#ifndef __TRACYQUEUE_HPP__ #define __TRACYQUEUE_HPP__ #include namespace tracy { enum class QueueType : uint8_t { ZoneText, ZoneName, Message, MessageColor, MessageCallstack, MessageColorCallstack, MessageAppInfo, ZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc, ZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack, CallstackSerial, Callstack, CallstackAlloc, CallstackSample, FrameImage, ZoneBegin, ZoneBeginCallstack, ZoneEnd, LockWait, LockObtain, LockRelease, LockSharedWait, LockSharedObtain, LockSharedRelease, LockName, MemAlloc, MemAllocNamed, MemFree, MemFreeNamed, MemAllocCallstack, MemAllocCallstackNamed, MemFreeCallstack, MemFreeCallstackNamed, GpuZoneBegin, GpuZoneBeginCallstack, GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc, GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack, GpuZoneEnd, GpuZoneBeginSerial, GpuZoneBeginCallstackSerial, GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocSerial, GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstackSerial, GpuZoneEndSerial, PlotData, ContextSwitch, ThreadWakeup, GpuTime, GpuContextName, CallstackFrameSize, SymbolInformation, CodeInformation, ExternalNameMetadata, FiberEnter, FiberLeave, Terminate, KeepAlive, ThreadContext, GpuCalibration, Crash, CrashReport, ZoneValidation, ZoneColor, ZoneValue, FrameMarkMsg, FrameMarkMsgStart, FrameMarkMsgEnd, SourceLocation, LockAnnounce, LockTerminate, LockMark, MessageLiteral, MessageLiteralColor, MessageLiteralCallstack, MessageLiteralColorCallstack, GpuNewContext, CallstackFrame, SysTimeReport, TidToPid, HwSampleCpuCycle, HwSampleInstructionRetired, HwSampleCacheReference, HwSampleCacheMiss, HwSampleBranchRetired, HwSampleBranchMiss, PlotConfig, ParamSetup, AckServerQueryNoop, AckSourceCodeNotAvailable, CpuTopology, SingleStringData, SecondStringData, MemNamePayload, StringData, ThreadName, PlotName, SourceLocationPayload, CallstackPayload, CallstackAllocPayload, FrameName, FrameImageData, ExternalName, ExternalThreadName, SymbolCode, SourceCode, FiberName, NUM_TYPES }; #pragma pack( 1 ) struct QueueThreadContext { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueZoneBeginLean { int64_t time; }; struct QueueZoneBegin : public QueueZoneBeginLean { uint64_t srcloc; // ptr }; struct QueueZoneBeginThread : public QueueZoneBegin { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueZoneEnd { int64_t time; }; struct QueueZoneEndThread : public QueueZoneEnd { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueZoneValidation { uint32_t id; }; struct QueueZoneValidationThread : public QueueZoneValidation { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueZoneColor { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; }; struct QueueZoneColorThread : public QueueZoneColor { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueZoneValue { uint64_t value; }; struct QueueZoneValueThread : public QueueZoneValue { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueStringTransfer { uint64_t ptr; }; struct QueueFrameMark { int64_t time; uint64_t name; // ptr }; struct QueueFrameImage { uint32_t frame; uint16_t w; uint16_t h; uint8_t flip; }; struct QueueFrameImageFat : public QueueFrameImage { uint64_t image; // ptr }; struct QueueSourceLocation { uint64_t name; uint64_t function; // ptr uint64_t file; // ptr uint32_t line; uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; }; struct QueueZoneTextFat { uint64_t text; // ptr uint16_t size; }; struct QueueZoneTextFatThread : public QueueZoneTextFat { uint32_t thread; }; enum class LockType : uint8_t { Lockable, SharedLockable }; struct QueueLockAnnounce { uint32_t id; int64_t time; uint64_t lckloc; // ptr LockType type; }; struct QueueFiberEnter { int64_t time; uint64_t fiber; // ptr uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueFiberLeave { int64_t time; uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueLockTerminate { uint32_t id; int64_t time; }; struct QueueLockWait { uint32_t thread; uint32_t id; int64_t time; }; struct QueueLockObtain { uint32_t thread; uint32_t id; int64_t time; }; struct QueueLockRelease { uint32_t thread; uint32_t id; int64_t time; }; struct QueueLockMark { uint32_t thread; uint32_t id; uint64_t srcloc; // ptr }; struct QueueLockName { uint32_t id; }; struct QueueLockNameFat : public QueueLockName { uint64_t name; // ptr uint16_t size; }; enum class PlotDataType : uint8_t { Float, Double, Int }; struct QueuePlotData { uint64_t name; // ptr int64_t time; PlotDataType type; union { double d; float f; int64_t i; } data; }; struct QueueMessage { int64_t time; }; struct QueueMessageColor : public QueueMessage { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; }; struct QueueMessageLiteral : public QueueMessage { uint64_t text; // ptr }; struct