#include "TracyFilesystem.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" namespace tracy { extern double s_time; struct SrcLocZonesSlim { int16_t srcloc; size_t numZones; int64_t total; }; void View::AccumulationModeComboBox() { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Timing" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const char* accumulationModeTable = m_statMode == 1 ? "Self only\0With children\0" : "Self only\0With children\0Non-reentrant\0"; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "Non-reentrant" ).x + ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 2 ); if( m_statMode == 1 && m_statAccumulationMode == AccumulationMode::NonReentrantChildren ) { m_statAccumulationMode = AccumulationMode::SelfOnly; } int accumulationMode = static_cast( m_statAccumulationMode ); ImGui::Combo( "##accumulationMode", &accumulationMode, accumulationModeTable ); m_statAccumulationMode = static_cast( accumulationMode ); } void View::DrawStatistics() { const auto scale = GetScale(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1400 * scale, 600 * scale ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Statistics", &m_showStatistics, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); if( ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead()->SkipItems ) { ImGui::End(); return; } #ifdef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS ImGui::TextWrapped( "Collection of statistical data is disabled in this build." ); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Rebuild without the TRACY_NO_STATISTICS macro to enable statistics view." ); #else if( !m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() && ( !m_worker.AreCallstackSamplesReady() || m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount() == 0 ) ) { ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 2, 2 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_SYRINGE " Instrumentation", &m_statMode, 0 ); if( m_worker.AreCallstackSamplesReady() ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount() > 0 ) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_EYE_DROPPER " Sampling", &m_statMode, 1 ); } else if( m_worker.GetSymbolsCount() > 0 ) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_PUZZLE_PIECE " Symbols", &m_statMode, 1 ); } } if( m_worker.GetGpuZoneCount() > 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_EYE " GPU", &m_statMode, 2 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx( ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); Vector srcloc; if( m_statMode == 0 ) { if( !m_worker.AreSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } const auto filterActive = m_statisticsFilter.IsActive(); auto& slz = m_worker.GetSourceLocationZones(); srcloc.reserve( slz.size() ); uint32_t slzcnt = 0; if( m_statRange.active ) { const auto min = m_statRange.min; const auto max = m_statRange.max; const auto st = max - min; for( auto it = slz.begin(); it != slz.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.total != 0 && it->second.min <= st ) { if( !filterActive ) { auto cit = m_statCache.find( it->first ); if( cit != m_statCache.end() && cit->second.range == m_statRange && cit->second.accumulationMode == m_statAccumulationMode && cit->second.sourceCount == it->second.zones.size() ) { if( cit->second.count != 0 ) { slzcnt++; srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cit->second.count, cit->second.total } ); } } else { size_t cnt = 0; int64_t total = 0; for( auto& v : it->second.zones ) { auto& z = *v.Zone(); const auto start = z.Start(); const auto end = z.End(); if( start >= min && end <= max ) { const auto zt = end - start; if( m_statAccumulationMode == AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ) { total += zt - GetZoneChildTimeFast( z ); cnt++; } else if( m_statAccumulationMode == AccumulationMode::AllChildren || !IsZoneReentry( z ) ) { total += zt; cnt++; } } } if( cnt != 0 ) { slzcnt++; srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cnt, total } ); } m_statCache[it->first] = StatisticsCache { RangeSlim { m_statRange.min, m_statRange.max, m_statRange.active }, m_statAccumulationMode, it->second.zones.size(), cnt, total }; } } else { slzcnt++; auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( it->first ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( sl.name.active ? sl.name : sl.function ); if( m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) ) { auto cit = m_statCache.find( it->first ); if( cit != m_statCache.end() && cit->second.range == m_statRange && cit->second.accumulationMode == m_statAccumulationMode && cit->second.sourceCount == it->second.zones.size() ) { if( cit->second.count != 0 ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cit->second.count, cit->second.total } ); } } else { size_t cnt = 0; int64_t total = 0; for( auto& v : it->second.zones ) { auto& z = *v.Zone(); const auto start = z.Start(); const auto end = z.End(); if( start >= min && end <= max ) { const auto zt = end - start; if( m_statAccumulationMode == AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ) { total += zt - GetZoneChildTimeFast( z ); cnt++; } else if( m_statAccumulationMode == AccumulationMode::AllChildren || !IsZoneReentry( z ) ) { total += zt; cnt++; } } } if( cnt != 0 ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cnt, total } ); } m_statCache[it->first] = StatisticsCache { RangeSlim { m_statRange.min, m_statRange.max, m_statRange.active }, m_statAccumulationMode, it->second.zones.size(), cnt, total }; } } } } } } else { for( auto it = slz.begin(); it != slz.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.total != 0 ) { slzcnt++; size_t count; int64_t total; switch( m_statAccumulationMode ) { case AccumulationMode::SelfOnly: count = it->second.zones.size(); total = it->second.selfTotal; break; case AccumulationMode::AllChildren: count = it->second.zones.size(); total = it->second.total; break; case AccumulationMode::NonReentrantChildren: count = it->second.nonReentrantCount; total = it->second.nonReentrantTotal; break; } if( !filterActive ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, count, total } ); } else { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( it->first ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( sl.name.active ? sl.name : sl.function ); if( m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, count, total } ); } } } } } TextFocused( "Total zone count:", RealToString( slzcnt ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Visible zones:", RealToString( srcloc.size() ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); AccumulationModeComboBox(); } else if( m_statMode == 1 ) { ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_STOPWATCH " Show time", &m_statSampleTime ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_statRange.active ) { ImGui::BeginDisabled(); m_statAccumulationMode = AccumulationMode::SelfOnly; AccumulationModeComboBox(); ImGui::EndDisabled(); } else { AccumulationModeComboBox(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_EYE_SLASH " Hide unknown", &m_statHideUnknown ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_PUZZLE_PIECE " Show all", &m_showAllSymbols ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_SITEMAP " Inlines", &m_statSeparateInlines ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_AT " Address", &m_statShowAddress ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const char* locationTable = "Entry\0Sample\0Smart\0"; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( ImGui::CalcTextSize( "Sample" ).x + ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 2 ); ImGui::Combo( "##location", &m_statSampleLocation, locationTable ); } else { assert( m_statMode == 2 ); if( !m_worker.AreGpuSourceLocationZonesReady() ) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::TextWrapped( "Please wait, computing data..." ); DrawWaitingDots( s_time ); ImGui::End(); return; } const auto filterActive = m_statisticsFilter.IsActive(); auto& slz = m_worker.GetGpuSourceLocationZones(); srcloc.reserve( slz.size() ); uint32_t slzcnt = 0; if( m_statRange.active ) { const auto min = m_statRange.min; const auto max = m_statRange.max; const auto st = max - min; for( auto it = slz.begin(); it != slz.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.total != 0 && it->second.min <= st ) { if( !filterActive ) { auto cit = m_gpuStatCache.find( it->first ); if( cit != m_gpuStatCache.end() && cit->second.range == m_statRange && cit->second.accumulationMode == m_statAccumulationMode && cit->second.sourceCount == it->second.zones.size() ) { if( cit->second.count != 0 ) { slzcnt++; srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cit->second.count, cit->second.total } ); } } else { size_t cnt = 0; int64_t total = 0; for( auto& v : it->second.zones ) { auto& z = *v.Zone(); const auto start = z.GpuStart(); const auto end = z.GpuEnd(); if( start >= min && end <= max ) { const auto zt = end - start; total += zt; cnt++; } } if( cnt != 0 ) { slzcnt++; srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cnt, total } ); } m_gpuStatCache[it->first] = StatisticsCache { RangeSlim { m_statRange.min, m_statRange.max, m_statRange.active }, m_statAccumulationMode, it->second.zones.size(), cnt, total }; } } else { slzcnt++; auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( it->first ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( sl.name.active ? sl.name : sl.function ); if( m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) ) { auto cit = m_gpuStatCache.find( it->first ); if( cit != m_gpuStatCache.end() && cit->second.range == m_statRange && cit->second.accumulationMode == m_statAccumulationMode && cit->second.sourceCount == it->second.zones.size() ) { if( cit->second.count != 0 ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cit->second.count, cit->second.total } ); } } else { size_t cnt = 0; int64_t total = 0; for( auto& v : it->second.zones ) { auto& z = *v.Zone(); const auto start = z.GpuStart(); const auto end = z.GpuEnd(); if( start >= min && end <= max ) { const auto zt = end - start; total += zt; cnt++; } } if( cnt != 0 ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, cnt, total } ); } m_gpuStatCache[it->first] = StatisticsCache { RangeSlim { m_statRange.min, m_statRange.max, m_statRange.active }, m_statAccumulationMode, it->second.zones.size(), cnt, total }; } } } } } } else { for( auto it = slz.begin(); it != slz.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.total != 0 ) { slzcnt++; size_t count = it->second.zones.size(); int64_t total = it->second.total; if( !filterActive ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, count, total } ); } else { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( it->first ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( sl.name.active ? sl.name : sl.function ); if( m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) ) { srcloc.push_back_no_space_check( SrcLocZonesSlim { it->first, count, total } ); } } } } } TextFocused( "Total zone count:", RealToString( slzcnt ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextFocused( "Visible zones:", RealToString( srcloc.size() ) ); } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Filter results" ); ImGui::SameLine(); m_statisticsFilter.Draw( ICON_FA_FILTER "###resultFilter", 200 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear" ) ) { m_statisticsFilter.Clear(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_statMode == 1 ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Image name" ); ImGui::SameLine(); m_statisticsImageFilter.Draw( ICON_FA_FILTER "###imageFilter", 200 ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::BeginCombo( "###imageCombo", nullptr, ImGuiComboFlags_NoPreview | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge ) ) { unordered_flat_set set; std::vector imgNames; for( auto& v : m_worker.GetSymbolMap() ) { auto it = set.find( v.second.imageName ); if( it == set.end() ) { set.emplace( v.second.imageName ); } } imgNames.reserve( set.size() ); for( auto& img : set ) { imgNames.emplace_back( m_worker.GetString( img ) ); } std::sort( imgNames.begin(), imgNames.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return strcmp( lhs, rhs ) < 0; } ); for( auto& img : imgNames ) { bool sel = false; if( ImGui::Selectable( img, &sel ) ) { auto len = std::min( 255, strlen( img ) ); memcpy( m_statisticsImageFilter.InputBuf, img, len ); m_statisticsImageFilter.InputBuf[len] = 0; m_statisticsImageFilter.Build(); } } ImGui::EndCombo(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_BACKSPACE " Clear###image" ) ) { m_statisticsImageFilter.Clear(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_HAT_WIZARD " Include kernel", &m_statShowKernel ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); } if( m_statMode == 1 && !m_worker.AreSymbolSamplesReady() ) { m_statRange.active = false; bool val = false; ImGui::PushItemFlag( ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true ); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.5f ); ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &val ); ImGui::PopItemFlag(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); TooltipIfHovered( "Waiting for background tasks to finish" ); } else { if( ImGui::Checkbox( "Limit range", &m_statRange.active ) ) { if( m_statRange.active && m_statRange.min == 0 && m_statRange.max == 0 ) { m_statRange.min = m_vd.zvStart; m_statRange.max = m_vd.zvEnd; } } if( m_statRange.active ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF00FFFF, ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE ); ImGui::SameLine(); ToggleButton( ICON_FA_RULER " Limits", m_showRanges ); } } ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); int64_t timeRange; if( m_statRange.active ) { const auto st = m_statRange.max - m_statRange.min; timeRange = st == 0 ? 1 : st; } else { timeRange = m_worker.GetLastTime(); } if( m_statMode == 0 || m_statMode == 2 ) { if( srcloc.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "No entries to be displayed." ); } else { ImGui::BeginChild( "##statistics" ); if( ImGui::BeginTable( "##statistics", 5, ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable | ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable | ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY ) ) { ImGui::TableSetupScrollFreeze( 0, 1 ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Name", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHide ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Location", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Total time", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_DefaultSort | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Counts", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "MTPC", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize ); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); const auto& sortspec = *ImGui::TableGetSortSpecs()->Specs; switch( sortspec.ColumnIndex ) { case 0: if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending ) { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return strcmp( m_worker.GetZoneName( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lhs.srcloc ) ), m_worker.GetZoneName( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( rhs.srcloc ) ) ) < 0; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), [this]( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return strcmp( m_worker.GetZoneName( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lhs.srcloc ) ), m_worker.GetZoneName( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( rhs.srcloc ) ) ) > 0; } ); } break; case 2: if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending ) { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.total < rhs.total; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.total > rhs.total; } ); } break; case 3: if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending ) { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.numZones < rhs.numZones; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.numZones > rhs.numZones; } ); } break; case 4: if( sortspec.SortDirection == ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending ) { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.total / lhs.numZones < rhs.total / rhs.numZones; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( srcloc.begin(), srcloc.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.total / lhs.numZones > rhs.total / rhs.numZones; } ); } break; default: assert( false ); break; } for( auto& v : srcloc ) { ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::PushID( v.srcloc ); auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v.srcloc ); auto name = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ); SmallColorBox( GetSrcLocColor( srcloc, 0 ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_statMode == 0 ) { if( ImGui::Selectable( name, m_findZone.show && !m_findZone.match.empty() && m_findZone.match[m_findZone.selMatch] == v.srcloc, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) ) { m_findZone.ShowZone( v.srcloc, name ); } } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( name ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_statBuzzAnim.Match( v.srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_statBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } const auto file = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ); TextDisabledUnformatted( LocationToString( file, srcloc.line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( file, srcloc.line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( file, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( file, srcloc.line ); } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( v.srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); const auto time = v.total; ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( time ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * time / timeRange ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( v.numZones ) ); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( time / v.numZones ) ); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::EndTable(); } ImGui::EndChild(); } } else { assert( m_statMode == 1 ); const auto& symMap = m_worker.GetSymbolMap(); const auto& symStat = m_worker.GetSymbolStats(); Vector data; if( m_showAllSymbols ) { data.reserve( symMap.size() ); if( m_statisticsFilter.IsActive() || m_statisticsImageFilter.IsActive() || !m_statShowKernel ) { for( auto& v : symMap ) { const auto name = m_worker.GetString( v.second.name ); const auto image = m_worker.GetString( v.second.imageName ); bool pass = ( m_statShowKernel || ( v.first >> 63 ) == 0 ) && m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); if( !pass && v.second.size.Val() == 0 ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.first ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { const auto parentName = m_worker.GetString( pit->second.name ); pass = ( m_statShowKernel || ( parentAddr >> 63 ) == 0 ) && m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( parentName ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); } } } if( pass ) { auto it = symStat.find( v.first ); if( it == symStat.end() ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } else { if( m_statRange.active ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, it->second.incl, it->second.excl } ); } } } } } else { for( auto& v : symMap ) { auto it = symStat.find( v.first ); if( it == symStat.end() ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } else { if( m_statRange.active ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, 0 } ); } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, it->second.incl, it->second.excl } ); } } } } } else { data.reserve( symStat.size() ); if( m_statisticsFilter.IsActive() || m_statisticsImageFilter.IsActive() || !m_statShowKernel ) { for( auto& v : symStat ) { auto sit = symMap.find( v.first ); if( sit != symMap.end() ) { const auto name = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.name ); const auto image = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.imageName ); bool pass = ( m_statShowKernel || ( v.first >> 63 ) == 0 ) && m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( name ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); if( !pass && sit->second.size.Val() == 0 ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.first ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { const auto parentName = m_worker.GetString( pit->second.name ); pass = ( m_statShowKernel || ( parentAddr >> 63 ) == 0 ) && m_statisticsFilter.PassFilter( parentName ) && m_statisticsImageFilter.PassFilter( image ); } } } if( pass ) { if( m_statRange.active ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } } } else { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, v.second.incl, v.second.excl } ); } } } } } else { if( m_statRange.active ) { for( auto& v : symStat ) { auto samples = m_worker.GetSamplesForSymbol( v.first ); if( samples ) { auto it = std::lower_bound( samples->begin(), samples->end(), m_statRange.min, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); if( it != samples->end() ) { auto end = std::lower_bound( it, samples->end(), m_statRange.max, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs; } ); const auto count = uint32_t( end - it ); data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, 0, count } ); } } } } else { for( auto& v : symStat ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( SymList { v.first, v.second.incl, v.second.excl } ); } } } } DrawSamplesStatistics(data, timeRange, m_statAccumulationMode); } #endif ImGui::End(); } }