMul ); MemWrite( &welcome.initBegin, s_initTime.val ); MemWrite( &welcome.initEnd, m_timeBegin.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) ); MemWrite( &welcome.delay, m_delay ); MemWrite( &welcome.resolution, m_resolution ); MemWrite( &welcome.epoch, m_epoch ); MemWrite( &welcome.onDemand, onDemand ); memcpy( welcome.programName, procname, pnsz ); memset( welcome.programName + pnsz, 0, WelcomeMessageProgramNameSize - pnsz ); memcpy( welcome.hostInfo, hostinfo, hisz ); memset( welcome.hostInfo + hisz, 0, WelcomeMessageHostInfoSize - hisz ); moodycamel::ConsumerToken token( s_queue ); ListenSocket listen; listen.Listen( "8086", 8 ); for(;;) { for(;;) { #ifndef TRACY_NO_EXIT if( !m_noExit && ShouldExit() ) { m_shutdownFinished.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); return; } #endif m_sock = listen.Accept(); if( m_sock ) break; } #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND ClearQueues( token ); m_isConnected.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); #endif LZ4_resetStream( m_stream ); m_sock->Send( &welcome, sizeof( welcome ) ); #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND OnDemandPayloadMessage onDemand; onDemand.frames = m_frameCount.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); m_sock->Send( &onDemand, sizeof( onDemand ) ); m_deferredLock.lock(); for( auto& item : m_deferredQueue ) { const auto idx = MemRead( &item.hdr.idx ); AppendData( &item, QueueDataSize[idx] ); } m_deferredLock.unlock(); #endif int keepAlive = 0; for(;;) { const auto status = Dequeue( token ); const auto serialStatus = DequeueSerial(); if( status == ConnectionLost || serialStatus == ConnectionLost ) { break; } else if( status == QueueEmpty && serialStatus == QueueEmpty ) { if( ShouldExit() ) break; if( m_bufferOffset != m_bufferStart ) { if( !CommitData() ) break; } if( keepAlive == 500 ) { QueueItem ka; ka.hdr.type = QueueType::KeepAlive; AppendData( &ka, QueueDataSize[ka.hdr.idx] ); if( !CommitData() ) break; keepAlive = 0; } else { keepAlive++; std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 10 ) ); } } else { keepAlive = 0; } while( m_sock->HasData() ) { if( !HandleServerQuery() ) break; } } if( ShouldExit() ) break; #ifdef TRACY_ON_DEMAND m_isConnected.store( false, std::memory_order_relaxed ); #endif } for(;;) { const auto status = Dequeue( token ); const auto serialStatus = DequeueSerial(); if( status == ConnectionLost || serialStatus == ConnectionLost ) { break; } else if( status == QueueEmpty && serialStatus == QueueEmpty ) { if( m_bufferOffset != m_bufferStart ) CommitData(); break; } while( m_sock->HasData() ) { if( !HandleServerQuery() ) break; } } QueueItem terminate; MemWrite( &terminate.hdr.type, QueueType::Terminate ); if( !SendData( (const char*)&terminate, 1 ) ) { m_shutdownFinished.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); return; } for(;;) { if( m_sock->HasData() ) { while( m_sock->HasData() ) { if( !HandleServerQuery() ) { if( m_bufferOffset != m_bufferStart ) CommitData(); m_shutdownFinished.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); return; } } while( Dequeue( token ) == Success ) {} while( DequeueSerial() == Success ) {} if( m_bufferOffset != m_bufferStart ) { if( !CommitData() ) { m_shutdownFinished.