QueueMessageLiteralThread : public QueueMessageLiteral { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueMessageColorLiteral : public QueueMessageColor { uint64_t text; // ptr }; struct QueueMessageColorLiteralThread : public QueueMessageColorLiteral { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueMessageFat : public QueueMessage { uint64_t text; // ptr uint16_t size; }; struct QueueMessageFatThread : public QueueMessageFat { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueMessageColorFat : public QueueMessageColor { uint64_t text; // ptr uint16_t size; }; struct QueueMessageColorFatThread : public QueueMessageColorFat { uint32_t thread; }; // Don't change order, only add new entries at the end, this is also used on trace dumps! enum class GpuContextType : uint8_t { Invalid, OpenGl, Vulkan, OpenCL, Direct3D12, Direct3D11 }; enum GpuContextFlags : uint8_t { GpuContextCalibration = 1 << 0 }; struct QueueGpuNewContext { int64_t cpuTime; int64_t gpuTime; uint32_t thread; float period; uint8_t context; GpuContextFlags flags; GpuContextType type; }; struct QueueGpuZoneBeginLean { int64_t cpuTime; uint32_t thread; uint16_t queryId; uint8_t context; }; struct QueueGpuZoneBegin : public QueueGpuZoneBeginLean { uint64_t srcloc; }; struct QueueGpuZoneEnd { int64_t cpuTime; uint32_t thread; uint16_t queryId; uint8_t context; }; struct QueueGpuTime { int64_t gpuTime; uint16_t queryId; uint8_t context; }; struct QueueGpuCalibration { int64_t gpuTime; int64_t cpuTime; int64_t cpuDelta; uint8_t context; }; struct QueueGpuContextName { uint8_t context; }; struct QueueGpuContextNameFat : public QueueGpuContextName { uint64_t ptr; uint16_t size; }; struct QueueMemNamePayload { uint64_t name; }; struct QueueMemAlloc { int64_t time; uint32_t thread; uint64_t ptr; char size[6]; }; struct QueueMemFree { int64_t time; uint32_t thread; uint64_t ptr; }; struct QueueCallstackFat { uint64_t ptr; }; struct QueueCallstackFatThread : public QueueCallstackFat { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueCallstackAllocFat { uint64_t ptr; uint64_t nativePtr; }; struct QueueCallstackAllocFatThread : public QueueCallstackAllocFat { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueCallstackSample { int64_t time; uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueCallstackSampleFat : public QueueCallstackSample { uint64_t ptr; }; struct QueueCallstackFrameSize { uint64_t ptr; uint8_t size; }; struct QueueCallstackFrameSizeFat : public QueueCallstackFrameSize { uint64_t data; uint64_t imageName; }; struct QueueCallstackFrame { uint32_t line; uint64_t symAddr; uint32_t symLen; }; struct QueueSymbolInformation { uint32_t line; uint64_t symAddr; }; struct QueueSymbolInformationFat : public QueueSymbolInformation { uint64_t fileString; uint8_t needFree; }; struct QueueCodeInformation { uint64_t symAddr; uint32_t line; uint64_t ptrOffset; }; struct QueueCodeInformationFat : public QueueCodeInformation { uint64_t fileString; uint8_t needFree; }; struct QueueCrashReport { int64_t time; uint64_t text; // ptr }; struct QueueCrashReportThread { uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueSysTime { int64_t time; float sysTime; }; struct QueueContextSwitch { int64_t time; uint32_t oldThread; uint32_t newThread; uint8_t cpu; uint8_t reason; uint8_t state; }; struct QueueThreadWakeup { int64_t time; uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueTidToPid { uint64_t tid; uint64_t pid; }; struct QueueHwSample { uint64_t ip; int64_t time; }; enum class PlotFormatType : uint8_t { Number, Memory, Percentage }; struct QueuePlotConfig { uint64_t name; // ptr uint8_t type; }; struct QueueParamSetup { uint32_t idx; uint64_t name; // ptr uint8_t isBool; int32_t val; }; struct QueueCpuTopology { uint32_t package; uint32_t core; uint32_t thread; }; struct QueueExternalNameMetadata { uint64_t thread; uint64_t name; uint64_t threadName; }; struct QueueHeader { union { QueueType type; uint8_t idx; }; }; struct QueueItem { QueueHeader hdr; union { QueueThreadContext threadCtx; QueueZoneBegin zoneBegin; QueueZoneBeginLean zoneBeginLean; QueueZoneBeginThread zoneBeginThread; QueueZoneEnd zoneEnd; QueueZoneEndThread zoneEndThread; QueueZoneValidation zoneValidation; QueueZoneValidationThread zoneValidationThread; QueueZoneColor zoneColor; QueueZoneColorThread zoneColorThread; QueueZoneValue zoneValue; QueueZoneValueThread zoneValueThread; QueueStringTransfer stringTransfer; QueueFrameMark frameMark; QueueFrameImage frameImage; QueueFrameImageFat frameImageFat; QueueSourceLocation srcloc; QueueZoneTextFat zoneTextFat; QueueZoneTextFatThread zoneTextFatThread; QueueLockAnnounce lockAnnounce; QueueLockTerminate lockTerminate; QueueLockWait lockWait; QueueLockObtain lockObtain; QueueLockRelease lockRelease; QueueLockMark