#include "TracyImGui.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" namespace tracy { template static tracy_force_inline T* GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( unordered_flat_map& tree, CallstackFrameId idx, const Worker& worker ) { auto it = tree.find( idx.data ); if( it == tree.end() ) { it = tree.emplace( idx.data, T( idx ) ).first; } return &it->second; } template static tracy_force_inline T* GetFrameTreeItemGroup( unordered_flat_map& tree, CallstackFrameId idx, const Worker& worker ) { auto frameDataPtr = worker.GetCallstackFrame( idx ); if( !frameDataPtr ) return nullptr; auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto& frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; auto fidx = frame.name.Idx(); auto it = tree.find( fidx ); if( it == tree.end() ) { it = tree.emplace( fidx, T( idx ) ).first; } return &it->second; } template static tracy_force_inline T* GetParentFrameTreeItemGroup( unordered_flat_map& tree, CallstackFrameId idx, const Worker& worker ) { auto frameDataPtr = idx.custom ? worker.GetParentCallstackFrame( idx ) : worker.GetCallstackFrame( idx ); if( !frameDataPtr ) return nullptr; auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto& frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; auto fidx = frame.name.Idx(); auto it = tree.find( fidx ); if( it == tree.end() ) { it = tree.emplace( fidx, T( idx ) ).first; } return &it->second; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackPaths( const MemData& mem, MemRange memRange ) const { unordered_flat_map pathSum; pathSum.reserve( m_worker.GetCallstackPayloadCount() ); if( m_memInfo.range.active ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), m_memInfo.range.min, []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.TimeAlloc() < rhs; } ); if( it != mem.data.end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( mem.data.begin(), mem.data.end(), m_memInfo.range.max, []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.TimeAlloc() < rhs; } ); if( memRange != MemRange::Full ) { while( it != end ) { auto& ev = *it++; if( ev.CsAlloc() == 0 ) continue; if( ( memRange == MemRange::Inactive ) == ( ev.TimeFree() >= 0 && ev.TimeFree() < m_memInfo.range.max ) ) continue; auto pit = pathSum.find( ev.CsAlloc() ); if( pit == pathSum.end() ) { pathSum.emplace( ev.CsAlloc(), MemPathData { 1, ev.Size() } ); } else { pit->second.cnt++; pit->second.mem += ev.Size(); } } } else { while( it != end ) { auto& ev = *it++; if( ev.CsAlloc() == 0 ) continue; auto pit = pathSum.find( ev.CsAlloc() ); if( pit == pathSum.end() ) { pathSum.emplace( ev.CsAlloc(), MemPathData { 1, ev.Size() } ); } else { pit->second.cnt++; pit->second.mem += ev.Size(); } } } } } else { if( memRange != MemRange::Full ) { for( auto& ev : mem.data ) { if( ev.CsAlloc() == 0 ) continue; if( ( memRange == MemRange::Inactive ) == ( ev.TimeFree() >= 0 ) ) continue; auto it = pathSum.find( ev.CsAlloc() ); if( it == pathSum.end() ) { pathSum.emplace( ev.CsAlloc(), MemPathData { 1, ev.Size() } ); } else { it->second.cnt++; it->second.mem += ev.Size(); } } } else { for( auto& ev : mem.data ) { if( ev.CsAlloc() == 0 ) continue; auto it = pathSum.find( ev.CsAlloc() ); if( it == pathSum.end() ) { pathSum.emplace( ev.CsAlloc(), MemPathData { 1, ev.Size() } ); } else { it->second.cnt++; it->second.mem += ev.Size(); } } } } return pathSum; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( const MemData& mem ) const { unordered_flat_map root; auto pathSum = GetCallstackPaths( mem, m_memRangeBottomUp ); if( m_groupCallstackTreeByNameBottomUp ) { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } } else { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } return root; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( const unordered_flat_map& stacks, bool group ) const { unordered_flat_map root; if( group ) { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second; for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second; } } } } else { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; } } } return root; } unordered_flat_map View::GetParentsCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( const unordered_flat_map& stacks, bool group ) const { unordered_flat_map root; if( group ) { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetParentCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetParentFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second; for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetParentFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second; } } } } else { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetParentCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.back(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; for( int i = int( cs.size() ) - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; } } } return root; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( const MemData& mem ) const { unordered_flat_map root; auto pathSum = GetCallstackPaths( mem, m_memRangeTopDown ); if( m_groupCallstackTreeByNameTopDown ) { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } } else { for( auto& path : pathSum ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second.cnt; treePtr->alloc += path.second.mem; treePtr->callstacks.emplace( path.first ); } } } return root; } unordered_flat_map View::GetCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( const unordered_flat_map& stacks, bool group ) const { unordered_flat_map