#include #include #include "TracyFilesystem.hpp" #include "TracyImGui.hpp" #include "TracyMouse.hpp" #include "TracyPrint.hpp" #include "TracyView.hpp" namespace tracy { void View::DrawOptions() { ImGui::Begin( "Options", &m_showOptions, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize ); if( ImGui::GetCurrentWindowRead()->SkipItems ) { ImGui::End(); return; } const auto scale = GetScale(); bool val = m_vd.drawEmptyLabels; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_EXPAND " Draw empty labels", &val ); m_vd.drawEmptyLabels = val; val = m_vd.drawFrameTargets; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_FLAG_CHECKERED " Draw frame targets", &val ); m_vd.drawFrameTargets = val; ImGui::Indent(); int tmp = m_vd.frameTarget; ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 90 * scale ); if( ImGui::InputInt( "Target FPS", &tmp ) ) { if( tmp < 1 ) tmp = 1; m_vd.frameTarget = tmp; } ImGui::SameLine(); TextDisabledUnformatted( TimeToString( 1000*1000*1000 / tmp ) ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); SmallColorBox( 0xFF2222DD ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); ImGui::Text( " < %i < ", tmp / 2 ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); SmallColorBox( 0xFF22DDDD ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); ImGui::Text( " < %i < ", tmp ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); SmallColorBox( 0xFF22DD22 ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); ImGui::Text( " < %i < ", tmp * 2 ); ImGui::SameLine( 0, 0 ); SmallColorBox( 0xFFDD9900 ); ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::Unindent(); if( m_worker.HasContextSwitches() ) { ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawContextSwitches; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_HIKING " Draw context switches", &val ); m_vd.drawContextSwitches = val; ImGui::Indent(); val = m_vd.darkenContextSwitches; SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_MOON " Darken inactive threads", &val ); m_vd.darkenContextSwitches = val; ImGui::Unindent(); val = m_vd.drawCpuData; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_SLIDERS_H " Draw CPU data", &val ); m_vd.drawCpuData = val; ImGui::Indent(); val = m_vd.drawCpuUsageGraph; SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_SIGNATURE " Draw CPU usage graph", &val ); m_vd.drawCpuUsageGraph = val; ImGui::Unindent(); } if( m_worker.GetCallstackSampleCount() != 0 ) { val = m_vd.drawSamples; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_EYE_DROPPER " Draw stack samples", &val ); m_vd.drawSamples = val; } const auto& gpuData = m_worker.GetGpuData(); if( !gpuData.empty() ) { ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawGpuZones; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_EYE " Draw GPU zones", &val ); m_vd.drawGpuZones = val; const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "GPU zones" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", gpuData.size() ); if( expand ) { for( size_t i=0; ithreadData.begin()->second.timeline; char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "%s context %zu", GpuContextNames[(int)gpuData[i]->type], i ); SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( gpuData[i] ).visible ); ImGui::SameLine(); if( gpuData[i]->threadData.size() == 1 ) { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s top level zones", RealToString( timeline.size() ) ); } else { ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s threads", RealToString( gpuData[i]->threadData.size() ) ); } if( gpuData[i]->name.Active() ) { ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont ); TextFocused( "Name:", m_worker.GetString( gpuData[i]->name ) ); ImGui::PopFont(); } if( !gpuData[i]->hasCalibration ) { ImGui::TreePush(); auto& drift = GpuDrift( gpuData[i] ); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth( 120 * scale ); ImGui::PushID( i ); ImGui::InputInt( "Drift (ns/s)", &drift ); ImGui::PopID(); if( timeline.size() > 1 ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::Button( ICON_FA_ROBOT " Auto" ) ) { size_t lastidx = 0; if( timeline.is_magic() ) { auto& tl = *((Vector*)&timeline); for( size_t j=tl.size()-1; j > 0; j-- ) { if( tl[j].GpuEnd() >= 0 ) { lastidx = j; break; } } } else { for( size_t j=timeline.size()-1; j > 0; j-- ) { if( timeline[j]->GpuEnd() >= 0 ) { lastidx = j; break; } } } enum { NumSlopes = 10000 }; std::random_device rd; std::default_random_engine gen( rd() ); std::uniform_int_distribution dist( 0, lastidx - 1 ); float slopes[NumSlopes]; size_t idx = 0; if( timeline.is_magic() ) { auto& tl = *((Vector*)&timeline); do { const auto p0 = dist( gen ); const auto p1 = dist( gen ); if( p0 != p1 ) { slopes[idx++] = float( 1.0 - double( tl[p1].GpuStart() - tl[p0].GpuStart() ) / double( tl[p1].CpuStart() - tl[p0].CpuStart() ) ); } } while( idx < NumSlopes ); } else { do { const auto p0 = dist( gen ); const auto p1 = dist( gen ); if( p0 != p1 ) { slopes[idx++] = float( 1.0 - double( timeline[p1]->GpuStart() - timeline[p0]->GpuStart() ) / double( timeline[p1]->CpuStart() - timeline[p0]->CpuStart() ) ); } } while( idx < NumSlopes ); } std::sort( slopes, slopes+NumSlopes ); drift = int( 1000000000 * -slopes[NumSlopes/2] ); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawZones; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_MICROCHIP " Draw CPU zones", &val ); ImGui::Indent(); m_vd.drawZones = val; #ifndef TRACY_NO_STATISTICS if( m_worker.AreGhostZonesReady() && m_worker.GetGhostZonesCount() != 0 ) { val = m_vd.ghostZones; SmallCheckbox( ICON_FA_GHOST " Draw ghost zones", &val ); m_vd.ghostZones = val; } #endif int ival = m_vd.dynamicColors; ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_PALETTE " Zone colors" ); ImGui::SameLine(); bool forceColors = m_vd.forceColors; if( SmallCheckbox( "Ignore custom", &forceColors ) ) m_vd.forceColors = forceColors; ImGui::Indent(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Static", &ival, 0 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Thread dynamic", &ival, 1 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Source location dynamic", &ival, 2 ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Unindent(); m_vd.dynamicColors = ival; ival = (int)m_shortenName; ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_RULER_HORIZONTAL " Zone name shortening" ); ImGui::Indent(); ImGui::PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2( 0, 0 ) ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Disabled", &ival, 0 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Minimal length", &ival, 1 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "Only normalize", &ival, 2 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "As needed", &ival, 3 ); ImGui::RadioButton( "As needed + normalize", &ival, 4 ); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::Unindent(); m_shortenName = (ShortenName)ival; ImGui::Unindent(); if( !m_worker.GetLockMap().empty() ) { size_t lockCnt = 0; size_t singleCnt = 0; size_t multiCntCont = 0; size_t multiCntUncont = 0; for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() ) { lockCnt++; if( l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) { singleCnt++; } else if( l.second->isContended ) { multiCntCont++; } else { multiCntUncont++; } } } ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawLocks; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_LOCK " Draw locks", &val ); m_vd.drawLocks = val; ImGui::SameLine(); val = m_vd.onlyContendedLocks; ImGui::Checkbox( "Only contended", &val ); m_vd.onlyContendedLocks = val; const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Locks" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", lockCnt ); TooltipIfHovered( "Locks with no recorded events are counted, but not listed." ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } ImGui::SameLine(); DrawHelpMarker( "Right click on lock name to open lock information window." ); const bool multiExpand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Contended locks present in multiple threads", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", multiCntCont ); if( multiExpand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() && l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && l.second->isContended ) { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file ); char buf[1024]; if( l.second->customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( l.second->customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ).function ) ); } SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( l.second ).visible ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first; if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = l.first; } } if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second->srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s", RealToString( l.second->timeline.size() ), LocationToString( fileName, sl.line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, sl.line, 1, 1 ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, sl.line ); } else { m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second->srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } const bool multiUncontExpand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Uncontended locks present in multiple threads", 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", multiCntUncont ); if( multiUncontExpand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && !l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && !l.second->isContended ) Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() && l.second->threadList.size() != 1 && !l.second->isContended ) { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file ); char buf[1024]; if( l.second->customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( l.second->customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ).function ) ); } SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( l.second ).visible ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first; if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = l.first; } } if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second->srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s", RealToString( l.second->timeline.size() ), LocationToString( fileName, sl.line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, sl.line, 1, 1 ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, sl.line ); } else { m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second->srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } const auto singleExpand = ImGui::TreeNodeEx( "Locks present in a single thread", 0 ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", singleCnt ); if( singleExpand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) Vis( l.second ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) Vis( l.second ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() ) { if( l.second->valid && !l.second->timeline.empty() && l.second->threadList.size() == 1 ) { auto& sl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ); auto fileName = m_worker.GetString( sl.file ); char buf[1024]; if( l.second->customName.Active() ) { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( l.second->customName ) ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second->srcloc ).function ) ); } SmallCheckbox( buf, &Vis( l.second ).visible ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { m_lockHoverHighlight = l.first; if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { m_lockInfoWindow = l.first; } } if( m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Match( l.second->srcloc ) ) { const auto time = m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Time(); const auto indentVal = sin( time * 60.f ) * 10.f * time; ImGui::SameLine( 0, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x + indentVal ); } else { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s) %s", RealToString( l.second->timeline.size() ), LocationToString( fileName, sl.line ) ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { DrawSourceTooltip( fileName, sl.line, 1, 1 ); if( ImGui::IsItemClicked( 1 ) ) { if( SourceFileValid( fileName, m_worker.GetCaptureTime(), *this, m_worker ) ) { ViewSource( fileName, sl.line ); } else { m_optionsLockBuzzAnim.Enable( l.second->srcloc, 0.5f ); } } } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } if( !m_worker.GetPlots().empty() ) { ImGui::Separator(); val = m_vd.drawPlots; ImGui::Checkbox( ICON_FA_SIGNATURE " Draw plots", &val ); m_vd.drawPlots = val; const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Plots" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetPlots().size() ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { Vis( p ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { Vis( p ).visible = false; } } for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() ) { SmallColorBox( GetPlotColor( p ) ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( GetPlotName( p ), &Vis( p ).visible ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s data points", RealToString( p->data.size() ) ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } } ImGui::Separator(); auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_RANDOM " Visible threads:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_threadOrder.size() ); if( expand ) { auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent(); ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { Vis( t ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { Vis( t ).visible = false; } } const auto wposx = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos().x; m_threadDnd.clear(); int idx = 0; for( const auto& t : m_threadOrder ) { m_threadDnd.push_back( ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos().y ); ImGui::PushID( idx ); const auto threadName = m_worker.GetThreadName( t->id ); const auto threadColor = GetThreadColor( t->id, 0 ); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallCheckbox( threadName, &Vis( t ).visible ); if( ImGui::BeginDragDropSource( ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers ) ) { ImGui::SetDragDropPayload( "ThreadOrder", &idx, sizeof(int) ); ImGui::TextUnformatted( ICON_FA_RANDOM ); ImGui::SameLine(); SmallColorBox( threadColor ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( threadName ); ImGui::EndDragDropSource(); } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( t->id ) ); if( crash.thread == t->id ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL ); if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() ) { ImGui::BeginTooltip(); ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Crashed" ); ImGui::EndTooltip(); if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) ) { m_showInfo = true; } if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) ) { CenterAtTime( crash.time ); } } } if( t->isFiber ) { ImGui::SameLine(); TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.f ), "Fiber" ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s top level zones", RealToString( t->timeline.size() ) ); idx++; } if( m_threadDnd.size() > 1 ) { const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; const auto dist = m_threadDnd[1] - m_threadDnd[0]; const auto half = dist * 0.5f; m_threadDnd.push_back( m_threadDnd.back() + dist ); int target = -1; int source; for( size_t i=0; iAddLine( ImVec2( wposx, m_threadDnd[i] ), ImVec2( wposx + w, m_threadDnd[i] ), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget), 2.f ); if( auto payload = ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload( "ThreadOrder", ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect ) ) { target = (int)i; source = *(int*)payload->Data; } ImGui::EndDragDropTarget(); } } if( target >= 0 && target != source ) { const auto srcval = m_threadOrder[source]; if( target < source ) { assert( source < (int)m_threadOrder.size() ); m_threadOrder.erase( m_threadOrder.begin() + source ); m_threadOrder.insert( m_threadOrder.begin() + target, srcval ); } else { assert( target <= (int)m_threadOrder.size() ); m_threadOrder.insert( m_threadOrder.begin() + target, srcval ); m_threadOrder.erase( m_threadOrder.begin() + source ); } } } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::Separator(); expand = ImGui::TreeNode( ICON_FA_IMAGES " Visible frame sets:" ); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetFrames().size() ); if( expand ) { ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Select all" ) ) { for( const auto& fd : m_worker.GetFrames() ) { Vis( fd ).visible = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); if( ImGui::SmallButton( "Unselect all" ) ) { for( const auto& fd : m_worker.GetFrames() ) { Vis( fd ).visible = false; } } int idx = 0; for( const auto& fd : m_worker.GetFrames() ) { ImGui::PushID( idx++ ); SmallCheckbox( GetFrameSetName( *fd ), &Vis( fd ).visible ); ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextDisabled( "%s %sframes", RealToString( fd->frames.size() ), fd->continuous ? "" : "discontinuous " ); } ImGui::TreePop(); } ImGui::End(); } }