#include #include "imgui.h" #include "../public/common/TracyStackFrames.hpp" #include "TracyFilesystem.hpp" #include "TracyImGui.hpp" #include "TracyMouse.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" namespace tracy { extern double s_time; #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS void View::FindZones() { m_findZone.match = m_worker.GetMatchingSourceLocation( m_findZone.pattern, m_findZone.ignoreCase ); if( m_findZone.match.empty() ) return; auto it = m_findZone.match.begin(); while( it != m_findZone.match.end() ) { if( m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( *it ).zones.empty() ) { it = m_findZone.match.erase( it ); } else { ++it; } } } #endif uint64_t View::GetSelectionTarget( const Worker::ZoneThreadData& ev, FindZone::GroupBy groupBy ) const { switch( groupBy ) { case FindZone::GroupBy::Thread: return ev.Thread(); case FindZone::GroupBy::UserText: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) return std::numeric_limits::max(); const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); return extra.text.Active() ? extra.text.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } case FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) return std::numeric_limits::max(); const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); return extra.name.Active() ? extra.name.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } case FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack: return m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *ev.Zone() ).callstack.Val(); case FindZone::GroupBy::Parent: { const auto parent = GetZoneParent( *ev.Zone(), m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); return parent ? uint64_t( parent->SrcLoc() ) : 0; } case FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping: return 0; default: assert( false ); return 0; } } void View::DrawZoneList( int id, const Vector>& zones ) { const auto zsz = zones.size(); char buf[32]; sprintf( buf, "%i##zonelist", id ); if( !ImGui::BeginTable( buf, 3, ImGuiTableFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV | ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY, ImVec2( 0, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * std::min( zsz + 1, 15 ) ) ) ) return; ImGui::TableSetupScrollFreeze( 0, 1 ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Time from start" ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Execution time", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Name", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort ); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); const Vector>* zonesToIterate = &zones; Vector> sortedZones; const auto& sortspec = *ImGui::TableGetSortSpecs()->Specs; if( sortspec.ColumnIndex != 0 || sortspec.SortDirection != ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending ) { zonesToIterate = &sortedZones; sortedZones.reserve_and_use( zones.size() ); memcpy( sortedZones.data(), zones.data(), zones.size() * sizeof( decltype( *zones.begin() ) ) ); switch( sortspec.ColumnIndex ) { case 0: assert( sortspec.SortDirection != ImGuiSortDirection_Descending ); std::reverse( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end() ); break; case 1: if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Descending ) { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *lhs ) - lhs->Start() - this->GetZoneChildTimeFast( *lhs ) > m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *rhs ) - rhs->Start() - this->GetZoneChildTimeFast( *rhs ); } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *lhs ) - lhs->Start() - this->GetZoneChildTimeFast( *lhs ) < m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *rhs ) - rhs->Start() - this->GetZoneChildTimeFast( *rhs ); } ); } } else if( m_findZone.runningTime ) { if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Descending ) { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { const auto ctx0 = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( GetZoneThread( *lhs ) ); const auto ctx1 = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( GetZoneThread( *rhs ) ); int64_t t0, t1; uint64_t c0, c1; GetZoneRunningTime( ctx0, *lhs, t0, c0 ); GetZoneRunningTime( ctx1, *rhs, t1, c1 ); return t0 > t1; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { const auto ctx0 = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( GetZoneThread( *lhs ) ); const auto ctx1 = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( GetZoneThread( *rhs ) ); int64_t t0, t1; uint64_t c0, c1; GetZoneRunningTime( ctx0, *lhs, t0, c0 ); GetZoneRunningTime( ctx1, *rhs, t1, c1 ); return t0 < t1; } ); } } else { if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Descending ) { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *lhs ) - lhs->Start() > m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *rhs ) - rhs->Start(); } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *lhs ) - lhs->Start() < m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *rhs ) - rhs->Start(); } ); } } break; case 2: if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Descending ) { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { const auto hle = m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *lhs ); const auto hre = m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *rhs ); if( !( hle & hre ) ) return hle > hre; return strcmp( m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *lhs ).name ), m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *rhs ).name ) ) < 0; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( sortedZones.begin(), sortedZones.