#include #include #include "TracyFilesystem.hpp" #include "TracyImGui.hpp" #include "TracyMouse.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracySourceView.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" namespace tracy { void View::DrawSamples( const Vector& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset ) { const auto MinVis = 6 * GetScale(); auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_vd.zvStart - 2 * MinVis * nspx, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( it == vec.end() ) return; const auto itend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( it == itend ) return; const auto ty0375 = offset + round( ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 0.375f ); const auto ty02 = round( ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 0.2f ); const auto ty01 = round( ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 0.1f ); const auto y0 = ty0375 - ty02 - 3; const auto y1 = ty0375 + ty02 - 1; auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); bool tooltipDisplayed = false; while( it < itend ) { bool visible = true; const auto px0 = ( it->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns; double px1; auto next = it+1; int num; if( next != itend ) { auto px1ns = next->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart; px1 = px1ns * pxns; if( px1 - px0 < MinVis ) { const auto MinVisNs = MinVis * nspx; visible = false; auto nextTime = px0 + MinVisNs; for(;;) { const auto prev = next; next = std::lower_bound( next, itend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } ); if( prev == next ) ++next; if( next == itend ) break; const auto nsnext = next->time.Val() - m_vd.zvStart; if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs ) break; px1ns = nsnext; nextTime = next->time.Val() + nspx; } num = next - it; px1 = px1ns * pxns; } } if( visible ) { draw->AddCircleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, ty0375 ), ty02, 0xFFDD8888 ); if( !tooltipDisplayed && hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0 - ty02 - 2, y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ty02 + 1, y1 ) ) ) { tooltipDisplayed = true; CallstackTooltip( it->callstack.Val() ); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_callstackInfoWindow = it->callstack.Val(); } } } else { DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty0375 ), px0, std::max( px1, px0+MinVis ), ty01, 0xFF997777 ); if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px1, px0+MinVis ), y1 ) ) ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Multiple call stack samples" ); TextFocused( "Number of samples:", RealToString( num ) ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { const auto prev = next-1; ZoomToRange( it->time.Val(), prev->time.Val() + 1 ); } } } it = next; } } void View::DrawSamplesStatistics( Vector& data, int64_t timeRange, AccumulationMode accumulationMode ) { static unordered_flat_map inlineMap; assert( inlineMap.empty() ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) { static unordered_flat_map baseMap; assert( baseMap.empty() ); for( auto& v : data ) { auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( v.symAddr ); const auto symAddr = ( sym && sym->isInline ) ? m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.symAddr ) : v.symAddr; auto it = baseMap.find( symAddr ); if( it == baseMap.end() ) { baseMap.emplace( symAddr, SymList { symAddr, v.incl, v.excl, 0 } ); } else { assert( symAddr == it->second.symAddr ); it->second.incl += v.incl; it->second.excl += v.excl; it->second.count++; } } for( auto& v : data ) inlineMap.emplace( v.symAddr, SymList { v.symAddr, v.incl, v.excl, v.count } ); data.clear(); for( auto& v : baseMap ) { data.push_back_no_space_check( v.second ); } baseMap.clear(); } if( data.empty() ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( "No entries to be displayed." ); } else { const auto& symMap = m_worker.GetSymbolMap(); if( accumulationMode == AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ) { pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.excl != r.excl ? l.excl > r.excl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.incl != r.incl ? l.incl > r.incl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } ImGui::BeginChild( "##statisticsSampling" ); if( ImGui::BeginTable( "##statisticsSampling", 5, ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable | ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY ) ) { ImGui::TableSetupScrollFreeze( 0, 1 ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Name", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHide ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Location", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Image" ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( m_statSampleTime ? "Time" : "Count", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Code size", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize ); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); double revSampleCount100; if( m_statRange.active && m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() != 0 ) { const auto st = m_statRange.max - m_statRange.min; const auto cnt = st / m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod(); revSampleCount100 = 100. / cnt; } else { revSampleCount100 = 