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); return; } } } else { if( m_bufferOffset != m_bufferStart ) CommitData(); std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 10 ) ); } } } static void FreeAssociatedMemory( const QueueItem& item ) { if( item.hdr.idx >= (int)QueueType::Terminate ) return; uint64_t ptr; switch( item.hdr.type ) { case QueueType::ZoneText: case QueueType::ZoneName: ptr = MemRead( &item.zoneText.text ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::Message: ptr = MemRead( &item.message.text ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc: ptr = MemRead( &item.zoneBegin.srcloc ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::CallstackMemory: ptr = MemRead( &item.callstackMemory.ptr ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::Callstack: ptr = MemRead( &item.callstack.ptr ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } } void Profiler::ClearQueues( moodycamel::ConsumerToken& token ) { for(;;) { const auto sz = s_queue.try_dequeue_bulk( token, m_itemBuf, BulkSize ); if( sz == 0 ) break; for( size_t i=0; i lock( m_serialLock ); for( auto& v : m_serialDequeue ) FreeAssociatedMemory( v ); m_serialDequeue.clear(); for( auto& v : m_serialQueue ) FreeAssociatedMemory( v ); m_serialQueue.clear(); } Profiler::DequeueStatus Profiler::Dequeue( moodycamel::ConsumerToken& token ) { const auto sz = s_queue.try_dequeue_bulk( token, m_itemBuf, BulkSize ); if( sz > 0 ) { auto end = m_itemBuf + sz; auto item = m_itemBuf; while( item != end ) { uint64_t ptr; const auto idx = MemRead( &item->hdr.idx ); if( idx < (int)QueueType::Terminate ) { switch( (QueueType)idx ) { case QueueType::ZoneText: case QueueType::ZoneName: ptr = MemRead( &item->zoneText.text ); SendString( ptr, (const char*)ptr, QueueType::CustomStringData ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::Message: ptr = MemRead( &item->message.text ); SendString( ptr, (const char*)ptr, QueueType::CustomStringData ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc: ptr = MemRead( &item->zoneBegin.srcloc ); SendSourceLocationPayload( ptr ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; case QueueType::Callstack: ptr = MemRead( &item->callstack.ptr ); SendCallstackPayload( ptr ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } } if( !AppendData( item, QueueDataSize[idx] ) ) return ConnectionLost; item++; } } else { return QueueEmpty; } return Success; } Profiler::DequeueStatus Profiler::DequeueSerial() { { while( !m_serialLock.try_lock() ) {} m_serialQueue.swap( m_serialDequeue ); m_serialLock.unlock(); } const auto sz = m_serialDequeue.size(); if( sz > 0 ) { auto item = m_serialDequeue.data(); auto end = item + sz; while( item != end ) { uint64_t ptr; const auto idx = MemRead( &item->hdr.idx ); if( idx < (int)QueueType::Terminate ) { switch( (QueueType)idx ) { case QueueType::CallstackMemory: ptr = MemRead( &item->callstackMemory.ptr ); SendCallstackPayload( ptr ); tracy_free( (void*)ptr ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } } if( !AppendData( item, QueueDataSize[idx] ) ) return ConnectionLost; item++; } m_serialDequeue.clear(); } else { return QueueEmpty; } return Success; } bool Profiler::AppendData( const void* data, size_t len ) { auto ret = true; ret = NeedDataSize( len ); AppendDataUnsafe( data, len ); return ret; } bool Profiler::CommitData() { bool ret = SendData( m_buffer + m_bufferStart, m_bufferOffset - m_bufferStart ); if( m_bufferOffset > TargetFrameSize * 2 ) m_bufferOffset = 0; m_bufferStart = m_bufferOffset; return ret; } bool Profiler::NeedDataSize( size_t len ) { bool ret = true; if( m_bufferOffset - m_bufferStart + len > TargetFrameSize ) { ret = CommitData(); } return ret; } bool Profiler::SendData( const char* data, size_t len ) { const lz4sz_t lz4sz = LZ4_compress_fast_continue( m_stream, data, m_lz4Buf + sizeof( lz4sz_t ), (int)len, LZ4Size, 1 ); memcpy( m_lz4Buf, &lz4sz, sizeof( lz4sz ) ); return m_sock->Send( m_lz4Buf, lz4sz + sizeof( lz4sz_t ) ) != -1; } void Profiler::SendString( uint64_t str, const char* ptr, QueueType type ) { assert( type == QueueType::StringData || type == QueueType::ThreadName || type == QueueType::CustomStringData || type == QueueType::PlotName || type == QueueType::FrameName ); QueueItem item; MemWrite( &item.hdr.type, type ); MemWrite( &item.stringTransfer.ptr, str ); auto len = strlen( ptr ); assert( len <= std::numeric_limits::max() ); auto l16 = uint16_t( len ); NeedDataSize( QueueDataSize[(int)type] + sizeof( l16 ) + l16 ); AppendDataUnsafe( &item, QueueDataSize[(int)type] ); AppendDataUnsafe( &l16, sizeof( l16 ) ); AppendDataUnsafe( ptr, l16 ); } void Profiler::SendSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr ) { auto srcloc = (const SourceLocationData*)ptr; QueueItem item; MemWrite( &item.hdr.type, QueueType::SourceLocation ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.name, (uint64_t)srcloc->name ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.file, (uint64_t)srcloc->file ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.function, (uint64_t)srcloc->function ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.line, srcloc->line ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.r, uint8_t( ( srcloc->color ) & 0xFF ) ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.g, uint8_t( ( srcloc->color >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) ); MemWrite( &item.srcloc.b, uint8_t( ( srcloc->color >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) ); AppendData( &item, QueueDataSize[(int)QueueType::SourceLocation] ); } void Profiler::SendSourceLocationPayload( uint64_t _ptr ) { auto ptr = (const char*)_ptr; QueueItem item; MemWrite( &item.hdr.type, QueueType::SourceLocationPayload ); MemWrite( &item.stringTransfer.ptr, _ptr ); const auto len = *((uint32_t*)ptr); assert( len <= std::numeric_limits::max() ); assert( len > 4 ); const auto l16 = uint16_t( len - 4 ); NeedDataSize( QueueDataSize[(int)QueueType::SourceLocationPayload] + sizeof( l16 ) + l16 ); AppendDataUnsafe( &item, QueueDataSize[(int)QueueType::SourceLocationPayload] ); AppendDataUnsafe( &l16, sizeof( l16 ) ); AppendDataUnsafe( ptr + 4, l16 ); } void Profiler::SendCallstackPayload( uint64_t _ptr ) { auto ptr = (uintptr_t*)_ptr; QueueItem item; MemWrite( &item.hdr.type, QueueType::CallstackPayload ); MemWrite( &item.stringTransfer.ptr, _ptr ); const auto sz = *ptr++; const auto len = sz * sizeof( uint64_t ); const auto l16 = uint16_t( len ); NeedDataSize( QueueDataSize[(int)QueueType::CallstackPayload] + sizeof( l16 ) + l16 ); AppendDataUnsafe( &item, QueueDataSize[(int)QueueType::CallstackPayload] ); AppendDataUnsafe( &l16, sizeof( l16 ) ); if( compile_time_condition::value ) { AppendDataUnsafe( ptr, sizeof( uint64_t ) * sz ); } else { for( uintptr_t i=0; iRead( &type, sizeof( type ), &tv, DontExit ) ) return false; uint64_t ptr; if( !m_sock->Read( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ), &tv, DontExit ) ) return false; switch( type ) { case ServerQueryString: SendString( ptr, (const char*)ptr, QueueType::StringData ); break; case ServerQueryThreadString: if( ptr == m_mainThread ) { SendString( ptr, "Main thread", QueueType::ThreadName ); } else { SendString( ptr, GetThreadName( ptr ), QueueType::ThreadName ); } break; case ServerQuerySourceLocation: SendSourceLocation( ptr ); break; case ServerQueryPlotName: SendString( ptr, (const char*)ptr, QueueType::PlotName ); break; case ServerQueryTerminate: return false; case ServerQueryCallstackFrame: SendCallstackFrame( ptr ); break; case ServerQueryFrameName: SendString( ptr, (const char*)ptr, QueueType::FrameName ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } return true; } void Profiler::CalibrateTimer() { #ifdef TRACY_HW_TIMER # if __ARM_ARCH >= 6 if( GetTimeImpl == GetTimeImplFallback ) { m_timerMul = 1.; return; } # endif std::atomic_signal_fence( std::memory_order_acq_rel ); const auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); const auto r0 = GetTime(); std::atomic_signal_fence( std::memory_order_acq_rel ); std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 200 ) ); std::atomic_signal_fence( std::memory_order_acq_rel ); const auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); const auto r1 = GetTime(); std::atomic_signal_fence( std::memory_order_acq_rel ); const auto dt = std::chrono::duration_cast( t1 - t0 ).count(); const auto dr = r1 - r0; m_timerMul = double( dt ) / double( dr ); #else m_timerMul = 1.; #endif } class FakeZone { public: FakeZone( const SourceLocationData* srcloc ) : m_id( (uint64_t)srcloc ) {} ~FakeZone() {} private: volatile uint64_t m_id; }; void Profiler::CalibrateDelay() { enum { Iterations = 50000 }; enum { Events = Iterations * 2 }; // start + end static_assert( Events * 2 < QueuePrealloc, "Delay calibration loop will allocate memory in queue" ); moodycamel::ProducerToken ptoken_detail( s_queue ); moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue::ExplicitProducer* ptoken = s_queue.get_explicit_producer( ptoken_detail ); for( int i=0; iget_tail_index(); auto item = ptoken->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::ZoneBegin ); MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.thread, GetThreadHandle() ); #ifdef TRACY_RDTSCP_OPT MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.time, Profiler::GetTime( item->zoneBegin.cpu ) ); #else uint32_t cpu; MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.time, Profiler::GetTime( cpu ) ); MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.cpu, cpu ); #endif MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)&__tracy_source_location ); tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); } { Magic magic; auto& tail = ptoken->get_tail_index(); auto item = ptoken->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::ZoneEnd ); MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.thread, uint64_t( 0 ) ); #ifdef TRACY_RDTSCP_OPT MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.time, GetTime( item->zoneEnd.cpu ) ); #else uint32_t cpu; MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.time, GetTime( cpu ) ); MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.cpu, cpu ); #endif tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); } } const auto f0 = GetTime(); for( int i=0; iget_tail_index(); auto item = ptoken->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::ZoneBegin ); MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.thread, GetThreadHandle() ); #ifdef TRACY_RDTSCP_OPT MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.time, Profiler::GetTime( item->zoneBegin.cpu ) ); #else uint32_t cpu; MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.time, Profiler::GetTime( cpu ) ); MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.cpu, cpu ); #endif MemWrite( &item->zoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)&__tracy_source_location ); tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); } { Magic magic; auto& tail = ptoken->get_tail_index(); auto item = ptoken->enqueue_begin( magic ); MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::ZoneEnd ); MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.thread, uint64_t( 0 ) ); #ifdef TRACY_RDTSCP_OPT MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.time, GetTime( item->zoneEnd.cpu ) ); #else uint32_t cpu; MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.time, GetTime( cpu ) ); MemWrite( &item->zoneEnd.cpu, cpu ); #endif tail.store( magic + 1, std::memory_order_release ); } } const auto t1 = GetTime(); const auto dt = t1 - t0; const auto df = t0 - f0; m_delay = ( dt - df ) / Events; auto mindiff = std::numeric_limits::max(); for( int i=0; i 0 && dti < mindiff ) mindiff = dti; } m_resolution = mindiff; enum { Bulk = 1000 }; moodycamel::ConsumerToken token( s_queue ); int left = Events * 2; QueueItem item[Bulk]; while( left != 0 ) { const auto sz = s_queue.try_dequeue_bulk( token, item, std::min( left, (int)Bulk ) ); assert( sz > 0 ); left -= (int)sz; } } } #endif