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { const auto hle = m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *lhs ); const auto hre = m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *rhs ); if( !( hle & hre ) ) return hle < hre; return strcmp( m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *lhs ).name ), m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *rhs ).name ) ) > 0; } ); } break; default: assert( false ); break; } } ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin( zonesToIterate->size() ); while( clipper.Step() ) { for( auto i=clipper.DisplayStart; iStart(); if( m_findZone.selfTime ) timespan -= GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev ); } ImGui::PushID( ev ); if( m_zoneHover == ev ) ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4( 0, 1, 0, 1 ) ); if( ImGui::Selectable( TimeToStringExact( ev->Start() ), m_zoneInfoWindow == ev, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { ShowZoneInfo( *ev ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_zoneHighlight = ev; if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { ZoomToZone( *ev ); } ZoneTooltip( *ev ); m_zoneHover2 = ev; } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( timespan ) ); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if( m_worker.HasZoneExtra( *ev ) ) { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *ev ); if( extra.name.Active() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( extra.name ) ); } } if( m_zoneHover == ev ) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopID(); } } ImGui::EndTable(); ImGui::TreePop(); } void View::DrawFindZone() { if( m_shortcut == ShortcutAction::OpenFind ) ImGui::SetNextWindowFocus(); const auto scale = GetScale(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 520 * scale, 800 * scale ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Find zone", &m_findZone.show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); if( ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead()->SkipItems ) { ImGui::End(); return; } #ifdef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS ImGui::TextWrapped( "Collection of statistical data is disabled in this build." ); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Rebuild without the TRACY_NO_STATISTICS macro to enable zone search." ); #else if( !m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } bool findClicked = false; ImGui::PushItemWidth( -0.01f ); if( m_shortcut == ShortcutAction::OpenFind ) { ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(); m_shortcut = ShortcutAction::None; } else if( ImGui::IsWindowAppearing() ) { ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(); } findClicked |= ImGui::InputTextWithHint( "###findzone", "Enter zone name to search for", m_findZone.pattern, 1024, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); findClicked |= ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_SEARCH " Find" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BAN " Clear" ) ) { m_findZone.Reset(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( "Ignore case", &m_findZone.ignoreCase ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &m_findZone.range.active ) ) { if( m_findZone.range.active && m_findZone.range.min == 0 && m_findZone.range.max == 0 ) { m_findZone.range.min = m_vd.zvStart; m_findZone.range.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } } if( m_findZone.range.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF00FFFF, ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_RULER " Limits", m_showRanges ); } if( m_findZone.rangeSlim != m_findZone.range ) { m_findZone.ResetMatch(); m_findZone.rangeSlim = m_findZone.range; } if( findClicked ) { m_findZone.Reset(); FindZones(); } if( !m_findZone.match.empty() ) { const auto rangeMin = m_findZone.range.min; const auto rangeMax = m_findZone.range.max; ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##findzone" ); bool expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Matched source locations", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_findZone.match.size() ); if( expand ) { auto prev = m_findZone.selMatch; int idx = 0; for( auto& v : m_findZone.match ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v ); auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v ).zones; SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushID( idx ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ), &m_findZone.selMatch, idx++ ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); if( m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Match( idx ) ) { const auto time = m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } const auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ), "(%s) %s", RealToString( zones.size() ), LocationToString( fileName, srcloc.line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, srcloc.