100. / m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount(); } const bool showAll = m_showAllSymbols; const auto period = m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod(); int idx = 0; for( auto& v : data ) { const auto cnt = accumulationMode == AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ? v.excl : v.incl; if( cnt > 0 || showAll ) { const char* name = "[unknown]"; const char* file = "[unknown]"; const char* imageName = "[unknown]"; uint32_t line = 0; bool isInline = false; uint32_t symlen = 0; auto codeAddr = v.symAddr; auto sit = symMap.find( v.symAddr ); if( sit != symMap.end() ) { name = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.name ); imageName = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.imageName ); isInline = sit->second.isInline; switch( m_statSampleLocation ) { case 0: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; break; case 1: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; break; case 2: if( sit->second.isInline ) { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; } else { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; } break; default: assert( false ); break; } if( m_statHideUnknown && file[0] == '[' ) continue; symlen = sit->second.size.Val(); } else if( m_statHideUnknown ) { continue; } ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); const bool isKernel = v.symAddr >> 63 != 0; const char* parentName = nullptr; if( symlen == 0 && !isKernel ) { const auto parentAddr = m_worker.GetSymbolForAddress( v.symAddr ); if( parentAddr != 0 ) { auto pit = symMap.find( parentAddr ); if( pit != symMap.end() ) { codeAddr = parentAddr; symlen = pit->second.size.Val(); parentName = m_worker.GetString( pit->second.name ); } } } bool expand = false; if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) { if( v.count > 0 && v.symAddr != 0 ) { ImGui::PushID( v.symAddr ); expand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "", v.count == 0 ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf : 0 ); ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); } } else if( isInline ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT ); ImGui::SameLine(); } uint32_t excl; if( m_statSeparateInlines ) { excl = v.excl; } else { auto it = inlineMap.find( v.symAddr ); excl = it != inlineMap.end() ? it->second.excl : 0; } bool hasNoSamples = v.symAddr == 0 || excl == 0; if( !m_statSeparateInlines && hasNoSamples && v.symAddr != 0 && v.count > 0 ) { auto inSym = m_worker.GetInlineSymbolList( v.symAddr, symlen ); if( inSym ) { const auto symEnd = v.symAddr + symlen; while( *inSym < symEnd ) { auto sit = inlineMap.find( *inSym ); if( sit != inlineMap.end() ) { if( sit->second.excl != 0 ) { hasNoSamples = false; break; } } inSym++; } } } if( hasNoSamples ) { if( isKernel ) { TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF8888FF, name ); } else if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( name ); } else { const auto normalized = ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, name ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( normalized ); TooltipNormalizedName( name, normalized ); } } else { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); bool clicked; if( isKernel ) { ImGui::PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text, 0xFF8888FF ); clicked = ImGui::Selectable( name, m_sampleParents.withInlines && m_sampleParents.symAddr == v.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } else if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ) { clicked = ImGui::Selectable( name, m_sampleParents.withInlines && m_sampleParents.symAddr == v.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ); } else { const auto normalized = ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, name ); clicked = ImGui::Selectable( "", m_sampleParents.withInlines && m_sampleParents.symAddr == v.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( normalized ); TooltipNormalizedName( name, normalized ); } if( clicked ) ShowSampleParents( v.symAddr, !m_statSeparateInlines ); ImGui::PopID(); } if( parentName ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", parentName ); } else { const auto normalized = ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, parentName ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", normalized ); TooltipNormalizedName( parentName, normalized ); } } if( !m_statSeparateInlines && v.count > 0 && v.symAddr != 0 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(+%s)", RealToString( v.count ) ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_statBuzzAnim.Match( v.symAddr ) ) { const auto time = m_statBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } if( m_statShowAddress ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, v.symAddr ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( LocationToString( file, line ) ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( file, line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( file, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSymbol( file, line, codeAddr, v.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( false ); } else if( symlen != 0 ) { uint32_t len; if( m_worker.GetSymbolCode( codeAddr, len ) ) { ViewSymbol( nullptr, 0, codeAddr, v.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( false ); } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( v.