#ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning( disable: 4244 ) // conversion from don't care to whatever, possible loss of data #endif #ifdef __MINGW32__ # define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include // llabs() #include #include "TracyPrint.hpp" namespace tracy { static const char* IntTable100 = "00010203040506070809" "10111213141516171819" "20212223242526272829" "30313233343536373839" "40414243444546474849" "50515253545556575859" "60616263646566676869" "70717273747576777879" "80818283848586878889" "90919293949596979899"; static inline void PrintTinyInt( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { assert( v < 100 ); if( v >= 10 ) { *buf++ = '0' + v/10; } *buf++ = '0' + v%10; } static inline void PrintTinyInt0( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { assert( v < 100 ); if( v >= 10 ) { *buf++ = '0' + v/10; } else { *buf++ = '0'; } *buf++ = '0' + v%10; } static inline void PrintSmallInt( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { assert( v < 1000 ); if( v >= 100 ) { memcpy( buf, IntTable100 + v/10*2, 2 ); buf += 2; } else if( v >= 10 ) { *buf++ = '0' + v/10; } *buf++ = '0' + v%10; } static inline void PrintSmallInt0( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { assert( v < 1000 ); if( v >= 100 ) { memcpy( buf, IntTable100 + v/10*2, 2 ); buf += 2; } else if( v >= 10 ) { *buf++ = '0'; *buf++ = '0' + v/10; } else { memcpy( buf, "00", 2 ); buf += 2; } *buf++ = '0' + v%10; } static inline void PrintFrac00( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { *buf++ = '.'; v += 5; if( v/10%10 == 0 ) { *buf++ = '0' + v/100; } else { memcpy( buf, IntTable100 + v/10*2, 2 ); buf += 2; } } static inline void PrintFrac0( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { *buf++ = '.'; *buf++ = '0' + (v+50)/100; } static inline void PrintSmallIntFrac( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { uint64_t in = v / 1000; uint64_t fr = v % 1000; if( fr >= 995 ) { PrintSmallInt( buf, in+1 ); } else { PrintSmallInt( buf, in ); if( fr > 5 ) { PrintFrac00( buf, fr ); } } } static inline void PrintSecondsFrac( char*& buf, uint64_t v ) { uint64_t in = v / 1000; uint64_t fr = v % 1000; if( fr >= 950 ) { PrintTinyInt0( buf, in+1 ); } else { PrintTinyInt0( buf, in ); if( fr > 50 ) { PrintFrac0( buf, fr ); } } } const char* TimeToString( int64_t _ns ) { enum { Pool = 8 }; static char bufpool[Pool][64]; static int bufsel = 0; char* buf = bufpool[bufsel]; char* bufstart = buf; bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool; uint64_t ns; if( _ns < 0 ) { *buf = '-'; buf++; ns = -_ns; } else { ns = _ns; } if( ns < 1000 ) { PrintSmallInt( buf, ns ); memcpy( buf, " ns", 4 ); } else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 ) { PrintSmallIntFrac( buf, ns ); memcpy( buf, " \xce\xbcs", 5 ); } else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) { PrintSmallIntFrac( buf, ns / 1000 ); memcpy( buf, " ms", 4 ); } else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) { PrintSmallIntFrac( buf, ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 ) ); memcpy( buf, " s", 3 ); } else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) { const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) ); const auto s = int64_t( ns - m * ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) ) / ( 1000ll * 1000 ); PrintTinyInt( buf, m ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintSecondsFrac( buf, s ); *buf++ = '\0'; } else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) { const auto h = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) ); const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) - h * 60 ); const auto s = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) - h * ( 60 * 60 ) - m * 60 ); PrintTinyInt( buf, h ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, m ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, s ); *buf++ = '\0'; } else { const auto d = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ); const auto h = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) - d * 24 ); const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) - d * ( 60 * 24 ) - h * 60 ); const auto s = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) - d * ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) - h * ( 60 * 60 ) - m * 60 ); assert( d < 100 ); PrintTinyInt( buf, d ); *buf++ = 'd'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, h ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, m ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, s ); *buf++ = '\0'; } return bufstart; } const char* TimeToStringExact( int64_t _ns ) { enum { Pool = 8 }; static char bufpool[Pool][64]; static int bufsel = 0; char* buf = bufpool[bufsel]; char* bufstart = buf; bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool; uint64_t ns; if( _ns < 0 ) { *buf = '-'; buf++; ns = -_ns; } else { ns = _ns; } const char* numStart = buf; if( ns >= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) { const auto d = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ); const auto h = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) - d * 24 ); const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) - d * ( 60 * 24 ) - h * 60 ); const auto s = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) - d * ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) - h * ( 60 * 60 ) - m * 60 ); assert( d < 100 ); PrintTinyInt( buf, d ); *buf++ = 'd'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, h ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, m ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, s ); ns %= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000; } else if( ns >= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) { const auto h = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 ) ); const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) - h * 60 ); const auto s = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) - h * ( 60 * 60 ) - m * 60 ); PrintTinyInt( buf, h ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, m ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, s ); ns %= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000; } else if( ns >= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) { const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) ); const auto s = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) - m * 60 ); PrintTinyInt( buf, m ); *buf++ = ':'; PrintTinyInt0( buf, s ); ns %= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000; } else if( ns >= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) { PrintTinyInt( buf, int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 ) ) ); *buf++ = 's'; ns %= 1000ll * 1000 * 1000; } if( ns > 0 ) { if( buf != numStart ) *buf++ = ' '; if( ns >= 1000ll * 1000 ) { PrintSmallInt0( buf, int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 ) ) ); *buf++ = ','; ns %= 1000ll * 1000; } else { memcpy( buf, "000,", 4 ); buf += 4; } if( ns >= 1000ll ) { PrintSmallInt0( buf, int64_t( ns / 1000ll ) ); *buf++ = ','; ns %= 1000ll; } else { memcpy( buf, "000,", 4 ); buf += 4; } PrintSmallInt0( buf, ns ); *buf++ = 'n'; *buf++ = 's'; } else { memcpy( buf, "000,000,000ns", 13 ); buf += 13; } *buf++ = '\0'; return bufstart; } const char* MemSizeToString( int64_t val ) { enum { Pool = 8 }; static char bufpool[Pool][64]; static int bufsel = 0; char* buf = bufpool[bufsel]; bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool; const auto aval = llabs( val ); if( aval < 10000ll ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIi64 " bytes", val ); return buf; } enum class Unit { Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte }; Unit unit; char* ptr; if( aval < 10000ll * 1024 ) { ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+64, val / 1024., 2 ); unit = Unit::Kilobyte; } else if( aval < 10000ll * 1024 * 1024 ) { ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+64, val / ( 1024. * 1024 ), 2 ); unit = Unit::Megabyte; } else if( aval < 10000ll * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) { ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+64, val / ( 1024. * 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ); unit = Unit::Gigabyte; } else { ptr = PrintFloat( buf, buf+64, val / ( 1024. * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ), 2 ); unit = Unit::Terabyte; } ptr--; while( ptr >= buf && *ptr == '0' ) ptr--; if( *ptr != '.' ) ptr++; *ptr++ = ' '; switch( unit ) { case Unit::Kilobyte: *ptr++ = 'K'; break; case Unit::Megabyte: *ptr++ = 'M'; break; case Unit::Gigabyte: *ptr++ = 'G'; break; case Unit::Terabyte: *ptr++ = 'T'; break; default: assert( false ); break; } *ptr++ = 'B'; *ptr++ = '\0'; return buf; } const char* LocationToString( const char* fn, uint32_t line ) { if( line == 0 ) return fn; enum { Pool = 8 }; static char bufpool[Pool][4096]; static int bufsel = 0; char* buf = bufpool[bufsel]; bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool; sprintf( buf, "%s:%i", fn, line ); return buf; } namespace detail { char* RealToStringGetBuffer() { enum { Pool = 8 }; static char bufpool[Pool][64]; static int bufsel = 0; char* buf = bufpool[bufsel]; bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool; return buf; } } }