#ifndef __TRACYEVENT_HPP__ #define __TRACYEVENT_HPP__ #include #include #include "TracyCharUtil.hpp" #include "TracyVector.hpp" #include "tracy_flat_hash_map.hpp" namespace tracy { #pragma pack( 1 ) struct StringRef { enum Type { Ptr, Idx }; StringRef() : str( 0 ), __data( 0 ) {} StringRef( Type t, uint64_t data ) : str( data ) , __data( 0 ) { isidx = t == Idx; active = 1; } uint64_t str; union { struct { uint8_t isidx : 1; uint8_t active : 1; }; uint8_t __data; }; }; struct StringIdx { StringIdx() : __data( 0 ) {} StringIdx( uint32_t _idx ) : __data( 0 ) { idx = _idx; active = 1; } union { struct { uint32_t idx : 31; uint32_t active : 1; }; uint32_t __data; }; }; struct SourceLocation { StringRef name; StringRef function; StringRef file; uint32_t line; uint32_t color; }; enum { SourceLocationSize = sizeof( SourceLocation ) }; struct ZoneEvent { int64_t start; int64_t end; int32_t srcloc; int8_t cpu_start; int8_t cpu_end; StringIdx text; // This must be last. All above is read/saved as-is. Vector child; }; enum { ZoneEventSize = sizeof( ZoneEvent ) }; static_assert( std::is_standard_layout::value, "ZoneEvent is not standard layout" ); struct LockEvent { enum class Type : uint8_t { Wait, Obtain, Release, WaitShared, ObtainShared, ReleaseShared }; int64_t time; int32_t srcloc; uint8_t thread; uint8_t lockingThread; Type type; uint8_t lockCount; uint64_t waitList; }; struct LockEventShared : public LockEvent { uint64_t waitShared; uint64_t sharedList; }; enum { LockEventSize = sizeof( LockEvent ) }; enum { LockEventSharedSize = sizeof( LockEventShared ) }; enum { MaxLockThreads = sizeof( LockEvent::waitList ) * 8 }; static_assert( std::numeric_limits::max() >= MaxLockThreads, "Not enough space for lock count." ); struct GpuEvent { int64_t cpuStart; int64_t cpuEnd; int64_t gpuStart; int64_t gpuEnd; int32_t srcloc; // This must be last. All above is read/saved as-is. Vector child; }; enum { GpuEventSize = sizeof( GpuEvent ) }; static_assert( std::is_standard_layout::value, "GpuEvent is not standard layout" ); struct MemEvent { uint64_t ptr; uint64_t size; int64_t timeAlloc; uint16_t threadAlloc; int64_t timeFree; uint16_t threadFree; }; enum { MemEventSize = sizeof( MemEvent ) }; static_assert( std::is_standard_layout::value, "MemEvent is not standard layout" ); #pragma pack() struct MessageData { int64_t time; StringRef ref; }; struct ThreadData { uint64_t id; uint64_t count; Vector timeline; Vector stack; Vector messages; }; struct GpuCtxResync { int64_t timeDiff; uint16_t events; }; struct GpuCtxData { int64_t timeDiff; uint64_t thread; uint64_t count; Vector timeline; Vector stack; Vector queue; Vector resync; uint8_t accuracyBits; }; struct LockMap { uint32_t srcloc; Vector timeline; flat_hash_map> threadMap; std::vector threadList; LockType type; bool valid; }; struct LockHighlight { int64_t id; int64_t begin; int64_t end; uint8_t thread; bool blocked; }; struct PlotItem { int64_t time; double val; }; struct PlotData { uint64_t name; double min; double max; Vector data; Vector postpone; uint64_t postponeTime; }; struct MemData { Vector data; flat_hash_map> active; uint64_t high = std::numeric_limits::min(); uint64_t low = std::numeric_limits::max(); }; struct StringLocation { const char* ptr; uint32_t idx; }; struct SourceLocationHasher { size_t operator()( const SourceLocation* ptr ) const { return charutil::hash( (const char*)ptr, sizeof( SourceLocation ) ); } typedef tracy::power_of_two_hash_policy hash_policy; }; struct SourceLocationComparator { bool operator()( const SourceLocation* lhs, const SourceLocation* rhs ) const { return memcmp( lhs, rhs, sizeof( SourceLocation ) ) == 0; } }; } #endif