#ifndef __TRACYVIEW_HPP__ #define __TRACYVIEW_HPP__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/tracy_lz4.hpp" #include "../common/TracySocket.hpp" #include "../common/TracyQueue.hpp" #include "TracyCharUtil.hpp" #include "TracyEvent.hpp" #include "TracySlab.hpp" #include "TracyVector.hpp" struct ImVec2; namespace tracy { struct QueueItem; class FileRead; class FileWrite; class View { public: View() : View( "" ) {} View( const char* addr ); View( FileRead& f ); ~View(); static bool ShouldExit(); static void Draw(); private: enum class Namespace : uint8_t { Full, Mid, Short }; struct MessagePending { int64_t time; uint64_t thread; }; struct MessageData { union { struct { int64_t time : 63; int64_t literal : 1; }; int64_t _time_literal; }; union { const char* txt; uint64_t str; }; }; struct ThreadData { uint64_t id; bool showFull; bool visible; Vector timeline; Vector messages; }; struct LockMap { uint64_t srcloc; Vector timeline; std::unordered_map threadMap; std::vector threadList; bool visible; }; struct LockHighlight { int64_t id; uint64_t begin; uint64_t end; uint8_t thread; bool blocked; }; struct PlotItem { int64_t time; double val; }; struct PlotData { uint64_t name; double min; double max; bool showFull; bool visible; Vector data; Vector postpone; uint64_t postponeTime; }; void Worker(); void DispatchProcess( const QueueItem& ev ); void DispatchProcess( const QueueItem& ev, const char*& ptr ); void ServerQuery( uint8_t type, uint64_t data ); void Process( const QueueItem& ev ); void ProcessZoneBegin( const QueueZoneBegin& ev ); void ProcessZoneEnd( const QueueZoneEnd& ev ); void ProcessFrameMark( const QueueFrameMark& ev ); void ProcessZoneText( const QueueZoneText& ev ); void ProcessZoneName( const QueueZoneName& ev ); void ProcessLockWait( const QueueLockWait& ev ); void ProcessLockObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev ); void ProcessLockRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev ); void ProcessLockMark( const QueueLockMark& ev ); void ProcessPlotData( const QueuePlotData& ev ); void ProcessMessage( const QueueMessage& ev ); void ProcessMessageLiteral( const QueueMessage& ev ); void CheckString( uint64_t ptr ); void CheckThreadString( uint64_t id ); void CheckCustomString( uint64_t ptr, ZoneEvent* dst ); void CheckSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr ); void AddString( uint64_t ptr, std::string&& str ); void AddThreadString( uint64_t id, std::string&& str ); void AddCustomString( uint64_t ptr, std::string&& str ); void AddSourceLocation( const QueueSourceLocation& srcloc ); void AddMessageData( uint64_t ptr, const char* str, size_t sz ); void InsertMessageData( MessageData* msg, uint64_t thread ); ThreadData* NoticeThread( uint64_t thread ); void NewZone( ZoneEvent* zone, uint64_t thread ); void UpdateZone( ZoneEvent* zone ); void InsertZone( ZoneEvent* zone, Vector& vec ); void InsertLockEvent( LockMap& lockmap, LockEvent* lev, uint64_t thread ); void UpdateLockCount( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos ); void InsertPlot( PlotData* plot, int64_t time, double val ); void InsertPlot( PlotData* plot, PlotItem* item ); void HandlePlotName( uint64_t name, std::string&& str ); void HandlePostponedPlots(); uint64_t GetFrameTime( size_t idx ) const; uint64_t GetFrameBegin( size_t idx ) const; uint64_t GetFrameEnd( size_t idx ) const; int64_t GetLastTime() const; int64_t GetZoneEnd( const ZoneEvent& ev ) const; const char* GetString( uint64_t ptr ) const; const char* GetThreadString( uint64_t id ) const; const QueueSourceLocation& GetSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc ) const; const char* ShortenNamespace( const char* name ) const; void DrawImpl(); void DrawConnection(); void DrawFrames(); bool DrawZoneFrames(); void DrawZones(); int DrawZoneLevel( const Vector& vec, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth ); int DrawLocks( uint64_t tid, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, LockHighlight& highlight ); void DrawZoneInfoWindow(); int DrawPlots( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover ); void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged ); void DrawOptions(); void DrawMessages(); void HandleZoneViewMouse( int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, double& pxns ); uint32_t GetZoneColor( const ZoneEvent& ev ); uint32_t GetZoneColor( const QueueSourceLocation& srcloc ); uint32_t GetZoneHighlight( const ZoneEvent& ev, bool migration ); float GetZoneThickness( const ZoneEvent& ev ); void ZoomToZone( const ZoneEvent& ev ); void ZoneTooltip( const ZoneEvent& ev ); const ZoneEvent* GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const; TextData* GetTextData( ZoneEvent& zone ); const TextData* GetTextData( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const; void Write( FileWrite& f ); void WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector& vec ); void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector& vec, const std::unordered_map& stringMap ); std::string m_addr; Socket m_sock; std::thread m_thread; std::atomic m_shutdown; std::atomic m_connected; std::atomic m_hasData; bool m_staticView; // this block must be locked std::mutex m_lock; Vector m_frames; Vector m_threads; Vector m_plots; Vector m_messages; Vector m_textData; std::unordered_map m_strings; std::unordered_map m_threadNames; std::unordered_set m_customStrings; std::unordered_map m_sourceLocation; std::map m_lockMap; uint64_t m_zonesCnt; std::mutex m_mbpslock; std::vector m_mbps; // not used for vis - no need to lock std::unordered_map> m_zoneStack; std::unordered_set m_pendingStrings; std::unordered_set m_pendingThreads; std::unordered_set m_pendingSourceLocation; std::unordered_map m_pendingCustomStrings; std::unordered_map m_threadMap; std::unordered_map m_plotMap; std::unordered_map m_plotRev; std::unordered_map m_pendingPlots; std::unordered_map m_pendingMessages; Slab<64*1024*1024> m_slab; LZ4_streamDecode_t* m_stream; char* m_buffer; int m_bufferOffset; int m_frameScale; bool m_pause; int m_frameStart; int64_t m_zvStart; int64_t m_zvEnd; int64_t m_zvStartNext; int64_t m_zvEndNext; int64_t m_delay; int64_t m_resolution; double m_timerMul; std::string m_captureName; int8_t m_lastCpu; uint64_t m_zvHeight; uint64_t m_zvScroll; const ZoneEvent* m_zoneInfoWindow; const ZoneEvent* m_zoneHighlight; LockHighlight m_lockHighlight; const MessageData* m_msgHighlight; bool m_drawRegion; int64_t m_regionStart; int64_t m_regionEnd; bool m_showOptions; bool m_showMessages; bool m_drawZones; bool m_drawLocks; bool m_drawPlots; bool m_onlyContendedLocks; Namespace m_namespace; bool m_terminate; }; } #endif