#include "TracyImGui.hpp" namespace tracy { void DrawZigZag( ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, double start, double end, double h, uint32_t color, float thickness ) { const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f ); const auto spanSz = end - start; if( spanSz <= h * 0.5 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( start, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( start + spanSz, round( -spanSz ) ), color, thickness ); return; } const auto h05 = round( h * 0.5 ); const auto h2 = h*2; int steps = int( ( end - start ) / h2 ); auto path = (ImVec2*)alloca( sizeof( ImVec2 ) * ( 2 * steps + 4 ) ); auto ptr = path; *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start, 0 ); *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start + h05, -h05 ); start += h05; while( steps-- ) { *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start + h, h05 ); *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start + h2, -h05 ); start += h2; } if( end - start <= h ) { const auto span = end - start; *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start + span, round( span - h*0.5 ) ); } else { const auto span = end - start - h; *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start + h, h05 ); *ptr++ = dpos + ImVec2( start + h + span, round( h*0.5 - span ) ); } draw->AddPolyline( path, ptr - path, color, 0, thickness ); } void DrawStripedRect( ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double sw, uint32_t color, bool fix_stripes_in_screen_space, bool inverted ) { assert( x1 >= x0 ); assert( y1 >= y0 ); assert( sw > 0 ); const auto ww = ImGui::GetItemRectSize().x; if( x0 > ww || x1 < 0 ) return; if( x1 - x0 > ww ) { x0 = std::max( 0, x0 ); x1 = std::min( ww, x1 ); } x0 += wpos.x; x1 += wpos.x; ImGui::PushClipRect( ImVec2( x0, y0 ), ImVec2( x1, y1 ), true ); const auto rw = x1 - x0; const auto rh = y1 - y0; const auto cnt = int( ( rh + rw + sw*2 ) / ( sw*2 ) ); auto v0 = ImVec2( x0, y0 - rw ); if ( fix_stripes_in_screen_space ) { const auto window_height = double( ImGui::GetWindowHeight() ); const auto flipped_v0y = window_height - v0.y; //we transform into a y-is-up coordinate space to achieve upper-left to lower-right stripes. If we didn't, we would calculate values for lower-left to upper-right const auto manhattan_distance = x0 + flipped_v0y; const auto in_multiples_of_2_times_sw = int( manhattan_distance / ( sw*2 ) ); const auto floored_manhatten_distance = double( in_multiples_of_2_times_sw*sw*2 ); //floor in terms of 2 * stripe width const auto corrected_flipped_v0y = ( floored_manhatten_distance - x0 ); //the corrected (floored) y respects the position of the stripes v0.y = window_height - corrected_flipped_v0y - double( inverted*sw ); //transform back into y-is-down imgui space } for( int i=0; iPathLineTo( v0 + ImVec2( 0, i*sw*2 ) ); draw->PathLineTo( v0 + ImVec2( rw, i*sw*2 + rw ) ); draw->PathLineTo( v0 + ImVec2( rw, i*sw*2 + rw + sw ) ); draw->PathLineTo( v0 + ImVec2( 0, i*sw*2 + sw ) ); draw->PathFillConvex( color ); } ImGui::PopClipRect(); } }