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, srcloc.line ); } else { m_findZoneBuzzAnim.Enable( idx, 0.5f ); } } } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::TreePop(); if( m_findZone.selMatch != prev ) { m_findZone.ResetMatch(); } } if( m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch ) { m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = false; m_findZone.ResetMatch(); } ImGui::Separator(); auto& zoneData = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] ); auto& zones = zoneData.zones; zones.ensure_sorted(); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Histogram", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ) ) { const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); int64_t tmin = m_findZone.tmin; int64_t tmax = m_findZone.tmax; int64_t total = m_findZone.total; const auto zsz = zones.size(); if( m_findZone.sortedNum != zsz ) { auto& vec = m_findZone.sorted; const auto vszorig = vec.size(); vec.reserve( zsz ); size_t i; if( m_findZone.runningTime ) { if( m_findZone.range.active ) { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i rangeMax || zone.Start() < rangeMin ) continue; const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_worker.DecompressThread( zones[i].Thread() ) ); if( !ctx ) break; int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; if( !GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, zone, t, cnt ) ) break; vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); total += t; if( t < tmin ) tmin = t; else if( t > tmax ) tmax = t; } } else { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i tmax ) tmax = t; } } } else if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { tmin = zoneData.selfMin; tmax = zoneData.selfMax; if( m_findZone.range.active ) { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i rangeMax || start < rangeMin ) continue; const auto t = end - start - GetZoneChildTimeFast( zone ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); total += t; } } else { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; i rangeMax || start < rangeMin ) continue; const auto t = end - start; vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); total += t; } } else { for( i=m_findZone.sortedNum; iEnd() > rangeMax || ev.Zone()->Start() < rangeMin ) continue; if( selGroup == GetSelectionTarget( ev, groupBy ) ) { const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_worker.DecompressThread( zones[i].Thread() ) ); int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, *ev.Zone(), t, cnt ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } else { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() > rangeMax || ev.Zone()->Start() < rangeMin ) continue; if( selGroup == GetSelectionTarget( ev, groupBy ) ) { const auto t = ev.Zone()->End() - ev.Zone()->Start() - GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev.Zone() ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } else { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() - ev.Zone()->Start() - GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev.Zone() ); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } } else { if( m_findZone.range.active ) { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() > rangeMax || ev.Zone()->Start() < rangeMin ) continue; if( selGroup == GetSelectionTarget( ev, groupBy ) ) { const auto t = ev.Zone()->End() - ev.Zone()->Start(); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } else { for( size_t i=m_findZone.selSortNum; iEnd() - ev.Zone()->Start(); vec.push_back_no_space_check( t ); act++; total += t; } } } } if( !vec.empty() ) { auto mid = vec.begin() + m_findZone.selSortActive; pdqsort_branchless( mid, vec.end() ); std::inplace_merge( vec.begin(), mid, vec.end() ); m_findZone.selAverage = float( total ) / act; m_findZone.selMedian = vec[act/2]; m_findZone.selTotal = total; m_findZone.selSortNum = m_findZone.sortedNum; m_findZone.selSortActive = act; } } } if( tmin != std::numeric_limits::max() && !m_findZone.sorted.empty() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Minimum values in bin:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "123456890123456" ).x ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 1, 1 ) ); ImGui::InputInt( "##minBinVal", &m_findZone.minBinVal ); if( m_findZone.minBinVal < 1 ) m_findZone.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( "Reset" ) ) m_findZone.minBinVal = 1; ImGui::PopStyleVar(); SmallCheckbox( "Log values", &m_findZone.logVal ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Log time", &m_findZone.logTime ) ) { m_findZone.binCache.numBins = -1; } ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( "Cumulate time", &m_findZone.cumulateTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Show total time taken by calls in each bin instead of call counts." ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Self time", &m_findZone.selfTime ) ) { m_findZone.runningTime = false; m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100.f * zoneData.selfTotal / zoneData.total ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); if( m_worker.HasContextSwitches() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( SmallCheckbox( "Running time", &m_findZone.runningTime ) ) { m_findZone.selfTime = false; m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = true; } } const auto cumulateTime = m_findZone.cumulateTime; if( tmax - tmin > 0 ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto numBins = int64_t( w - 4 ); if( numBins > 1 ) { const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto& sorted = m_findZone.sorted; auto sortedBegin = sorted.begin(); auto sortedEnd = sorted.end(); while( sortedBegin != sortedEnd && *sortedBegin == 0 ) ++sortedBegin; if( m_findZone.minBinVal > 1 || m_findZone.range.active ) { if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedBegin = nit; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = int64_t( pow( 10.0, tMinLog + ( j-1 ) * zmax ) ); auto nit = std::lower_bound( sortedBegin, sortedEnd, nextBinVal ); const auto distance = std::distance( nit, sortedEnd ); if( distance >= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedEnd = nit; } } else { const auto zmax = tmax - tmin; int64_t i; for( i=0; i= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedBegin = nit; } for( int64_t j=numBins-1; j>i; j-- ) { const auto nextBinVal = tmin + ( j-1 ) * zmax / numBins; auto nit = std::lower_bound( sortedBegin, sortedEnd, nextBinVal ); const auto distance = std::distance( nit, sortedEnd ); if( distance >= m_findZone.minBinVal ) break; sortedEnd = nit; } } if( sortedBegin != sorted.end() ) { tmin = *sortedBegin; tmax = *(sortedEnd-1); total = 0; for( auto ptr = sortedBegin; ptr != sortedEnd; ptr++ ) total += *ptr; } } if( numBins > m_findZone.numBins ) { m_findZone.numBins = numBins; m_findZone.bins = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_findZone.binTime = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_findZone.selBin = std::make_unique( numBins ); m_findZone.binCache.numBins = -1; } const auto& bins = m_findZone.bins; const auto& binTime = m_findZone.binTime; const auto& selBin = m_findZone.selBin; const auto distBegin = std::distance( sorted.begin(), sortedBegin ); const auto distEnd = std::distance( sorted.begin(), sortedEnd ); if( m_findZone.binCache.numBins != numBins || m_findZone.binCache.distBegin != distBegin || m_findZone.binCache.distEnd != distEnd ) { m_findZone.binCache.numBins = numBins; m_findZone.binCache.distBegin = distBegin; m_findZone.binCache.distEnd = distEnd; memset( bins.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); memset( binTime.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); memset( selBin.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins ); int64_t selectionTime = 0; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin ); const auto zmax = ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog ) / numBins; { auto zit = sortedBegin; for( int64_t i=0; i= s && *end <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; } zit = nit; } const auto timeSum = std::accumulate( zit, sortedEnd, int64_t( 0 ) ); bins[numBins-1] += std::distance( zit, sortedEnd ); binTime[numBins-1] += timeSum; if( m_findZone.highlight.active && *zit >= s && *(sortedEnd-1) <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; } if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { auto zit = m_findZone.selSort.begin(); while( zit != m_findZone.selSort.end() && *zit == 0 ) ++zit; for( int64_t i=0; i= s && *end <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; } zit = nit; } const auto timeSum = std::accumulate( zit, sortedEnd, int64_t( 0 ) ); bins[numBins-1] += std::distance( zit, sortedEnd ); binTime[numBins-1] += timeSum; if( m_findZone.highlight.active && *zit >= s && *(sortedEnd-1) <= e ) selectionTime += timeSum; if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { auto zit = m_findZone.selSort.begin(); while( zit != m_findZone.selSort.end() && *zit == 0 ) ++zit; for( int64_t i=0; i 1 ) { const auto sz = m_findZone.sorted.size(); const auto avg = m_findZone.average; const auto ss = zoneData.sumSq - 2. * zoneData.total * avg + avg * avg * sz; const auto sd = sqrt( ss / ( sz - 1 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "\xcf\x83:", TimeToString( sd ) ); TooltipIfHovered( "Standard deviation" ); } TextDisabledUnformatted( "Selection range:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_findZone.highlight.active ) { const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); ImGui::Text( "%s - %s (%s)", TimeToString( s ), TimeToString( e ), TimeToString( e - s ) ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "none" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Left draw on histogram to select range. Right click to clear selection." ); if( m_findZone.highlight.active ) { TextFocused( "Selection time:", TimeToString( m_findZone.selTime ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Selection time:", "none" ); } if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { TextFocused( "Zone group time:", TimeToString( m_findZone.groups[m_findZone.selGroup].time ) ); TextFocused( "Group mean:", TimeToString( m_findZone.selAverage ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Group median:", TimeToString( m_findZone.selMedian ) ); } else { TextFocused( "Zone group time:", "none" ); TextFocused( "Group mean:", "none" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Group median:", "none" ); } ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::Checkbox( "###draw1", &m_findZone.drawAvgMed ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c1", ImVec4( 0xFF/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Mean time" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c2", ImVec4( 0x44/255.f, 0xAA/255.f, 0xFF/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Median time" ); ImGui::Checkbox( "###draw2", &m_findZone.drawSelAvgMed ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c3", ImVec4( 0xFF/255.f, 0xAA/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Group mean" ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Group mean" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton( "c4", ImVec4( 0x44/255.f, 0xDD/255.f, 0x44/255.f, 1.f ), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Group median" ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Group median" ); } ImGui::PopStyleVar(); const auto Height = 200 * scale; const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f ); ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##histogram", ImVec2( w, Height + round( ty * 2.5 ) ) ); const bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered(); auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x22FFFFFF ); draw->AddRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x88FFFFFF ); if( m_findZone.logVal ) { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / log10( maxVal + 1 ); for( int i=0; i 0 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); if( selBin[i] > 0 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( selBin[i] + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFFDD7777 ); } } } } else { const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / maxVal; for( int i=0; i 0 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD ); if( selBin[i] > 0 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), dpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - selBin[i] * hAdj ), 0xFFDD7777 ); } } } } const auto xoff = 2; const auto yoff = Height + 1; DrawHistogramMinMaxLabel( draw, tmin, tmax, wpos + ImVec2( 0, yoff ), w, ty ); const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f ); const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f ); if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); const auto start = int( floor( ltmin ) ); const auto end = int( ceil( ltmax ) ); const auto range = ltmax - ltmin; const auto step = w / range; auto offset = start - ltmin; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; auto tt = int64_t( pow( 10, start ) ); static const double logticks[] = { log10( 2 ), log10( 3 ), log10( 4 ), log10( 5 ), log10( 6 ), log10( 7 ), log10( 8 ), log10( 9 ) }; for( int i=start; i<=end; i++ ) { const auto x = ( i - start + offset ) * step; if( x >= 0 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x, yoff ), dpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } } for( int j=0; j<8; j++ ) { const auto xoff = x + logticks[j] * step; if( xoff >= 0 ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff ), dpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff + ty025 ), 0x66FFFFFF ); } } tt *= 10; } } else { const auto pxns = numBins / double( tmax - tmin ); const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns; const auto scale = std::max( 0.0f, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) ); const auto step = pow( 10, scale ); const auto dx = step * pxns; double x = 0; int tw = 0; int tx = 0; const auto sstep = step / 10.0; const auto sdx = dx / 10.0; static const double linelen[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 }; int64_t tt = int64_t( ceil( tmin / sstep ) * sstep ); const auto diff = tmin / sstep - int64_t( tmin / sstep ); const auto xo = ( diff == 0 ? 0 : ( ( 1 - diff ) * sstep * pxns ) ) + xoff; int iter = int( ceil( ( tmin - int64_t( tmin / step ) * step ) / sstep ) ); while( x < numBins ) { DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff ), dpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * linelen[iter] ) ), 0x66FFFFFF ); if( iter == 0 && ( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) ) { tx = x; auto txt = TimeToString( tt ); draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt ); tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x; } iter = ( iter + 1 ) % 10; x += sdx; tt += sstep; } } float ta, tm, tga, tgm; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); ta = ( log10( m_findZone.average ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tm = ( log10( m_findZone.median ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tga = ( log10( m_findZone.selAverage ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; tgm = ( log10( m_findZone.selMedian ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins; } else { ta = ( m_findZone.average - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tm = ( m_findZone.median - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tga = ( m_findZone.selAverage - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; tgm = ( m_findZone.selMedian - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins; } ta = round( ta ); tm = round( tm ); tga = round( tga ); tgm = round( tgm ); if( m_findZone.drawAvgMed ) { if( ta == tm ) { DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( dpos.x + ta, dpos.y ), ImVec2( dpos.x + ta, dpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFFFF88FF ); } else { DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( dpos.x + ta, dpos.y ), ImVec2( dpos.x + ta, dpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF4444FF ); DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( dpos.x + tm, dpos.y ), ImVec2( dpos.x + tm, dpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFFFFAA44 ); } } if( m_findZone.drawSelAvgMed && m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( dpos.x + tga, dpos.y ), ImVec2( dpos.x + tga, dpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF44AAFF ); DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( dpos.x + tgm, dpos.y ), ImVec2( dpos.x + tgm, dpos.y+Height-2 ), 0xFF44DD44 ); } if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2, 2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-2, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) ) ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( io.MousePos.x + 0.5f, dpos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x + 0.5f, dpos.y+Height-2 ), 0x33FFFFFF ); const auto bin = int64_t( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x - 2 ); int64_t t0, t1; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { t0 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); // Hackfix for inability to select data in last bin. // A proper solution would be nice. if( bin+1 == numBins ) { t1 = tmax; } else { t1 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) ); } } else { t0 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); t1 = int64_t( tmin + double( bin+1 ) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) ); } int64_t tBefore = 0; for( int i=0; iPushClipRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), true ); draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t0, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t1, Height-1 ), 0x22DD8888 ); draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t0, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t1, Height-1 ), 0x44DD8888 ); draw->PopClipRect(); } if( ( m_zoneHover && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == m_zoneHover->SrcLoc() ) || ( m_zoneHover2 && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == m_zoneHover2->SrcLoc() ) ) { const auto zoneTime = m_zoneHover ? ( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *m_zoneHover ) - m_zoneHover->Start() ) : ( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *m_zoneHover2 ) - m_zoneHover2->Start() ); float zonePos; if( m_findZone.logTime ) { const auto ltmin = log10( tmin ); const auto ltmax = log10( tmax ); zonePos = round( ( log10( zoneTime ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins ); } else { zonePos = round( ( zoneTime - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins ); } const auto c = uint32_t( ( sin( s_time * 10 ) * 0.25 + 0.75 ) * 255 ); const auto color = 0xFF000000 | ( c << 16 ) | ( c << 8 ) | c; DrawLine( draw, ImVec2( dpos.x + zonePos, dpos.y ), ImVec2( dpos.x + zonePos, dpos.y+Height-2 ), color ); } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); SmallCheckbox( "Show zone time in frames", &m_findZone.showZoneInFrames ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Found zones:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Left click to highlight entry." ); if( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear" ) ) { m_findZone.selGroup = m_findZone.Unselected; m_findZone.ResetSelection(); } } bool groupChanged = false; ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Group by:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Thread", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::Thread ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "User text", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::UserText ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Zone name", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Call stacks", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "Parent", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::Parent ); ImGui::SameLine(); groupChanged |= ImGui::RadioButton( "No grouping", (int*)( &m_findZone.groupBy ), (int)FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping ); if( groupChanged ) { m_findZone.selGroup = m_findZone.Unselected; m_findZone.ResetGroups(); } ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Sort by:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Order", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Order ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Count", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Count ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Time", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Time ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "MTPC", (int*)( &m_findZone.sortBy ), (int)FindZone::SortBy::Mtpc ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Mean time per call" ); const auto hmin = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto hmax = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end ); const auto groupBy = m_findZone.groupBy; const auto highlightActive = m_findZone.highlight.active; const auto limitRange = m_findZone.range.active; FindZone::Group* group = nullptr; const uint64_t invalidGid = std::numeric_limits::max() - 1; uint64_t lastGid = invalidGid; auto zptr = zones.data() + m_findZone.processed; const auto zend = zones.data() + zones.size(); while( zptr < zend ) { auto& ev = *zptr; const auto end = ev.Zone()->End(); const auto start = ev.Zone()->Start(); if( limitRange && ( start < rangeMin || end > rangeMax ) ) { zptr++; continue; } auto timespan = end - start; assert( timespan != 0 ); if( m_findZone.selfTime ) { timespan -= GetZoneChildTimeFast( *ev.Zone() ); } else if( m_findZone.runningTime ) { const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); if( !ctx ) break; int64_t t; uint64_t cnt; if( !GetZoneRunningTime( ctx, *ev.Zone(), t, cnt ) ) break; timespan = t; } if( highlightActive ) { if( timespan < hmin || timespan > hmax ) { zptr++; continue; } } zptr++; uint64_t gid = 0; switch( groupBy ) { case FindZone::GroupBy::Thread: gid = ev.Thread(); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::UserText: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) { gid = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); gid = extra.text.Active() ? extra.text.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName: { const auto& zone = *ev.Zone(); if( !m_worker.HasZoneExtra( zone ) ) { gid = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else { const auto& extra = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( zone ); gid = extra.name.Active() ? extra.name.Idx() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack: gid = m_worker.GetZoneExtra( *ev.Zone() ).callstack.Val(); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::Parent: { const auto parent = GetZoneParent( *ev.Zone(), m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() ) ); if( parent ) gid = uint64_t( uint16_t( parent->SrcLoc() ) ); break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping: break; default: assert( false ); break; } if( lastGid != gid ) { lastGid = gid; auto it = m_findZone.groups.find( gid ); if( it == m_findZone.groups.end() ) { it = m_findZone.groups.emplace( gid, FindZone::Group { m_findZone.groupId++ } ).first; it->second.zones.reserve( 1024 ); if( m_findZone.samples.enabled ) it->second.zonesTids.reserve( 1024 ); } group = &it->second; } group->time += timespan; group->zones.push_back_non_empty( ev.Zone() ); if( m_findZone.samples.enabled ) group->zonesTids.push_back_non_empty( ev.Thread() ); } m_findZone.processed = zptr - zones.data(); const bool groupsUpdated = lastGid != invalidGid; if( m_findZone.samples.enabled && groupsUpdated ) { m_findZone.samples.scheduleUpdate = true; } Vector groups; groups.reserve_and_use( m_findZone.groups.size() ); int idx = 0; for( auto it = m_findZone.groups.begin(); it != m_findZone.groups.end(); ++it ) { groups[idx++] = it; } switch( m_findZone.sortBy ) { case FindZone::SortBy::Order: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.id < rhs->second.id; } ); break; case FindZone::SortBy::Count: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.zones.size() > rhs->second.zones.size(); } ); break; case FindZone::SortBy::Time: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->second.time > rhs->second.time; } ); break; case FindZone::SortBy::Mtpc: pdqsort_branchless( groups.begin(), groups.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return double( lhs->second.time ) / lhs->second.zones.size() > double( rhs->second.time ) / rhs->second.zones.size(); } ); break; default: assert( false ); break; } int16_t changeZone = 0; if( groupBy == FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack ) { const auto gsz = (int)groups.size(); if( gsz > 0 ) { if( m_findZone.selCs > gsz ) m_findZone.selCs = gsz; const auto group = groups[m_findZone.selCs]; const bool selHilite = m_findZone.selGroup == group->first; if( selHilite ) SetButtonHighlightColor(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CHECK " " ) ) { m_findZone.selGroup = group->first; m_findZone.ResetSelection(); } if( selHilite ) ImGui::PopStyleColor( 3 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT " " ) ) { m_findZone.selCs = std::max( m_findZone.selCs - 1, 0 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s / %s", RealToString( m_findZone.selCs + 1 ), RealToString( gsz ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) ImGui::OpenPopup( "FindZoneCallstackPopup" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) { m_findZone.selCs = std::min( m_findZone.selCs + 1, gsz - 1 ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "FindZoneCallstackPopup" ) ) { int sel = m_findZone.selCs + 1; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 120 * scale ); const bool clicked = ImGui::InputInt( "##findZoneCallstack", &sel, 1, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); if( clicked ) m_findZone.selCs = std::min( std::max( sel, 1 ), int( gsz ) ) - 1; ImGui::EndPopup(); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Count:", RealToString( group->second.zones.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Time:", TimeToString( group->second.time ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, group->second.time * 100.f / zoneData.total ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); if( group->first != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); int idx = 0; SmallCallstackButton( " " ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY " ", group->first, idx, false ); int fidx = 0; ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Indent(); auto& csdata = m_worker.GetCallstack( group->first ); for( auto& entry : csdata ) { auto frameData = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); if( !frameData ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%p", (void*)m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) ); } else { const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); if( fidx == 0 && f != fsz-1 ) { auto test = s_tracyStackFrames; bool match = false; do { if( strcmp( txt, *test ) == 0 ) { match = true; break; } } while( *++test ); if( match ) continue; } if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%i.", fidx++ ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } } } ImGui::Unindent(); } else { ImGui::Text( "No call stack" ); } ImGui::Spacing(); if( ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Zone list" ) ) { DrawZoneList( group->second.id, group->second.zones ); } } } else { for( auto& v : groups ) { bool isFiber = false; const char* hdrString; switch( groupBy ) { case FindZone::GroupBy::Thread: { const auto tid = m_worker.DecompressThread( v->first ); const auto threadColor = GetThreadColor( tid, 0 ); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); hdrString = m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ); isFiber = m_worker.IsThreadFiber( tid ); break; } case FindZone::GroupBy::UserText: hdrString = v->first == std::numeric_limits::max() ? "No user text" : m_worker.GetString( StringIdx( v->first ) ); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::ZoneName: if( v->first == std::numeric_limits::max() ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] ); hdrString = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); } else { hdrString = m_worker.GetString( StringIdx( v->first ) ); } break; case FindZone::GroupBy::Callstack: if( v->first == 0 ) { hdrString = "No callstack"; } else { auto& callstack = m_worker.GetCallstack( v->first ); auto& frameData = *m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( *callstack.begin() ); hdrString = m_worker.GetString( frameData.data[frameData.size-1].name ); } break; case FindZone::GroupBy::Parent: if( v->first == 0 ) { hdrString = ""; SmallColorBox( 0 ); } else { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( int16_t( v->first ) ); hdrString = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); } ImGui::SameLine(); break; case FindZone::GroupBy::NoGrouping: hdrString = "Zone list"; break; default: hdrString = nullptr; assert( false ); break; } ImGui::PushID( v->first ); const bool expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( hdrString, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick | ( v->first == m_findZone.selGroup ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected : 0 ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { m_findZone.selGroup = v->first; m_findZone.ResetSelection(); } if( m_findZone.groupBy == FindZone::GroupBy::Parent && ImGui::IsItemClicked( 2 ) ) { changeZone = int16_t( v->first ); } ImGui::PopID(); if( isFiber ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.f ), "Fiber" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ), "(%s) %s", RealToString( v->second.zones.size() ), TimeToString( v->second.time ) ); if( expand ) { DrawZoneList( v->second.id, v->second.zones ); } } } if( m_findZone.samples.enabled && m_findZone.samples.scheduleUpdate && !m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch ) { m_findZone.samples.scheduleUpdate = false; const auto& symMap = m_worker.GetSymbolMap(); m_findZone.samples.counts.clear(); m_findZone.samples.counts.reserve( symMap.size() ); struct GroupRange { const FindZone::Group* group; Vector>::const_iterator begin; Vector>::const_iterator end; }; Vector selectedGroups; selectedGroups.reserve( m_findZone.groups.size() ); for( auto it = m_findZone.groups.begin(); it != m_findZone.groups.end(); ++it ) { assert( it->second.zones.size() == it->second.zonesTids.size() ); if( ( m_findZone.selGroup == m_findZone.Unselected || it->first == m_findZone.selGroup ) && !it->second.zones.empty() ) { selectedGroups.push_back_no_space_check( GroupRange{&it->second} ); } } for( auto& v : symMap ) { bool pass = ( m_statShowKernel || ( v.first >> 63 ) == 0 ); if( !pass && v.second.size.Val() == 0 ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.first ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { pass = ( m_statShowKernel || ( parentAddr >> 63 ) == 0 ); } } } if( !pass ) continue; auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( !samples ) continue; auto samplesBegin = samples->begin(); auto samplesEnd = samples->end(); if( m_findZone.range.active ) { const auto rangeMin = m_findZone.range.min; const auto rangeMax = m_findZone.range.max; samplesBegin = std::lower_bound( samplesBegin, samplesEnd, rangeMin, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); samplesEnd = std::lower_bound( samplesBegin, samplesEnd, rangeMax, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); } if( samplesBegin == samplesEnd ) continue; bool empty = true; const auto firstTime = samplesBegin->time.Val(); const auto lastTime = samplesEnd->time.Val(); for( auto& g: selectedGroups ) { const auto& zones = g.group->zones; auto begin = std::lower_bound( zones.begin(), zones.end(), firstTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->Start() < r; } ); auto end = std::upper_bound( begin, zones.end(), lastTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l <= r->Start(); } ); g.begin = begin; g.end = end; empty = empty && (begin == end); } if (empty) continue; uint32_t count = 0; for( auto it = samplesBegin; it != samplesEnd; ++it ) { const auto time = it->time.Val(); bool pass = false; for( auto& g: selectedGroups ) { while( g.begin != g.end && time > (*g.begin)->End() ) ++g.begin; if( g.begin == g.end ) continue; if( time < (*g.begin)->Start() ) continue; const auto& tids = g.group->zonesTids; const auto firstZone = g.group->zones.begin(); for (auto z = g.begin; z != g.end && (*z)->Start() <= time; ++z) { auto zoneIndex = z - firstZone; if( (*z)->End() > time && it->thread == tids[zoneIndex] ) { pass = true; break; } } } if( pass ) count ++; } if( count > 0 ) m_findZone.samples.counts.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } } ImGui::Separator(); const bool hasSamples = m_worker.AreCallstackSamplesReady() && m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount() > 0; if( hasSamples && ImGui::TreeNodeEx( ICON_FA_EYE_DROPPER " Samples", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None ) ) { { ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_STOPWATCH " Show time", &m_statSampleTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_EYE_SLASH " Hide unknown", &m_statHideUnknown ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_SITEMAP " Inlines", &m_statSeparateInlines ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_AT " Address", &m_statShowAddress ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_HAT_WIZARD " Include kernel", &m_statShowKernel )) { m_findZone.samples.scheduleUpdate = true; } } if( !m_findZone.samples.enabled ) { m_findZone.samples.enabled = true; m_findZone.samples.scheduleUpdate = true; m_findZone.scheduleResetMatch = true; } Vector data; data.reserve( m_findZone.samples.counts.size() ); for( auto it: m_findZone.samples.counts ) data.push_back_no_space_check( it ); int64_t timeRange = ( m_findZone.selGroup != m_findZone.Unselected ) ? m_findZone.selTotal : m_findZone.total; DrawSamplesStatistics( data, timeRange, AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ); ImGui::TreePop(); } else { if( m_findZone.samples.enabled ) { m_findZone.samples.enabled = false; m_findZone.samples.scheduleUpdate = false; m_findZone.samples.counts = Vector(); for( auto& it: m_findZone.groups ) it.second.zonesTids.clear(); } } ImGui::EndChild(); if( changeZone != 0 ) { auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( changeZone ); m_findZone.ShowZone( changeZone, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ) ); } } #endif ImGui::End(); } }