lockMark; QueueLockName lockName; QueueLockNameFat lockNameFat; QueuePlotData plotData; QueueMessage message; QueueMessageColor messageColor; QueueMessageLiteral messageLiteral; QueueMessageLiteralThread messageLiteralThread; QueueMessageColorLiteral messageColorLiteral; QueueMessageColorLiteralThread messageColorLiteralThread; QueueMessageFat messageFat; QueueMessageFatThread messageFatThread; QueueMessageColorFat messageColorFat; QueueMessageColorFatThread messageColorFatThread; QueueGpuNewContext gpuNewContext; QueueGpuZoneBegin gpuZoneBegin; QueueGpuZoneBeginLean gpuZoneBeginLean; QueueGpuZoneEnd gpuZoneEnd; QueueGpuTime gpuTime; QueueGpuCalibration gpuCalibration; QueueGpuContextName gpuContextName; QueueGpuContextNameFat gpuContextNameFat; QueueMemAlloc memAlloc; QueueMemFree memFree; QueueMemNamePayload memName; QueueCallstackFat callstackFat; QueueCallstackFatThread callstackFatThread; QueueCallstackAllocFat callstackAllocFat; QueueCallstackAllocFatThread callstackAllocFatThread; QueueCallstackSample callstackSample; QueueCallstackSampleFat callstackSampleFat; QueueCallstackFrameSize callstackFrameSize; QueueCallstackFrameSizeFat callstackFrameSizeFat; QueueCallstackFrame callstackFrame; QueueSymbolInformation symbolInformation; QueueSymbolInformationFat symbolInformationFat; QueueCodeInformation codeInformation; QueueCodeInformationFat codeInformationFat; QueueCrashReport crashReport; QueueCrashReportThread crashReportThread; QueueSysTime sysTime; QueueContextSwitch contextSwitch; QueueThreadWakeup threadWakeup; QueueTidToPid tidToPid; QueueHwSample hwSample; QueuePlotConfig plotConfig; QueueParamSetup paramSetup; QueueCpuTopology cpuTopology; QueueExternalNameMetadata externalNameMetadata; QueueFiberEnter fiberEnter; QueueFiberLeave fiberLeave; }; }; #pragma pack() enum { QueueItemSize = sizeof( QueueItem ) }; static constexpr size_t QueueDataSize[] = { sizeof( QueueHeader ), // zone text sizeof( QueueHeader ), // zone name sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessage ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessageColor ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessage ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessageColor ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessage ), // app info sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneBeginLean ), // allocated source location sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneBeginLean ), // allocated source location, callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ), // callstack memory sizeof( QueueHeader ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ), // callstack alloc sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueCallstackSample ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueFrameImage ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneBegin ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneBegin ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneEnd ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockWait ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockObtain ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockRelease ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockWait ), // shared sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockObtain ), // shared sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockRelease ), // shared sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockName ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemAlloc ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemAlloc ), // named sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemFree ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemFree ), // named sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemAlloc ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemAlloc ), // callstack, named sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemFree ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemFree ), // callstack, named sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBegin ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBegin ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBeginLean ),// allocated source location sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBeginLean ),// allocated source location, callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneEnd ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBegin ), // serial sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBegin ), // serial, callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBeginLean ),// serial, allocated source location sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneBeginLean ),// serial, allocated source location, callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuZoneEnd ), // serial sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueuePlotData ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueContextSwitch ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueThreadWakeup ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuTime ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuContextName ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueCallstackFrameSize ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueSymbolInformation ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueCodeInformation ), sizeof( QueueHeader ), // ExternalNameMetadata - not for wire transfer sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueFiberEnter ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueFiberLeave ), // above items must be first sizeof( QueueHeader ), // terminate sizeof( QueueHeader ), // keep alive sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueThreadContext ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuCalibration ), sizeof( QueueHeader ), // crash sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueCrashReport ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneValidation ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneColor ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueZoneValue ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueFrameMark ), // continuous frames sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueFrameMark ), // start sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueFrameMark ), // end sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueSourceLocation ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockAnnounce ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockTerminate ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueLockMark ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessageLiteral ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessageColorLiteral ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessageLiteral ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMessageColorLiteral ), // callstack sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueGpuNewContext ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueCallstackFrame ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueSysTime ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueTidToPid ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueHwSample ), // cpu cycle sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueHwSample ), // instruction retired sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueHwSample ), // cache reference sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueHwSample ), // cache miss sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueHwSample ), // branch retired sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueHwSample ), // branch miss sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueuePlotConfig ), sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueParamSetup ), sizeof( QueueHeader ), // server query acknowledgement sizeof( QueueHeader ), // source code not available sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueCpuTopology ), sizeof( QueueHeader ), // single string data sizeof( QueueHeader ), // second string data sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueMemNamePayload ), // keep all QueueStringTransfer below sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // string data sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // thread name sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // plot name sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // allocated source location payload sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // callstack payload sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // callstack alloc payload sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // frame name sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // frame image data sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // external name sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // external thread name sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // symbol code sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // source code sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer ), // fiber name }; static_assert( QueueItemSize == 32, "Queue item size not 32 bytes" ); static_assert( sizeof( QueueDataSize ) / sizeof( size_t ) == (uint8_t)QueueType::NUM_TYPES, "QueueDataSize mismatch" ); static_assert( sizeof( void* ) <= sizeof( uint64_t ), "Pointer size > 8 bytes" ); static_assert( sizeof( void* ) == sizeof( uintptr_t ), "Pointer size != uintptr_t" ); } #endif