root; if( group ) { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second; for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second; } } } } else { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; } } } return root; } unordered_flat_map View::GetParentsCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( const unordered_flat_map& stacks, bool group ) const { unordered_flat_map root; if( group ) { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetParentCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetParentFrameTreeItemGroup( root, base, m_worker ); if( treePtr ) { treePtr->count += path.second; for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetParentFrameTreeItemGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); if( !treePtr ) break; treePtr->count += path.second; } } } } else { for( auto& path : stacks ) { auto& cs = m_worker.GetParentCallstack( path.first ); auto base = cs.front(); auto treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( root, base, m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; for( uint16_t i = 1; i < cs.size(); i++ ) { treePtr = GetFrameTreeItemNoGroup( treePtr->children, cs[i], m_worker ); treePtr->count += path.second; } } } return root; } void View::DrawFrameTreeLevel( const unordered_flat_map& tree, int& idx ) { auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); std::vector::const_iterator> sorted; sorted.reserve( tree.size() ); for( auto it = tree.begin(); it != tree.end(); ++it ) { sorted.emplace_back( it ); } pdqsort_branchless( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.alloc > rhs->second.alloc; } ); int lidx = 0; for( auto& _v : sorted ) { auto& v = _v->second; const auto isKernel = ( m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( v.frame ) >> 63 ) != 0; idx++; auto frameDataPtr = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( v.frame ); if( frameDataPtr ) { auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; bool expand = false; const auto frameName = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::Indent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); if( frameName[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( frameName ); } else if( isKernel ) { TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF8888FF, frameName ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( frameName ); } ImGui::Unindent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); } else { ImGui::PushID( lidx++ ); if( frameName[0] == '[' ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0x88FFFFFF ); else if( isKernel ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0xFF8888FF ); if( tree.size() == 1 ) { expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( frameName, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); } else { expand = ImGui::TreeNode( frameName ); } if( isKernel || frameName[0] == '[' ) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopID(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { auto& mem = m_worker.GetMemoryNamed( m_memInfo.pool ).data; const auto sz = mem.size(); m_memInfo.showAllocList = true; m_memInfo.allocList.clear(); for( size_t i=0; iimageName.Active() ) TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frameDataPtr->imageName ) ); } else { fileName = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", fileName, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, frame.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( !ViewDispatch( fileName, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Enable( idx, 0.5f ); } } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "%s (%s)", MemSizeToString( v.alloc ), RealToString( v.count ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost in this node" ); } else { uint32_t childCost = 0; uint64_t childAlloc = 0; for( auto& c : v.children ) { childCost += c.second.count; childAlloc += c.second.alloc; } const auto rc = v.count - childCost; if( rc != 0 ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "%s (%s)", MemSizeToString( v.alloc - childAlloc ), RealToString( rc ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost only in this node" ); ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 ), "%s (%s)", MemSizeToString( v.alloc ), RealToString( v.count ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost in this node and children" ); } if( expand ) { DrawFrameTreeLevel( v.children, idx ); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } } void View::DrawFrameTreeLevel( const unordered_flat_map& tree, int& idx ) { std::vector::const_iterator> sorted; sorted.reserve( tree.size() ); for( auto it = tree.begin(); it != tree.end(); ++it ) { sorted.emplace_back( it ); } pdqsort_branchless( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.count > rhs->second.count; } ); int lidx = 0; for( auto& _v : sorted ) { auto& v = _v->second; const auto isKernel = ( m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( v.frame ) >> 63 ) != 0; idx++; auto frameDataPtr = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( v.frame ); if( frameDataPtr ) { auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; bool expand = false; const auto frameName = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::Indent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); if( frameName[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( frameName ); } else if( isKernel ) { TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF8888FF, frameName ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( frameName ); } ImGui::Unindent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); } else { ImGui::PushID( lidx++ ); if( frameName[0] == '[' ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0x88FFFFFF ); else if( isKernel ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0xFF8888FF ); if( tree.size() == 1 ) { expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( frameName, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); } else { expand = ImGui::TreeNode( frameName ); } if( isKernel || frameName[0] == '[' ) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopID(); } if( m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Match( idx ) ) { const auto time = m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } const char* fileName = nullptr; if( frame.line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frameDataPtr->imageName ) ); } else { fileName = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", fileName, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, frame.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( !ViewDispatch( fileName, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Enable( idx, 0.5f ); } } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "(%s)", RealToString( v.count ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost in this node" ); } else { uint32_t childCost = 0; for( auto& c : v.children ) childCost += c.second.count; const auto r = v.count - childCost; if( r != 0 ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "(%s)", RealToString( r ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost only in this node" ); ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 ), "(%s)", RealToString( v.count ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost in this node and children" ); } if( expand ) { DrawFrameTreeLevel( v.children, idx ); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } } void View::DrawParentsFrameTreeLevel( const unordered_flat_map& tree, int& idx ) { std::vector::const_iterator> sorted; sorted.reserve( tree.size() ); for( auto it = tree.begin(); it != tree.end(); ++it ) { sorted.emplace_back( it ); } pdqsort_branchless( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.count > rhs->second.count; } ); int lidx = 0; for( auto& _v : sorted ) { auto& v = _v->second; const auto isKernel = ( m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( v.frame ) >> 63 ) != 0; idx++; auto frameDataPtr = v.frame.custom ? m_worker.GetParentCallstackFrame( v.frame ) : m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( v.frame ); if( frameDataPtr ) { auto& frameData = *frameDataPtr; auto frame = frameData.data[frameData.size-1]; bool expand = false; const auto frameName = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::Indent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); if( frameName[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( frameName ); } else if( isKernel ) { TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF8888FF, frameName ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( frameName ); } ImGui::Unindent( ImGui::GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() ); } else { ImGui::PushID( lidx++ ); if( frameName[0] == '[' ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0x88FFFFFF ); else if( isKernel ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0xFF8888FF ); if( tree.size() == 1 ) { expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( frameName, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); } else { expand = ImGui::TreeNode( frameName ); } if( isKernel || frameName[0] == '[' ) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopID(); } if( m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Match( idx ) ) { const auto time = m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } const char* fileName = nullptr; if( frame.line == 0 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frameDataPtr->imageName ) ); } else { fileName = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s:%i", fileName, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, frame.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( !ViewDispatch( fileName, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim.Enable( idx, 0.5f ); } } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( v.children.empty() ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "(%s)", m_statSampleTime ? TimeToString( m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() * v.count ) : RealToString( v.count ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost in this node" ); } else { uint32_t childCost = 0; for( auto& c : v.children ) childCost += c.second.count; const auto r = v.count - childCost; if( r != 0 ) { ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ), "(%s)", m_statSampleTime ? TimeToString( m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() * r ) : RealToString( r ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost only in this node" ); ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0 ), "(%s)", m_statSampleTime ? TimeToString( m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() * v.count ) : RealToString( v.count ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Cost in this node and children" ); } if( expand ) { DrawParentsFrameTreeLevel( v.children, idx ); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } } }