/* Native File Dialog Extended Repository: https://github.com/btzy/nativefiledialog-extended License: Zlib Authors: Bernard Teo, Michael Labbe */ #include #include #include "nfd.h" // MacOS is deprecating the allowedFileTypes property in favour of allowedContentTypes, so we have // to introduce this breaking change. Define NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES to 1 to have it set the // allowedContentTypes property of the SavePanel or OpenPanel. Define // NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES to 0 to have it set the allowedFileTypes property of the SavePanel // or OpenPanel. If NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES is undefined, then it will set it to 1 if // __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 11.0, and 0 otherwise. #if !defined(NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES) #if !defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) || !defined(__MAC_11_0) || \ __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __MAC_11_0 #define NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES 0 #else #define NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES 1 #endif #endif #if NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES == 1 #include #endif static const char* g_errorstr = NULL; static void NFDi_SetError(const char* msg) { g_errorstr = msg; } static void* NFDi_Malloc(size_t bytes) { void* ptr = malloc(bytes); if (!ptr) NFDi_SetError("NFDi_Malloc failed."); return ptr; } static void NFDi_Free(void* ptr) { assert(ptr); free(ptr); } #if NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES == 1 // Returns an NSArray of UTType representing the content types. static NSArray* BuildAllowedContentTypes(const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList, nfdfiltersize_t filterCount) { NSMutableArray* buildFilterList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (nfdfiltersize_t filterIndex = 0; filterIndex != filterCount; ++filterIndex) { // this is the spec to parse (we don't use the friendly name on OS X) const nfdnchar_t* filterSpec = filterList[filterIndex].spec; const nfdnchar_t* p_currentFilterBegin = filterSpec; for (const nfdnchar_t* p_filterSpec = filterSpec; *p_filterSpec; ++p_filterSpec) { if (*p_filterSpec == ',') { // add the extension to the array NSString* filterStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:(const void*)p_currentFilterBegin length:(sizeof(nfdnchar_t) * (p_filterSpec - p_currentFilterBegin)) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; UTType* filterType = [UTType typeWithFilenameExtension:filterStr conformingToType:UTTypeData]; [filterStr release]; if (filterType) [buildFilterList addObject:filterType]; p_currentFilterBegin = p_filterSpec + 1; } } // add the extension to the array NSString* filterStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:p_currentFilterBegin]; UTType* filterType = [UTType typeWithFilenameExtension:filterStr conformingToType:UTTypeData]; [filterStr release]; if (filterType) [buildFilterList addObject:filterType]; } NSArray* returnArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:buildFilterList]; [buildFilterList release]; assert([returnArray count] != 0); return returnArray; } #else // Returns an NSArray of NSString representing the file types. static NSArray* BuildAllowedFileTypes(const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList, nfdfiltersize_t filterCount) { NSMutableArray* buildFilterList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (nfdfiltersize_t filterIndex = 0; filterIndex != filterCount; ++filterIndex) { // this is the spec to parse (we don't use the friendly name on OS X) const nfdnchar_t* filterSpec = filterList[filterIndex].spec; const nfdnchar_t* p_currentFilterBegin = filterSpec; for (const nfdnchar_t* p_filterSpec = filterSpec; *p_filterSpec; ++p_filterSpec) { if (*p_filterSpec == ',') { // add the extension to the array NSString* filterStr = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:(const void*)p_currentFilterBegin length:(sizeof(nfdnchar_t) * (p_filterSpec - p_currentFilterBegin)) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; [buildFilterList addObject:filterStr]; p_currentFilterBegin = p_filterSpec + 1; } } // add the extension to the array NSString* filterStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:p_currentFilterBegin]; [buildFilterList addObject:filterStr]; } NSArray* returnArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:buildFilterList]; [buildFilterList release]; assert([returnArray count] != 0); return returnArray; } #endif static void AddFilterListToDialog(NSSavePanel* dialog, const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList, nfdfiltersize_t filterCount) { // note: NSOpenPanel inherits from NSSavePanel. if (!filterCount) return; assert(filterList); // Make NSArray of file types and set it on the dialog // We use setAllowedFileTypes or setAllowedContentTypes depending on the deployment target #if NFD_MACOS_ALLOWEDCONTENTTYPES == 1 NSArray* allowedContentTypes = BuildAllowedContentTypes(filterList, filterCount); [dialog setAllowedContentTypes:allowedContentTypes]; #else NSArray* allowedFileTypes = BuildAllowedFileTypes(filterList, filterCount); [dialog setAllowedFileTypes:allowedFileTypes]; #endif } static void SetDefaultPath(NSSavePanel* dialog, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) { if (!defaultPath || !*defaultPath) return; NSString* defaultPathString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:defaultPath]; NSURL* url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:defaultPathString isDirectory:YES]; [dialog setDirectoryURL:url]; } static void SetDefaultName(NSSavePanel* dialog, const nfdnchar_t* defaultName) { if (!defaultName || !*defaultName) return; NSString* defaultNameString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:defaultName]; [dialog setNameFieldStringValue:defaultNameString]; } static nfdresult_t CopyUtf8String(const char* utf8Str, nfdnchar_t** out) { // byte count, not char count size_t len = strlen(utf8Str); // Too bad we have to use additional memory for all the result paths, // because we cannot reconstitute an NSString from a char* to release it properly. *out = (nfdnchar_t*)NFDi_Malloc(len + 1); if (*out) { strcpy(*out, utf8Str); return NFD_OKAY; } return NFD_ERROR; } /* public */ const char* NFD_GetError(void) { return g_errorstr; } void NFD_ClearError(void) { NFDi_SetError(NULL); } void NFD_FreePathN(nfdnchar_t* filePath) { NFDi_Free((void*)filePath); } static NSApplicationActivationPolicy old_app_policy; nfdresult_t NFD_Init(void) { NSApplication* app = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; old_app_policy = [app activationPolicy]; if (old_app_policy == NSApplicationActivationPolicyProhibited) { if (![app setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory]) { NFDi_SetError("Failed to set activation policy."); return NFD_ERROR; } } return NFD_OKAY; } /* call this to de-initialize NFD, if NFD_Init returned NFD_OKAY */ void NFD_Quit(void) { [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setActivationPolicy:old_app_policy]; } nfdresult_t NFD_OpenDialogN(nfdnchar_t** outPath, const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList, nfdfiltersize_t filterCount, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) { nfdresult_t result = NFD_CANCEL; @autoreleasepool { NSWindow* keyWindow = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; NSOpenPanel* dialog = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [dialog setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; // Build the filter list AddFilterListToDialog(dialog, filterList, filterCount); // Set the starting directory SetDefaultPath(dialog, defaultPath); if ([dialog runModal] == NSModalResponseOK) { const NSURL* url = [dialog URL]; const char* utf8Path = [[url path] UTF8String]; result = CopyUtf8String(utf8Path, outPath); } // return focus to the key window (i.e. main window) [keyWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } return result; } nfdresult_t NFD_OpenDialogMultipleN(const nfdpathset_t** outPaths, const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList, nfdfiltersize_t filterCount, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) { nfdresult_t result = NFD_CANCEL; @autoreleasepool { NSWindow* keyWindow = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; NSOpenPanel* dialog = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [dialog setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES]; // Build the filter list AddFilterListToDialog(dialog, filterList, filterCount); // Set the starting directory SetDefaultPath(dialog, defaultPath); if ([dialog runModal] == NSModalResponseOK) { const NSArray* urls = [dialog URLs]; if ([urls count] > 0) { // have at least one URL, we return this NSArray [urls retain]; *outPaths = (const nfdpathset_t*)urls; result = NFD_OKAY; } } // return focus to the key window (i.e. main window) [keyWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } return result; } nfdresult_t NFD_SaveDialogN(nfdnchar_t** outPath, const nfdnfilteritem_t* filterList, nfdfiltersize_t filterCount, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath, const nfdnchar_t* defaultName) { nfdresult_t result = NFD_CANCEL; @autoreleasepool { NSWindow* keyWindow = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; NSSavePanel* dialog = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [dialog setExtensionHidden:NO]; // allow other file types, to give the user an escape hatch since you can't select "*.*" on // Mac [dialog setAllowsOtherFileTypes:TRUE]; // Build the filter list AddFilterListToDialog(dialog, filterList, filterCount); // Set the starting directory SetDefaultPath(dialog, defaultPath); // Set the default file name SetDefaultName(dialog, defaultName); if ([dialog runModal] == NSModalResponseOK) { const NSURL* url = [dialog URL]; const char* utf8Path = [[url path] UTF8String]; result = CopyUtf8String(utf8Path, outPath); } // return focus to the key window (i.e. main window) [keyWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } return result; } nfdresult_t NFD_PickFolderN(nfdnchar_t** outPath, const nfdnchar_t* defaultPath) { nfdresult_t result = NFD_CANCEL; @autoreleasepool { NSWindow* keyWindow = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; NSOpenPanel* dialog = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [dialog setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; [dialog setCanChooseDirectories:YES]; [dialog setCanCreateDirectories:YES]; [dialog setCanChooseFiles:NO]; // Set the starting directory SetDefaultPath(dialog, defaultPath); if ([dialog runModal] == NSModalResponseOK) { const NSURL* url = [dialog URL]; const char* utf8Path = [[url path] UTF8String]; result = CopyUtf8String(utf8Path, outPath); } // return focus to the key window (i.e. main window) [keyWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } return result; } nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetCount(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet, nfdpathsetsize_t* count) { const NSArray* urls = (const NSArray*)pathSet; *count = [urls count]; return NFD_OKAY; } nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetPathN(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet, nfdpathsetsize_t index, nfdnchar_t** outPath) { const NSArray* urls = (const NSArray*)pathSet; @autoreleasepool { // autoreleasepool needed because UTF8String method might use the pool const NSURL* url = [urls objectAtIndex:index]; const char* utf8Path = [[url path] UTF8String]; return CopyUtf8String(utf8Path, outPath); } } void NFD_PathSet_Free(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet) { const NSArray* urls = (const NSArray*)pathSet; [urls release]; } nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_GetEnum(const nfdpathset_t* pathSet, nfdpathsetenum_t* outEnumerator) { const NSArray* urls = (const NSArray*)pathSet; @autoreleasepool { // autoreleasepool needed because NSEnumerator uses it NSEnumerator* enumerator = [urls objectEnumerator]; [enumerator retain]; outEnumerator->ptr = (void*)enumerator; } return NFD_OKAY; } void NFD_PathSet_FreeEnum(nfdpathsetenum_t* enumerator) { NSEnumerator* real_enum = (NSEnumerator*)enumerator->ptr; [real_enum release]; } nfdresult_t NFD_PathSet_EnumNextN(nfdpathsetenum_t* enumerator, nfdnchar_t** outPath) { NSEnumerator* real_enum = (NSEnumerator*)enumerator->ptr; @autoreleasepool { // autoreleasepool needed because NSURL uses it const NSURL* url = [real_enum nextObject]; if (url) { const char* utf8Path = [[url path] UTF8String]; return CopyUtf8String(utf8Path, outPath); } else { *outPath = NULL; return NFD_OKAY; } } }