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( v.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); TextDisabledUnformatted( imageName ); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if( cnt > 0 ) { char buf[64]; if( m_statSampleTime ) { const auto t = cnt * period; ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( t ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * t / timeRange ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( cnt ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, cnt * revSampleCount100 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if( symlen != 0 ) { if( m_worker.HasSymbolCode( codeAddr ) ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_DATABASE ); ImGui::SameLine(); } if( isInline ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( "<" ); ImGui::SameLine(); } TextDisabledUnformatted( MemSizeToString( symlen ) ); } if( !m_statSeparateInlines && expand ) { assert( v.count > 0 ); assert( symlen != 0 ); auto inSym = m_worker.GetInlineSymbolList( v.symAddr, symlen ); assert( inSym != nullptr ); const auto symEnd = v.symAddr + symlen; Vector inSymList; while( *inSym < symEnd ) { auto sit = inlineMap.find( *inSym ); if( sit != inlineMap.end() ) { inSymList.push_back( SymList { *inSym, sit->second.incl, sit->second.excl } ); } else { inSymList.push_back( SymList { *inSym, 0, 0 } ); } inSym++; } auto statIt = inlineMap.find( v.symAddr ); if( statIt != inlineMap.end() ) { inSymList.push_back( SymList { v.symAddr, statIt->second.incl, statIt->second.excl } ); } if( accumulationMode == AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ) { pdqsort_branchless( inSymList.begin(), inSymList.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.excl != r.excl ? l.excl > r.excl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } else { pdqsort_branchless( inSymList.begin(), inSymList.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.incl != l.incl ? l.incl > r.incl : l.symAddr < r.symAddr; } ); } ImGui::Indent(); for( auto& iv : inSymList ) { const auto cnt = accumulationMode == AccumulationMode::SelfOnly ? iv.excl : iv.incl; if( cnt > 0 || showAll ) { ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); auto sit = symMap.find( iv.symAddr ); assert( sit != symMap.end() ); name = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.name ); switch( m_statSampleLocation ) { case 0: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; break; case 1: file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; break; case 2: if( sit->second.isInline ) { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.callFile ); line = sit->second.callLine; } else { file = m_worker.GetString( sit->second.file ); line = sit->second.line; } break; default: assert( false ); break; } const auto sn = iv.symAddr == v.symAddr ? "[ - self - ]" : name; if( iv.excl == 0 ) { if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( sn ); } else { const auto normalized = ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, sn ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( normalized ); TooltipNormalizedName( sn, normalized ); } } else { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); bool clicked; if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ) { clicked = ImGui::Selectable( sn, !m_sampleParents.withInlines && m_sampleParents.symAddr == iv.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ); } else { const auto normalized = ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, sn ); clicked = ImGui::Selectable( "", !m_sampleParents.withInlines && m_sampleParents.symAddr == iv.symAddr, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( normalized ); TooltipNormalizedName( sn, normalized ); } if( clicked ) ShowSampleParents( iv.symAddr, false ); ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_statBuzzAnim.Match( iv.symAddr ) ) { const auto time = m_statBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } if( m_statShowAddress ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, iv.symAddr ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( LocationToString( file, line ) ); } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( file, line ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( file, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSymbol( file, line, codeAddr, iv.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( true ); } else if( symlen != 0 ) { uint32_t len; if( m_worker.GetSymbolCode( codeAddr, len ) ) { ViewSymbol( nullptr, 0, codeAddr, iv.symAddr ); if( !m_statSeparateInlines ) m_sourceView->CalcInlineStats( true ); } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( iv.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } else { m_statBuzzAnim.Enable( iv.symAddr, 0.5f ); } } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if( cnt > 0 ) { char buf[64]; if( m_statSampleTime ) { const auto t = cnt * period; ImGui::TextUnformatted( TimeToString( t ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * t / timeRange ); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted( RealToString( cnt ) ); PrintStringPercent( buf, cnt * revSampleCount100 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); } } } ImGui::Unindent(); ImGui::TreePop(); } } } ImGui::EndTable(); } ImGui::EndChild(); inlineMap.clear(); } } void View::DrawSampleParents() { bool show = true; const auto scale = GetScale(); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 1400 * scale, 500 * scale ), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver ); ImGui::Begin( "Sample entry call stacks", &show, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse ); if( !ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead()->SkipItems ) { auto ss = m_worker.GetSymbolStats( m_sampleParents.symAddr ); auto excl = ss->excl; auto stats = ss->parents; const auto symbol = m_worker.GetSymbolData( m_sampleParents.symAddr ); if( !symbol->isInline && m_sampleParents.withInlines ) { const auto symlen = symbol->size.Val(); auto inSym = m_worker.GetInlineSymbolList( m_sampleParents.symAddr, symlen ); if( inSym ) { const auto symEnd = m_sampleParents.symAddr + symlen; while( *inSym < symEnd ) { auto istat = m_worker.GetSymbolStats( *inSym++ ); if( !istat ) continue; excl += istat->excl; for( auto& v : istat->baseParents ) { auto it = stats.find( v.first ); if( it == stats.end() ) { stats.emplace( v.first, v.second ); } else { it->second += v.second; } } } } } assert( !stats.empty() ); const auto symName = m_worker.GetString( symbol->name ); const char* normalized = m_shortenName != ShortenName::Never ? ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, symName ) : nullptr; ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); TextFocused( "Function:", normalized ? normalized : symName ); if( normalized ) { ImGui::PopFont(); TooltipNormalizedName( symName, normalized ); ImGui::PushFont( m_bigFont ); } if( symbol->isInline ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(inline)" ); } else if( !m_sampleParents.withInlines ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "(without inlines)" ); } ImGui::PopFont(); TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto callFile = m_worker.GetString( symbol->callFile ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( LocationToString( callFile, symbol->callLine ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { ViewDispatch( callFile, symbol->callLine, m_sampleParents.symAddr ); } TextDisabledUnformatted( "Entry point:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); const auto file = m_worker.GetString( symbol->file ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( LocationToString( file, symbol->line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { ViewDispatch( file, symbol->line, m_sampleParents.symAddr ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( symbol->imageName ) ); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 2, 2 ) ); if( ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_TABLE " List", m_sampleParents.mode == 0 ) ) m_sampleParents.mode = 0; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_TREE " Bottom-up tree", m_sampleParents.mode == 1 ) ) m_sampleParents.mode = 1; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::RadioButton( ICON_FA_TREE " Top-down tree", m_sampleParents.mode == 2 ) ) m_sampleParents.mode = 2; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx( ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_STOPWATCH " Show time", &m_statSampleTime ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild( "##sampleParents" ); switch( m_sampleParents.mode ) { case 0: { TextDisabledUnformatted( "Entry call stack:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT " " ) ) { m_sampleParents.sel = std::max( m_sampleParents.sel - 1, 0 ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text( "%s / %s", RealToString( m_sampleParents.sel + 1 ), RealToString( stats.size() ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) ImGui::OpenPopup( "EntryCallStackPopup" ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( " " ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT " " ) ) { m_sampleParents.sel = std::min( m_sampleParents.sel + 1, stats.size() - 1 ); } if( ImGui::BeginPopup( "EntryCallStackPopup" ) ) { int sel = m_sampleParents.sel + 1; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 120 * scale ); const bool clicked = ImGui::InputInt( "##entryCallStack", &sel, 1, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue ); if( clicked ) m_sampleParents.sel = std::min( std::max( sel, 1 ), int( stats.size() ) ) - 1; ImGui::EndPopup(); } Vector data; data.reserve( stats.size() ); for( auto it = stats.begin(); it != stats.end(); ++it ) data.push_back( it ); pdqsort_branchless( data.begin(), data.end(), []( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->second > r->second; } ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_statSampleTime ? TimeToString( m_worker.GetSamplingPeriod() * data[m_sampleParents.sel]->second ) : RealToString( data[m_sampleParents.sel]->second ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); char buf[64]; PrintStringPercent( buf, 100. * data[m_sampleParents.sel]->second / excl ); TextDisabledUnformatted( buf ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_AT " Frame location:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Source code", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Entry point", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 3 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Return address", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 1 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton( "Symbol address", &m_showCallstackFrameAddress, 2 ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); auto& cs = m_worker.GetParentCallstack( data[m_sampleParents.sel]->first ); ImGui::Separator(); if( ImGui::BeginTable( "##callstack", 4, ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable | ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable | ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable | ImGuiTableFlags_Borders | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY ) ) { ImGui::TableSetupScrollFreeze( 0, 1 ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Frame", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHide | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Function" ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Location" ); ImGui::TableSetupColumn( "Image" ); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); int fidx = 0; int bidx = 0; for( auto& entry : cs ) { auto frameData = entry.custom ? m_worker.GetParentCallstackFrame( entry ) : m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( entry ); assert( frameData ); const auto fsz = frameData->size; for( uint8_t f=0; fdata[f]; auto txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.name ); bidx++; ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if( f == fsz-1 ) { ImGui::Text( "%i", fidx++ ); } else { ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); TextDisabledUnformatted( "inline" ); ImGui::PopFont(); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); { ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); if( txt[0] == '[' ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( txt ); } else if( m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ) >> 63 != 0 ) { TextColoredUnformatted( 0xFF8888FF, txt ); } else if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ) { ImGui::TextUnformatted( txt ); } else { const auto normalized = ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, txt ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( normalized ); TooltipNormalizedName( txt, normalized ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 0.0f ); float indentVal = 0.f; if( m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Match( bidx ) ) { const auto time = m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Time(); indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::Indent( indentVal ); } txt = m_worker.GetString( frame.file ); switch( m_showCallstackFrameAddress ) { case 0: TextDisabledUnformatted( LocationToString( txt, frame.line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( txt ); } break; case 1: if( entry.custom == 0 ) { const auto addr = m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( entry ); ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, addr ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { char tmp[32]; sprintf( tmp, "0x%" PRIx64, addr ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "unavailable" ); } break; case 2: ImGui::TextDisabled( "0x%" PRIx64, frame.symAddr ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { char tmp[32]; sprintf( tmp, "0x%" PRIx64, frame.symAddr ); ImGui::SetClipboardText( tmp ); } break; case 3: { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); TextDisabledUnformatted( LocationToString( symtxt, sym->line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() ) { ImGui::SetClipboardText( symtxt ); } } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "[unknown]" ); } break; } default: assert( false ); break; } if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { if( m_showCallstackFrameAddress == 3 ) { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); DrawSourceTooltip( symtxt, sym->line ); } } else { DrawSourceTooltip( txt, frame.line ); } if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( m_showCallstackFrameAddress == 3 ) { const auto sym = m_worker.GetSymbolData( frame.symAddr ); if( sym ) { const auto symtxt = m_worker.GetString( sym->file ); if( !ViewDispatch( symtxt, sym->line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } else { m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } else { if( !ViewDispatch( txt, frame.line, frame.symAddr ) ) { m_sampleParentBuzzAnim.Enable( bidx, 0.5f ); } } } } if( indentVal != 0.f ) { ImGui::Unindent( indentVal ); } ImGui::PopTextWrapPos(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if( frameData->imageName.Active() ) { TextDisabledUnformatted( m_worker.GetString( frameData->imageName ) ); } } } ImGui::EndTable(); } break; } case 1: { SmallCheckbox( "Group by function name", &m_sampleParents.groupBottomUp ); auto tree = GetParentsCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( stats, m_sampleParents.groupBottomUp ); if( !tree.empty() ) { int idx = 0; DrawParentsFrameTreeLevel( tree, idx ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No call stacks to show" ); } break; } case 2: { SmallCheckbox( "Group by function name", &m_sampleParents.groupTopDown ); auto tree = GetParentsCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( stats, m_sampleParents.groupTopDown ); if( !tree.empty() ) { int idx = 0; DrawParentsFrameTreeLevel( tree, idx ); } else { TextDisabledUnformatted( "No call stacks to show" ); } break; } default: assert( false ); break; } ImGui::EndChild(); } ImGui::End(); if( !show ) { m_sampleParents.symAddr = 0; } } }